// (C) Uri Wilensky. https://github.com/NetLogo/NetLogo
package org.nlogo.agent;
import org.nlogo.api.AgentException;
import org.nlogo.api.Constants;
import org.nlogo.api.I18N;
public strictfp class Protractor
implements org.nlogo.api.Protractor {
private final World world;
Protractor(World world) {
this.world = world;
/// distance/towards/at-distance
// Distance to link is used to calculate the distance
// between the mouse point and a link, for mouse interaction
// in the view ev 5/7/08
public double distanceToLink(Link link, double x, double y) {
double x1 = link.x1();
double y1 = link.y1();
double x2 = link.x2();
double y2 = link.y2();
double xdiff = x2 - x1;
double ydiff = y2 - y1;
double[] p = closestPoint(x, y, x1, y1, xdiff, ydiff);
if (inBounds(x1, y1, x2, y2, p[0], p[1])) {
return distance(p[0], p[1], x, y, true);
double tmpx = x;
double tmpy = y;
if (x2 < world._minPxcor) {
x -= world._worldWidth;
} else if (x2 > world._maxPxcor) {
x += world._worldWidth;
p = closestPoint(x, y, x1, y1, xdiff, ydiff);
if (inBounds(x1, y1, x2, y2, p[0], p[1])) {
return distance(p[0], p[1], x, y, true);
if (y2 < world._minPycor) {
y -= world._worldHeight;
} else if (y2 > world._maxPycor) {
y += world._worldHeight;
p = closestPoint(x, y, x1, y1, xdiff, ydiff);
if (inBounds(x1, y1, x2, y2, p[0], p[1])) {
return distance(p[0], p[1], x, y, true);
x = tmpx;
y = tmpy;
p = closestPoint(x, y, x1, y1, xdiff, ydiff);
if (inBounds(x1, y1, x2, y2, p[0], p[1])) {
return distance(p[0], p[1], x, y, true);
// otherwise we know we are going to have to return one of the endpoints
// there might be a better way to do this (find the line perpendicular
// to the link through the midpoint and determine which side of the line we're
// on?) but I don't know that's going to be any faster and it'll get messy with
// wrapping, so just check the distance to both endpoints and return the smaller.
return StrictMath.min(distance(x1, y1, x, y, true),
distance(x2, y2, x, y, true));
private double[] closestPoint(double x, double y, double x1, double y1, double xdiff, double ydiff) {
// all this math determines a point on the line defined by the endpoints of the
// link nearest to the given point
double u = ((x - x1) * xdiff + (y - y1) * ydiff) / (xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff);
double xprime = x1 + u * xdiff;
double yprime = y1 + u * ydiff;
return new double[]{xprime, yprime};
public boolean inBounds(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x, double y) {
// since this is a segment not a continuous line we have to check the bounds
// we know it's a point on the line, so if it's in the bounding box then
// we're good and just return that point. ev 10/12/06
double top, bottom, right, left;
if (y1 > y2) {
top = y1;
bottom = y2;
} else {
top = y2;
bottom = y1;
if (x1 > x2) {
right = x1;
left = x2;
} else {
right = x2;
left = x1;
if (x <= right && x >= left &&
y <= top && y >= bottom) {
return true;
return false;
// distance when no z coordinate is given should report
// the distance in the xy-plane, not the distance
// from the current location to ( x, y, 0 )
public double distance(org.nlogo.api.Agent agent,
double x2, double y2,
boolean wrap) {
double x1, y1;
if (agent instanceof Turtle) {
Turtle turtle = (Turtle) agent;
x1 = turtle.xcor();
y1 = turtle.ycor();
} else if (agent instanceof Link) {
return distanceToLink((Link) agent, x2, y2);
} else {
Patch patch = (Patch) agent;
x1 = patch.pxcor;
y1 = patch.pycor;
return distance(x1, y1, x2, y2, wrap);
public double distance(org.nlogo.api.Agent agent1, org.nlogo.api.Agent agent2,
boolean wrap) {
double x1, y1;
if (agent1 instanceof Turtle) {
Turtle turtle = (Turtle) agent1;
x1 = turtle.xcor();
y1 = turtle.ycor();
} else {
Patch patch = (Patch) agent1;
x1 = patch.pxcor;
y1 = patch.pycor;
return distance(agent2, x1, y1, wrap);
public double distance(double x1, double y1,
double x2, double y2,
boolean wrap) {
double dx = x2 - x1;
double dy = y2 - y1;
double distanceNoWrap = world.rootsTable.gridRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (wrap) {
double distanceWrap = world.topology.distanceWrap(dx, dy, x1, y1, x2, y2);
if (distanceWrap < distanceNoWrap) {
return distanceWrap;
return distanceNoWrap;
// note this is very similar to Turtle.jump() - ST 9/3/03
// heading must be in [0,360] range - ST 1/3/07
public Patch getPatchAtHeadingAndDistance(Agent a, double heading, double distance)
throws AgentException {
if (a instanceof Turtle) {
Turtle t = (Turtle) a;
return getPatchAtHeadingAndDistance(t.xcor(), t.ycor(), heading, distance);
} else {
Patch p = (Patch) a;
return getPatchAtHeadingAndDistance(p.pxcor, p.pycor, heading, distance);
// heading must be in [0,360] range - ST 1/3/07
public Patch getPatchAtHeadingAndDistance(double x, double y,
double heading, double distance)
throws AgentException {
double cos;
double sin;
int integerHeading = (int) heading;
if (heading == integerHeading) {
cos = TrigTables.cos()[integerHeading];
sin = TrigTables.sin()[integerHeading];
} else {
double headingRadians = StrictMath.toRadians(heading);
cos = StrictMath.cos(headingRadians);
sin = StrictMath.sin(headingRadians);
if (StrictMath.abs(cos) < Constants.Infinitesimal()) {
cos = 0;
if (StrictMath.abs(sin) < Constants.Infinitesimal()) {
sin = 0;
return world.getPatchAt(x + distance * sin,
y + distance * cos);
public double towards(org.nlogo.api.Agent fromAgent, org.nlogo.api.Agent toAgent,
boolean wrap)
throws AgentException {
double x, y;
if (fromAgent == toAgent) {
throw new AgentException
if (toAgent instanceof Turtle) {
Turtle turtle = (Turtle) toAgent;
x = turtle.xcor();
y = turtle.ycor();
} else if (toAgent instanceof Link) {
// this doesn't make sense in all cases
// but for watch and follow it does.
Link link = (Link) toAgent;
x = link.midpointX();
y = link.midpointY();
} else {
Patch patch = (Patch) toAgent;
x = patch.pxcor;
y = patch.pycor;
return towards(fromAgent, x, y, wrap);
* @return 0 <= result < 360
public double towards(org.nlogo.api.Agent fromAgent,
double toX, double toY,
boolean wrap)
throws AgentException {
double fromX, fromY;
if (fromAgent instanceof Turtle) {
Turtle turtle = (Turtle) fromAgent;
fromX = turtle.xcor();
fromY = turtle.ycor();
} else if (fromAgent instanceof Observer) {
Observer obs = (Observer) fromAgent;
fromX = obs.oxcor();
fromY = obs.oycor();
} else if (fromAgent instanceof Patch) {
Patch patch = (Patch) fromAgent;
fromX = patch.pxcor;
fromY = patch.pycor;
} else {
// if it's a link we can't find towards from
throw new IllegalStateException("In towards: fromAgent must not be a link");
return towards(fromX, fromY, toX, toY, wrap);
* @return 0 <= result < 360
public double towards(double fromX, double fromY,
double toX, double toY,
boolean wrap)
throws AgentException {
if (fromX == toX && fromY == toY) {
throw new AgentException
(I18N.errorsJ().getN("org.nlogo.agent.Protractor.noHeadingFromPointToSelf", fromX, fromY));
double dx = toX - fromX;
double dy = toY - fromY;
if (wrap) {
return world.topology.towardsWrap(dx, dy);
if (dx == 0) {
return dy > 0 ? 0 : 180;
if (dy == 0) {
return dx > 0 ? 90 : 270;
(270 + StrictMath.toDegrees
(StrictMath.PI + StrictMath.atan2(-dy, dx)))
% 360;
public double towardsPitch(org.nlogo.api.Agent fromAgent, org.nlogo.api.Agent toAgent,
boolean wrap)
throws AgentException {
double x, y, z;
if (fromAgent == toAgent) {
throw new AgentException
("no pitch is defined from an agent to itself");
if (toAgent instanceof Turtle) {
Turtle turtle = (Turtle) toAgent;
x = turtle.xcor();
y = turtle.ycor();
z = 0;
} else if (toAgent instanceof Link) {
Link link = (Link) toAgent;
x = link.midpointX();
y = link.midpointY();
z = 0;
} else {
Patch patch = (Patch) toAgent;
x = patch.pxcor;
y = patch.pycor;
z = 0;
return towardsPitch(fromAgent, x, y, z, wrap);
public double towardsPitch(org.nlogo.api.Agent fromAgent,
double toX, double toY, double toZ,
boolean wrap)
throws AgentException {
double fromX, fromY, fromZ;
if (fromAgent instanceof Observer) {
Observer obs = (Observer) fromAgent;
fromX = obs.oxcor();
fromY = obs.oycor();
fromZ = obs.ozcor();
return towardsPitch(fromX, fromY, fromZ, toX, toY, toZ, wrap);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("In towardsPitch: fromAgent must be the observer");
public double towardsPitch(double fromX, double fromY, double fromZ,
double toX, double toY, double toZ,
boolean wrap)
throws AgentException {
if (fromX == toX && fromY == toY && fromZ == toZ) {
throw new AgentException
("no pitch is defined from a point (" +
fromX + "," + fromY + "," + fromZ + ") to that same point");
double dx = toX - fromX;
double dy = toY - fromY;
double dz = toZ - fromZ;
if (wrap) {
dx = Topology.wrap(dx, world._minPxcor - 0.5, world._maxPxcor + 0.5);
dy = Topology.wrap(dy, world._minPycor - 0.5, world._maxPycor + 0.5);
return StrictMath.toDegrees
(StrictMath.atan(dz / StrictMath.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)));