package org.jgroups.protocols;
import org.jgroups.*;
import org.jgroups.annotations.MBean;
import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedAttribute;
import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedOperation;
import org.jgroups.annotations.Property;
import org.jgroups.conf.ConfiguratorFactory;
import org.jgroups.stack.IpAddress;
import org.jgroups.stack.Protocol;
import org.jgroups.util.*;
import org.jgroups.util.UUID;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* The Discovery protocol retrieves the initial membership (used by GMS and MERGE3) by sending discovery requests.
* We do this in subclasses of Discovery, e.g. by mcasting a discovery request ({@link PING}) or, if gossiping is enabled,
* by contacting the GossipRouter ({@link TCPGOSSIP}).<p/>
* The responses should allow us to determine the coordinator which we have to contact, e.g. in case we want to join
* the group, or to see if we have diverging views in case of MERGE2.<p/>
* When we are a server (after having received the BECOME_SERVER event), we'll respond to discovery requests with
* a discovery response.
* @author Bela Ban
public abstract class Discovery extends Protocol {
/* ----------------------------------------- Properties -------------------------------------------------- */
@Property(description="Timeout to wait for the initial members",deprecatedMessage="GMS.join_timeout should be used instead")
protected long timeout=3000;
@Property(description="Minimum number of initial members to get a response from",deprecatedMessage="will be ignored")
protected int num_initial_members=10;
@Property(description="Minimum number of server responses (PingData.isServer()=true). If this value is " +
"greater than 0, we'll ignore num_initial_members",deprecatedMessage="not used anymore")
protected int num_initial_srv_members;
@Property(description="Return from the discovery phase as soon as we have 1 coordinator response")
protected boolean break_on_coord_rsp=true;
@Property(description="Whether or not to return the entire logical-physical address cache mappings on a " +
"discovery request, or not.")
protected boolean return_entire_cache=false;
@Property(description="If greater than 0, we'll wait a random number of milliseconds in range [0..stagger_timeout] " +
"before sending a discovery response. This prevents traffic spikes in large clusters when everyone sends their " +
"discovery response at the same time")
protected long stagger_timeout;
@Property(description="Always sends a discovery response, no matter what",writable=true)
protected boolean force_sending_discovery_rsps=true;
@Property(description="If a persistent disk cache (PDC) is present, combine the discovery results with the " +
"contents of the disk cache before returning the results")
protected boolean use_disk_cache=false;
@Property(description="When sending a discovery request, always send the physical address and logical name too",
protected boolean always_send_physical_addr_with_discovery_request=true;
@Property(description="Max size of the member list shipped with a discovery request. If we have more, the " +
"mbrs field in the discovery request header is nulled and members return the entire membership, " +
"not individual members")
protected int max_members_in_discovery_request=500;
@Property(description="Expiry time of discovery responses in ms")
protected long discovery_rsp_expiry_time=60000;
@Property(description="If true then the discovery is done on a separate timer thread. Should be set to true when " +
"discovery is blocking and/or takes more than a few milliseconds")
protected boolean async_discovery=false;
@ManagedOperation(description="Sets force_sending_discovery_rsps")
public void setForceSendingDiscoveryRsps(boolean flag) {
/* --------------------------------------------- JMX ------------------------------------------------------ */
@ManagedAttribute(description="Total number of discovery requests sent ")
protected int num_discovery_requests;
/* --------------------------------------------- Fields ------------------------------------------------------ */
protected volatile boolean is_server=false;
protected volatile boolean is_leaving=false;
protected TimeScheduler timer;
protected View view;
protected final List<Address> members=new ArrayList<Address>(11);
@ManagedAttribute(description="Whether this member is the current coordinator")
protected boolean is_coord=false;
protected Address local_addr=null;
protected Address current_coord;
protected String cluster_name;
protected final Map<Long,Responses> ping_responses=new HashMap<Long,Responses>();
@ManagedAttribute(description="Whether the transport supports multicasting")
protected boolean transport_supports_multicasting=true;
protected static final byte[] WHITESPACE=" \t".getBytes();
public void init() throws Exception {
if(timer == null)
throw new Exception("timer cannot be retrieved from protocol stack");
if(stagger_timeout < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("stagger_timeout cannot be negative");
public abstract boolean isDynamic();
public void handleDisconnect() {
public void handleConnect() {
public void discoveryRequestReceived(Address sender, String logical_name, PhysicalAddress physical_addr) {
public long getTimeout() {return timeout;}
public void setTimeout(long timeout) {this.timeout=timeout;}
public int getNumInitialMembers() {return -1;}
public void setNumInitialMembers(int num) {}
public int getNumberOfDiscoveryRequestsSent() {return num_discovery_requests;}
public long timeout() {return timeout;}
public Discovery timeout(long timeout) {this.timeout=timeout; return this;}
public long numInitialMembers() {return -1;}
public Discovery numInitialMembers(int num) {return this;}
public boolean breakOnCoordResponse() {return break_on_coord_rsp;}
public Discovery breakOnCoordResponse(boolean flag) {break_on_coord_rsp=flag; return this;}
public boolean returnEntireCache() {return return_entire_cache;}
public Discovery returnEntireCache(boolean flag) {return_entire_cache=flag; return this;}
public long staggerTimeout() {return stagger_timeout;}
public Discovery staggerTimeout(long timeout) {stagger_timeout=timeout; return this;}
public boolean forceDiscoveryResponses() {return force_sending_discovery_rsps;}
public Discovery forceDiscoveryResponses(boolean f) {force_sending_discovery_rsps=f; return this;}
public boolean useDiskCache() {return use_disk_cache;}
public Discovery useDiskCache(boolean flag) {use_disk_cache=flag; return this;}
public String getView() {return view != null? view.getViewId().toString() : "null";}
public ViewId getViewId() {
return view != null? view.getViewId() : null;
@ManagedAttribute(description="The address of the current coordinator")
public String getCurrentCoord() {return current_coord != null? current_coord.toString() : "n/a";}
protected boolean isMergeRunning() {
Object retval=up_prot.up(new Event(Event.IS_MERGE_IN_PROGRESS));
return retval instanceof Boolean && (Boolean)retval;
public List<Integer> providedUpServices() {
public void resetStats() {
public void start() throws Exception {
public void stop() {
* Fetches information (e.g. physical address, logical name) for the given member addresses. Needs to add responses
* to the {@link org.jgroups.util.Responses} object. If {@link #async_discovery} is true, this method will be called
* in a separate thread, otherwise the caller's thread will be used.
* @param members A list of logical addresses (typically {@link org.jgroups.util.UUID}s). If null, then information
* for all members is fetched
* @param initial_discovery Set to true if this is for the initial membership discovery. Some protocols (e.g.
* file based ones) may return only the information for the coordinator(s).
* @param responses The list to which responses should be added
protected abstract void findMembers(List<Address> members, boolean initial_discovery, Responses responses);
public Responses findMembers(final List<Address> members, final boolean initial_discovery, boolean async) {
int size=members != null? members.size() : 16;
final Responses rsps=new Responses(size, initial_discovery && break_on_coord_rsp, size);
synchronized(ping_responses) {
ping_responses.put(System.nanoTime(), rsps);
if(async || async_discovery) {
timer.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {findMembers(members, initial_discovery, rsps);}
findMembers(members, initial_discovery, rsps);
return rsps;
@ManagedOperation(description="Runs the discovery protocol to find initial members")
public String findInitialMembersAsString() {
Responses rsps=findMembers(null, false, false);
if(rsps.isEmpty()) return "<empty>";
StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
for(PingData rsp: rsps)
return sb.toString();
@ManagedOperation(description="Reads logical-physical address mappings and logical name mappings from a " +
"file (or URL) and adds them to the local caches")
public void addToCache(String filename) throws Exception {
InputStream in=ConfiguratorFactory.getConfigStream(filename);
List<PingData> list=read(in);
if(list != null)
for(PingData data: list)
addDiscoveryResponseToCaches(data.getAddress(), data.getLogicalName(), data.getPhysicalAddr());
@ManagedOperation(description="Reads data from local caches and dumps them to a file")
public void dumpCache(String output_filename) throws Exception {
Map<Address,PhysicalAddress> cache_contents=
(Map<Address,PhysicalAddress>)down_prot.down(new Event(Event.GET_LOGICAL_PHYSICAL_MAPPINGS, false));
List<PingData> list=new ArrayList<PingData>(cache_contents.size());
for(Map.Entry<Address,PhysicalAddress> entry: cache_contents.entrySet()) {
Address addr=entry.getKey();
PhysicalAddress phys_addr=entry.getValue();
PingData data=new PingData(addr, true, UUID.get(addr), phys_addr).coord(addr.equals(local_addr));
OutputStream out=new FileOutputStream(output_filename);
write(list, out);
public Object up(Event evt) {
switch(evt.getType()) {
case Event.MSG:
Message msg=(Message)evt.getArg();
PingHeader hdr=(PingHeader)msg.getHeader(;
if(hdr == null)
return up_prot.up(evt);
return null; // prevents merging back a leaving member (
PingData data=readPingData(msg.getRawBuffer(), msg.getOffset(), msg.getLength());
Address logical_addr=data != null? data.getAddress() : msg.src();
switch(hdr.type) {
case PingHeader.GET_MBRS_REQ: // return Rsp(local_addr, coord)
if(cluster_name == null || hdr.cluster_name == null) {
log.warn("cluster_name (%s) or cluster_name of header (%s) is null; passing up discovery " +
"request from %s, but this should not be the case", cluster_name, hdr.cluster_name, msg.src());
else {
if(!cluster_name.equals(hdr.cluster_name)) {
log.warn("%s: discarding discovery request for cluster '%s' from %s; " +
"our cluster name is '%s'. Please separate your clusters properly",
logical_addr, hdr.cluster_name, msg.src(), cluster_name);
return null;
// add physical address and logical name of the discovery sender (if available) to the cache
if(data != null) {
addDiscoveryResponseToCaches(logical_addr, data.getLogicalName(), data.getPhysicalAddr());
discoveryRequestReceived(msg.getSrc(), data.getLogicalName(), data.getPhysicalAddr());
addResponse(data, false);
if(return_entire_cache) {
Map<Address,PhysicalAddress> cache=(Map<Address,PhysicalAddress>)down(new Event(Event.GET_LOGICAL_PHYSICAL_MAPPINGS));
if(cache != null) {
for(Map.Entry<Address,PhysicalAddress> entry: cache.entrySet()) {
Address addr=entry.getKey();
// JGRP-1492: only return our own address, and addresses in view.
if(addr.equals(local_addr) || members.contains(addr)) {
PhysicalAddress physical_addr=entry.getValue();
sendDiscoveryResponse(addr, physical_addr, UUID.get(addr), msg.getSrc(), isCoord(addr));
return null;
// Only send a response if hdr.mbrs is not empty and contains myself. Otherwise always send my info
Collection<? extends Address> mbrs=data != null? data.mbrs() : null;
boolean send_response=mbrs == null || mbrs.contains(local_addr);
if(send_response) {
PhysicalAddress physical_addr=(PhysicalAddress)down(new Event(Event.GET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS, local_addr));
sendDiscoveryResponse(local_addr, physical_addr, UUID.get(local_addr), msg.getSrc(), is_coord);
return null;
case PingHeader.GET_MBRS_RSP:
// add physical address (if available) to transport's cache
if(data != null) {
log.trace("%s: received GET_MBRS_RSP from %s: %s", local_addr, msg.src(), data);
handleDiscoveryResponse(data, msg.src());
return null;
log.warn("got PING header with unknown type %d", hdr.type);
return null;
case Event.FIND_MBRS:
return findMembers((List<Address>)evt.getArg(), false, true); // this is done asynchronously
return up_prot.up(evt);
protected void handleDiscoveryResponse(PingData data, Address sender) {
// add physical address (if available) to transport's cache
Address logical_addr=data.getAddress() != null? data.getAddress() : sender;
addDiscoveryResponseToCaches(logical_addr, data.getLogicalName(), data.getPhysicalAddr());
boolean overwrite=logical_addr != null && logical_addr.equals(sender);
addResponse(data, overwrite);
public Object down(Event evt) {
switch(evt.getType()) {
case Event.FIND_INITIAL_MBRS: // sent by GMS layer
return findMembers(null, true, false); // triggered by JOIN process (ClientGmsImpl)
case Event.FIND_MBRS:
return findMembers((List<Address>)evt.getArg(), false, false); // triggered by MERGE2/MERGE3
// case Event.TMP_VIEW:
case Event.VIEW_CHANGE:
List<Address> tmp;
if((tmp=view.getMembers()) != null) {
synchronized(members) {
current_coord=!members.isEmpty()? members.get(0) : null;
is_coord=current_coord != null && local_addr != null && current_coord.equals(local_addr);
return down_prot.down(evt);
case Event.BECOME_SERVER: // called after client has joined and is fully working group member
return null;
return down_prot.down(evt);
case Event.CONNECT:
Object ret=down_prot.down(evt);
return ret;
case Event.DISCONNECT:
return down_prot.down(evt);
return down_prot.down(evt); // Pass on to the layer below us
/* -------------------------- Private methods ---------------------------- */
protected List<PingData> read(InputStream in) {
List<PingData> retval=null;
try {
while(true) {
try {
String name_str=Util.readToken(in);
String uuid_str=Util.readToken(in);
String addr_str=Util.readToken(in);
String coord_str=Util.readToken(in);
if(name_str == null || uuid_str == null || addr_str == null || coord_str == null)
UUID uuid=null;
try {
long tmp=Long.valueOf(uuid_str);
uuid=new UUID(0, tmp);
catch(Throwable t) {
PhysicalAddress phys_addr=new IpAddress(addr_str);
boolean is_coordinator=coord_str.trim().equals("T") || coord_str.trim().equals("t");
if(retval == null)
retval=new ArrayList<PingData>();
retval.add(new PingData(uuid, true, name_str, phys_addr).coord(is_coordinator));
catch(Throwable t) {
log.error("failed reading line of input stream", t);
return retval;
finally {
protected void write(List<PingData> list, OutputStream out) throws Exception {
try {
for(PingData data: list) {
String logical_name=data.getLogicalName();
Address addr=data.getAddress();
PhysicalAddress phys_addr=data.getPhysicalAddr();
if(logical_name == null || addr == null || phys_addr == null)
out.write(data.isCoord()? "T\n".getBytes() : "F\n".getBytes());
finally {
protected void addResponse(PingData rsp, boolean overwrite) {
synchronized(ping_responses) {
for(Iterator<Map.Entry<Long,Responses>> it=ping_responses.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
long timestamp=entry.getKey();
Responses rsps=entry.getValue();
rsps.addResponse(rsp, overwrite);
if(rsps.isDone() || TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(System.nanoTime() - timestamp, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) > discovery_rsp_expiry_time)
protected boolean addDiscoveryResponseToCaches(Address mbr, String logical_name, PhysicalAddress physical_addr) {
if(mbr == null)
return false;
if(logical_name != null)
UUID.add(mbr, logical_name);
if(physical_addr != null)
return (Boolean)down(new Event(Event.SET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS, new Tuple<Address,PhysicalAddress>(mbr, physical_addr)));
return false;
* Creates a byte[] representation of the PingData, but DISCARDING the view it contains.
* @param data the PingData instance to serialize.
* @return
protected byte[] serializeWithoutView(PingData data) {
final PingData clone = new PingData(data.getAddress(), data.isServer(), data.getLogicalName(), data.getPhysicalAddr()).coord(data.isCoord());
try {
return Util.streamableToByteBuffer(clone);
catch(Exception e) {
log.error("error serializing PingData", e);
return null;
protected static PingData deserialize(final byte[] data) throws Exception {
return (PingData)Util.streamableFromByteBuffer(PingData.class, data);
public static Buffer marshal(PingData data) {
return Util.streamableToBuffer(data);
protected PingData readPingData(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) {
try {
return buffer != null? Util.streamableFromBuffer(PingData.class, buffer, offset, length) : null;
catch(Exception ex) {
log.error("%s: failed reading PingData from message: %s", local_addr, ex);
return null;
protected void sendDiscoveryResponse(Address logical_addr, PhysicalAddress physical_addr,
String logical_name, final Address sender, boolean coord) {
final PingData data=new PingData(logical_addr, is_server, logical_name, physical_addr).coord(coord);
final Message rsp_msg=new Message(sender).setFlag(Message.Flag.INTERNAL, Message.Flag.OOB, Message.Flag.DONT_BUNDLE)
.putHeader(, new PingHeader(PingHeader.GET_MBRS_RSP)).setBuffer(marshal(data));
if(stagger_timeout > 0) {
int view_size=view != null? view.size() : 10;
int rank=Util.getRank(view, local_addr); // returns 0 if view or local_addr are null
long sleep_time=rank == 0? Util.random(stagger_timeout)
: stagger_timeout * rank / view_size - (stagger_timeout / view_size);
timer.schedule(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
log.trace("%s: received GET_MBRS_REQ from %s, sending staggered response %s", local_addr, sender, data);
down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, rsp_msg));
}, sleep_time, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
log.trace("%s: received GET_MBRS_REQ from %s, sending response %s", local_addr, sender, data);
down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, rsp_msg));
protected static String addressAsString(Address address) {
if(address == null)
return "";
if(address instanceof UUID)
return ((UUID) address).toStringLong();
return address.toString();
protected boolean isCoord(Address member) {return member.equals(current_coord);}