import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import soot.ArrayType;
import soot.BooleanType;
import soot.ByteType;
import soot.CharType;
import soot.DoubleType;
import soot.FloatType;
import soot.Hierarchy;
import soot.IntType;
import soot.LongType;
import soot.NullType;
import soot.PrimType;
import soot.RefType;
import soot.Scene;
import soot.ShortType;
import soot.SootClass;
import soot.SootField;
import soot.SootMethod;
import soot.Type;
import soot.Value;
import soot.ValueBox;
import soot.jimple.InstanceInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.ParameterRef;
import dk.brics.automaton.Automaton;
import dk.brics.string.MethodNameTaintAnalysisStrategy;
import dk.brics.string.StringAnalysis;
import dk.brics.string.external.ExternalVisibility;
import dk.brics.string.external.Resolver;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.Application;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.ArrayCorrupt;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.AssertStatement;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.Call;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.FieldAssignment;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.Method;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.Nop;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.ObjectCorrupt;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.PrimitiveInit;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.Return;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.Statement;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.StringAssignment;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.StringBufferCorrupt;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.StringInit;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.StringStatement;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.Variable;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.VariableType;
import dk.brics.string.stringoperations.Basic;
* Converter from Jimple code to intermediate representation.
* <p/>
* Basic rundown of the translation process:
* <ol>
* <li>Create intermediate {@link Method} objects with empty bodies for each
* method in the application.
* <li>Create the <i>wrapper</i> method, which is a special method that calls
* all externally visible methods with corrupt/unknown arguments.
* <li>Create methods modelling the <tt>toString</tt>-method for each
* application class.
* <li>Translate the method bodies from jimple into intermediate code.
* </ol>
* The first three steps are handled by this class, while the fourth and most
* complicated step is delegated to several other classes. See
* {@link MethodTranslator} for an overview how how step four is executed.
* @see dk.brics.string.StringAnalysis
* @see MethodTranslator
public class Jimple2Intermediate implements TranslationContext {
* Methods being generated.
private List<Method> methods = new LinkedList<Method>();
* Map from signatures to methods.
private Map<String, Method> sms_m = new HashMap<String, Method>();
* For each method signature, map from real-arg number to relevant-arg
* number.
private Map<String, int[]> sms_sa_ma = new HashMap<String, int[]>();
* For each method signature, map from relevant-arg number to real-arg
* number.
private Map<String, int[]> sms_ma_sa = new HashMap<String, int[]>();
* Defines which methods are accessible from external code.
private ExternalVisibility ext;
* The taint analysis strategy for determining taint strings
private TaintAnalysisStrategy taintAnalysisStrategy = new MethodNameTaintAnalysisStrategy(
Collections.<String> emptyList());
* Hotspots (all expressions if null).
private Collection<ValueBox> hotspots;
* Map from classes to their <code>toString</code> methods.
private Map<SootClass, Method> tostring_targets = new HashMap<SootClass, Method>();
* Map from names of a classes to their <code>toString</code> methods.
private Map<String, Method> tostring_methods = new HashMap<String, Method>();
* Hotspots for <code>toString</code> methods. Used by
* {@link StringAnalysis#getTypeAutomaton(VariableType)}.
private Map<SootClass, StringStatement> tostring_hotspots = new HashMap<SootClass, StringStatement>();
* Cache of automata for primitive types and null type.
private Map<Type, Automaton> type_automaton = new HashMap<Type, Automaton>();
* Class hierarchy, provided by Soot.
private Hierarchy class_hierarchy;
* Map from Jimple expression to intermediate representation statement.
private Map<ValueBox, Statement> trans_map = new HashMap<ValueBox, Statement>();
* Map from Jimple expression to source file name.
private Map<ValueBox, String> sourcefile_map = new HashMap<ValueBox, String>();
* Map from Jimple expression to class name.
private Map<ValueBox, String> class_map = new HashMap<ValueBox, String>();
* Map from Jimple expression to method name.
private Map<ValueBox, String> method_map = new HashMap<ValueBox, String>();
* Map from Jimple expression to line number.
private Map<ValueBox, Integer> line_map = new HashMap<ValueBox, Integer>();
private Map<Value, Variable> expression_map = new HashMap<Value, Variable>();
private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Jimple2Intermediate.class); // FIXME: check uses of log4j ?!
private VariableManager variableManager;
private AbstractDispatchStrategy abstractDispatchStrategy;
private StaticStringTypes staticStringTypes;
* Number of skipped string expressions. String constants are skipped if
* arguments to non-application class methods that are not hotspots.
int skipped;
private MethodTranslator methodTranslator;
private Application application;
private Collection<? extends Resolver> resolvers;
* Constructs a new converter using no resolvers.
public Jimple2Intermediate(ExternalVisibility ext) {
this(new Jimple2IntermediateFactoryImpl(ext, Collections.<Resolver> emptySet()));
* Constructs a new converter using the given resolvers.
public Jimple2Intermediate(ExternalVisibility ext,
Collection<? extends Resolver> resolvers) {
this(new Jimple2IntermediateFactoryImpl(ext, resolvers));
public Jimple2Intermediate(TaintAnalysisStrategy taintAnalysisStrategy,
Collection<? extends Resolver> resolvers, ExternalVisibility ext) {
this(new Jimple2IntermediateFactoryImpl(ext, taintAnalysisStrategy, resolvers));
public Jimple2Intermediate(Jimple2IntermediateFactory af) {
this.taintAnalysisStrategy = af.getTaintAnalysisStrategy();
this.ext = af.getExternallyVisible();
this.methodTranslator = af.getMethodTranslator();
this.staticStringTypes = af.getStaticStringTypes();
this.resolvers = af.getResolvers();
* Translates the application classes considering all expressions as
* hotspots.
public Application translateApplicationClasses() {
return translateApplicationClasses(null);
* Translates the application classes considering the given expressions as
* hotspots.
public Application translateApplicationClasses(Collection<ValueBox> hotspots) {
applicationClasses = new ArrayList<SootClass>();
for (SootClass clazz : Scene.v().getApplicationClasses()) {
if (!clazz.isPhantom() && !clazz.isPhantomClass()) {// no idea what the difference between these two are
this.application = new Application();
this.variableManager = new VariableManager(application, this);"Translating classes to intermediate form...");
this.hotspots = hotspots;
// load ALL classes we might need before creating the hierarchy!!
class_hierarchy = new Hierarchy();
this.abstractDispatchStrategy = new AbstractDispatchClassHierarchy(class_hierarchy);
skipped = 0;
return application;
public boolean isHotspot(ValueBox expr) {
return hotspots == null || hotspots.contains(expr);
* Returns the method object for the given signature.
public Method getMethod(String signature) {
return sms_m.get(signature);
* Returns the relevant-arg numbers for the given method.
public int[] getRelevantArgNumbers(String signature) {
return sms_sa_ma.get(signature);
* Returns the translation map. <code>translateApplicationClasses</code>
* must be called first.
* @return map from Jimple expression to intermediate representation
* statement
public Map<ValueBox, Statement> getTranslationMap() {
return trans_map;
* Returns the number of string constants that have been skipped because
* they are non-hotspot arguments to non-application class methods.
public int getNumberOfExpsSkipped() {
return skipped;
* Returns hotspots for <code>toString</code> methods.
public Map<SootClass, StringStatement> getToStringHotspotMap() {
return tostring_hotspots;
* Returns source file name for each expression.
public Map<ValueBox, String> getSourceFileMap() {
return sourcefile_map;
* Returns class name for each expression.
public Map<ValueBox, String> getClassNameMap() {
return class_map;
* Returns method name for each expression.
public Map<ValueBox, String> getMethodNameMap() {
return method_map;
* Returns line number for each expression.
public Map<ValueBox, Integer> getLineNumberMap() {
return line_map;
* Prepares <code>Method</code> objects for application classes.
void makeMethods() {
for (SootClass sc : getApplicationClasses()) {
for (SootMethod sm : sc.getMethods()) {
List<Variable> vars = new LinkedList<Variable>();
List<Type> params = getParameterTypes(sm);
int[] sa_ma = new int[params.size()];
int[] ma_sa = new int[params.size()];
int ma = 0;
int sa = 0;
for (Type pt : params) {
// if (isSType(pt)) {
if (fromSootType(pt) != VariableType.NONE) {
sa_ma[sa] = ma;
ma_sa[ma] = sa;
} else {
sa_ma[sa] = -1;
Variable[] var_array = vars.toArray(new Variable[0]);
Method m = new Method(application, sm.getName(), var_array);
sms_m.put(sm.getSignature(), m);
sms_sa_ma.put(sm.getSignature(), sa_ma);
sms_ma_sa.put(sm.getSignature(), ma_sa);
* Makes <code>toString</code> methods for basic wrapper classes and
* application classes.
void makeToStringMethods() {
// Make basic tostring methods
makeBasicToStringMethod(null, "java.lang.Object", Basic
makeBasicToStringMethod(BooleanType.v(), "java.lang.Boolean", Basic
makeBasicToStringMethod(ByteType.v(), "java.lang.Byte", Basic
makeBasicToStringMethod(CharType.v(), "java.lang.Character", Basic
makeBasicToStringMethod(DoubleType.v(), "java.lang.Double", Basic
makeBasicToStringMethod(FloatType.v(), "java.lang.Float", Basic
makeBasicToStringMethod(IntType.v(), "java.lang.Integer", Basic
makeBasicToStringMethod(LongType.v(), "java.lang.Long", Basic
makeBasicToStringMethod(ShortType.v(), "java.lang.Short", Basic
// Make tostring methods for application classes
// Link toString calls to the hotspots for all superclasses of the
// receiver type
for (SootClass ac : getApplicationClasses()) {
Method m = new Method(application, ac.getName() + ".toString",
new Variable[0]);
tostring_methods.put(ac.getName(), m);
Variable var = application.createVariable(VariableType.STRING);
StringStatement spot = new StringAssignment(var, var);
Return ret = new Return(var);
tostring_hotspots.put(ac, spot); // these hotspots are used by
// StringAnalysis.getTypeAutomaton
Collection<SootClass> subtypes;
if (ac.isInterface())
subtypes = class_hierarchy.getImplementersOf(ac);
subtypes = class_hierarchy.getSubclassesOfIncluding(ac);
for (SootClass ac2 : subtypes) {
if (ac2.isPhantom() || ac2.isPhantomClass() || ac2.isInterface())
Method target = tostring_targets.get(ac2);
if (target == null)
Call call = new Call(var, target, new Variable[0]);
/*for (SootClass ac2 : getApplicationClasses()) {
if (ac2.isInterface()) // skip interfaces here
if (class_hierarchy.isClassSubclassOfIncluding(ac2, ac)) {
// Calling tostring with a receiver of type ac,
// the method in class ac2 might be called.
// ac2 might not implement it directly,
// so we search upwards for the implementation
while (!tostring_targets.containsKey(ac2)) {
ac2 = ac2.getSuperclass();
Method target = tostring_targets.get(ac2);
Call call = new Call(var, target, new Variable[0]);
* Makes a method that simulates the <code>toString</code> method of a basic
* wrapper classes.
void makeBasicToStringMethod(Type prim, String classname, Automaton a) {
Method m = new Method(application, classname + ".toString",
new Variable[0]);
SootClass c = Scene.v().getSootClass(classname);
Variable var = application.createVariable(VariableType.STRING);
StringStatement ss = new StringInit(var, a);
Return ret = new Return(var);
tostring_targets.put(c, m);
tostring_methods.put(classname, m);
tostring_hotspots.put(c, ss);
type_automaton.put(prim, a);
* Translates the method bodies.
void translate() {
for (SootClass ac : getApplicationClasses()) {
for (SootMethod sm : ac.getMethods()) {
if (sm.isConcrete()) {
List<HotspotInfo> hotspots = methodTranslator.translateMethod(sm, this);
// add all the hotspots we found
for (HotspotInfo hot : hotspots) {
* Makes wrapper method that calls all externally visible methods in
* application classes, using arbitrary arguments.
void makeWrapperMethod() {
Method wrapper = new Method(application, "<wrapper>", new Variable[0]);
// build the wrapper's body
ControlFlowBuilder cfg = new ControlFlowBuilder(wrapper);
// create a variable holding any string
Variable anyVar = application.createVariable(VariableType.STRING);
Statement assignAny = new StringInit(anyVar, Basic.makeAnyString());
// create a variable holding the null string
Variable nullVar = application.createVariable(VariableType.STRING);
Statement assignNull = new StringInit(nullVar, Automatons.getNull());
// initialize externally visible field variables to anything
// and set string fields to "null"
for (SootClass ac : getApplicationClasses()) {
for (SootField field : ac.getFields()) {
// String fields should be assigned to "null" because they are
// exempt from the
// null-pointer analysis we use for other objects
if (field.getType().equals(RefType.v("java.lang.String"))) {
FieldAssignment assignment = new FieldAssignment(
variableManager.getField(field), nullVar);
// corrupt externally visible fields
if (ext.isExternallyVisibleField(field)) {
VariableType type = fromSootType(field
if (type == VariableType.NONE)
Variable fieldInit;
switch (type) {
case OBJECT:
case STRING:
fieldInit = anyVar;
fieldInit = application.createVariable(VariableType.STRINGBUFFER);
Statement s = new StringBufferCorrupt(fieldInit);
case ARRAY: {
fieldInit = application.createVariable(VariableType.ARRAY);
Statement s = new ArrayCorrupt(fieldInit);
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown field type " + type);
}// switch
FieldAssignment assignment = new FieldAssignment(variableManager.getField(field), fieldInit);
// split control here, and call a random externally visible method
// call externally visible methods
for (SootClass ac : getApplicationClasses()) {
for (SootMethod sm : ac.getMethods()) {
if (ext.isExternallyVisibleMethod(sm)) {
Method m = sms_m.get(sm.getSignature());
Variable[] params = m.getEntry().params;
Variable[] args = new Variable[params.length];
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
Variable arg = application.createVariable(params[i].getType());
args[i] = arg;
Statement s;
switch (arg.getType()) {
case STRING:
s = new StringInit(arg, Basic.makeAnyString());
s = new StringBufferCorrupt(arg);
case ARRAY:
s = new ArrayCorrupt(arg);
// TODO: Integers can contain two characters, right? look deeper into which primitive type
s = new PrimitiveInit(arg, Automaton.makeAnyChar());
s = new ObjectCorrupt(arg);
// (case NONE or NULL cannot occur because such
// parameters do not get created for intermediate
// methods)
Variable retvar = makeVariable(sm.getReturnType());
Call c = new Call(retvar, m, args);
// If this is toString, remember the return value
if (sm.getName().equals("toString")
&& sm.getParameterCount() == 0
&& sm.getReturnType().toString().equals("java.lang.String")) {
tostring_targets.put(ac, m);
// also add the possibility of no method being called.
// in case the application has no externally visible methods, we still want
// the return statement to be reachable so we don't create a malformed program.
// add a return statement
Return ret = new Return(application.createVariable(VariableType.NONE));
* Removes all <code>Nop</code>s in the generated code.
void removeNops() {
Set<Statement> protectedNops = new HashSet<Statement>();
for (Method m : methods) {
// assertions referring to a nop statement must have their target updated to the nop's predecessor,
// or in case there are multiple predecessors, the nop must not be removed
for (Statement s : m.getStatements()) {
if (s instanceof AssertStatement) {
AssertStatement a = (AssertStatement)s;
Statement target = a.targetStatement;
while (target instanceof Nop && target.getPreds().size() == 1) {
target = target.getPreds().iterator().next();
a.targetStatement = target;
if (target instanceof Nop) {
for (Statement s : new ArrayList<Statement>(m.getStatements())) {
if (s instanceof Nop && !protectedNops.contains(s)) {
m.removeNop((Nop) s);
* Makes a new variable, using the given Soot type.
Variable makeVariable(Type t) {
return application.createVariable(fromSootType(t));
* Returns the type corresponding to the given Soot value.
VariableType getValueType(Value v) {
return getType(v.getType());
* Returns the type corresponding to the given Soot type.
VariableType getType(Type type) {
return fromSootType(type);
public List<SootMethod> getTargetsOf(InstanceInvokeExpr expr) {
return abstractDispatchStrategy.getTargetsOf(expr);
public Method getToStringMethod(SootClass c) {
return tostring_methods.get(c.getName());
public Automaton getTypeAutomaton(Type t) {
if (t instanceof PrimType) {
return type_automaton.get(t);
} else if (t instanceof NullType) {
return Automaton.makeString("null");
} else if (t instanceof RefType) {
for (Resolver resolver : resolvers) {
Automaton at = resolver.resolveToString(((RefType)t).getSootClass());
if (at != null)
return at;
return null;
} else {
return null;
* Checks whether the given class is an application class.
public boolean isApplicationClass(SootClass c) {
for (SootClass ac : getApplicationClasses()) {
if (c.getName().equals(ac.getName())) {
return true;
return false;
private void registerHotspot(HotspotInfo hotspot) {
ValueBox box = hotspot.getBox();
trans_map.put(box, hotspot.getStatement());
sourcefile_map.put(box, hotspot.getSourcefile());
class_map.put(box, hotspot.getClassName());
method_map.put(box, hotspot.getMethodName());
line_map.put(box, hotspot.getLineNumber());
* Returns the parameter variable for the given relevant-arg number in the
* current method.
public Variable getParameter(SootMethod sm, int index) {
int ma = getRelevantArgNumbers(sm.getSignature())[index];
if (ma != -1) {
return getMethod(sm.getSignature()).getEntry().params[ma];
} else {
return application.createVariable(VariableType.NONE);
public TaintAnalysisStrategy getTaintAnalysisStrategy() {
return taintAnalysisStrategy;
private Collection<SootClass> applicationClasses;
private Collection<SootClass> getApplicationClasses() {
return applicationClasses;
private List<Type> getParameterTypes(SootMethod sm) {
return sm.getParameterTypes();
public Variable getParameter(SootMethod sm, ParameterRef ref) {
return getParameter(sm, ref.getIndex());
public Method getMethod(SootMethod method) {
return getMethod(method.getSignature());
public Application getApplication() {
return application;
public VariableManager getVariableManager() {
return variableManager;
public void setExpressionVariable(Value value, Variable variable) {
expression_map.put(value, variable);
public Variable getExpressionVariable(Value value) {
return expression_map.get(value);
public Automaton getFieldType(SootField field) {
return staticStringTypes.getFieldType(field);
public Automaton getMethodReturnType(SootMethod method) {
return staticStringTypes.getMethodReturnType(method);
public Automaton getParameterType(SootMethod method, int paramIndex) {
return staticStringTypes.getParameterType(method, paramIndex);
public boolean isSubtypeOf(SootClass a, SootClass b) {
if (a.equals(b))
return true;
if (b.getType().equals(RefType.v("java.lang.Object")))
return true;
if (a.isInterface()) {
return b.isInterface() && class_hierarchy.isInterfaceSubinterfaceOf(a, b);
if (b.isInterface()) {
return class_hierarchy.getImplementersOf(b).contains(a);
return class_hierarchy.isClassSubclassOf(a, b);
public Automaton resolveToStringMethod(SootClass a) {
for (Resolver resolver : resolvers) {
Automaton result = resolver.resolveToString(a);
if (result != null)
return result;
return null;
* Given the static type of a variable, returns the most specific variable type
* we can assign to it.
* <p/>
* For example, a variable of type <tt>Cloneable</tt> might be an array, so this returns
* <tt>ARRAY</tt> if the argument equals <tt>java.lang.Cloneable</tt>. On the other hand, if
* the argument is <tt></tt>, it returns <tt>OBJECT</tt> because all
* the interesting types implement <tt>Serializable</tt>.
* @param type a soot type
* @return a variable type. <tt>null</tt> and {@link VariableType#NULL} are never returned.
public VariableType fromSootType(Type type) {
if (type instanceof RefType) {
SootClass clazz = ((RefType)type).getSootClass();
if (isSubtypeOf(clazz, Scene.v().getSootClass("java.util.Collection"))
|| isSubtypeOf(clazz, Scene.v().getSootClass("java.util.Iterator"))) {
return VariableType.ARRAY;
// otherwise, look in the table
String className = ((RefType)type).getClassName();
return fromCanonicalName(className);
} else if (type instanceof ArrayType) {
// TODO because of covariant arrays, we currently assume String[].
// find out exactly which array types might be a covariant of String[]. (for example int[] cannot be)
// XXX now that primitive arrays are also supported, char[], etc. is actually allowed
return VariableType.ARRAY;
} else if (type instanceof NullType) {
return VariableType.NULL;
} else if (type instanceof PrimType) {
// FIXME ignore int,long,float,double here? only 16-bit primitives are suported anyway
return VariableType.PRIMITIVE;
return VariableType.NONE;
* Given the static type of a variable, returns the most specific variable type
* we can assign to it.
* <p/>
* For example, a variable of type <tt>Cloneable</tt> might be an array, so this returns
* <tt>ARRAY</tt> if the argument equals <tt>java.lang.Cloneable</tt>. On the other hand, if
* the argument is <tt>java.lang.Serializable</tt>, it returns <tt>OBJECT</tt> because all
* the interesting types implement <tt>Serializable</tt>.
* @param canonicalName fully qualified name of a Java class.
* @return a variable type. <tt>NONE</tt> is (rightfully) returned for unknown types. <tt>null</tt> is never returned.
private static VariableType fromCanonicalName(String canonicalName) {
VariableType type = javaTypesToVariableTypes.get(canonicalName);
if (type == null)
return VariableType.NONE;
return type;
private static final HashMap<String, VariableType> javaTypesToVariableTypes;
static {
javaTypesToVariableTypes = new HashMap<String, VariableType>();
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.lang.Object", VariableType.OBJECT);
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("", VariableType.OBJECT);
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.lang.String", VariableType.STRING);
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.lang.StringBuffer", VariableType.STRINGBUFFER);
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.lang.StringBuilder", VariableType.STRINGBUFFER);
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.lang.Appendable", VariableType.STRINGBUFFER);
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.lang.Cloneable", VariableType.ARRAY);
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.lang.CharSequence", VariableType.OBJECT);
//javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.lang.Comparable", STRING); // String implements Comparable<String>
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder", VariableType.STRINGBUFFER);
// collections
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.util.Collection", VariableType.ARRAY);
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.util.List", VariableType.ARRAY);
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.util.ArrayList", VariableType.ARRAY);
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.util.Vector", VariableType.ARRAY);
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.util.LinkedList", VariableType.ARRAY);
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.util.Set", VariableType.ARRAY);
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.util.HashSet", VariableType.ARRAY);
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.util.LinkedHashSet", VariableType.ARRAY);
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.util.TreeSet", VariableType.ARRAY);
// iterators
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.util.Iterator", VariableType.ARRAY);
javaTypesToVariableTypes.put("java.util.ListIterator", VariableType.ARRAY);
// AbstractStringBuilder is a package-private class in the Java API that
// Soot may decide to use as variable type. Both StringBuffer and StringBuilder extend it.
// Comparable has been commented out because Strings are immutable, so we
// don't care which strings might be aliases