Package net.ex337.scriptus

Source Code of net.ex337.scriptus.ScriptusFacade

package net.ex337.scriptus;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;

import javax.annotation.Resource;

import net.ex337.scriptus.config.ScriptusConfig;
import net.ex337.scriptus.config.ScriptusConfig.TransportType;
import net.ex337.scriptus.datastore.ScriptusDatastore;
import net.ex337.scriptus.exceptions.ScriptusRuntimeException;
import net.ex337.scriptus.model.MessageCorrelation;
import net.ex337.scriptus.model.ScriptProcess;
import net.ex337.scriptus.model.scheduler.ScheduledScriptAction;
import net.ex337.scriptus.scheduler.ProcessScheduler;
import net.ex337.scriptus.transport.Transport;
import net.ex337.scriptus.transport.impl.DummyTransport;
import net.ex337.scriptus.transport.impl.PersonalTransport;
import net.ex337.scriptus.transport.twitter.TwitterTransportImpl;

* A facade object giving access to almost all the functionality
* of Scriptus. This is the object used by API calls to do their
* stuff.
* @author ian
public class ScriptusFacade {

    private ScriptusDatastore datastore;
    private ProcessScheduler scheduler;
    private DummyTransport dummy;
    private PersonalTransport personal;
    private TwitterTransportImpl twitter;
    private ScriptusConfig config;

    private Transport testTransport;
     * zero-arg constructor for prototype bean
    public ScriptusFacade() {

     * used only in test-cases so that we can do inline overriding of method&s
     * @param datastore
     * @param scheduler
     * @param transport
     * @param config
    public ScriptusFacade(ScriptusDatastore datastore, ProcessScheduler scheduler, Transport transport, ScriptusConfig config) {
        this.datastore = datastore;
        this.scheduler = scheduler;
        this.testTransport = transport;
        this.config = config;
    public ScriptProcess newProcess(String userId, String source, String args, String owner, TransportType transport) {
        return datastore.newProcess(userId, source, false, args, owner, transport);
    public ScriptProcess getProcess(UUID uuid) {
        return datastore.getProcess(uuid);
//    public void writeProcess(UUID pid, byte[] serialisedProcess) {
//        datastore.writeProcess(pid, serialisedProcess);
//    }
//    public byte[] loadProcess(UUID pid) {
//        return datastore.loadProcess(pid);
//    }
    public void deleteProcess(UUID pid) {
//    public Set<String> listScripts(String userId) {
//        return datastore.listScripts(userId);
//    }
//    public String loadScriptSource(String userId, String name) {
//        return datastore.loadScriptSource(userId, name);
//    }
//    public void saveScriptSource(String userId, String name, String source) {
//        datastore.saveScriptSource(userId, name, source);
//    }
//    public void deleteScript(String userId, String name) {
//        datastore.deleteScript(userId, name);
//    }
//    public List<ScheduledScriptAction> getScheduledTasks(Calendar dueDate) {
//        return datastore.getScheduledTasks(dueDate);
//    }
    public void deleteScheduledTask(UUID pid, long nonce) {
        datastore.deleteScheduledTask(pid, nonce);
//    public void saveScheduledTask(ScheduledScriptAction task) {
//        datastore.saveScheduledTask(task);
//    }
    public void registerMessageCorrelation(MessageCorrelation cid) {
//    public Set<MessageCorrelation> getMessageCorrelationByID(String inReplyTo, String from, String userId) {
//        return datastore.getMessageCorrelations(inReplyTo, from, userId);
//    }
    public void unregisterMessageCorrelation(MessageCorrelation correlation) {
//    public void createTestSources() {
//        datastore.createTestSources();
//    }
    public void runWithLock(UUID pid, Runnable r) {
        scheduler.runWithLock(pid, r);
//    public void executeNewProcess(String userId, String sourceName, String args, String owner) {
//        scheduler.executeNewProcess(userId, sourceName, args, owner);
//    }
    public void execute(UUID pid) {
    public void updateProcessState(UUID pid, Object o) {
        datastore.updateProcessState(pid, o);
    public void markAsKilledIfRunning(UUID pid) {
    public String send(String userId, TransportType transport, String to, String msg) {
        if(testTransport != null) {
            return testTransport.send(userId, to, msg);
        if(transport == TransportType.Twitter){
            return twitter.send(userId, to, msg);
        if(transport == TransportType.Personal){
            return personal.send(userId, to, msg);
        if(transport == TransportType.Dummy){
            return dummy.send(userId, to, msg);
        throw new ScriptusRuntimeException("transport type not recognised "+transport);

    public void scheduleTask(ScheduledScriptAction action) {

    public List<UUID> getChildren(UUID parent) {
        return datastore.getChildren(parent);

    public void removeChild(UUID parent, UUID child) {
        datastore.removeChild(parent, child);

    public void addChild(int seq, UUID parent, UUID newChild) {
        datastore.addChild(parent, newChild, seq);

    public void markProcessFinished(UUID pid) {

    public void saveLogMessage(UUID pid, String userId, String message) {
        datastore.saveLogMessage(pid, userId, message);


Related Classes of net.ex337.scriptus.ScriptusFacade

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