// License: GPL. See LICENSE file for details.
package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.bbox;
import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.SpringLayout;
import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.Coordinate;
import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.JMapViewer;
import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.MapMarkerDot;
import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.MemoryTileCache;
import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.OsmTileLoader;
import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.interfaces.MapMarker;
import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.interfaces.TileSource;
import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.tilesources.MapQuestOpenAerialTileSource;
import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.tilesources.MapQuestOsmTileSource;
import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.tilesources.OsmTileSource;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Bounds;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Version;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.imagery.ImageryInfo;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.imagery.ImageryLayerInfo;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.preferences.StringProperty;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.TMSLayer;
public class SlippyMapBBoxChooser extends JMapViewer implements BBoxChooser {
public interface TileSourceProvider {
List<TileSource> getTileSources();
* TMS TileSource provider for the slippymap chooser
public static class TMSTileSourceProvider implements TileSourceProvider {
static final Set<String> existingSlippyMapUrls = new HashSet<>();
static {
// Urls that already exist in the slippymap chooser and shouldn't be copied from TMS layer list
existingSlippyMapUrls.add("https://{switch:a,b,c}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"); // Mapnik
existingSlippyMapUrls.add("http://tile.opencyclemap.org/cycle/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"); // Cyclemap
existingSlippyMapUrls.add("http://otile{switch:1,2,3,4}.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/osm/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"); // MapQuest-OSM
existingSlippyMapUrls.add("http://oatile{switch:1,2,3,4}.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/sat/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"); // MapQuest Open Aerial
public List<TileSource> getTileSources() {
if (!TMSLayer.PROP_ADD_TO_SLIPPYMAP_CHOOSER.get()) return Collections.<TileSource>emptyList();
List<TileSource> sources = new ArrayList<>();
for (ImageryInfo info : ImageryLayerInfo.instance.getLayers()) {
if (existingSlippyMapUrls.contains(info.getUrl())) {
try {
TileSource source = TMSLayer.getTileSource(info);
if (source != null) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
if (ex.getMessage() != null && !ex.getMessage().isEmpty()) {
ex.getMessage(), tr("Warning"),
return sources;
public static void addExistingSlippyMapUrl(String url) {
* Plugins that wish to add custom tile sources to slippy map choose should call this method
* @param tileSourceProvider
public static void addTileSourceProvider(TileSourceProvider tileSourceProvider) {
private static CopyOnWriteArrayList<TileSourceProvider> providers = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
static {
addTileSourceProvider(new TileSourceProvider() {
public List<TileSource> getTileSources() {
return Arrays.<TileSource>asList(
new OsmTileSource.Mapnik(),
new OsmTileSource.CycleMap(),
new MapQuestOsmTileSource(),
new MapQuestOpenAerialTileSource());
addTileSourceProvider(new TMSTileSourceProvider());
private static final StringProperty PROP_MAPSTYLE = new StringProperty("slippy_map_chooser.mapstyle", "Mapnik");
public static final String RESIZE_PROP = SlippyMapBBoxChooser.class.getName() + ".resize";
private OsmTileLoader cachedLoader;
private OsmTileLoader uncachedLoader;
private final SizeButton iSizeButton;
private final SourceButton iSourceButton;
private Bounds bbox;
// upper left and lower right corners of the selection rectangle (x/y on ZOOM_MAX)
Point iSelectionRectStart;
Point iSelectionRectEnd;
* Constructs a new {@code SlippyMapBBoxChooser}.
public SlippyMapBBoxChooser() {
debug = Main.isDebugEnabled();
SpringLayout springLayout = new SpringLayout();
cachedLoader = TMSLayer.loaderFactory.makeTileLoader(this);
uncachedLoader = new OsmTileLoader(this);
uncachedLoader.headers.put("User-Agent", Version.getInstance().getFullAgentString());
setMinimumSize(new Dimension(350, 350 / 2));
// We need to set an initial size - this prevents a wrong zoom selection
// for the area before the component has been displayed the first time
setBounds(new Rectangle(getMinimumSize()));
if (cachedLoader == null) {
} else {
setFileCacheEnabled(Main.pref.getBoolean("slippy_map_chooser.file_cache", true));
setMaxTilesInMemory(Main.pref.getInteger("slippy_map_chooser.max_tiles", 1000));
List<TileSource> tileSources = getAllTileSources();
iSourceButton = new SourceButton(this, tileSources);
springLayout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.EAST, iSourceButton, 0, SpringLayout.EAST, this);
springLayout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, iSourceButton, 30, SpringLayout.NORTH, this);
iSizeButton = new SizeButton(this);
String mapStyle = PROP_MAPSTYLE.get();
boolean foundSource = false;
for (TileSource source: tileSources) {
if (source.getName().equals(mapStyle)) {
foundSource = true;
if (!foundSource) {
new SlippyMapControler(this, this);
private List<TileSource> getAllTileSources() {
List<TileSource> tileSources = new ArrayList<>();
for (TileSourceProvider provider: providers) {
return tileSources;
public boolean handleAttribution(Point p, boolean click) {
return attribution.handleAttribution(p, click);
protected Point getTopLeftCoordinates() {
return new Point(center.x - (getWidth() / 2), center.y - (getHeight() / 2));
* Draw the map.
public void paint(Graphics g) {
try {
// draw selection rectangle
if (iSelectionRectStart != null && iSelectionRectEnd != null) {
int zoomDiff = MAX_ZOOM - zoom;
Point tlc = getTopLeftCoordinates();
int x_min = (iSelectionRectStart.x >> zoomDiff) - tlc.x;
int y_min = (iSelectionRectStart.y >> zoomDiff) - tlc.y;
int x_max = (iSelectionRectEnd.x >> zoomDiff) - tlc.x;
int y_max = (iSelectionRectEnd.y >> zoomDiff) - tlc.y;
int w = x_max - x_min;
int h = y_max - y_min;
g.setColor(new Color(0.9f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.6f));
g.fillRect(x_min, y_min, w, h);
g.drawRect(x_min, y_min, w, h);
} catch (Exception e) {
public final void setFileCacheEnabled(boolean enabled) {
if (enabled) {
} else {
public final void setMaxTilesInMemory(int tiles) {
((MemoryTileCache) getTileCache()).setCacheSize(tiles);
* Callback for the OsmMapControl. (Re-)Sets the start and end point of the
* selection rectangle.
* @param aStart
* @param aEnd
public void setSelection(Point aStart, Point aEnd) {
if (aStart == null || aEnd == null || aStart.x == aEnd.x || aStart.y == aEnd.y)
Point p_max = new Point(Math.max(aEnd.x, aStart.x), Math.max(aEnd.y, aStart.y));
Point p_min = new Point(Math.min(aEnd.x, aStart.x), Math.min(aEnd.y, aStart.y));
Point tlc = getTopLeftCoordinates();
int zoomDiff = MAX_ZOOM - zoom;
Point pEnd = new Point(p_max.x + tlc.x, p_max.y + tlc.y);
Point pStart = new Point(p_min.x + tlc.x, p_min.y + tlc.y);
pEnd.x <<= zoomDiff;
pEnd.y <<= zoomDiff;
pStart.x <<= zoomDiff;
pStart.y <<= zoomDiff;
iSelectionRectStart = pStart;
iSelectionRectEnd = pEnd;
Coordinate l1 = getPosition(p_max); // lon may be outside [-180,180]
Coordinate l2 = getPosition(p_min); // lon may be outside [-180,180]
Bounds b = new Bounds(
new LatLon(
Math.min(l2.getLat(), l1.getLat()),
LatLon.toIntervalLon(Math.min(l1.getLon(), l2.getLon()))
new LatLon(
Math.max(l2.getLat(), l1.getLat()),
LatLon.toIntervalLon(Math.max(l1.getLon(), l2.getLon())))
Bounds oldValue = this.bbox;
this.bbox = b;
firePropertyChange(BBOX_PROP, oldValue, this.bbox);
* Performs resizing of the DownloadDialog in order to enlarge or shrink the
* map.
public void resizeSlippyMap() {
boolean large = iSizeButton.isEnlarged();
firePropertyChange(RESIZE_PROP, !large, large);
public void toggleMapSource(TileSource tileSource) {
this.tileController.setTileCache(new MemoryTileCache());
PROP_MAPSTYLE.put(tileSource.getName()); // TODO Is name really unique?
public Bounds getBoundingBox() {
return bbox;
* Sets the current bounding box in this bbox chooser without
* emiting a property change event.
* @param bbox the bounding box. null to reset the bounding box
public void setBoundingBox(Bounds bbox) {
if (bbox == null || (bbox.getMinLat() == 0.0 && bbox.getMinLon() == 0.0
&& bbox.getMaxLat() == 0.0 && bbox.getMaxLon() == 0.0)) {
this.bbox = null;
iSelectionRectStart = null;
iSelectionRectEnd = null;
this.bbox = bbox;
double minLon = bbox.getMinLon();
double maxLon = bbox.getMaxLon();
if (bbox.crosses180thMeridian()) {
minLon -= 360.0;
int y1 = tileSource.LatToY(bbox.getMinLat(), MAX_ZOOM);
int y2 = tileSource.LatToY(bbox.getMaxLat(), MAX_ZOOM);
int x1 = tileSource.LonToX(minLon, MAX_ZOOM);
int x2 = tileSource.LonToX(maxLon, MAX_ZOOM);
iSelectionRectStart = new Point(Math.min(x1, x2), Math.min(y1, y2));
iSelectionRectEnd = new Point(Math.max(x1, x2), Math.max(y1, y2));
// calc the screen coordinates for the new selection rectangle
MapMarkerDot xmin_ymin = new MapMarkerDot(bbox.getMinLat(), bbox.getMinLon());
MapMarkerDot xmax_ymax = new MapMarkerDot(bbox.getMaxLat(), bbox.getMaxLon());
List<MapMarker> marker = new ArrayList<>(2);
* Refreshes the tile sources
* @since 6364
public final void refreshTileSources() {