package dk.brics.string.stringoperations;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import dk.brics.automaton.Automaton;
import dk.brics.automaton.State;
import dk.brics.automaton.StatePair;
import dk.brics.automaton.Transition;
import dk.brics.string.charset.CharSet;
import dk.brics.string.util.MultiMap;
* Automaton operation for {@link String#replace(CharSequence,CharSequence)} where both arguments are known.
* <p/>
* When two occurrences of the search string overlaps, the replace() operation replaces the leftmost occurrence,
* though the current implementation approximates it as though either occurrence is chosen at random.
* For example, the operation <tt>"babab".replace("bab", "X")</tt>
* will always produce <tt>"Xab"</tt>, but will be approximated as <tt>{"Xab","baX"}</tt>.
public class Replace6 extends UnaryOperation {
/** The first argument to replace(); the string to search for */
private String searchFor;
/** The second argument to replace(); the string to insert as replacement. */
private String replaceBy;
* Automaton operation for {@link String#replace(CharSequence,CharSequence)} where both arguments are known.
* @param searchFor known value of the first argument
* @param replaceBy known value of the second argument
public Replace6(String searchFor, String replaceBy) {
this.searchFor = searchFor;
this.replaceBy = replaceBy;
* An epsilon transition with an optional "constrained" character.
* See addConstrainedEpsilons.
* Does NOT currently have equals() and hashCode()!
private static final class ConstrainedEpsilon {
/** Origin of epsilon transition */
public State from;
/** Destination of epsilon transition */
public State to;
/** Illegal input after following epsilon, or null if not constrained */
public Character illegalCharacter;
* Returns the set of illegal characters, which is either empty or
* a singleton set.
public Set<Character> illegalCharacters() {
if (illegalCharacter == null)
return Collections.<Character>emptySet();
return Collections.singleton(illegalCharacter);
public ConstrainedEpsilon(State from, State to, Character illegalCharacter) {
this.from = from; = to;
this.illegalCharacter = illegalCharacter;
public ConstrainedEpsilon(State from, State to) {
this.from = from; = to;
this.illegalCharacter = null;
* A state and a transition. The transition will typically be
* outgoing from the state, though it is not necessary.
* Does NOT currently have equals() and hashCode()!
private static final class StateTransitionPair {
public State state;
public Transition transition;
public StateTransitionPair(State state, Transition transition) {
this.state = state;
this.transition = transition;
* Automaton operation.
* Constructs a new automaton as a copy of <tt>a</tt>, with these modifications.
* For every state <tt>s<sub>0</sub></tt>, if there exists a path <tt>s<sub>0</sub>,...,s<sub>n</sub></tt> reading the
* search string <tt>S</tt>, the following modifications are made:
* <ul>
* <li>A replacement path <tt>r<sub>0</sub>,...,r<sub>m</sub></tt> is created, reading the replacement string.
* <li>A ghost path <tt>g<sub>0</sub>,...,g<sub>n-1</sub></tt> is created, reading the search string, except for its last character.
* <li>These epsilon transitions are created:
* <tt>(s<sub>0</sub>,r<sub>0</sub>),
* (s<sub>0</sub>,g<sub>0</sub>),
* (r<sub>m</sub>,s<sub>n</sub>)</tt>
* <li>For <tt>i=1,...,n-1</tt> this <i>constrained</i> epsilon transition is created:
* <tt>(g<sub>i</sub>, s<sub>i</sub>, [S<sub>i</sub>])</tt>, where <tt>S<sub>i</sub></tt> is the <i>i</i>-th character in the search string (0-based).
* <li>For <tt>i=0,...,n-1</tt>, <tt>g<sub>i</sub></tt> is made an accept state if <tt>s<sub>i</sub></tt> is an accept state.
* <li><tt>r<sub>0</sub></tt> and <tt>r<sub>m</sub></tt> are made accept states if <tt>s<sub>0</sub></tt> and <tt>s<sub>n</sub></tt> are accept states, respectively.
* <li>The character <tt>S<sub>0</sub></tt> is removed from the transition <tt>(s<sub>0</sub>,s<sub>1</sub>)</tt>.
* </ul>
* The strategy above assumes that the input automaton is deterministic, and that
* the search string is not empty. If the search string is empty, a different strategy is used, which
* inserts the replacement string once between every state.
* <p/>
* A constrained epsilon transition is like a normal epsilon transition, except the constrained character cannot be read
* immediately after following the transition. If it occurs afterwards, the automaton must move to the dead reject state instead of
* following the transitions at the current state. If the automaton follows more than one constrained epsilon transition
* consecutively, all their constrained characters become constrained.
* <p/>
* The intuition behind the strategy is this: If the search string occurs at some position, the replacement string
* can now be read from that position instead. If only a prefix of the search string did occur, the automaton can
* follow the ghost path a bit, and then jump back into the original path when a character differs from the search
* string. Removing the first character from the first transition ensures that the automaton can no longer read the
* whole search string at that position.
public Automaton op(Automaton a) {
if (searchFor.length() == 0)
return emptyStringOp(a);
Automaton result = a.clone();
assert result.isDeterministic();
List<ConstrainedEpsilon> epsilons = new LinkedList<ConstrainedEpsilon>();
List<StateTransitionPair> killedTransitions = new LinkedList<StateTransitionPair>();
List<StateTransitionPair> newTransitions = new LinkedList<StateTransitionPair>();
String ghostString = searchFor.substring(0, searchFor.length() - 1);
for (State origin : result.getStates()) {
LinkedList<State> path = getPath(origin, searchFor);
if (path == null)
// create a path to read the replacement string
LinkedList<State> replacement = makeString(replaceBy);
// create a path to read part of the search string, in case
// only a prefix of the search string occurred
LinkedList<State> ghost = makeString(ghostString);
// connect to replacement string (head and tail)
epsilons.add(new ConstrainedEpsilon(origin, replacement.getFirst()));
epsilons.add(new ConstrainedEpsilon(replacement.getLast(), path.getLast()));
// set accept states of first and last
if (origin.isAccept()) {
if (path.getLast().isAccept()) {
// connect to ghost string (head)
epsilons.add(new ConstrainedEpsilon(origin, ghost.getFirst()));
// connect to successive states in the ghost state,
// and set accept states in the ghost
Iterator<State> pathIt = path.iterator();
Iterator<State> ghostIt = ghost.iterator();; // skip the initial state in the ghost path
int index = 1;
while (ghostIt.hasNext()) {
assert pathIt.hasNext();
State pathState =;
State ghostState =;
// add an epsilon transition, but disallow reading the next
// character from the search string if it is followed
epsilons.add(new ConstrainedEpsilon(ghostState, pathState, searchFor.charAt(index)));
// set accept state
if (pathState.isAccept()) {
// next char in search string
// remove the transition with the first character of
// the search string from the origin state
char first = searchFor.charAt(0);
for (Transition tr : origin.getTransitions()) {
if (tr.getMin() <= first && tr.getMax() >= first) {
killedTransitions.add(new StateTransitionPair(origin, tr));
// add back the remaining characters from the interval
if (tr.getMin() < first) {
newTransitions.add(new StateTransitionPair(origin, new Transition(tr.getMin(), (char)(first-1), tr.getDest())));
if (tr.getMax() > first) {
newTransitions.add(new StateTransitionPair(origin, new Transition((char)(first+1), tr.getMax(), tr.getDest())));
// apply the first character removal first
for (StateTransitionPair pair : killedTransitions) {
for (StateTransitionPair pair : newTransitions) {
// apply epsilons
addConstrainedEpsilons(result, epsilons);
return result;
* Returns the states reached by feeding the specified input to
* the automaton, starting at the specified state. The initial
* state is not added to the path. The number of states in the
* path equals the length of the string.
* <p/>
* Returns <tt>null</tt> if the path ends in the dead state.
* @param start state to search path at.
* @param string input to the automaton.
* @return a new list of states, or <tt>null</tt>.
private LinkedList<State> getPath(State start, CharSequence string) {
LinkedList<State> path = new LinkedList<State>();
State state = start;
for (int i=0; i<string.length(); i++) {
state = state.step(string.charAt(i));
if (state == null)
return null;
return path;
* Creates states and transitions reading the specified string.
* None of the states are made accept states. The states are returned
* in a linked list in topological order.
* @param s a string
* @return a new list with all the states
private LinkedList<State> makeString(CharSequence s) {
LinkedList<State> list = new LinkedList<State>();
State first = new State();
State last = first;
for (int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) {
State state = new State();
last.addTransition(new Transition(s.charAt(i), state));
last = state;
return list;
* Like adding normal epsilon transitions, except certain epsilon transition are
* constrained, in that one specific character cannot be read after following that
* transition (ie. reading that character goes to the dead rejecting state).
* @param auto automaton to modify
* @param epsilons constrained epsilon transitions to add.
private void addConstrainedEpsilons(Automaton auto, Collection<ConstrainedEpsilon> epsilons) {
// forward and backward contain all the epsilon transitions without illegal characters
MultiMap<State, State> forward = new MultiMap<State, State>();
MultiMap<State, State> backward = new MultiMap<State, State>();
// 'all' contains key (s1,s2) if there is an epsilon transition from s1 to s2
// (s1,s2) then maps to the set of illegal characters on that transition (can be empty)
Map<StatePair, TreeSet<Character>> all = new HashMap<StatePair, TreeSet<Character>>();
Set<StatePair> workset = new HashSet<StatePair>();
// build the initial maps, without any closure
for (ConstrainedEpsilon epsilon : epsilons) {
// ignore degenerate epsilons
if (epsilon.from ==
backward.add(, epsilon.from);
StatePair pair = new StatePair(epsilon.from,;
if (!all.containsKey(pair))
all.put(pair, new TreeSet<Character>(epsilon.illegalCharacters()));
// calculate the transitive closure.
// for every (s1,s2), we find a transition (s2,s3), and create (s1,s3).
// workset contains the (s1,s2) pairs that may yield a new transition like above.
while (!workset.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<StatePair> it = workset.iterator();
StatePair pair =;
State s1 = pair.getFirstState();
State s2 = pair.getSecondState();
for (State s3 : forward.getView(s2)) {
// do not create degenerate epsilons
if (s1 == s3)
assert s1 != s2 && s2 != s3;
TreeSet<Character> illegal = new TreeSet<Character>(all.get(pair));
illegal.addAll(all.get(new StatePair(s2, s3)));
boolean changed;
StatePair p2 = new StatePair(s1, s3);
if (!all.containsKey(p2)) {
all.put(p2, illegal);
forward.add(s1, s3); // note: we are not modifying the view being iterated because s1!=s2
backward.add(s3, s1);
changed = true;
} else {
changed = all.get(p2).retainAll(illegal);
if (changed) {
for (State s0 : backward.getView(s1)) {
workset.add(new StatePair(s0, s1));
// closure completed, time to add the transitions
LinkedList<StateTransitionPair> transitions = new LinkedList<StateTransitionPair>();
for (Map.Entry<StatePair, TreeSet<Character>> entry : all.entrySet()) {
StatePair pair = entry.getKey();
for (Transition tr : pair.getSecondState().getTransitions()) {
char ch = tr.getMin();
// TreeSet is sorted, so we visit the illegal characters in increasing order
// at every illegal character, we add the interval below, since it must be a legal interval
for (Character illegal : entry.getValue()) {
if (illegal < ch)
if (illegal > tr.getMax())
if (illegal > ch) {
transitions.add(new StateTransitionPair(pair.getFirstState(), new Transition(ch, (char)(illegal - 1), tr.getDest())));
ch = (char)(illegal + 1);
if (ch <= tr.getMax()) {
transitions.add(new StateTransitionPair(pair.getFirstState(), new Transition(ch, tr.getMax(), tr.getDest())));
for (StateTransitionPair pair : transitions) {
* If the search string is empty, the replace operation inserts the replacement string
* between every character in the original string, and as prefix and suffix.
* This does not generalize well, so the case is handled specifically by this method.
* </p>
* For every state <tt>s</tt>, we create a path to read the replacement. All outgoing
* transitions from <tt>s</tt> are changed to go out from last state in the replacement path.
* <tt>s</tt> then gets all the transitions from the first state in the replacement path.
* If <tt>s</tt> was an accept state, the last state in its replacement path is made an accept
* state, and <tt>s</tt> is no longer an accept state (because the replacement string is inserted
* as suffix).
* @param a input automaton. Will not be modified.
* @return new automaton
private Automaton emptyStringOp(Automaton a) {
Automaton result = a.clone();
for (State state : result.getStates()) {
LinkedList<State> insert = makeString(replaceBy);
if (state.isAccept()) {
return result;
public CharSet charsetTransfer(CharSet a) {
if (searchFor.length() == 1) {
a = a.remove(searchFor.charAt(0));
for (char c : replaceBy.toCharArray()) {
a = a.add(c);
return a;
public String toString() {
return "replace6[" + Basic.escapeString(searchFor) + "->" + Basic.escapeString(replaceBy) + "]";
public int getPriority() {
return 1;