// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
package org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.visitor.PrimitiveVisitor;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.visitor.Visitor;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.Projections;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.CheckParameterUtil;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Predicate;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils;
* One node data, consisting of one world coordinate waypoint.
* @author imi
public final class Node extends OsmPrimitive implements INode {
* We "inline" lat/lon rather than using a LatLon-object => reduces memory footprint
private double lat = Double.NaN;
private double lon = Double.NaN;
* the cached projected coordinates
private double east = Double.NaN;
private double north = Double.NaN;
private boolean isLatLonKnown() {
return !Double.isNaN(lat) && !Double.isNaN(lon);
public final void setCoor(LatLon coor) {
updateCoor(coor, null);
public final void setEastNorth(EastNorth eastNorth) {
updateCoor(null, eastNorth);
private void updateCoor(LatLon coor, EastNorth eastNorth) {
if (getDataSet() != null) {
boolean locked = writeLock();
try {
getDataSet().fireNodeMoved(this, coor, eastNorth);
} finally {
} else {
setCoorInternal(coor, eastNorth);
public final LatLon getCoor() {
if (!isLatLonKnown()) return null;
return new LatLon(lat,lon);
* <p>Replies the projected east/north coordinates.</p>
* <p>Uses the {@link Main#getProjection() global projection} to project the lan/lon-coordinates.
* Internally caches the projected coordinates.</p>
* <p><strong>Caveat:</strong> doesn't listen to projection changes. Clients must
* {@link #invalidateEastNorthCache() invalidate the internal cache}.</p>
* <p>Replies {@code null} if this node doesn't know lat/lon-coordinates, i.e. because it is an incomplete node.
* @return the east north coordinates or {@code null}
* @see #invalidateEastNorthCache()
public final EastNorth getEastNorth() {
if (!isLatLonKnown()) return null;
if (getDataSet() == null)
// there is no dataset that listens for projection changes
// and invalidates the cache, so we don't use the cache at all
return Projections.project(new LatLon(lat, lon));
if (Double.isNaN(east) || Double.isNaN(north)) {
// projected coordinates haven't been calculated yet,
// so fill the cache of the projected node coordinates
EastNorth en = Projections.project(new LatLon(lat, lon));
this.east = en.east();
this.north = en.north();
return new EastNorth(east, north);
* To be used only by Dataset.reindexNode
protected void setCoorInternal(LatLon coor, EastNorth eastNorth) {
if (coor != null) {
this.lat = coor.lat();
this.lon = coor.lon();
} else if (eastNorth != null) {
LatLon ll = Projections.inverseProject(eastNorth);
this.lat = ll.lat();
this.lon = ll.lon();
this.east = eastNorth.east();
this.north = eastNorth.north();
} else {
this.lat = Double.NaN;
this.lon = Double.NaN;
if (isVisible()) {
protected Node(long id, boolean allowNegative) {
super(id, allowNegative);
* Constructs a new local {@code Node} with id 0.
public Node() {
this(0, false);
* Constructs an incomplete {@code Node} object with the given id.
* @param id The id. Must be >= 0
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if id < 0
public Node(long id) throws IllegalArgumentException {
super(id, false);
* Constructs a new {@code Node} with the given id and version.
* @param id The id. Must be >= 0
* @param version The version
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if id < 0
public Node(long id, int version) throws IllegalArgumentException {
super(id, version, false);
* Constructs an identical clone of the argument.
* @param clone The node to clone
* @param clearMetadata If {@code true}, clears the OSM id and other metadata as defined by {@link #clearOsmMetadata}. If {@code false}, does nothing
public Node(Node clone, boolean clearMetadata) {
super(clone.getUniqueId(), true /* allow negative IDs */);
if (clearMetadata) {
* Constructs an identical clone of the argument (including the id).
* @param clone The node to clone, including its id
public Node(Node clone) {
this(clone, false);
* Constructs a new {@code Node} with the given lat/lon with id 0.
* @param latlon The {@link LatLon} coordinates
public Node(LatLon latlon) {
super(0, false);
* Constructs a new {@code Node} with the given east/north with id 0.
* @param eastNorth The {@link EastNorth} coordinates
public Node(EastNorth eastNorth) {
super(0, false);
void setDataset(DataSet dataSet) {
if (!isIncomplete() && isVisible() && (getCoor() == null || getEastNorth() == null))
throw new DataIntegrityProblemException("Complete node with null coordinates: " + toString());
public void accept(Visitor visitor) {
public void accept(PrimitiveVisitor visitor) {
public void cloneFrom(OsmPrimitive osm) {
boolean locked = writeLock();
try {
} finally {
* Merges the technical and semantical attributes from <code>other</code> onto this.
* Both this and other must be new, or both must be assigned an OSM ID. If both this and <code>other</code>
* have an assigend OSM id, the IDs have to be the same.
* @param other the other primitive. Must not be null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if other is null.
* @throws DataIntegrityProblemException thrown if either this is new and other is not, or other is new and this is not
* @throws DataIntegrityProblemException thrown if other is new and other.getId() != this.getId()
public void mergeFrom(OsmPrimitive other) {
boolean locked = writeLock();
try {
if (!other.isIncomplete()) {
} finally {
@Override public void load(PrimitiveData data) {
boolean locked = writeLock();
try {
} finally {
@Override public NodeData save() {
NodeData data = new NodeData();
if (!isIncomplete()) {
return data;
public String toString() {
String coorDesc = isLatLonKnown() ? "lat="+lat+",lon="+lon : "";
return "{Node id=" + getUniqueId() + " version=" + getVersion() + " " + getFlagsAsString() + " " + coorDesc+"}";
public boolean hasEqualSemanticAttributes(OsmPrimitive other) {
if (!(other instanceof Node))
return false;
if (! super.hasEqualSemanticAttributes(other))
return false;
Node n = (Node)other;
LatLon coor = getCoor();
LatLon otherCoor = n.getCoor();
if (coor == null && otherCoor == null)
return true;
else if (coor != null && otherCoor != null)
return coor.equalsEpsilon(otherCoor);
return false;
public int compareTo(OsmPrimitive o) {
return o instanceof Node ? Long.valueOf(getUniqueId()).compareTo(o.getUniqueId()) : 1;
public String getDisplayName(NameFormatter formatter) {
return formatter.format(this);
public OsmPrimitiveType getType() {
return OsmPrimitiveType.NODE;
public BBox getBBox() {
return new BBox(this);
public void updatePosition() {
public boolean isDrawable() {
// Not possible to draw a node without coordinates.
return super.isDrawable() && isLatLonKnown();
* Check whether this node connects 2 ways.
* @return true if isReferredByWays(2) returns true
* @see #isReferredByWays(int)
public boolean isConnectionNode() {
return isReferredByWays(2);
* Invoke to invalidate the internal cache of projected east/north coordinates.
* Coordinates are reprojected on demand when the {@link #getEastNorth()} is invoked
* next time.
public void invalidateEastNorthCache() {
this.east = Double.NaN;
this.north = Double.NaN;
public boolean concernsArea() {
// A node cannot be an area
return false;
* Tests whether {@code this} node is connected to {@code otherNode} via at most {@code hops} nodes
* matching the {@code predicate} (which may be {@code null} to consider all nodes).
public boolean isConnectedTo(final Collection<Node> otherNodes, final int hops, Predicate<Node> predicate) {
CheckParameterUtil.ensureThat(!otherNodes.isEmpty(), "otherNodes must not be empty!");
CheckParameterUtil.ensureThat(hops >= 0, "hops must be non-negative!");
return hops == 0
? isConnectedTo(otherNodes, hops, predicate, null)
: isConnectedTo(otherNodes, hops, predicate, new TreeSet<Node>());
private boolean isConnectedTo(final Collection<Node> otherNodes, final int hops, Predicate<Node> predicate, Set<Node> visited) {
if (otherNodes.contains(this)) {
return true;
if (hops > 0) {
for (final Way w : Utils.filteredCollection(this.getReferrers(), Way.class)) {
for (final Node n : w.getNodes()) {
final boolean containsN = visited.contains(n);
if (!containsN && (predicate == null || predicate.evaluate(n)) && n.isConnectedTo(otherNodes, hops - 1, predicate, visited)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isOutsideDownloadArea() {
return !isNewOrUndeleted() && getDataSet() != null && getDataSet().getDataSourceArea() != null
&& !getCoor().isIn(getDataSet().getDataSourceArea());