package integration;
import com.codeborne.selenide.Configuration;
import com.codeborne.selenide.Screenshots;
import com.codeborne.selenide.SelenideElement;
import com.codeborne.selenide.ex.ElementNotFound;
import com.codeborne.selenide.ex.ElementShould;
import com.codeborne.selenide.ex.ElementShouldNot;
import com.codeborne.selenide.impl.ScreenShotLaboratory;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Condition.*;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Configuration.reportsFolder;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Configuration.timeout;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Selenide.$;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Selenide.getElement;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class ErrorMessagesForMissingElementTest extends IntegrationTest {
private PageObject pageObject = openFile("page_with_selects_without_jquery.html", PageObject.class);
public final void setTimeout() {
timeout = 1500;
private String reportsUrl;
public void mockScreenshots() {
reportsUrl = Configuration.reportsUrl;
Configuration.reportsUrl = "";
Screenshots.screenshots = new ScreenShotLaboratory() {
public String takeScreenShot() {
return new File(reportsFolder, "1.jpg").getAbsolutePath();
public void restoreScreenshots() {
Configuration.reportsUrl = reportsUrl;
Screenshots.screenshots = new ScreenShotLaboratory();
public void elementNotFound() {
try {
$("h9").shouldHave(text("expected text"));
fail("Expected ElementNotFound");
} catch (ElementNotFound expected) {
assertStartsWith("Element not found {By.selector: h9}\n" +
"Expected: text 'expected text'\n" +
"Screenshot:\n" +
"Timeout: 1.500 s.\n" +
"Caused by: NoSuchElementException:", expected);
assertEquals("", expected.getScreenshot());
public void elementTextDoesNotMatch() {
try {
$("h2").shouldHave(text("expected text"));
fail("Expected ElementShould");
} catch (ElementShould expected) {
assertEquals("Element should have text 'expected text' {By.selector: h2}\n" +
"Element: '<h2>Dropdown list</h2>'\n" +
"Screenshot:\n" +
"Timeout: 1.500 s.", expected.toString());
assertEquals("", expected.getScreenshot());
public void elementAttributeDoesNotMatch() {
try {
$("h2").shouldHave(attribute("name", "header"));
fail("Expected ElementShould");
} catch (ElementShould expected) {
assertEquals("Element should have attribute name=header {By.selector: h2}\n" +
"Element: '<h2>Dropdown list</h2>'\n" +
"Screenshot:\n" +
"Timeout: 1.500 s.", expected.toString());
public void wrapperTextDoesNotMatch() {
try {
$(getElement(By.tagName("h2"))).shouldHave(text("expected text"));
fail("Expected ElementShould");
} catch (ElementShould expected) {
assertEquals("Element should have text 'expected text' {By.tagName: h2}\n" +
"Element: '<h2>Dropdown list</h2>'\n" +
"Screenshot:\n" +
"Timeout: 1.500 s.", expected.toString());
public void clickHiddenElement() {
try {
fail("Expected ElementShould");
} catch (ElementShould elementShouldExist) {
assertEquals("Element should be visible {By.selector: #theHiddenElement}\n" +
"Element: '<div id=theHiddenElement displayed:false></div>'\n" +
"Screenshot:\n" +
"Timeout: 1.500 s.", elementShouldExist.toString());
assertEquals("", elementShouldExist.getScreenshot());
public void pageObjectElementTextDoesNotMatch() {
try {
$(pageObject.header1).shouldHave(text("expected text"));
fail("Expected ElementShould");
} catch (ElementShould expected) {
assertEquals("Element should have text 'expected text' {By.tagName: h2}\n" +
"Element: '<h2>Dropdown list</h2>'\n" +
"Screenshot:\n" +
"Timeout: 1.500 s.", expected.toString());
public void pageObjectWrapperTextDoesNotMatch() {
try {
$(pageObject.header2).shouldHave(text("expected text"));
fail("Expected ElementShould");
} catch (ElementShould expected) {
assertEquals("Element should have text 'expected text' {By.tagName: h2}\n" +
"Element: '<h2>Dropdown list</h2>'\n" +
"Screenshot:\n" +
"Timeout: 1.500 s.", expected.toString());
public void selectOptionFromUnexistingList() {
try {
} catch (ElementNotFound e) {
assertContains(e, "Element not found { invalid_id}", "Expected: exist");
public void clickUnexistingWrappedElement() {
try {
fail("Expected ElementNotFound");
} catch (ElementNotFound e) {
assertStartsWith("Element not found { invalid_id}\n" +
"Expected: visible\n" +
"Screenshot:\n" +
"Timeout: 1.500 s.\n" +
"Caused by: NoSuchElementException:", e);
private void assertStartsWith(String expectedMessageStart, Error error) {
assertTrue("Error should start with " + expectedMessageStart + ", but received: " + error,
public void existingElementShouldNotBePresent() {
try {
fail("Expected ElementFound");
} catch (ElementShouldNot e) {
assertEquals("Element should not exist {By.selector: h2}\n" +
"Element: '<h2>Dropdown list</h2>'\n" +
"Screenshot:\n" +
"Timeout: 1.500 s.", e.toString());
public void nonExistingElementShouldNotBeHidden() {
try {
fail("Expected ElementNotFound");
} catch (ElementNotFound e) {
assertStartsWith("Element not found {By.selector: h14}\n" +
"Expected: not(hidden)\n" +
"Screenshot:\n" +
"Timeout: 1.500 s.\n" +
"Caused by: NoSuchElementException:", e);
private void assertContains(AssertionError e, String... expectedTexts) {
for (String expectedText : expectedTexts) {
assertTrue("Text not found: " + expectedText + " in error message: " + e,
public static class PageObject {
@FindBy(tagName = "h2")
public SelenideElement header1;
@FindBy(tagName = "h2")
public WebElement header2;
@FindBy(id = "invalid_id")
private WebElement categoryDropdown;