import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import soot.BooleanType;
import soot.IntType;
import soot.Local;
import soot.SootMethod;
import soot.SootMethodRef;
import soot.Type;
import soot.Unit;
import soot.Value;
import soot.ValueBox;
import soot.jimple.AbstractJimpleValueSwitch;
import soot.jimple.AndExpr;
import soot.jimple.BinopExpr;
import soot.jimple.ConditionExpr;
import soot.jimple.DefinitionStmt;
import soot.jimple.EqExpr;
import soot.jimple.GeExpr;
import soot.jimple.GtExpr;
import soot.jimple.IfStmt;
import soot.jimple.InstanceInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.IntConstant;
import soot.jimple.InvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.LeExpr;
import soot.jimple.LtExpr;
import soot.jimple.NeExpr;
import soot.jimple.OrExpr;
import soot.jimple.SpecialInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.StaticInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.Stmt;
import soot.jimple.VirtualInvokeExpr;
import soot.toolkits.scalar.LocalDefs;
import dk.brics.automaton.Automaton;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.AssertAliases;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.AssertBinaryOp;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.AssertUnaryOp;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.Method;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.Statement;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.Variable;
import dk.brics.string.intermediate.VariableType;
import dk.brics.string.stringoperations.AssertContainedInOther;
import dk.brics.string.stringoperations.AssertContainsOther;
import dk.brics.string.stringoperations.AssertEmpty;
import dk.brics.string.stringoperations.AssertEndsWith;
import dk.brics.string.stringoperations.AssertEquals;
import dk.brics.string.stringoperations.AssertHasLength;
import dk.brics.string.stringoperations.AssertHasNotLength;
import dk.brics.string.stringoperations.AssertInLanguage;
import dk.brics.string.stringoperations.AssertNotEmpty;
import dk.brics.string.stringoperations.AssertNotEquals;
import dk.brics.string.stringoperations.AssertPrefixOf;
import dk.brics.string.stringoperations.AssertStartsWith;
import dk.brics.string.stringoperations.AssertSuffixOf;
import dk.brics.string.stringoperations.Basic;
import dk.brics.string.stringoperations.BinaryOperation;
import dk.brics.string.stringoperations.UnaryOperation;
import dk.brics.string.util.Pair;
public class AssertionCreatorImpl implements AssertionCreator {
private ControlFlowBuilder builder;
private LocalDefs definitions;
private TranslationContext context;
private Method method;
private SootMethod sootMethod;
private Set<Value> active = new HashSet<Value>();
private Map<Stmt, TranslatedStatement> statements;
private void prepare(AssertionContext assertionContext) {
this.statements = assertionContext.getStatementTranslations();
this.definitions = assertionContext.getLocalDefinitions();
this.context = assertionContext.getTranslationContext();
this.sootMethod = assertionContext.getMethod();
this.method = context.getMethod(sootMethod);;
public AssertionBranches createAssertions(IfStmt branch, AssertionContext assertionContext) {
ConditionExpr expr = (ConditionExpr)branch.getCondition();
// do the positive branch
builder = new ControlFlowBuilder(method);
assertBoolean(expr, branch, true);
Pair<Statement,Statement> pair = builder.finish();
AssertionBranch whenTrue = new AssertionBranch(pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond());
// do the negative branch
builder = new ControlFlowBuilder(method);
assertBoolean(expr, branch, false);
pair = builder.finish();
AssertionBranch whenFalse = new AssertionBranch(pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond());
return new AssertionBranches(whenFalse, whenTrue);
public AssertionBranch createSwitchAssertions(ValueBox variable, int value, Unit switchStart, AssertionContext assertionContext) {
builder = new ControlFlowBuilder(method);
assertInteger(variable.getValue(), switchStart, Relation.EQUAL, value);
Pair<Statement,Statement> pair = builder.finish();
return new AssertionBranch(pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond());
public AssertionBranch createSwitchDefaultAssertions(ValueBox variable, List<Integer> skippedValues, Unit switchStart, AssertionContext assertionContext) {
builder = new ControlFlowBuilder(method);
for (int value : skippedValues) {
assertInteger(variable.getValue(), switchStart, Relation.NOT_EQUAL, value);
Pair<Statement,Statement> pair = builder.finish();
return new AssertionBranch(pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond());
/** Asserts that the specified expression evaluates to the given boolean value */
private void assertBoolean(Value value, Unit unit, boolean b) {
assertWithVisitor(value, new BooleanVisitor(b, unit));
/** Asserts that the specified expression evaluates to an integer with the specified relation to the given integer */
private void assertInteger(Value value, Unit unit, Relation rel, int i) {
assertWithVisitor(value, new IntegerVisitor(unit, i, rel));
private void assertWithVisitor(Value value, AssertionVisitor visitor) {
if (active.contains(value))
private boolean isBoolean(Type type) {
return type instanceof BooleanType;
// private boolean isString(Type type) {
// return type.equals(RefType.v("java.lang.String"));
// }
/** Returns true if the type is <tt>int</tt>, (not long, short, byte, etc) */
private boolean isInteger(Type type) {
return type instanceof IntType;
private class AssertionVisitor extends AbstractJimpleValueSwitch {
Unit unit;
public AssertionVisitor(Unit unit) {
this.unit = unit;
void makeBinaryAssertion(Variable first, Variable second, BinaryOperation op) {
if (first == null || second == null)
builder.addStatement(new AssertBinaryOp(statements.get(unit).getLast(), first, second, op));
void makeAliasAssertion(Variable first, Variable second, boolean aliases) {
if (first == null || second == null)
builder.addStatement(new AssertAliases(statements.get(unit).getLast(), first, second, aliases));
void makeUnaryAssertion(Variable var, UnaryOperation op) {
if (var == null)
builder.addStatement(new AssertUnaryOp(statements.get(unit).getLast(), var, op));
Variable getBase(InstanceInvokeExpr expr) {
return context.getExpressionVariable(expr.getBase());
Variable getArgument(InvokeExpr expr, int index) {
return context.getExpressionVariable(expr.getArg(index));
private class BooleanVisitor extends AssertionVisitor {
private boolean expected;
public BooleanVisitor(boolean expected, Unit unit) {
this.expected = expected;
public void caseLocal(Local v) {
boolean found = false;
for (Unit definition : definitions.getDefsOfAt(v, unit)) {
if (definition instanceof DefinitionStmt) {
found = true;
assertBoolean(((DefinitionStmt)definition).getRightOp(), definition, expected);
if (!found) {
public void caseAndExpr(AndExpr v) {
if (expected == true) {
assertBoolean(v.getOp1(), unit, true);
assertBoolean(v.getOp2(), unit, true);
} else {
assertBoolean(v.getOp1(), unit, false);
assertBoolean(v.getOp2(), unit, false);
public void caseOrExpr(OrExpr v) {
if (expected == true) {
assertBoolean(v.getOp1(), unit, true);
assertBoolean(v.getOp2(), unit, true);
} else {
assertBoolean(v.getOp1(), unit, false);
assertBoolean(v.getOp2(), unit, false);
public void caseLeExpr(LeExpr v) {
assertComparison(v, Relation.LESS_EQ);
public void caseLtExpr(LtExpr v) {
assertComparison(v, Relation.LESS);
public void caseGeExpr(GeExpr v) {
assertComparison(v, Relation.GREATER_EQ);
public void caseGtExpr(GtExpr v) {
assertComparison(v, Relation.GREATER);
public void caseNeExpr(NeExpr v) {
assertComparison(v, Relation.NOT_EQUAL);
public void caseEqExpr(EqExpr v) {
assertComparison(v, Relation.EQUAL);
/** Returns true if the relation is == or != */
private boolean isAbsolute(Relation r) {
return r == Relation.EQUAL || r == Relation.NOT_EQUAL;
private void assertComparison(BinopExpr v, Relation relation) {
relation = negateUnless(relation, expected);
// bool == const
if (isAbsolute(relation) && isBoolean(v.getOp1().getType()) && v.getOp2() instanceof IntConstant) {
int i2 = ((IntConstant)v.getOp2()).value;
assertBoolean(v.getOp1(), unit, (i2 == 1) == (relation == Relation.EQUAL));
// eg. f(x) <= const or f(x) == const
else if (isInteger(v.getOp1().getType()) && v.getOp2() instanceof IntConstant) {
int i2 = ((IntConstant)v.getOp2()).value;
assertInteger(v.getOp1(), unit, relation, i2);
// eg. const <= f(x) or const == f(x)
else if (v.getOp1() instanceof IntConstant && isInteger(v.getOp2().getType())) {
int i1 = ((IntConstant)v.getOp1()).value;
assertInteger(v.getOp2(), unit, commute(relation), i1);
// string == string
// char == char
// etc.
if (isAbsolute(relation)) {
boolean equals = relation == Relation.EQUAL;
VariableType lefttype = context.fromSootType(v.getOp1().getType());
VariableType righttype = context.fromSootType(v.getOp2().getType());
if (lefttype.leastUpperBound(VariableType.NONE) != VariableType.NONE
&& righttype.leastUpperBound(VariableType.NONE) != VariableType.NONE) {
Variable left = context.getExpressionVariable(v.getOp1());
Variable right = context.getExpressionVariable(v.getOp2());
if (equals == true) {
makeBinaryAssertion(left, right, new AssertEquals());
makeBinaryAssertion(right, left, new AssertEquals());
// assert aliases as well
if (lefttype.mightBeUsefulMutable() && righttype.mightBeUsefulMutable()) {
makeAliasAssertion(left, right, true);
else if (equals == false && lefttype == VariableType.PRIMITIVE && righttype == VariableType.PRIMITIVE) {
// only primitive types may get a negative assertion here, since references
// may refer to different objects with same contents
makeBinaryAssertion(left, right, new AssertNotEquals());
makeBinaryAssertion(right, left, new AssertNotEquals());
else if (equals == false && lefttype.mightBeUsefulMutable() && righttype.mightBeUsefulMutable()) {
// assert that the variables are not aliases
// their contents cannot be asserted here, though
makeAliasAssertion(left, right, false);
public void caseVirtualInvokeExpr(VirtualInvokeExpr v) {
public void caseSpecialInvokeExpr(SpecialInvokeExpr v) {
private void instanceInvokeExpr(InstanceInvokeExpr v) {
SootMethodRef m = v.getMethodRef();
if (m.getSignature().equals("<java.lang.String: boolean contains(java.lang.CharSequence)>")) {
if (expected == true) {
Variable base = getBase(v);
Variable arg = getArgument(v, 0);
makeBinaryAssertion(base, arg, new AssertContainsOther());
makeBinaryAssertion(arg, base, new AssertContainedInOther());
else if (m.getSignature().equals("<java.lang.String: boolean equals(java.lang.Object)>")) {
Variable base = getBase(v);
Variable arg = getArgument(v, 0);
if (expected == true) {
makeBinaryAssertion(base, arg, new AssertEquals());
makeBinaryAssertion(arg, base, new AssertEquals());
} else {
makeBinaryAssertion(base, arg, new AssertNotEquals());
makeBinaryAssertion(arg, base, new AssertNotEquals());
else if (m.getSignature().equals("<java.lang.String: boolean startsWith(java.lang.String)>")) {
if (expected == true) {
Variable base = getBase(v);
Variable arg = getArgument(v, 0);
makeBinaryAssertion(base, arg, new AssertStartsWith());
makeBinaryAssertion(arg, base, new AssertPrefixOf());
} else {
// TODO negated startsWith assertions [note: it is sound to ignore this]
else if (m.getSignature().equals("<java.lang.String: boolean endsWith(java.lang.String)>")) {
if (expected == true) {
Variable base = getBase(v);
Variable arg = getArgument(v, 0);
makeBinaryAssertion(base, arg, new AssertEndsWith());
makeBinaryAssertion(arg, base, new AssertSuffixOf());
} else {
// TODO negated endsWith assertions [note: it is sound to ignore this]
else if (m.getSignature().equals("<java.lang.String: boolean isEmpty()>")) {
Variable base = getBase(v);
if (expected == true) {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertEmpty());
} else {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertNotEmpty());
else if (m.getSignature().equals("<java.lang.String: boolean contentEquals(java.lang.StringBuffer)>")
|| m.getSignature().equals("<java.lang.String: boolean contentEquals(java.lang.CharSequence)>")) {
Variable base = getBase(v);
Variable arg = getArgument(v, 0);
if (expected == true) {
makeBinaryAssertion(base, arg, new AssertEquals());
makeBinaryAssertion(arg, base, new AssertEquals());
} else {
makeBinaryAssertion(base, arg, new AssertNotEquals());
makeBinaryAssertion(arg, base, new AssertNotEquals());
public void caseStaticInvokeExpr(StaticInvokeExpr v) {
SootMethodRef m = v.getMethodRef();
if (m.getSignature().equals("<java.lang.Character: boolean isDigit(char)>")) {
Variable base = getArgument(v, 0);
if (expected == true) {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertInLanguage(Basic.getUnicodeDigits()));
} else {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertInLanguage(Basic.getUnicodeDigits().complement()));
else if (m.getSignature().equals("<java.lang.Character: boolean isLetter(char)>")) {
Variable base = getArgument(v, 0);
if (expected == true) {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertInLanguage(Basic.getUnicodeLetters()));
} else {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertInLanguage(Basic.getUnicodeLetters().complement()));
else if (m.getSignature().equals("<java.lang.Character: boolean isLetterOrDigit(char)>")) {
Variable base = getArgument(v, 0);
if (expected == true) {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertInLanguage(Basic.getUnicodeLettersAndDigits()));
} else {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertInLanguage(Basic.getUnicodeLettersAndDigits().complement()));
else if (m.getSignature().equals("<java.lang.Character: boolean isLowerCase(char)>")) {
Variable base = getArgument(v, 0);
if (expected == true) {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertInLanguage(Basic.getUnicodeLowerCase()));
} else {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertInLanguage(Basic.getUnicodeLowerCase().complement()));
else if (m.getSignature().equals("<java.lang.Character: boolean isTitleCase(char)>")) {
Variable base = getArgument(v, 0);
if (expected == true) {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertInLanguage(Basic.getUnicodeTitleCase()));
} else {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertInLanguage(Basic.getUnicodeTitleCase().complement()));
else if (m.getSignature().equals("<java.lang.Character: boolean isUpperCase(char)>")) {
Variable base = getArgument(v, 0);
if (expected == true) {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertInLanguage(Basic.getUnicodeUpperCase()));
} else {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertInLanguage(Basic.getUnicodeUpperCase().complement()));
else if (m.getSignature().equals("<java.lang.Character: boolean isSpaceChar(char)>")) {
Variable base = getArgument(v, 0);
if (expected == true) {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertInLanguage(Basic.getUnicodeSpaceChars()));
} else {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertInLanguage(Basic.getUnicodeSpaceChars().complement()));
else if (m.getSignature().equals("<java.lang.Character: boolean isWhitespace(char)>")) {
Variable base = getArgument(v, 0);
if (expected == true) {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertInLanguage(Basic.getUnicodeWhitespace()));
} else {
makeUnaryAssertion(base, new AssertInLanguage(Basic.getUnicodeWhitespace().complement()));
enum Relation {
private Relation negate(Relation r) {
switch (r) {
case EQUAL: return Relation.NOT_EQUAL;
case NOT_EQUAL: return Relation.EQUAL;
case GREATER: return Relation.LESS_EQ;
case LESS: return Relation.GREATER_EQ;
case GREATER_EQ: return Relation.LESS;
case LESS_EQ: return Relation.GREATER;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown integer relation: " + r);
* Swaps the left/right sides of the relation, so for example, LESS becomes GREATER,
* and LESS_EQ becomes GREATER_EQ.
private Relation commute(Relation r) {
switch (r) {
case EQUAL: return Relation.EQUAL;
case NOT_EQUAL: return Relation.NOT_EQUAL;
case GREATER: return Relation.LESS;
case GREATER_EQ: return Relation.LESS_EQ;
case LESS: return Relation.GREATER;
case LESS_EQ: return Relation.LESS;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown integer relation: " + r);
* If the boolean is false, then the relation is negated, otherwise, it
* is returned as it is.
Relation negateUnless(Relation r, boolean expected) {
if (expected == true)
return r;
return negate(r);
* Asserts that the visited statement expression has the specified relation to the specified integer constant.
* For example, is the relation is GREATER and the integer is 6, then this asserts that the visited expression
* evalutates to something GREATER THAN 6.
private class IntegerVisitor extends AssertionVisitor {
private int expected;
private Relation relation;
public IntegerVisitor(Unit unit, int expected, Relation relation) {
this.expected = expected;
this.relation = relation;
public void caseLocal(Local v) {
// assert the variable itself in case it is used (important for switch statements on a char)
if (expected >= Character.MIN_VALUE && expected <= Character.MAX_VALUE) {
if (relation == Relation.EQUAL) {
makeUnaryAssertion(context.getExpressionVariable(v), new AssertInLanguage(Automaton.makeChar((char)expected)));
if (relation == Relation.NOT_EQUAL) {
makeUnaryAssertion(context.getExpressionVariable(v), new AssertInLanguage(Automaton.makeChar((char)expected).complement()));
// backtrack to find more assertions
boolean found = false;
for (Unit definition : definitions.getDefsOfAt(v, unit)) {
if (definition instanceof DefinitionStmt) {
found = true;
assertInteger(((DefinitionStmt)definition).getRightOp(), definition, relation, expected);
if (!found) {
public void caseVirtualInvokeExpr(VirtualInvokeExpr v) {
public void caseSpecialInvokeExpr(SpecialInvokeExpr v) {
private void handleInvoke(InstanceInvokeExpr v) {
SootMethodRef m = v.getMethodRef();
if (m.getSignature().equals("<java.lang.String: int length()>")) {
switch (relation) {
case EQUAL:
makeUnaryAssertion(getBase(v), new AssertHasLength(expected, expected));
makeUnaryAssertion(getBase(v), new AssertHasNotLength(expected, expected));
makeUnaryAssertion(getBase(v), new AssertHasNotLength(0, expected));
makeUnaryAssertion(getBase(v), new AssertHasNotLength(0, expected-1));
case LESS:
makeUnaryAssertion(getBase(v), new AssertHasLength(0, expected-1));
case LESS_EQ:
makeUnaryAssertion(getBase(v), new AssertHasLength(0, expected));