// Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Webit Team. All Rights Reserved.
package webit.script;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import webit.script.core.NativeFactory;
import webit.script.core.text.TextStatementFactory;
import webit.script.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException;
import webit.script.global.GlobalManager;
import webit.script.io.Out;
import webit.script.io.charset.CoderFactory;
import webit.script.io.impl.DiscardOut;
import webit.script.lang.Bag;
import webit.script.lang.KeyValues;
import webit.script.loaders.Loader;
import webit.script.loggers.Logger;
import webit.script.resolvers.ResolverManager;
import webit.script.security.NativeSecurityManager;
import webit.script.util.ClassEntry;
import webit.script.util.ClassUtil;
import webit.script.util.KeyValuesUtil;
import webit.script.util.Petite;
import webit.script.util.Props;
import webit.script.util.PropsUtil;
import webit.script.util.StringUtil;
* @author Zqq
public final class Engine {
public static final String UTF_8 = internEncoding("UTF-8");
private ClassEntry resourceLoaderType;
private ClassEntry textStatementFactoryType;
private ClassEntry nativeSecurityManagerType;
private ClassEntry coderFactoryType;
private ClassEntry globalManagerType;
private ClassEntry loggerType;
private ClassEntry resolverManagerType;
private ClassEntry nativeFactoryType;
private boolean looseVar;
private boolean shareRootData = true;
private boolean trimCodeBlockBlankLine = true;
private boolean appendLostSuffix;
private String suffix = ".wit";
private String encoding = UTF_8;
private String inits;
private String[] vars;
private String[] assistantSuffixs;
private Logger logger;
private Loader resourceLoader;
private GlobalManager globalManager;
private TextStatementFactory textStatementFactory;
private NativeSecurityManager nativeSecurityManager;
private CoderFactory coderFactory;
private NativeFactory nativeFactory;
private ResolverManager resolverManager;
private final ConcurrentMap<String, Template> templateCache;
private final Map<String, Object> componentContainer;
private final Petite petite;
private Engine(final Petite petite) {
this.petite = petite;
this.templateCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Template>();
this.componentContainer = new HashMap<String, Object>();
private void init() {
this.logger = (Logger) newComponentInstance(this.loggerType, webit.script.loggers.impl.NOPLogger.class);
this.nativeFactory = (NativeFactory) newComponentInstance(this.nativeFactoryType, webit.script.asm.AsmNativeFactory.class);
this.resolverManager = (ResolverManager) newComponentInstance(this.resolverManagerType, webit.script.asm.AsmResolverManager.class);
this.coderFactory = (CoderFactory) newComponentInstance(this.coderFactoryType, webit.script.io.charset.impl.DefaultCoderFactory.class);
this.nativeSecurityManager = (NativeSecurityManager) newComponentInstance(this.nativeSecurityManagerType, webit.script.security.impl.NoneNativeSecurityManager.class);
this.textStatementFactory = (TextStatementFactory) newComponentInstance(this.textStatementFactoryType, webit.script.core.text.impl.SimpleTextStatementFactory.class);
this.resourceLoader = (Loader) newComponentInstance(this.resourceLoaderType, webit.script.loaders.impl.ClasspathLoader.class);
this.globalManager = (GlobalManager) newComponentInstance(this.globalManagerType, webit.script.global.GlobalManager.class);
resolveComponent(this.logger, this.loggerType);
resolveComponent(this.nativeFactory, this.nativeFactoryType);
resolveComponent(this.resolverManager, this.resolverManagerType);
resolveComponent(this.coderFactory, this.coderFactoryType);
resolveComponent(this.nativeSecurityManager, this.nativeSecurityManagerType);
resolveComponent(this.textStatementFactory, this.textStatementFactoryType);
resolveComponent(this.resourceLoader, this.resourceLoaderType);
resolveComponent(this.globalManager, this.globalManagerType);
private void executeInitTemplates() throws ResourceNotFoundException {
if (this.inits != null) {
final Out out = new DiscardOut();
final GlobalManager myGlobalManager = this.globalManager;
final Bag globalBag = myGlobalManager.getGlobalBag();
final Bag constBag = myGlobalManager.getGlobalBag();
final KeyValues params = KeyValuesUtil.wrap(
new String[]{"GLOBAL", "CONST"},
new Object[]{globalBag, constBag}
for (String templateName : StringUtil.toArray(this.inits)) {
if (this.logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
this.logger.info("Merge init template: {}", templateName);
.merge(params, out);
//Commit Global
* get config by key form engine
* @since 1.4.0
* @param key
* @return config value
public Object getConfig(String key) {
return this.petite.get(key);
* @since 1.4.0
private void resolveComponent(final Object bean, final ClassEntry type) {
String beanName = type != null
? type.profile
: Petite.resolveBeanName(bean);
this.petite.wireBean(beanName, bean);
if (bean instanceof Initable) {
((Initable) bean).init(this);
this.componentContainer.put(beanName, bean);
* @param type
* @return Component
* @since 1.4.0
public Object getComponent(final Class type) {
return getComponent(ClassEntry.wrap(type));
* @param type
* @return Component
* @since 1.4.0
public synchronized Object getComponent(final ClassEntry type) {
Object bean = this.componentContainer.get(type.profile);
if (bean == null) {
bean = ClassUtil.newInstance(type.value);
resolveComponent(bean, type);
return bean;
* get template by parent template's name and it's relative name.
* @param parentName parent template's name
* @param name template's relative name
* @return Template
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
public Template getTemplate(final String parentName, final String name) throws ResourceNotFoundException {
return getTemplate(this.resourceLoader.concat(parentName, name));
* get template by name.
* @param name template's name
* @return Template
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
public Template getTemplate(final String name) throws ResourceNotFoundException {
final Template template;
if ((template = this.templateCache.get(name)) != null) {
return template;
} else {
return createTemplateIfAbsent(name);
* if exists this resource.
* @param resourceName
* @return boolean
* @since 1.4.1
public boolean exists(final String resourceName) {
final String normalizedName;
final Loader loader;
if ((normalizedName = (loader = this.resourceLoader).normalize(resourceName)) != null) {
return loader.get(normalizedName).exists();
return false;
private Template createTemplateIfAbsent(final String name) throws ResourceNotFoundException {
Template template;
final Loader loader = this.resourceLoader;
final String normalizedName = loader.normalize(name);
if (normalizedName == null) {
//if normalized-name is null means not found resource.
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Illegal template path: ".concat(name));
template = this.templateCache.get(normalizedName);
if (template == null) {
//then create Template
template = new Template(this, normalizedName,
if (loader.isEnableCache(normalizedName)) {
Template oldTemplate;
oldTemplate = this.templateCache.putIfAbsent(normalizedName, template);
//if old Template exist, use the old one
if (oldTemplate != null) {
template = oldTemplate;
if (!name.equals(normalizedName)) {
// cache Template with un-normalized name
oldTemplate = this.templateCache.putIfAbsent(name, template);
if (oldTemplate != null) {
template = oldTemplate;
return template;
public boolean checkNativeAccess(String path) {
return this.nativeSecurityManager.access(path);
* @since 1.5.0
public void setNativeFactory(ClassEntry nativeFactory) {
this.nativeFactoryType = nativeFactory;
* @since 1.5.0
public void setResolverManager(ClassEntry resolverManager) {
this.resolverManagerType = resolverManager;
public void setNativeSecurityManager(ClassEntry nativeSecurityManager) {
this.nativeSecurityManagerType = nativeSecurityManager;
public void setCoderFactory(ClassEntry coderFactory) {
this.coderFactoryType = coderFactory;
public void setResourceLoader(ClassEntry resourceLoader) {
this.resourceLoaderType = resourceLoader;
public void setTextStatementFactory(ClassEntry textStatementFactory) {
this.textStatementFactoryType = textStatementFactory;
public void setGlobalManager(ClassEntry globalManager) {
this.globalManagerType = globalManager;
public void setLogger(ClassEntry logger) {
this.loggerType = logger;
* @since 1.4.0
* @return Loader
public Loader getResourceLoader() {
return resourceLoader;
public String getEncoding() {
return encoding;
public void setEncoding(String encoding) {
if (encoding != null) {
this.encoding = internEncoding(encoding);
//else ignore
public NativeFactory getNativeFactory() {
return nativeFactory;
public boolean isLooseVar() {
return looseVar;
public void setLooseVar(boolean looseVar) {
this.looseVar = looseVar;
public boolean isShareRootData() {
return shareRootData;
public void setShareRootData(boolean shareRootData) {
this.shareRootData = shareRootData;
public boolean isTrimCodeBlockBlankLine() {
return trimCodeBlockBlankLine;
public void setTrimCodeBlockBlankLine(boolean trimCodeBlockBlankLine) {
this.trimCodeBlockBlankLine = trimCodeBlockBlankLine;
public NativeSecurityManager getNativeSecurityManager() {
return nativeSecurityManager;
public ResolverManager getResolverManager() {
return resolverManager;
public TextStatementFactory getTextStatementFactory() {
return textStatementFactory;
public CoderFactory getCoderFactory() {
return coderFactory;
public GlobalManager getGlobalManager() {
return globalManager;
public Logger getLogger() {
return logger;
public boolean isAppendLostSuffix() {
return appendLostSuffix;
public void setAppendLostSuffix(boolean appendLostSuffix) {
this.appendLostSuffix = appendLostSuffix;
public String getSuffix() {
return suffix;
public void setSuffix(String suffix) {
this.suffix = suffix;
public String[] getVars() {
return vars;
public void setVars(String vars) {
this.vars = StringUtil.toArray(vars);
public String[] getAssistantSuffixs() {
return assistantSuffixs;
public void setAssistantSuffixs(String assistantSuffixs) {
this.assistantSuffixs = StringUtil.toArray(assistantSuffixs);
public void setInits(String inits) {
this.inits = inits;
* @since 1.5.0
private static Object newComponentInstance(ClassEntry classEntry, Class defaultType) {
if (classEntry == null) {
return ClassUtil.newInstance(defaultType);
return ClassUtil.newInstance(classEntry.value);
public static Props createConfigProps(final String configPath) {
return PropsUtil.loadFromClasspath(new Props(), CFG.DEFAULT_WIM, configPath);
* Create a Engine with default configPath.
* @return
* @since 1.5.0
public static Engine create() {
return create("", null);
* Create a Engine with given configPath.
* @param configPath
* @return
* @since 1.5.0
public static Engine create(final String configPath) {
return create(configPath, null);
* Create a Engine with given configPath and extra-parameters.
* @param configPath
* @param parameters
* @return
* @since 1.5.0
public static Engine create(final String configPath, final Map<String, Object> parameters) {
return create(createConfigProps(configPath), parameters);
* Create a Engine with given baseProps and extra-parameters.
* @param props
* @param parameters
* @return
* @since 1.5.0
public static Engine create(final Props props, final Map<String, Object> parameters) {
final Petite petite = new Petite();
petite.set(props, parameters);
final Engine engine = new Engine(petite);
if (engine.getLogger().isInfoEnabled()) {
engine.getLogger().info("Loaded props: {}", petite.get(CFG.WIM_FILE_LIST));
try {
} catch (ResourceNotFoundException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
return engine;
* @deprecated
public static Engine createEngine(final String configPath) {
return create(configPath, null);
* @deprecated
public static Engine createEngine(final String configPath, final Map<String, Object> parameters) {
return create(configPath, parameters);
* @deprecated
public static Engine createEngine(final Props props, final Map<String, Object> parameters) {
return create(props, parameters);
* Intern encoding
* @param encoding
* @return
* @since 1.5.0
public static String internEncoding(final String encoding) {
try {
return Charset.forName(encoding).name();
} catch (Exception e) {
return encoding.intern();