package net.ex337.scriptus.config;
import static net.ex337.scriptus.CryptUtils.hash;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import net.ex337.scriptus.CryptUtils;
import net.ex337.scriptus.exceptions.ScriptusRuntimeException;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextInitializer;
import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.core.env.PropertySource;
* Acts as the interface to the configuration store.
* The configuration is loaded by default from ~/.scriptus/
* If the system property scriptus.config is supplied, then this property is
* taken as a URL (file-system, relative or absolute, or HTTP etc.) from which
* to load the properties file.
* The configuration includes what datastore and transport to use.
* If no configuration file is found, we default to using the in-memory
* datastore and the command-line transport.
* The properties in the config file can, with one exception, be modified via
* the "/settings" page. The one exception is the boolean setting
* "disableOpenID", which has to be set manually by editing the file itself, for
* reasons of security. This setting is useful when debugging scripts offline,
* where openID authentication is impossible.
* @author ian
public class ScriptusConfig implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {
private static final String DB_PARAMETERS = "dbParameters";
private static final String DB_NAME = "dbName";
private static final String DB_USERNAME = "dbUsername";
private static final String DB_PASSWORD = "dbPassword";
private static final String DB_PORT = "dbPort";
private static final String DB_HOST = "dbHost";
private static final String HASH_ALGO = "SHA-256";
private static final String SYMETRIC_CIPHER = "AES";
public static final String SCRIPTUS_CONFIG_SYSVAR = "scriptus.config";
public static enum TransportType {
Twitter(true), Personal(false), Dummy(false), Facebook(true),
private boolean isPublic;
private TransportType(boolean isPublic) {
this.isPublic = isPublic;
public boolean isPublic() {
return isPublic;
public static enum DatastoreType {
PostgreSQL, Embedded, Memory
public static final String DURATION_FORMAT = "([0-9]+)[\\ ,]*([smhdwMqyDC])";
public static final String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm";
public static final String CHARSET_STR = "UTF-8";
public static final Charset CHARSET = Charset.forName(ScriptusConfig.CHARSET_STR);
public static final String SCRIPTUS_DIR = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.scriptus";
private int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_LENGTH = 24;
private TimeUnit WAIT_SLEEP_UNIT = TimeUnit.HOURS;
// also defines on what multiple of the time unit to execute, e.g.
// 10minutes = execution at 00, 10, 20,
private TimeUnit SCHEDULER_TIME_UNIT = TimeUnit.MINUTES;
private String twitterConsumerKey = "";
private String twitterConsumerSecret = "";
private String facebookAppKey="";
private String facebookAppSecret="";
private TransportType transportType = TransportType.Dummy;
private DatastoreType datastoreType = DatastoreType.Embedded;
private byte[] salt;
private transient Map<String, byte[]> keys = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
private transient String lastKey;
private String dbHost, dbPort, dbUsername, dbPassword, dbName, dbParameters;
public static boolean FORCE_CLEAN_INSTALL = false;
* Set to true during init() iff no config file exists at specified (or
* default) location.
private boolean cleanInstall;
private boolean disableOpenID;
private String defaultConfigLocation = SCRIPTUS_DIR + "/";;
private String configLocation = defaultConfigLocation;
public void init() throws IOException {
* is there a system property? if so use it is there a
* ~/.scriptus/ if so use it use a default
File scriptusDir = new File(SCRIPTUS_DIR);
// if( ! scriptusDir.exists() && ! scriptusDir.mkdir()) {
// throw new IOException("Unable to create directory "+SCRIPTUS_DIR);
// }
Properties props = getProperties();
if(props == null){
cleanInstall = true;
} else {
if (cleanInstall || FORCE_CLEAN_INSTALL) {
//transportType = TransportType.CommandLine;
//datastoreType = DatastoreType.Memory;
SecureRandom r = new SecureRandom();
salt = new byte[32];
byte[] firstKey = new byte[32];
lastKey = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmm").format(new Date());
keys.put(lastKey, firstKey);
* Try not to touch the local filesystem unless we know we're going to
* need to.
// put DB initialisatoin here
if (configLocation.equals(defaultConfigLocation)) {
if (!scriptusDir.exists()) {
* save config file with salt & key. But if we're forcing, we don't want
* to save a new config file (every test-case)
if (cleanInstall && !FORCE_CLEAN_INSTALL) {
private Properties getProperties() throws IOException {
Properties props = new Properties();
File localConfig;
if (System.getProperty(SCRIPTUS_CONFIG_SYSVAR) != null) {
configLocation = System.getProperty(SCRIPTUS_CONFIG_SYSVAR);
* We need to figure out if we can load from this location, because
* if we're running for the first time and the config file doesn't
* exist then we might end up in a sticky situation.
InputStream configStream = null;
try {
configStream = new URL(configLocation).openStream();
} catch (MalformedURLException mfe) {
configStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(configLocation);
if (configStream == null)
try {
configStream = new FileInputStream(configLocation);
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
// do nothing...
boolean canLoadConfig = (configStream != null);
if (canLoadConfig) {
} else {
return null;
} else if ((localConfig = new File(configLocation)).exists()) {
InputStream fin = new FileInputStream(localConfig);
} else {
return null;
return props;
private void load(Properties props) {
twitterConsumerKey = props.getProperty("twitterConsumerKey");
twitterConsumerSecret = props.getProperty("twitterConsumerSecret");
facebookAppKey = props.getProperty("facebookAppKey");
facebookAppSecret = props.getProperty("facebookAppSecret");
// twitterAccessToken = props.getProperty("twitterAccessToken");
// twitterAccessTokenSecret =
// props.getProperty("twitterAccessTokenSecret");
datastoreType = DatastoreType.valueOf(props.getProperty("datastore"));
transportType = TransportType.valueOf(props.getProperty("transport"));
disableOpenID = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("disableOpenID"));
dbHost = props.getProperty(DB_HOST);
dbPort = props.getProperty(DB_PORT);
dbUsername = props.getProperty(DB_USERNAME);
dbPassword = props.getProperty(DB_PASSWORD);
dbName = props.getProperty(DB_NAME);
dbParameters = props.getProperty(DB_PARAMETERS);
String[] keyIdList = StringUtils.split(props.getProperty("transportKeys"), ",");
if (keyIdList == null) {
for (String k : keyIdList) {
this.keys.put(k, CryptUtils.fromHex(props.getProperty("transportKey." + k)));
if (lastKey == null || k.compareTo(lastKey) > 0) {
this.lastKey = k;
String saltHex = props.getProperty("transportKeys.salt");
if (saltHex == null) {
this.salt = CryptUtils.fromHex(saltHex);
public void save() throws IOException {
Properties props = dumpConfigToProperties();
* not written out automatically - (a) no option in GUI, - (b)
* dangerous! so has to be done manually
// props.put("disableOpenID", Boolean.toString(disableOpenID));
FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(new File(configLocation));, "Scriptus configuration file");
public Properties dumpConfigToProperties() {
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("twitterConsumerKey", twitterConsumerKey);
props.put("twitterConsumerSecret", twitterConsumerSecret);
props.put("facebookAppKey", facebookAppKey);
props.put("facebookAppSecret", facebookAppSecret);
props.put("transport", transportType.toString());
props.put("datastore", datastoreType.toString());
List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
props.put("transportKeys.salt", CryptUtils.toHex(this.salt));
for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> e : this.keys.entrySet()) {
props.put("transportKey." + e.getKey(), CryptUtils.toHex(e.getValue()));
props.put("transportKeys", StringUtils.join(keys, ','));
return props;
public String getTwitterConsumerKey() {
return twitterConsumerKey;
public void setTwitterConsumerKey(String twitterConsumerKey) {
this.twitterConsumerKey = twitterConsumerKey;
public String getTwitterConsumerSecret() {
return twitterConsumerSecret;
public void setTwitterConsumerSecret(String twitterConsumerSecret) {
this.twitterConsumerSecret = twitterConsumerSecret;
public DatastoreType getDatastoreType() {
return datastoreType;
public void setDatastoreType(DatastoreType datastoreType) {
this.datastoreType = datastoreType;
public boolean isCleanInstall() {
return true;
return cleanInstall;
public String getConfigLocation() {
return configLocation;
public boolean getDisableOpenID() {
return disableOpenID;
public void setDisableOpenID(boolean offlineMode) {
this.disableOpenID = offlineMode;
public int getDefaultTimeoutLength() {
public int getSchedulerPollInterval() {
public TimeUnit getWaitSleepUnit() {
public TimeUnit getSchedulerTimeUnit() {
public String decrypt(byte[] ciphertext, String keyId) {
byte[] keymat = hash(HASH_ALGO, ArrayUtils.addAll(hash(HASH_ALGO, getKey(keyId)), getSalt()));
Key key = new SecretKeySpec(keymat, 0, 16, SYMETRIC_CIPHER);
return new String(CryptUtils.decrypt(SYMETRIC_CIPHER, ciphertext, key), CHARSET);
private byte[] getSalt() {
return salt;
private byte[] getKey(String keyId) {
byte[] key = keys.get(keyId);
if (key == null) {
throw new ScriptusRuntimeException("key with ID " + keyId + " not found");
return Arrays.copyOf(key, key.length);
public String getLatestKeyId() {
return lastKey;
public byte[] encrypt(String plaintext, String keyId) {
byte[] keymat = hash(HASH_ALGO, ArrayUtils.addAll(hash(HASH_ALGO, getKey(keyId)), getSalt()));
Key key = new SecretKeySpec(keymat, 0, 16, SYMETRIC_CIPHER);
return CryptUtils.encrypt(SYMETRIC_CIPHER, plaintext.getBytes(CHARSET), key);
public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext c) {
* also load config here to configure bean container itself
Properties r;
try {
r = getProperties();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ScriptusRuntimeException(e);
if(r != null){
<property name="url" value="jdbc:postgresql://${dbServer}:${dbPort}/${dbName}?${dbParameters}"/>
<property name="username" value="${dbUsername}"/>
<property name="password" value="${dbUsername}"/>
c.getEnvironment().getPropertySources().addFirst(new ScriptusConfigPropertySource("Scriptus config", this));
public class ScriptusConfigPropertySource extends PropertySource<ScriptusConfig>{
public ScriptusConfigPropertySource(String name, ScriptusConfig source) {
super(name, source);
public Object getProperty(String name) {
return getDatastoreType().toString();
return dbHost;
} else if(DB_PORT.equals(name)){
return dbPort;
} else if(DB_PASSWORD.equals(name)){
return dbPassword;
} else if(DB_USERNAME.equals(name)){
return dbUsername;
} else if(DB_NAME.equals(name)){
return dbName;
} else if(DB_PARAMETERS.equals(name)){
return dbParameters == null ? "" : dbParameters;
return null;
public String getFacebookAppKey() {
return facebookAppKey;
public void setFacebookAppKey(String facebookAppKey) {
this.facebookAppKey = facebookAppKey;
public String getFacebookAppSecret() {
return facebookAppSecret;
public void setFacebookAppSecret(String facebookAppSecret) {
this.facebookAppSecret = facebookAppSecret;