// (C) Uri Wilensky. https://github.com/NetLogo/NetLogo
package org.nlogo.agent;
import org.nlogo.api.AgentException;
import org.nlogo.api.Dump;
import org.nlogo.api.I18N;
import org.nlogo.api.LogoException;
import org.nlogo.api.LogoList;
import org.nlogo.api.ValueConstraint;
import java.util.Observable;
public abstract strictfp class Agent
extends Observable
implements org.nlogo.api.Agent, Comparable<Agent> {
final World world;
public World world() {
return world;
public long id = 0;
public long id() {
return id;
public Object[] variables() { return variables; }
public Object[] variables = null; // public ONLY for __fire
ValueConstraint[] variableConstraints = null;
Object agentKey() {
return Double.valueOf(id);
public Agent(World world) {
this.world = world;
// implement Comparable
public int compareTo(Agent a) {
long otherId = a.id;
return id < otherId
? -1
: (id > otherId ? 1 : 0);
abstract Agent realloc(boolean forRecompile)
throws AgentException;
public int getVariableCount() {
return variables.length;
public abstract Object getVariable(int vn);
* Returns the name of the variable with the given index. Works for built-in, *-own, and breed variables.
* Only added in NetLogo 5.0.6.
* @param vn the index of the variable
public abstract String variableName(int vn);
public abstract void setVariable(int vn, Object value)
throws AgentException, LogoException;
public ValueConstraint variableConstraint(int vn) {
return variableConstraints[vn];
public void variableConstraint(int vn, ValueConstraint con) {
variableConstraints[vn] = con;
public abstract Object getObserverVariable(int vn);
public abstract Object getTurtleVariable(int vn)
throws AgentException;
public abstract Object getBreedVariable(String name)
throws AgentException;
public abstract Object getLinkBreedVariable(String name)
throws AgentException;
public abstract Object getLinkVariable(int vn)
throws AgentException;
public abstract Object getPatchVariable(int vn)
throws AgentException;
public abstract Object getTurtleOrLinkVariable(String varName)
throws AgentException;
public abstract void setObserverVariable(int vn, Object value)
throws AgentException, LogoException;
public abstract void setTurtleVariable(int vn, Object value)
throws AgentException;
public abstract void setTurtleVariable(int vn, double value)
throws AgentException;
public abstract void setLinkVariable(int vn, Object value)
throws AgentException;
public abstract void setLinkVariable(int vn, double value)
throws AgentException;
public abstract void setBreedVariable(String name, Object value)
throws AgentException;
public abstract void setLinkBreedVariable(String name, Object value)
throws AgentException;
public abstract void setPatchVariable(int vn, Object value)
throws AgentException;
public abstract void setPatchVariable(int vn, double value)
throws AgentException;
public abstract void setTurtleOrLinkVariable(String varName, Object value)
throws AgentException;
public abstract Patch getPatchAtOffsets(double dx, double dy) throws AgentException;
void wrongTypeForVariable(String name, Class<?> expectedClass, Object value)
throws AgentException {
throw new AgentException(I18N.errorsJ().getN("org.nlogo.agent.Agent.wrongTypeOnSetError",
classDisplayName(), name, Dump.typeName(expectedClass), Dump.logoObject(value)));
void validRGBList(LogoList rgb, boolean allowAlpha)
throws AgentException {
if (rgb.size() == 3 || (allowAlpha && rgb.size() == 4)) {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < rgb.size(); i++) {
validRGB(((Double) rgb.get(i)).intValue());
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
// just fall through and throw the error below
String key =
? "org.nlogo.agent.Agent.rgbListSizeError.3or4"
: "org.nlogo.agent.Agent.rgbListSizeError.3";
throw new AgentException(I18N.errorsJ().get(key));
private void validRGB(int c)
throws AgentException {
if (c < 0 || c > 255) {
throw new AgentException(I18N.errorsJ().get("org.nlogo.agent.Agent.rgbValueError"));
public abstract String classDisplayName();
public abstract Class<? extends Agent> getAgentClass();
public abstract int getAgentBit();
public boolean isPartiallyTransparent() {
int alpha = alpha();
return alpha > 0 && alpha < 255;