// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.mapcss;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Node;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Relation;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Tag;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Way;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.Cascade;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.ElemStyles;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.Environment;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.CheckParameterUtil;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Predicate;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Predicates;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils;
public abstract class Condition {
public abstract boolean applies(Environment e);
public static Condition createKeyValueCondition(String k, String v, Op op, Context context, boolean considerValAsKey) {
switch (context) {
if (KeyValueRegexpCondition.SUPPORTED_OPS.contains(op) && !considerValAsKey)
return new KeyValueRegexpCondition(k, v, op, false);
if (!considerValAsKey && op.equals(Op.EQ))
return new SimpleKeyValueCondition(k, v);
return new KeyValueCondition(k, v, op, considerValAsKey);
case LINK:
if (considerValAsKey)
throw new MapCSSException("''considerValAsKey'' not supported in LINK context");
if ("role".equalsIgnoreCase(k))
return new RoleCondition(v, op);
else if ("index".equalsIgnoreCase(k))
return new IndexCondition(v, op);
throw new MapCSSException(
MessageFormat.format("Expected key ''role'' or ''index'' in link context. Got ''{0}''.", k));
default: throw new AssertionError();
public static Condition createKeyCondition(String k, boolean not, KeyMatchType matchType, Context context) {
switch (context) {
return new KeyCondition(k, not, matchType);
case LINK:
if (matchType != null)
throw new MapCSSException("Question mark operator ''?'' and regexp match not supported in LINK context");
if (not)
return new RoleCondition(k, Op.NEQ);
return new RoleCondition(k, Op.EQ);
default: throw new AssertionError();
public static PseudoClassCondition createPseudoClassCondition(String id, boolean not, Context context) {
return new PseudoClassCondition(id, not, context);
public static ClassCondition createClassCondition(String id, boolean not, Context context) {
return new ClassCondition(id, not);
public static ExpressionCondition createExpressionCondition(Expression e, Context context) {
return new ExpressionCondition(e);
public static enum Op {
private static final Set<Op> NEGATED_OPS = EnumSet.of(NEQ, NREGEX);
public boolean eval(String testString, String prototypeString) {
if (testString == null && !NEGATED_OPS.contains(this))
return false;
switch (this) {
case EQ:
return Objects.equals(testString, prototypeString);
case NEQ:
return !Objects.equals(testString, prototypeString);
case REGEX:
case NREGEX:
final boolean contains = Pattern.compile(prototypeString).matcher(testString).find();
return REGEX.equals(this) ? contains : !contains;
case ONE_OF:
return Arrays.asList(testString.split("\\s*;\\s*")).contains(prototypeString);
return testString.startsWith(prototypeString);
return testString.endsWith(prototypeString);
return testString.contains(prototypeString);
float test_float;
try {
test_float = Float.parseFloat(testString);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return false;
float prototype_float = Float.parseFloat(prototypeString);
switch (this) {
return test_float >= prototype_float;
return test_float > prototype_float;
return test_float <= prototype_float;
case LESS:
return test_float < prototype_float;
throw new AssertionError();
* Context, where the condition applies.
public static enum Context {
* normal primitive selector, e.g. way[highway=residential]
* link between primitives, e.g. relation >[role=outer] way
public static final EnumSet<Op> COMPARISON_OPERATERS =
* Most common case of a KeyValueCondition.
* Extra class for performance reasons.
public static class SimpleKeyValueCondition extends Condition {
public final String k;
public final String v;
public SimpleKeyValueCondition(String k, String v) {
this.k = k;
this.v = v;
public boolean applies(Environment e) {
return v.equals(e.osm.get(k));
public Tag asTag() {
return new Tag(k, v);
public String toString() {
return '[' + k + '=' + v + ']';
* <p>Represents a key/value condition which is either applied to a primitive.</p>
public static class KeyValueCondition extends Condition {
public final String k;
public final String v;
public final Op op;
public boolean considerValAsKey;
* <p>Creates a key/value-condition.</p>
* @param k the key
* @param v the value
* @param op the operation
* @param considerValAsKey whether to consider {@code v} as another key and compare the values of key {@code k} and key {@code v}.
public KeyValueCondition(String k, String v, Op op, boolean considerValAsKey) {
this.k = k;
this.v = v;
this.op = op;
this.considerValAsKey = considerValAsKey;
public boolean applies(Environment env) {
return op.eval(env.osm.get(k), considerValAsKey ? env.osm.get(v) : v);
public Tag asTag() {
return new Tag(k, v);
public String toString() {
return "[" + k + "'" + op + "'" + v + "]";
public static class KeyValueRegexpCondition extends KeyValueCondition {
public final Pattern pattern;
public static final EnumSet<Op> SUPPORTED_OPS = EnumSet.of(Op.REGEX, Op.NREGEX);
public KeyValueRegexpCondition(String k, String v, Op op, boolean considerValAsKey) {
super(k, v, op, considerValAsKey);
CheckParameterUtil.ensureThat(!considerValAsKey, "considerValAsKey is not supported");
CheckParameterUtil.ensureThat(SUPPORTED_OPS.contains(op), "Op must be REGEX or NREGEX");
this.pattern = Pattern.compile(v);
public boolean applies(Environment env) {
final String value = env.osm.get(k);
if (Op.REGEX.equals(op)) {
return value != null && pattern.matcher(value).find();
} else if (Op.NREGEX.equals(op)) {
return value == null || !pattern.matcher(value).find();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public static class RoleCondition extends Condition {
public final String role;
public final Op op;
public RoleCondition(String role, Op op) {
this.role = role;
this.op = op;
public boolean applies(Environment env) {
String testRole = env.getRole();
if (testRole == null) return false;
return op.eval(testRole, role);
public static class IndexCondition extends Condition {
public final String index;
public final Op op;
public IndexCondition(String index, Op op) {
this.index = index;
this.op = op;
public boolean applies(Environment env) {
if (env.index == null) return false;
return op.eval(Integer.toString(env.index + 1), index);
public static enum KeyMatchType {
* <p>KeyCondition represent one of the following conditions in either the link or the
* primitive context:</p>
* <pre>
* ["a label"] PRIMITIVE: the primitive has a tag "a label"
* LINK: the parent is a relation and it has at least one member with the role
* "a label" referring to the child
* [!"a label"] PRIMITIVE: the primitive doesn't have a tag "a label"
* LINK: the parent is a relation but doesn't have a member with the role
* "a label" referring to the child
* ["a label"?] PRIMITIVE: the primitive has a tag "a label" whose value evaluates to a true-value
* LINK: not supported
* ["a label"?!] PRIMITIVE: the primitive has a tag "a label" whose value evaluates to a false-value
* LINK: not supported
* </pre>
public static class KeyCondition extends Condition {
public final String label;
public final boolean negateResult;
public final KeyMatchType matchType;
public Predicate<String> containsPattern;
public KeyCondition(String label, boolean negateResult, KeyMatchType matchType){
this.label = label;
this.negateResult = negateResult;
this.matchType = matchType;
this.containsPattern = KeyMatchType.REGEX.equals(matchType)
? Predicates.stringContainsPattern(Pattern.compile(label))
: null;
public boolean applies(Environment e) {
switch(e.getContext()) {
if (KeyMatchType.TRUE.equals(matchType))
return e.osm.isKeyTrue(label) ^ negateResult;
else if (KeyMatchType.FALSE.equals(matchType))
return e.osm.isKeyFalse(label) ^ negateResult;
else if (KeyMatchType.REGEX.equals(matchType)) {
return Utils.exists(e.osm.keySet(), containsPattern) ^ negateResult;
} else {
return e.osm.hasKey(label) ^ negateResult;
case LINK:
Utils.ensure(false, "Illegal state: KeyCondition not supported in LINK context");
return false;
default: throw new AssertionError();
public Tag asTag() {
return new Tag(label);
public String toString() {
return "[" + (negateResult ? "!" : "") + label + "]";
public static class ClassCondition extends Condition {
public final String id;
public final boolean not;
public ClassCondition(String id, boolean not) {
this.id = id;
this.not = not;
public boolean applies(Environment env) {
return env != null && env.getCascade(env.layer) != null && not ^ env.getCascade(env.layer).containsKey(id);
public String toString() {
return (not ? "!" : "") + "." + id;
public static class PseudoClassCondition extends Condition {
public final String id;
public final boolean not;
public PseudoClassCondition(String id, boolean not, Context context) {
this.id = id;
this.not = not;
CheckParameterUtil.ensureThat(!"sameTags".equals(id) || Context.LINK.equals(context), "sameTags only supported in LINK context");
public boolean applies(Environment e) {
return not ^ appliesImpl(e);
public boolean appliesImpl(Environment e) {
switch(id) {
case "closed":
if (e.osm instanceof Way && ((Way) e.osm).isClosed())
return true;
if (e.osm instanceof Relation && ((Relation) e.osm).isMultipolygon())
return true;
case "modified":
return e.osm.isModified() || e.osm.isNewOrUndeleted();
case "new":
return e.osm.isNew();
case "connection":
return e.osm instanceof Node && ((Node) e.osm).isConnectionNode();
case "tagged":
return e.osm.isTagged();
case "sameTags":
return e.osm.hasSameInterestingTags(Utils.firstNonNull(e.child, e.parent));
case "areaStyle":
return ElemStyles.hasAreaElemStyle(e.osm, false);
case "unconnected":
return e.osm instanceof Node && OsmPrimitive.getFilteredList(e.osm.getReferrers(), Way.class).isEmpty();
case "righthandtraffic":
return ExpressionFactory.Functions.is_right_hand_traffic(e);
return false;
public String toString() {
return ":" + (not ? "!" : "") + id;
public static class ExpressionCondition extends Condition {
private final Expression e;
public ExpressionCondition(Expression e) {
this.e = e;
public boolean applies(Environment env) {
Boolean b = Cascade.convertTo(e.evaluate(env), Boolean.class);
return b != null && b;
public String toString() {
return "[" + e + "]";