// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint;
import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.trn;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.MapPaintStyles.IconReference;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.preferences.SourceEntry;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.CachedFile;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.ImageProvider;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils;
* A mappaint style (abstract class).
* Handles everything from parsing the style definition to application
* of the style to an osm primitive.
public abstract class StyleSource extends SourceEntry {
private List<Throwable> errors = new ArrayList<>();
public File zipIcons;
private ImageIcon imageIcon;
* The following fields is additional information found in the header
* of the source file.
public String icon;
public StyleSource(String url, String name, String title) {
super(url, name, title, true);
public StyleSource(SourceEntry entry) {
* Apply style to osm primitive.
* Adds properties to a MultiCascade. All active {@link StyleSource}s add
* their properties on after the other. At a later stage, concrete painting
* primitives (lines, icons, text, ...) are derived from the MultiCascade.
* @param mc the current MultiCascade, empty for the first StyleSource
* @param osm the primitive
* @param scale the map scale
* @param multipolyOuterWay support for a very old multipolygon tagging style
* where you add the tags both to the outer and the inner way.
* However, independent inner way style is also possible.
* @param pretendWayIsClosed For styles that require the way to be closed,
* we pretend it is. This is useful for generating area styles from the (segmented)
* outer ways of a multipolygon.
public abstract void apply(MultiCascade mc, OsmPrimitive osm, double scale, OsmPrimitive multipolyOuterWay, boolean pretendWayIsClosed);
* Loads the style source.
public abstract void loadStyleSource();
* Returns a new {@code InputStream} to the style source. When finished, {@link #closeSourceInputStream(InputStream)} must be called.
* @return A new {@code InputStream} to the style source that must be closed by the caller
* @throws IOException if any I/O error occurs.
* @see #closeSourceInputStream(InputStream)
public abstract InputStream getSourceInputStream() throws IOException;
* Returns a new {@code CachedFile} to the local file containing style source (can be a text file or an archive).
* @return A new {@code CachedFile} to the local file containing style source
* @throws IOException if any I/O error occurs.
* @since 7081
public abstract CachedFile getCachedFile() throws IOException;
* Closes the source input stream previously returned by {@link #getSourceInputStream()} and other linked resources, if applicable.
* @param is The source input stream that must be closed
* @since 6289
* @see #getSourceInputStream()
public void closeSourceInputStream(InputStream is) {
public void logError(Throwable e) {
public Collection<Throwable> getErrors() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(errors);
protected void init() {
imageIcon = null;
icon = null;
private static ImageIcon defaultIcon;
private static ImageIcon getDefaultIcon() {
if (defaultIcon == null) {
defaultIcon = ImageProvider.get("dialogs/mappaint", "pencil");
return defaultIcon;
protected ImageIcon getSourceIcon() {
if (imageIcon == null) {
if (icon != null) {
imageIcon = MapPaintStyles.getIcon(new IconReference(icon, this), -1, -1);
if (imageIcon == null) {
imageIcon = getDefaultIcon();
return imageIcon;
public final ImageIcon getIcon() {
if (getErrors().isEmpty())
return getSourceIcon();
return ImageProvider.overlay(getSourceIcon(),
public String getToolTipText() {
if (errors.isEmpty())
return null;
return trn("There was an error when loading this style. Select ''Info'' from the right click menu for details.",
"There were {0} errors when loading this style. Select ''Info'' from the right click menu for details.",
errors.size(), errors.size());
public Color getBackgroundColorOverride() {
return null;