// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
package org.openstreetmap.josm.tools;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.jar.JarInputStream;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import javax.swing.JColorChooser;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.FeatureAdapter.TranslationAdapter;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main;
* Internationalisation support.
* @author Immanuel.Scholz
public final class I18n {
private I18n() {
// Hide default constructor for utils classes
private static PluralMode pluralMode = PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE; /* english default */
private static String loadedCode = "en";
/* Localization keys for file chooser (and color chooser). */
private static final String[] javaInternalMessageKeys = new String[] {
/* JFileChooser windows laf */
/* JFileChooser gtk laf */
/* JFileChooser motif laf */
/* gtk color chooser */
/* JOptionPane */
private static Map<String, String> strings = null;
private static Map<String, String[]> pstrings = null;
private static Map<String, PluralMode> languages = new HashMap<>();
* Translates some text for the current locale.
* These strings are collected by a script that runs on the source code files.
* After translation, the localizations are distributed with the main program.
* <br>
* For example, {@code tr("JOSM''s default value is ''{0}''.", val)}.
* <br>
* Use {@link #trn} for distinguishing singular from plural text, i.e.,
* do not use {@code tr(size == 1 ? "singular" : "plural")} nor
* {@code size == 1 ? tr("singular") : tr("plural")}
* @param text the text to translate.
* Must be a string literal. (No constants or local vars.)
* Can be broken over multiple lines.
* An apostrophe ' must be quoted by another apostrophe.
* @param objects the parameters for the string.
* Mark occurrences in {@code text} with {@code {0}}, {@code {1}}, ...
* @return the translated string.
* @see #trn
* @see #trc
* @see #trnc
public static final String tr(String text, Object... objects) {
if (text == null) return null;
return MessageFormat.format(gettext(text, null), objects);
* Translates some text in a context for the current locale.
* There can be different translations for the same text within different contexts.
* @param context string that helps translators to find an appropriate
* translation for {@code text}.
* @param text the text to translate.
* @return the translated string.
* @see #tr
* @see #trn
* @see #trnc
public static final String trc(String context, String text) {
if (context == null)
return tr(text);
if (text == null)
return null;
return MessageFormat.format(gettext(text, context), (Object)null);
public static final String trc_lazy(String context, String text) {
if (context == null)
return tr(text);
if (text == null)
return null;
return MessageFormat.format(gettext_lazy(text, context), (Object)null);
* Marks a string for translation (such that a script can harvest
* the translatable strings from the source files).
* For example, {@code
* String[] options = new String[] {marktr("up"), marktr("down")};
* lbl.setText(tr(options[0]));}
* @param text the string to be marked for translation.
* @return {@code text} unmodified.
public static final String marktr(String text) {
return text;
public static final String marktrc(String context, String text) {
return text;
* Translates some text for the current locale and distinguishes between
* {@code singularText} and {@code pluralText} depending on {@code n}.
* <br>
* For instance, {@code trn("There was an error!", "There were errors!", i)} or
* {@code trn("Found {0} error in {1}!", "Found {0} errors in {1}!", i, Integer.toString(i), url)}.
* @param singularText the singular text to translate.
* Must be a string literal. (No constants or local vars.)
* Can be broken over multiple lines.
* An apostrophe ' must be quoted by another apostrophe.
* @param pluralText the plural text to translate.
* Must be a string literal. (No constants or local vars.)
* Can be broken over multiple lines.
* An apostrophe ' must be quoted by another apostrophe.
* @param n a number to determine whether {@code singularText} or {@code pluralText} is used.
* @param objects the parameters for the string.
* Mark occurrences in {@code singularText} and {@code pluralText} with {@code {0}}, {@code {1}}, ...
* @return the translated string.
* @see #tr
* @see #trc
* @see #trnc
public static final String trn(String singularText, String pluralText, long n, Object... objects) {
return MessageFormat.format(gettextn(singularText, pluralText, null, n), objects);
* Translates some text in a context for the current locale and distinguishes between
* {@code singularText} and {@code pluralText} depending on {@code n}.
* There can be different translations for the same text within different contexts.
* @param context string that helps translators to find an appropriate
* translation for {@code text}.
* @param singularText the singular text to translate.
* Must be a string literal. (No constants or local vars.)
* Can be broken over multiple lines.
* An apostrophe ' must be quoted by another apostrophe.
* @param pluralText the plural text to translate.
* Must be a string literal. (No constants or local vars.)
* Can be broken over multiple lines.
* An apostrophe ' must be quoted by another apostrophe.
* @param n a number to determine whether {@code singularText} or {@code pluralText} is used.
* @param objects the parameters for the string.
* Mark occurrences in {@code singularText} and {@code pluralText} with {@code {0}}, {@code {1}}, ...
* @return the translated string.
* @see #tr
* @see #trc
* @see #trn
public static final String trnc(String context, String singularText, String pluralText, long n, Object... objects) {
return MessageFormat.format(gettextn(singularText, pluralText, context, n), objects);
private static final String gettext(String text, String ctx, boolean lazy)
int i;
if(ctx == null && text.startsWith("_:") && (i = text.indexOf('\n')) >= 0)
ctx = text.substring(2,i-1);
text = text.substring(i+1);
if(strings != null)
String trans = strings.get(ctx == null ? text : "_:"+ctx+"\n"+text);
if(trans != null)
return trans;
if(pstrings != null) {
i = pluralEval(1);
String[] trans = pstrings.get(ctx == null ? text : "_:"+ctx+"\n"+text);
if(trans != null && trans.length > i)
return trans[i];
return lazy ? gettext(text, null) : text;
private static final String gettext(String text, String ctx) {
return gettext(text, ctx, false);
/* try without context, when context try fails */
private static final String gettext_lazy(String text, String ctx) {
return gettext(text, ctx, true);
private static final String gettextn(String text, String plural, String ctx, long num)
int i;
if(ctx == null && text.startsWith("_:") && (i = text.indexOf('\n')) >= 0)
ctx = text.substring(2,i-1);
text = text.substring(i+1);
if(pstrings != null)
i = pluralEval(num);
String[] trans = pstrings.get(ctx == null ? text : "_:"+ctx+"\n"+text);
if(trans != null && trans.length > i)
return trans[i];
return num == 1 ? text : plural;
public static String escape(String msg) {
if (msg == null) return null;
return msg.replace("\'", "\'\'").replace("{", "\'{\'").replace("}", "\'}\'");
private static URL getTranslationFile(String lang) {
return Main.class.getResource("/data/"+lang+".lang");
* Get a list of all available JOSM Translations.
* @return an array of locale objects.
public static final Locale[] getAvailableTranslations() {
Collection<Locale> v = new ArrayList<>(languages.size());
if(getTranslationFile("en") != null)
for (String loc : languages.keySet()) {
if(getTranslationFile(loc) != null) {
Locale[] l = new Locale[v.size()];
l = v.toArray(l);
Arrays.sort(l, new Comparator<Locale>() {
public int compare(Locale o1, Locale o2) {
return o1.toString().compareTo(o2.toString());
return l;
public static boolean hasCode(String code)
return languages.containsKey(code);
public static void init()
//languages.put("ar", PluralMode.MODE_AR);
languages.put("bg", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
languages.put("ca", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
languages.put("cs", PluralMode.MODE_CS);
languages.put("da", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
languages.put("de", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
languages.put("el", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
languages.put("en_AU", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
languages.put("en_GB", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
languages.put("es", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
languages.put("et", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
//languages.put("eu", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
languages.put("fi", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
languages.put("fr", PluralMode.MODE_GREATERONE);
languages.put("gl", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
//languages.put("he", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
languages.put("hu", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
languages.put("id", PluralMode.MODE_NONE);
//languages.put("is", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
languages.put("it", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
languages.put("ja", PluralMode.MODE_NONE);
//languages.put("nb", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
languages.put("nl", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
languages.put("pl", PluralMode.MODE_PL);
languages.put("pt", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
languages.put("pt_BR", PluralMode.MODE_GREATERONE);
//languages.put("ro", PluralMode.MODE_RO);
languages.put("ru", PluralMode.MODE_RU);
languages.put("sk", PluralMode.MODE_SK);
//languages.put("sl", PluralMode.MODE_SL);
languages.put("sv", PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE);
//languages.put("tr", PluralMode.MODE_NONE);
languages.put("uk", PluralMode.MODE_RU);
languages.put("zh_CN", PluralMode.MODE_NONE);
languages.put("zh_TW", PluralMode.MODE_NONE);
/* try initial language settings, may be changed later again */
if(!load(Locale.getDefault().toString())) {
public static void addTexts(File source) {
if ("en".equals(loadedCode))
String enfile = "data/en.lang";
String langfile = "data/"+loadedCode+".lang";
try (
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(source);
JarInputStream jar = new JarInputStream(fis)
) {
ZipEntry e;
boolean found = false;
while (!found && (e = jar.getNextEntry()) != null) {
String name = e.getName();
found = true;
if (found) {
try (
FileInputStream fisTrans = new FileInputStream(source);
JarInputStream jarTrans = new JarInputStream(fisTrans)
) {
found = false;
while(!found && (e = jarTrans.getNextEntry()) != null) {
String name = e.getName();
if (name.equals(langfile))
found = true;
if (found)
load(jar, jarTrans, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Ignore
private static boolean load(String l) {
if ("en".equals(l) || "en_US".equals(l)) {
strings = null;
pstrings = null;
loadedCode = "en";
pluralMode = PluralMode.MODE_NOTONE;
return true;
URL en = getTranslationFile("en");
if (en == null)
return false;
URL tr = getTranslationFile(l);
if (tr == null || !languages.containsKey(l)) {
int i = l.indexOf('_');
if (i > 0) {
l = l.substring(0, i);
tr = getTranslationFile(l);
if (tr == null || !languages.containsKey(l))
return false;
try (
InputStream enStream = en.openStream();
InputStream trStream = tr.openStream()
) {
if (load(enStream, trStream, false)) {
pluralMode = languages.get(l);
loadedCode = l;
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
// Ignore exception
return false;
private static boolean load(InputStream en, InputStream tr, boolean add) {
Map<String, String> s;
Map<String, String[]> p;
if (add) {
s = strings;
p = pstrings;
} else {
s = new HashMap<>();
p = new HashMap<>();
/* file format:
Files are always a group. English file and translated file must provide identical datasets.
for all single strings:
unsigned short (2 byte) stringlength
- length 0 indicates missing translation
- length 0xFFFE indicates translation equal to original, but otherwise is equal to length 0
unsigned short (2 byte) 0xFFFF (marks end of single strings)
for all multi strings:
unsigned char (1 byte) stringcount
- count 0 indicates missing translations
- count 0xFE indicates translations equal to original, but otherwise is equal to length 0
for stringcount
unsigned short (2 byte) stringlength
InputStream ens = new BufferedInputStream(en);
InputStream trs = new BufferedInputStream(tr);
byte[] enlen = new byte[2];
byte[] trlen = new byte[2];
boolean multimode = false;
byte[] str = new byte[4096];
int ennum = ens.read();
int trnum = trs.read();
if(trnum == 0xFE) /* marks identical string, handle equally to non-translated */
trnum = 0;
if((ennum == -1 && trnum != -1) || (ennum != -1 && trnum == -1)) /* files do not match */
return false;
if(ennum == -1) {
String[] enstrings = new String[ennum];
String[] trstrings = new String[trnum];
for(int i = 0; i < ennum; ++i)
int val = ens.read(enlen);
if(val != 2) /* file corrupt */
return false;
val = (enlen[0] < 0 ? 256+enlen[0]:enlen[0])*256+(enlen[1] < 0 ? 256+enlen[1]:enlen[1]);
if(val > str.length) {
str = new byte[val];
int rval = ens.read(str, 0, val);
if(rval != val) /* file corrupt */
return false;
enstrings[i] = new String(str, 0, val, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
for(int i = 0; i < trnum; ++i)
int val = trs.read(trlen);
if(val != 2) /* file corrupt */
return false;
val = (trlen[0] < 0 ? 256+trlen[0]:trlen[0])*256+(trlen[1] < 0 ? 256+trlen[1]:trlen[1]);
if(val > str.length) {
str = new byte[val];
int rval = trs.read(str, 0, val);
if(rval != val) /* file corrupt */
return false;
trstrings[i] = new String(str, 0, val, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
if(trnum > 0 && !p.containsKey(enstrings[0])) {
p.put(enstrings[0], trstrings);
int enval = ens.read(enlen);
int trval = trs.read(trlen);
if(enval != trval) /* files do not match */
return false;
if(enval == -1) {
if(enval != 2) /* files corrupt */
return false;
enval = (enlen[0] < 0 ? 256+enlen[0]:enlen[0])*256+(enlen[1] < 0 ? 256+enlen[1]:enlen[1]);
trval = (trlen[0] < 0 ? 256+trlen[0]:trlen[0])*256+(trlen[1] < 0 ? 256+trlen[1]:trlen[1]);
if(trval == 0xFFFE) /* marks identical string, handle equally to non-translated */
trval = 0;
if(enval == 0xFFFF)
multimode = true;
if(trval != 0xFFFF) /* files do not match */
return false;
} else {
if (enval > str.length) {
str = new byte[enval];
if (trval > str.length) {
str = new byte[trval];
int val = ens.read(str, 0, enval);
if(val != enval) /* file corrupt */
return false;
String enstr = new String(str, 0, enval, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
if (trval != 0) {
val = trs.read(str, 0, trval);
if(val != trval) /* file corrupt */
return false;
String trstr = new String(str, 0, trval, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
s.put(enstr, trstr);
catch (IOException e) {
return false;
if (!s.isEmpty()) {
strings = s;
pstrings = p;
return true;
return false;
* Sets the default locale (see {@link Locale#setDefault(Locale)} to the local
* given by <code>localName</code>.
* Ignored if localeName is null. If the locale with name <code>localName</code>
* isn't found the default local is set to <tt>en</tt> (english).
* @param localeName the locale name. Ignored if null.
public static void set(String localeName){
if (localeName != null) {
Locale l = LanguageInfo.getLocale(localeName);
if (load(LanguageInfo.getJOSMLocaleCode(l))) {
} else {
if (!"en".equals(l.getLanguage())) {
Main.info(tr("Unable to find translation for the locale {0}. Reverting to {1}.",
l.getDisplayName(), Locale.getDefault().getDisplayName()));
} else {
strings = null;
pstrings = null;
* Localizations for file chooser dialog.
* For some locales (e.g. de, fr) translations are provided
* by Java, but not for others (e.g. ru, uk).
public static void translateJavaInternalMessages() {
Locale l = Locale.getDefault();
for (String key : javaInternalMessageKeys) {
String us = UIManager.getString(key, Locale.US);
String loc = UIManager.getString(key, l);
// only provide custom translation if it is not already localized by Java
if (us != null && us.equals(loc)) {
UIManager.put(key, tr(us));
private static int pluralEval(long n)
case MODE_NOTONE: /* bg, da, de, el, en, en_GB, es, et, eu, fi, gl, is, it, iw_IL, nb, nl, sv */
return ((n != 1) ? 1 : 0);
case MODE_NONE: /* ja, tr, zh_CN, zh_TW */
return 0;
case MODE_GREATERONE: /* fr, pt_BR */
return ((n > 1) ? 1 : 0);
case MODE_CS:
return ((n == 1) ? 0 : (((n >= 2) && (n <= 4)) ? 1 : 2));
//case MODE_AR:
// return ((n == 0) ? 0 : ((n == 1) ? 1 : ((n == 2) ? 2 : ((((n % 100) >= 3)
// && ((n % 100) <= 10)) ? 3 : ((((n % 100) >= 11) && ((n % 100) <= 99)) ? 4 : 5)))));
case MODE_PL:
return ((n == 1) ? 0 : (((((n % 10) >= 2) && ((n % 10) <= 4))
&& (((n % 100) < 10) || ((n % 100) >= 20))) ? 1 : 2));
//case MODE_RO:
// return ((n == 1) ? 0 : ((((n % 100) > 19) || (((n % 100) == 0) && (n != 0))) ? 2 : 1));
case MODE_RU:
return ((((n % 10) == 1) && ((n % 100) != 11)) ? 0 : (((((n % 10) >= 2)
&& ((n % 10) <= 4)) && (((n % 100) < 10) || ((n % 100) >= 20))) ? 1 : 2));
case MODE_SK:
return ((n == 1) ? 1 : (((n >= 2) && (n <= 4)) ? 2 : 0));
//case MODE_SL:
// return (((n % 100) == 1) ? 1 : (((n % 100) == 2) ? 2 : ((((n % 100) == 3)
// || ((n % 100) == 4)) ? 3 : 0)));
return 0;
public static TranslationAdapter getTranslationAdapter() {
return new TranslationAdapter() {
public String tr(String text, Object... objects) {
return I18n.tr(text, objects);