// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
package org.openstreetmap.josm.actions;
import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.marktr;
import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr;
import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.trn;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.ReverseWayAction.ReverseWayResult;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.SplitWayAction.SplitWayResult;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.AddCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.ChangeCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.Command;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.DeleteCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.SequenceCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.corrector.UserCancelException;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.UndoRedoHandler;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.DataSet;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Node;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.NodePositionComparator;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Relation;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.RelationMember;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.TagCollection;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Way;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.Notification;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.conflict.tags.CombinePrimitiveResolverDialog;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Geometry;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Pair;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Shortcut;
* Join Areas (i.e. closed ways and multipolygons)
public class JoinAreasAction extends JosmAction {
// This will be used to commit commands and unite them into one large command sequence at the end
private final LinkedList<Command> cmds = new LinkedList<>();
private int cmdsCount = 0;
private final List<Relation> addedRelations = new LinkedList<>();
* This helper class describes join ares action result.
* @author viesturs
public static class JoinAreasResult {
public boolean hasChanges;
public List<Multipolygon> polygons;
public static class Multipolygon {
public Way outerWay;
public List<Way> innerWays;
public Multipolygon(Way way) {
outerWay = way;
innerWays = new ArrayList<>();
// HelperClass
// Saves a relation and a role an OsmPrimitve was part of until it was stripped from all relations
private static class RelationRole {
public final Relation rel;
public final String role;
public RelationRole(Relation rel, String role) {
this.rel = rel;
this.role = role;
public int hashCode() {
return rel.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof RelationRole)) return false;
RelationRole otherMember = (RelationRole) other;
return otherMember.role.equals(role) && otherMember.rel.equals(rel);
* HelperClass - saves a way and the "inside" side.
* insideToTheLeft: if true left side is "in", false -right side is "in".
* Left and right are determined along the orientation of way.
public static class WayInPolygon {
public final Way way;
public boolean insideToTheRight;
public WayInPolygon(Way way, boolean insideRight) {
this.way = way;
this.insideToTheRight = insideRight;
public int hashCode() {
return way.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof WayInPolygon)) return false;
WayInPolygon otherMember = (WayInPolygon) other;
return otherMember.way.equals(this.way) && otherMember.insideToTheRight == this.insideToTheRight;
* This helper class describes a polygon, assembled from several ways.
* @author viesturs
public static class AssembledPolygon {
public List<WayInPolygon> ways;
public AssembledPolygon(List<WayInPolygon> boundary) {
this.ways = boundary;
public List<Node> getNodes() {
List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
for (WayInPolygon way : this.ways) {
//do not add the last node as it will be repeated in the next way
if (way.insideToTheRight) {
for (int pos = 0; pos < way.way.getNodesCount() - 1; pos++) {
else {
for (int pos = way.way.getNodesCount() - 1; pos > 0; pos--) {
return nodes;
* Inverse inside and outside
public void reverse() {
for(WayInPolygon way: ways)
way.insideToTheRight = !way.insideToTheRight;
public static class AssembledMultipolygon {
public AssembledPolygon outerWay;
public List<AssembledPolygon> innerWays;
public AssembledMultipolygon(AssembledPolygon way) {
outerWay = way;
innerWays = new ArrayList<>();
* This hepler class implements algorithm traversing trough connected ways.
* Assumes you are going in clockwise orientation.
* @author viesturs
private static class WayTraverser {
/** Set of {@link WayInPolygon} to be joined by walk algorithm */
private Set<WayInPolygon> availableWays;
/** Current state of walk algorithm */
private WayInPolygon lastWay;
/** Direction of current way */
private boolean lastWayReverse;
/** Constructor */
public WayTraverser(Collection<WayInPolygon> ways) {
availableWays = new HashSet<>(ways);
lastWay = null;
* Remove ways from available ways
* @param ways Collection of WayInPolygon
public void removeWays(Collection<WayInPolygon> ways) {
* Remove a single way from available ways
* @param way WayInPolygon
public void removeWay(WayInPolygon way) {
* Reset walk algorithm to a new start point
* @param way New start point
public void setStartWay(WayInPolygon way) {
lastWay = way;
lastWayReverse = !way.insideToTheRight;
* Reset walk algorithm to a new start point.
* @return The new start point or null if no available way remains
public WayInPolygon startNewWay() {
if (availableWays.isEmpty()) {
lastWay = null;
} else {
lastWay = availableWays.iterator().next();
lastWayReverse = !lastWay.insideToTheRight;
return lastWay;
* Walking through {@link WayInPolygon} segments, head node is the current position
* @return Head node
private Node getHeadNode() {
return !lastWayReverse ? lastWay.way.lastNode() : lastWay.way.firstNode();
* Node just before head node.
* @return Previous node
private Node getPrevNode() {
return !lastWayReverse ? lastWay.way.getNode(lastWay.way.getNodesCount() - 2) : lastWay.way.getNode(1);
* Oriented angle (N1N2, N1N3) in range [0; 2*Math.PI[
private static double getAngle(Node N1, Node N2, Node N3) {
EastNorth en1 = N1.getEastNorth();
EastNorth en2 = N2.getEastNorth();
EastNorth en3 = N3.getEastNorth();
double angle = Math.atan2(en3.getY() - en1.getY(), en3.getX() - en1.getX()) -
Math.atan2(en2.getY() - en1.getY(), en2.getX() - en1.getX());
while(angle >= 2*Math.PI)
angle -= 2*Math.PI;
while(angle < 0)
angle += 2*Math.PI;
return angle;
* Get the next way creating a clockwise path, ensure it is the most right way. #7959
* @return The next way.
public WayInPolygon walk() {
Node headNode = getHeadNode();
Node prevNode = getPrevNode();
double headAngle = Math.atan2(headNode.getEastNorth().east() - prevNode.getEastNorth().east(),
headNode.getEastNorth().north() - prevNode.getEastNorth().north());
double bestAngle = 0;
//find best next way
WayInPolygon bestWay = null;
boolean bestWayReverse = false;
for (WayInPolygon way : availableWays) {
Node nextNode;
// Check for a connected way
if (way.way.firstNode().equals(headNode) && way.insideToTheRight) {
nextNode = way.way.getNode(1);
} else if (way.way.lastNode().equals(headNode) && !way.insideToTheRight) {
nextNode = way.way.getNode(way.way.getNodesCount() - 2);
} else {
if(nextNode == prevNode) {
// go back
lastWay = way;
lastWayReverse = !way.insideToTheRight;
return lastWay;
double angle = Math.atan2(nextNode.getEastNorth().east() - headNode.getEastNorth().east(),
nextNode.getEastNorth().north() - headNode.getEastNorth().north()) - headAngle;
if(angle > Math.PI)
angle -= 2*Math.PI;
if(angle <= -Math.PI)
angle += 2*Math.PI;
// Now we have a valid candidate way, is it better than the previous one ?
if (bestWay == null || angle > bestAngle) {
//the new way is better
bestWay = way;
bestWayReverse = !way.insideToTheRight;
bestAngle = angle;
lastWay = bestWay;
lastWayReverse = bestWayReverse;
return lastWay;
* Search for an other way coming to the same head node at left side from last way. #9951
* @return left way or null if none found
public WayInPolygon leftComingWay() {
Node headNode = getHeadNode();
Node prevNode = getPrevNode();
WayInPolygon mostLeft = null; // most left way connected to head node
boolean comingToHead = false; // true if candidate come to head node
double angle = 2*Math.PI;
for (WayInPolygon candidateWay : availableWays) {
boolean candidateComingToHead;
Node candidatePrevNode;
if(candidateWay.way.firstNode().equals(headNode)) {
candidateComingToHead = !candidateWay.insideToTheRight;
candidatePrevNode = candidateWay.way.getNode(1);
} else if(candidateWay.way.lastNode().equals(headNode)) {
candidateComingToHead = candidateWay.insideToTheRight;
candidatePrevNode = candidateWay.way.getNode(candidateWay.way.getNodesCount() - 2);
} else
if(candidateWay.equals(lastWay) && candidateComingToHead)
double candidateAngle = getAngle(headNode, candidatePrevNode, prevNode);
if(mostLeft == null || candidateAngle < angle || (candidateAngle == angle && !candidateComingToHead)) {
// Candidate is most left
mostLeft = candidateWay;
comingToHead = candidateComingToHead;
angle = candidateAngle;
return comingToHead ? mostLeft : null;
* Helper storage class for finding findOuterWays
* @author viesturs
static class PolygonLevel {
public final int level;
public final AssembledMultipolygon pol;
public PolygonLevel(AssembledMultipolygon pol, int level) {
this.pol = pol;
this.level = level;
* Constructs a new {@code JoinAreasAction}.
public JoinAreasAction() {
super(tr("Join overlapping Areas"), "joinareas", tr("Joins areas that overlap each other"),
Shortcut.registerShortcut("tools:joinareas", tr("Tool: {0}", tr("Join overlapping Areas")),
KeyEvent.VK_J, Shortcut.SHIFT), true);
* Gets called whenever the shortcut is pressed or the menu entry is selected
* Checks whether the selected objects are suitable to join and joins them if so
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
LinkedList<Way> ways = new LinkedList<>(Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().getSelectedWays());
if (ways.isEmpty()) {
new Notification(
tr("Please select at least one closed way that should be joined."))
List<Node> allNodes = new ArrayList<>();
for (Way way : ways) {
if (!way.isClosed()) {
new Notification(
tr("One of the selected ways is not closed and therefore cannot be joined."))
// TODO: Only display this warning when nodes outside dataSourceArea are deleted
boolean ok = Command.checkAndConfirmOutlyingOperation("joinarea", tr("Join area confirmation"),
trn("The selected way has nodes outside of the downloaded data region.",
"The selected ways have nodes outside of the downloaded data region.",
ways.size()) + "<br/>"
+ tr("This can lead to nodes being deleted accidentally.") + "<br/>"
+ tr("Are you really sure to continue?")
+ tr("Please abort if you are not sure"),
tr("The selected area is incomplete. Continue?"),
allNodes, null);
if(!ok) return;
//analyze multipolygon relations and collect all areas
List<Multipolygon> areas = collectMultipolygons(ways);
if (areas == null)
//too complex multipolygon relations found
if (!testJoin(areas)) {
new Notification(
tr("No intersection found. Nothing was changed."))
if (!resolveTagConflicts(areas))
//user canceled, do nothing.
try {
JoinAreasResult result = joinAreas(areas);
if (result.hasChanges) {
// move tags from ways to newly created relations
// TODO: do we need to also move tags for the modified relations?
for (Relation r: addedRelations) {
commitCommands(tr("Move tags from ways to relations"));
List<Way> allWays = new ArrayList<>();
for (Multipolygon pol : result.polygons) {
DataSet ds = Main.main.getCurrentDataSet();
} else {
new Notification(
tr("No intersection found. Nothing was changed."))
catch (UserCancelException exception) {
//revert changes
//FIXME: this is dirty hack
makeCommitsOneAction(tr("Reverting changes"));
* Tests if the areas have some intersections to join.
* @param areas Areas to test
* @return {@code true} if areas are joinable
private boolean testJoin(List<Multipolygon> areas) {
List<Way> allStartingWays = new ArrayList<>();
for (Multipolygon area : areas) {
//find intersection points
Set<Node> nodes = Geometry.addIntersections(allStartingWays, true, cmds);
return !nodes.isEmpty();
* Will join two or more overlapping areas
* @param areas list of areas to join
* @return new area formed.
private JoinAreasResult joinAreas(List<Multipolygon> areas) throws UserCancelException {
JoinAreasResult result = new JoinAreasResult();
result.hasChanges = false;
List<Way> allStartingWays = new ArrayList<>();
List<Way> innerStartingWays = new ArrayList<>();
List<Way> outerStartingWays = new ArrayList<>();
for (Multipolygon area : areas) {
//first remove nodes in the same coordinate
boolean removedDuplicates = false;
removedDuplicates |= removeDuplicateNodes(allStartingWays);
if (removedDuplicates) {
result.hasChanges = true;
commitCommands(marktr("Removed duplicate nodes"));
//find intersection points
Set<Node> nodes = Geometry.addIntersections(allStartingWays, false, cmds);
//no intersections, return.
if (nodes.isEmpty())
return result;
commitCommands(marktr("Added node on all intersections"));
List<RelationRole> relations = new ArrayList<>();
// Remove ways from all relations so ways can be combined/split quietly
for (Way way : allStartingWays) {
// Don't warn now, because it will really look corrupted
boolean warnAboutRelations = !relations.isEmpty() && allStartingWays.size() > 1;
List<WayInPolygon> preparedWays = new ArrayList<>();
for (Way way : outerStartingWays) {
List<Way> splitWays = splitWayOnNodes(way, nodes);
preparedWays.addAll(markWayInsideSide(splitWays, false));
for (Way way : innerStartingWays) {
List<Way> splitWays = splitWayOnNodes(way, nodes);
preparedWays.addAll(markWayInsideSide(splitWays, true));
// Find boundary ways
List<Way> discardedWays = new ArrayList<>();
List<AssembledPolygon> bounadries = findBoundaryPolygons(preparedWays, discardedWays);
//find polygons
List<AssembledMultipolygon> preparedPolygons = findPolygons(bounadries);
//assemble final polygons
List<Multipolygon> polygons = new ArrayList<>();
Set<Relation> relationsToDelete = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (AssembledMultipolygon pol : preparedPolygons) {
//create the new ways
Multipolygon resultPol = joinPolygon(pol);
//create multipolygon relation, if necessary.
RelationRole ownMultipolygonRelation = addOwnMultigonRelation(resultPol.innerWays, resultPol.outerWay);
//add back the original relations, merged with our new multipolygon relation
fixRelations(relations, resultPol.outerWay, ownMultipolygonRelation, relationsToDelete);
//strip tags from inner ways
//TODO: preserve tags on existing inner ways
commitCommands(marktr("Assemble new polygons"));
for(Relation rel: relationsToDelete) {
cmds.add(new DeleteCommand(rel));
commitCommands(marktr("Delete relations"));
// Delete the discarded inner ways
if (!discardedWays.isEmpty()) {
Command deleteCmd = DeleteCommand.delete(Main.main.getEditLayer(), discardedWays, true);
if (deleteCmd != null) {
commitCommands(marktr("Delete Ways that are not part of an inner multipolygon"));
makeCommitsOneAction(marktr("Joined overlapping areas"));
if (warnAboutRelations) {
new Notification(
tr("Some of the ways were part of relations that have been modified.<br>Please verify no errors have been introduced."))
result.hasChanges = true;
result.polygons = polygons;
return result;
* Checks if tags of two given ways differ, and presents the user a dialog to solve conflicts
* @param polygons ways to check
* @return {@code true} if all conflicts are resolved, {@code false} if conflicts remain.
private boolean resolveTagConflicts(List<Multipolygon> polygons) {
List<Way> ways = new ArrayList<>();
for (Multipolygon pol : polygons) {
if (ways.size() < 2) {
return true;
TagCollection wayTags = TagCollection.unionOfAllPrimitives(ways);
try {
cmds.addAll(CombinePrimitiveResolverDialog.launchIfNecessary(wayTags, ways, ways));
commitCommands(marktr("Fix tag conflicts"));
return true;
} catch (UserCancelException ex) {
return false;
* This method removes duplicate points (if any) from the input way.
* @param ways the ways to process
* @return {@code true} if any changes where made
private boolean removeDuplicateNodes(List<Way> ways) {
//TODO: maybe join nodes with JoinNodesAction, rather than reconnect the ways.
Map<Node, Node> nodeMap = new TreeMap<>(new NodePositionComparator());
int totalNodesRemoved = 0;
for (Way way : ways) {
if (way.getNodes().size() < 2) {
int nodesRemoved = 0;
List<Node> newNodes = new ArrayList<>();
Node prevNode = null;
for (Node node : way.getNodes()) {
if (!nodeMap.containsKey(node)) {
//new node
nodeMap.put(node, node);
//avoid duplicate nodes
if (prevNode != node) {
} else {
nodesRemoved ++;
} else {
//node with same coordinates already exists, substitute with existing node
Node representator = nodeMap.get(node);
if (representator != node) {
nodesRemoved ++;
//avoid duplicate node
if (prevNode != representator) {
prevNode = node;
if (nodesRemoved > 0) {
if (newNodes.size() == 1) { //all nodes in the same coordinate - add one more node, to have closed way.
Way newWay=new Way(way);
cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(way, newWay));
totalNodesRemoved += nodesRemoved;
return totalNodesRemoved > 0;
* Commits the command list with a description
* @param description The description of what the commands do
private void commitCommands(String description) {
switch(cmds.size()) {
case 0:
case 1:
Command c = new SequenceCommand(tr(description), cmds);
* This method analyzes the way and assigns each part what direction polygon "inside" is.
* @param parts the split parts of the way
* @param isInner - if true, reverts the direction (for multipolygon islands)
* @return list of parts, marked with the inside orientation.
private List<WayInPolygon> markWayInsideSide(List<Way> parts, boolean isInner) {
List<WayInPolygon> result = new ArrayList<>();
//prepare prev and next maps
Map<Way, Way> nextWayMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<Way, Way> prevWayMap = new HashMap<>();
for (int pos = 0; pos < parts.size(); pos ++) {
if (!parts.get(pos).lastNode().equals(parts.get((pos + 1) % parts.size()).firstNode()))
throw new RuntimeException("Way not circular");
nextWayMap.put(parts.get(pos), parts.get((pos + 1) % parts.size()));
prevWayMap.put(parts.get(pos), parts.get((pos + parts.size() - 1) % parts.size()));
//find the node with minimum y - it's guaranteed to be outer. (What about the south pole?)
Way topWay = null;
Node topNode = null;
int topIndex = 0;
double minY = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (Way way : parts) {
for (int pos = 0; pos < way.getNodesCount(); pos ++) {
Node node = way.getNode(pos);
if (node.getEastNorth().getY() < minY) {
minY = node.getEastNorth().getY();
topWay = way;
topNode = node;
topIndex = pos;
//get the upper way and it's orientation.
boolean wayClockwise; // orientation of the top way.
if (topNode.equals(topWay.firstNode()) || topNode.equals(topWay.lastNode())) {
Node headNode = null; // the node at junction
Node prevNode = null; // last node from previous path
wayClockwise = false;
//node is in split point - find the outermost way from this point
headNode = topNode;
//make a fake node that is downwards from head node (smaller Y). It will be a division point between paths.
prevNode = new Node(new EastNorth(headNode.getEastNorth().getX(), headNode.getEastNorth().getY() - 1e5));
topWay = null;
wayClockwise = false;
Node bestWayNextNode = null;
for (Way way : parts) {
if (way.firstNode().equals(headNode)) {
Node nextNode = way.getNode(1);
if (topWay == null || !Geometry.isToTheRightSideOfLine(prevNode, headNode, bestWayNextNode, nextNode)) {
//the new way is better
topWay = way;
wayClockwise = true;
bestWayNextNode = nextNode;
if (way.lastNode().equals(headNode)) {
//end adjacent to headNode
Node nextNode = way.getNode(way.getNodesCount() - 2);
if (topWay == null || !Geometry.isToTheRightSideOfLine(prevNode, headNode, bestWayNextNode, nextNode)) {
//the new way is better
topWay = way;
wayClockwise = false;
bestWayNextNode = nextNode;
} else {
//node is inside way - pick the clockwise going end.
Node prev = topWay.getNode(topIndex - 1);
Node next = topWay.getNode(topIndex + 1);
//there will be no parallel segments in the middle of way, so all fine.
wayClockwise = Geometry.angleIsClockwise(prev, topNode, next);
Way curWay = topWay;
boolean curWayInsideToTheRight = wayClockwise ^ isInner;
//iterate till full circle is reached
while (true) {
//add cur way
WayInPolygon resultWay = new WayInPolygon(curWay, curWayInsideToTheRight);
//process next way
Way nextWay = nextWayMap.get(curWay);
Node prevNode = curWay.getNode(curWay.getNodesCount() - 2);
Node headNode = curWay.lastNode();
Node nextNode = nextWay.getNode(1);
if (nextWay == topWay) {
//full loop traversed - all done.
//find intersecting segments
// the intersections will look like this:
// ^
// |
// X wayBNode
// |
// wayB |
// |
// curWay | nextWay
// prevNode ^headNode nextNode
// |
// |
// wayA |
// |
// X wayANode
// |
int intersectionCount = 0;
for (Way wayA : parts) {
if (wayA == curWay) {
if (wayA.lastNode().equals(headNode)) {
Way wayB = nextWayMap.get(wayA);
//test if wayA is opposite wayB relative to curWay and nextWay
Node wayANode = wayA.getNode(wayA.getNodesCount() - 2);
Node wayBNode = wayB.getNode(1);
boolean wayAToTheRight = Geometry.isToTheRightSideOfLine(prevNode, headNode, nextNode, wayANode);
boolean wayBToTheRight = Geometry.isToTheRightSideOfLine(prevNode, headNode, nextNode, wayBNode);
if (wayAToTheRight != wayBToTheRight) {
intersectionCount ++;
//if odd number of crossings, invert orientation
if (intersectionCount % 2 != 0) {
curWayInsideToTheRight = !curWayInsideToTheRight;
curWay = nextWay;
return result;
* This is a method splits way into smaller parts, using the prepared nodes list as split points.
* Uses SplitWayAction.splitWay for the heavy lifting.
* @return list of split ways (or original ways if no splitting is done).
private List<Way> splitWayOnNodes(Way way, Set<Node> nodes) {
List<Way> result = new ArrayList<>();
List<List<Node>> chunks = buildNodeChunks(way, nodes);
if (chunks.size() > 1) {
SplitWayResult split = SplitWayAction.splitWay(Main.main.getEditLayer(), way, chunks, Collections.<OsmPrimitive>emptyList());
//execute the command, we need the results
commitCommands(marktr("Split ways into fragments"));
} else {
//nothing to split
return result;
* Simple chunking version. Does not care about circular ways and result being
* proper, we will glue it all back together later on.
* @param way the way to chunk
* @param splitNodes the places where to cut.
* @return list of node paths to produce.
private List<List<Node>> buildNodeChunks(Way way, Collection<Node> splitNodes) {
List<List<Node>> result = new ArrayList<>();
List<Node> curList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Node node : way.getNodes()) {
if (curList.size() > 1 && splitNodes.contains(node)) {
curList = new ArrayList<>();
if (curList.size() > 1) {
return result;
* This method finds which ways are outer and which are inner.
* @param boundaries list of joined boundaries to search in
* @return outer ways
private List<AssembledMultipolygon> findPolygons(Collection<AssembledPolygon> boundaries) {
List<PolygonLevel> list = findOuterWaysImpl(0, boundaries);
List<AssembledMultipolygon> result = new ArrayList<>();
//take every other level
for (PolygonLevel pol : list) {
if (pol.level % 2 == 0) {
return result;
* Collects outer way and corresponding inner ways from all boundaries.
* @param level depth level
* @param boundaryWays
* @return the outermostWay.
private List<PolygonLevel> findOuterWaysImpl(int level, Collection<AssembledPolygon> boundaryWays) {
//TODO: bad performance for deep nestings...
List<PolygonLevel> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (AssembledPolygon outerWay : boundaryWays) {
boolean outerGood = true;
List<AssembledPolygon> innerCandidates = new ArrayList<>();
for (AssembledPolygon innerWay : boundaryWays) {
if (innerWay == outerWay) {
if (wayInsideWay(outerWay, innerWay)) {
outerGood = false;
} else if (wayInsideWay(innerWay, outerWay)) {
if (!outerGood) {
//add new outer polygon
AssembledMultipolygon pol = new AssembledMultipolygon(outerWay);
PolygonLevel polLev = new PolygonLevel(pol, level);
//process inner ways
if (!innerCandidates.isEmpty()) {
List<PolygonLevel> innerList = findOuterWaysImpl(level + 1, innerCandidates);
for (PolygonLevel pl : innerList) {
if (pl.level == level + 1) {
return result;
* Finds all ways that form inner or outer boundaries.
* @param multigonWays A list of (splitted) ways that form a multigon and share common end nodes on intersections.
* @param discardedResult this list is filled with ways that are to be discarded
* @return A list of ways that form the outer and inner boundaries of the multigon.
public static List<AssembledPolygon> findBoundaryPolygons(Collection<WayInPolygon> multigonWays,
List<Way> discardedResult) {
//first find all discardable ways, by getting outer shells.
//this will produce incorrect boundaries in some cases, but second pass will fix it.
List<WayInPolygon> discardedWays = new ArrayList<>();
// In multigonWays collection, some way are just a point (i.e. way like nodeA-nodeA)
// This seems to appear when is apply over invalid way like #9911 test-case
// Remove all of these way to make the next work.
ArrayList<WayInPolygon> cleanMultigonWays = new ArrayList<>();
for(WayInPolygon way: multigonWays)
if(way.way.getNodesCount() == 2 && way.way.firstNode() == way.way.lastNode())
WayTraverser traverser = new WayTraverser(cleanMultigonWays);
List<AssembledPolygon> result = new ArrayList<>();
WayInPolygon startWay;
while((startWay = traverser.startNewWay()) != null) {
ArrayList<WayInPolygon> path = new ArrayList<>();
List<WayInPolygon> startWays = new ArrayList<>();
while(true) {
WayInPolygon leftComing;
while((leftComing = traverser.leftComingWay()) != null) {
// Need restart traverser walk
WayInPolygon nextWay = traverser.walk();
if(nextWay == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Join areas internal error.");
if(path.get(0) == nextWay) {
// path is closed -> stop here
AssembledPolygon ring = new AssembledPolygon(path);
if(ring.getNodes().size() <= 2) {
// Invalid ring (2 nodes) -> remove
for(WayInPolygon way: path)
} else {
// Close ring -> add
if(path.contains(nextWay)) {
// Inner loop -> remove
int index = path.indexOf(nextWay);
while(path.size() > index) {
WayInPolygon currentWay = path.get(index);
} else {
return fixTouchingPolygons(result);
* This method checks if polygons have several touching parts and splits them in several polygons.
* @param polygons the polygons to process.
public static List<AssembledPolygon> fixTouchingPolygons(List<AssembledPolygon> polygons) {
List<AssembledPolygon> newPolygons = new ArrayList<>();
for (AssembledPolygon ring : polygons) {
WayTraverser traverser = new WayTraverser(ring.ways);
WayInPolygon startWay;
while((startWay = traverser.startNewWay()) != null) {
List<WayInPolygon> simpleRingWays = new ArrayList<>();
WayInPolygon nextWay;
while((nextWay = traverser.walk()) != startWay) {
if(nextWay == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Join areas internal error.");
AssembledPolygon simpleRing = new AssembledPolygon(simpleRingWays);
return newPolygons;
* Tests if way is inside other way
* @param outside outer polygon description
* @param inside inner polygon description
* @return {@code true} if inner is inside outer
public static boolean wayInsideWay(AssembledPolygon inside, AssembledPolygon outside) {
Set<Node> outsideNodes = new HashSet<>(outside.getNodes());
List<Node> insideNodes = inside.getNodes();
for (Node insideNode : insideNodes) {
if (!outsideNodes.contains(insideNode))
//simply test the one node
return Geometry.nodeInsidePolygon(insideNode, outside.getNodes());
//all nodes shared.
return false;
* Joins the lists of ways.
* @param polygon The list of outer ways that belong to that multigon.
* @return The newly created outer way
private Multipolygon joinPolygon(AssembledMultipolygon polygon) throws UserCancelException {
Multipolygon result = new Multipolygon(joinWays(polygon.outerWay.ways));
for (AssembledPolygon pol : polygon.innerWays) {
return result;
* Joins the outer ways and deletes all short ways that can't be part of a multipolygon anyway.
* @param ways The list of outer ways that belong to that multigon.
* @return The newly created outer way
private Way joinWays(List<WayInPolygon> ways) throws UserCancelException {
//leave original orientation, if all paths are reverse.
boolean allReverse = true;
for (WayInPolygon way : ways) {
allReverse &= !way.insideToTheRight;
if (allReverse) {
for (WayInPolygon way : ways) {
way.insideToTheRight = !way.insideToTheRight;
Way joinedWay = joinOrientedWays(ways);
//should not happen
if (joinedWay == null || !joinedWay.isClosed())
throw new RuntimeException("Join areas internal error.");
return joinedWay;
* Joins a list of ways (using CombineWayAction and ReverseWayAction as specified in WayInPath)
* @param ways The list of ways to join and reverse
* @return The newly created way
private Way joinOrientedWays(List<WayInPolygon> ways) throws UserCancelException{
if (ways.size() < 2)
return ways.get(0).way;
// This will turn ways so all of them point in the same direction and CombineAction won't bug
// the user about this.
//TODO: ReverseWay and Combine way are really slow and we use them a lot here. This slows down large joins.
List<Way> actionWays = new ArrayList<>(ways.size());
for (WayInPolygon way : ways) {
if (!way.insideToTheRight) {
ReverseWayResult res = ReverseWayAction.reverseWay(way.way);
Pair<Way, Command> result = CombineWayAction.combineWaysWorker(actionWays);
cmdsCount ++;
return result.a;
* This method analyzes multipolygon relationships of given ways and collects addition inner ways to consider.
* @param selectedWays the selected ways
* @return list of polygons, or null if too complex relation encountered.
private List<Multipolygon> collectMultipolygons(List<Way> selectedWays) {
List<Multipolygon> result = new ArrayList<>();
//prepare the lists, to minimize memory allocation.
List<Way> outerWays = new ArrayList<>();
List<Way> innerWays = new ArrayList<>();
Set<Way> processedOuterWays = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Set<Way> processedInnerWays = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (Relation r : OsmPrimitive.getParentRelations(selectedWays)) {
if (r.isDeleted() || !r.isMultipolygon()) {
boolean hasKnownOuter = false;
for (RelationMember rm : r.getMembers()) {
if ("outer".equalsIgnoreCase(rm.getRole())) {
hasKnownOuter |= selectedWays.contains(rm.getWay());
else if ("inner".equalsIgnoreCase(rm.getRole())) {
if (!hasKnownOuter) {
if (outerWays.size() > 1) {
new Notification(
tr("Sorry. Cannot handle multipolygon relations with multiple outer ways."))
return null;
Way outerWay = outerWays.get(0);
//retain only selected inner ways
if (processedOuterWays.contains(outerWay)) {
new Notification(
tr("Sorry. Cannot handle way that is outer in multiple multipolygon relations."))
return null;
if (processedInnerWays.contains(outerWay)) {
new Notification(
tr("Sorry. Cannot handle way that is both inner and outer in multipolygon relations."))
return null;
for (Way way :innerWays)
if (processedOuterWays.contains(way)) {
new Notification(
tr("Sorry. Cannot handle way that is both inner and outer in multipolygon relations."))
return null;
if (processedInnerWays.contains(way)) {
new Notification(
tr("Sorry. Cannot handle way that is inner in multiple multipolygon relations."))
return null;
Multipolygon pol = new Multipolygon(outerWay);
//add remaining ways, not in relations
for (Way way : selectedWays) {
if (processedOuterWays.contains(way) || processedInnerWays.contains(way)) {
result.add(new Multipolygon(way));
return result;
* Will add own multipolygon relation to the "previously existing" relations. Fixup is done by fixRelations
* @param inner List of already closed inner ways
* @param outer The outer way
* @return The list of relation with roles to add own relation to
private RelationRole addOwnMultigonRelation(Collection<Way> inner, Way outer) {
if (inner.isEmpty()) return null;
// Create new multipolygon relation and add all inner ways to it
Relation newRel = new Relation();
newRel.put("type", "multipolygon");
for (Way w : inner) {
newRel.addMember(new RelationMember("inner", w));
cmds.add(new AddCommand(newRel));
// We don't add outer to the relation because it will be handed to fixRelations()
// which will then do the remaining work.
return new RelationRole(newRel, "outer");
* Removes a given OsmPrimitive from all relations
* @param osm Element to remove from all relations
* @return List of relations with roles the primitives was part of
private List<RelationRole> removeFromAllRelations(OsmPrimitive osm) {
List<RelationRole> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (Relation r : Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().getRelations()) {
if (r.isDeleted()) {
for (RelationMember rm : r.getMembers()) {
if (rm.getMember() != osm) {
Relation newRel = new Relation(r);
List<RelationMember> members = newRel.getMembers();
cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(r, newRel));
RelationRole saverel = new RelationRole(r, rm.getRole());
if (!result.contains(saverel)) {
commitCommands(marktr("Removed Element from Relations"));
return result;
* Adds the previously removed relations again to the outer way. If there are multiple multipolygon
* relations where the joined areas were in "outer" role a new relation is created instead with all
* members of both. This function depends on multigon relations to be valid already, it won't fix them.
* @param rels List of relations with roles the (original) ways were part of
* @param outer The newly created outer area/way
* @param ownMultipol elements to directly add as outer
* @param relationsToDelete set of relations to delete.
private void fixRelations(List<RelationRole> rels, Way outer, RelationRole ownMultipol, Set<Relation> relationsToDelete) {
List<RelationRole> multiouters = new ArrayList<>();
if (ownMultipol != null) {
for (RelationRole r : rels) {
if (r.rel.isMultipolygon() && "outer".equalsIgnoreCase(r.role)) {
// Add it back!
Relation newRel = new Relation(r.rel);
newRel.addMember(new RelationMember(r.role, outer));
cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(r.rel, newRel));
Relation newRel;
switch (multiouters.size()) {
case 0:
case 1:
// Found only one to be part of a multipolygon relation, so just add it back as well
newRel = new Relation(multiouters.get(0).rel);
newRel.addMember(new RelationMember(multiouters.get(0).role, outer));
cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(multiouters.get(0).rel, newRel));
// Create a new relation with all previous members and (Way)outer as outer.
newRel = new Relation();
for (RelationRole r : multiouters) {
// Add members
for (RelationMember rm : r.rel.getMembers())
if (!newRel.getMembers().contains(rm)) {
// Add tags
for (String key : r.rel.keySet()) {
newRel.put(key, r.rel.get(key));
// Delete old relation
newRel.addMember(new RelationMember("outer", outer));
cmds.add(new AddCommand(newRel));
* Remove all tags from the all the way
* @param ways The List of Ways to remove all tags from
private void stripTags(Collection<Way> ways) {
for (Way w : ways) {
/* I18N: current action printed in status display */
commitCommands(marktr("Remove tags from inner ways"));
* Remove all tags from the way
* @param x The Way to remove all tags from
private void stripTags(Way x) {
Way y = new Way(x);
for (String key : x.keySet()) {
cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(x, y));
* Takes the last cmdsCount actions back and combines them into a single action
* (for when the user wants to undo the join action)
* @param message The commit message to display
private void makeCommitsOneAction(String message) {
UndoRedoHandler ur = Main.main.undoRedo;
int i = Math.max(ur.commands.size() - cmdsCount, 0);
for (; i < ur.commands.size(); i++) {
for (i = 0; i < cmds.size(); i++) {
commitCommands(message == null ? marktr("Join Areas Function") : message);
cmdsCount = 0;
protected void updateEnabledState() {
if (getCurrentDataSet() == null) {
} else {
protected void updateEnabledState(Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> selection) {
setEnabled(selection != null && !selection.isEmpty());