// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
package org.openstreetmap.josm.tools;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.BBox;
* Fast index to look up properties of the earth surface.
* It is expected that there is a relatively slow method to look up the property
* for a certain coordinate and that there are larger areas with a uniform
* property.
* This index tries to find rectangles with uniform property and caches them.
* Rectangles are subdivided, if there are different properties within.
* (Up to a maximum level, when the slow method is used again.)
* @param <T> the property (like land/water or nation)
public class GeoPropertyIndex<T> {
* A method to look up a property of the earth surface.
* (User input for the index.)
* @param <T> the property
public interface GeoProperty<T> {
* Look up the property for a point.
* @param ll the point coordinates
* @return property value at that point. Must not be null.
T get(LatLon ll);
* Look up the property for a coordinate rectangle.
* @param box the rectangle
* @return the property, if it is the same in the entire rectangle;
* null otherwise
T get(BBox box);
private final int maxLevel;
private final GeoProperty<T> geoProp;
private final GPLevel<T> root;
private GPLevel<T> lastLevelUsed;
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
* Create new GeoPropertyIndex.
* @param geoProp the input property that should be made faster by this index
* @param maxLevel
public GeoPropertyIndex(GeoProperty<T> geoProp, int maxLevel) {
this.geoProp = geoProp;
this.maxLevel = maxLevel;
this.root = new GPLevel<T>(0, new BBox(-180, -90, 180, 90), null, this);
this.lastLevelUsed = root;
* Look up the property for a certain point.
* This gives the same result as {@link #geoProp#get(LatLon)}, but
* should be faster.
* @param ll the point coordinates
* @return property value at that point
public T get(LatLon ll) {
return lastLevelUsed.get(ll);
public static int index(LatLon ll, int level) {
long noParts = 1 << level;
long x = ((long)((ll.lon() + 180.0) * noParts / 360.0)) & 1;
long y = ((long)((ll.lat() + 90.0) * noParts / 180.0)) & 1;
return (int) (2 * x + y);
protected static class GPLevel<T> {
private final T val;
private final int level;
private final BBox bbox;
private final GPLevel<T> parent;
private final GeoPropertyIndex<T> owner;
// child order by index is sw, nw, se, ne
private GPLevel<T>[] children;
public GPLevel(int level, BBox bbox, GPLevel<T> parent, GeoPropertyIndex<T> owner) {
this.level = level;
this.bbox = bbox;
this.parent = parent;
this.owner = owner;
this.val = owner.geoProp.get(bbox);
public T get(LatLon ll) {
if (isInside(ll))
return getBounded(ll);
if (DEBUG) System.err.print("up["+level+"]");
return parent.get(ll);
private T getBounded(LatLon ll) {
if (DEBUG) System.err.print("GPLevel["+level+"]"+bbox+" ");
if (!isInside(ll)) {
throw new AssertionError("Point "+ll+" should be inside "+bbox);
if (val != null) {
if (DEBUG) System.err.println(" hit! "+val);
owner.lastLevelUsed = this;
return val;
if (level >= owner.maxLevel) {
if (DEBUG) System.err.println(" max level reached !");
return owner.geoProp.get(ll);
if (children == null) {
GPLevel<T>[] tmp = (GPLevel<T>[]) new GPLevel[4];
this.children = tmp;
int idx = index(ll, level+1);
if (children[idx] == null) {
double lon1, lat1;
switch (idx) {
case 0:
lon1 = bbox.getTopLeftLon();
lat1 = bbox.getBottomRightLat();
case 1:
lon1 = bbox.getTopLeftLon();
lat1 = bbox.getTopLeftLat();
case 2:
lon1 = bbox.getBottomRightLon();
lat1 = bbox.getBottomRightLat();
case 3:
lon1 = bbox.getBottomRightLon();
lat1 = bbox.getTopLeftLat();
throw new AssertionError();
if (DEBUG) System.err.println(" - new with idx "+idx);
LatLon center = bbox.getCenter();
BBox b = new BBox(lon1,lat1, center.lon(), center.lat());
children[idx] = new GPLevel<>(level + 1, b, this, owner);
return children[idx].getBounded(ll);
* Checks, if a point is inside this tile.
* Makes sure, that neighboring tiles do not overlap, i.e. a point exactly
* on the border of two tiles must be inside exactly one of the tiles.
* @param ll the coordinates of the point
* @return true, if it is inside of the box
boolean isInside(LatLon ll) {
return bbox.getTopLeftLon() <= ll.lon() &&
(ll.lon() < bbox.getBottomRightLon() || (ll.lon() == 180.0 && bbox.getBottomRightLon() == 180.0)) &&
bbox.getBottomRightLat() <= ll.lat() &&
(ll.lat() < bbox.getTopLeftLat() || (ll.lat() == 90.0 && bbox.getTopLeftLat() == 90.0));