Package org.picketlink.test.identity.federation.core.wstrust

Source Code of org.picketlink.test.identity.federation.core.wstrust.PicketLinkSTSUnitTestCase$TestContext

* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. Copyright 2009, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors as
* indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the distribution for a full listing of individual
* contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
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* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this software; if not, write to
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package org.picketlink.test.identity.federation.core.wstrust;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConstants;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.ErrorCodes;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.config.STSType;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.exceptions.ParsingException;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.interfaces.SecurityTokenProvider;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.parsers.sts.STSConfigParser;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.parsers.wst.WSTrustParser;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.saml.v1.SAML11Constants;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.saml.v2.common.IDGenerator;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.saml.v2.constants.JBossSAMLConstants;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.saml.v2.constants.JBossSAMLURIConstants;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.saml.v2.util.DocumentUtil;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.util.Base64;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.util.SOAPUtil;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.PicketLinkSTS;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.PicketLinkSTSConfiguration;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.STSConfiguration;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.StandardRequestHandler;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.WSTrustConstants;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.WSTrustException;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.WSTrustRequestHandler;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.WSTrustUtil;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.plugins.saml.SAML11TokenProvider;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.plugins.saml.SAML20TokenProvider;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.plugins.saml.SAMLUtil;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.wrappers.BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.wrappers.Lifetime;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.wrappers.RequestSecurityToken;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.wrappers.RequestSecurityTokenResponse;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.wrappers.RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.writers.WSTrustRequestWriter;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.saml.v1.assertion.SAML11AssertionType;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.saml.v1.assertion.SAML11AuthenticationStatementType;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.saml.v1.assertion.SAML11NameIdentifierType;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.saml.v1.assertion.SAML11StatementAbstractType;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.saml.v1.assertion.SAML11SubjectConfirmationType;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.saml.v1.assertion.SAML11SubjectType;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.saml.v2.assertion.AssertionType;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.saml.v2.assertion.AudienceRestrictionType;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.saml.v2.assertion.ConditionAbstractType;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.saml.v2.assertion.ConditionsType;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.saml.v2.assertion.NameIDType;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.saml.v2.assertion.SubjectConfirmationDataType;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.saml.v2.assertion.SubjectConfirmationType;
import org.picketlink.identity.federation.saml.v2.assertion.SubjectType;
import org.picketlink.identity.xmlsec.w3.xmldsig.KeyInfoType;
import org.picketlink.identity.xmlsec.w3.xmldsig.KeyValueType;
import org.picketlink.identity.xmlsec.w3.xmldsig.RSAKeyValueType;
import org.picketlink.identity.xmlsec.w3.xmldsig.X509CertificateType;
import org.picketlink.identity.xmlsec.w3.xmldsig.X509DataType;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;

* <p>
* This {@code TestCase} tests the behavior of the {@code PicketLinkSTS} service.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Stefan Guilhen</a>
public class PicketLinkSTSUnitTestCase {

    private TestSTS tokenService;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        // for testing purposes we can instantiate the TestSTS as a regular POJO.
        this.tokenService = new TestSTS();
        TestContext context = new TestContext();
        context.setUserPrincipal(new TestPrincipal("jduke"));

     * <p>
     * This test verifies that the STS service can read and load all configuration parameters correctly. The configuration file
     * (picketlink-sts.xml) looks like the following:
     * <pre>
     *    &lt;PicketLinkSTS xmlns=&quot;urn:picketlink:identity-federation:config:1.0&quot;
     *     STSName=&quot;Test STS&quot; TokenTimeout=&quot;7200&quot; EncryptToken=&quot;true&quot;&gt;
     *     &lt;KeyProvider ClassName=&quot;org.jboss.identity.federation.bindings.tomcat.KeyStoreKeyManager&quot;&gt;
     *         &lt;Auth Key=&quot;KeyStoreURL&quot; Value=&quot;keystore/sts_keystore.jks&quot;/&gt;
     *         &lt;Auth Key=&quot;KeyStorePass&quot; Value=&quot;testpass&quot;/&gt;
     *         &lt;Auth Key=&quot;SigningKeyAlias&quot; Value=&quot;sts&quot;/&gt;
     *         &lt;Auth Key=&quot;SigningKeyPass&quot; Value=&quot;keypass&quot;/&gt;
     *         &lt;ValidatingAlias Key=&quot;; Value=&quot;service1&quot;/&gt;
     *         &lt;ValidatingAlias Key=&quot;; Value=&quot;service2&quot;/&gt;
     *     &lt;/KeyProvider&gt;
     *     &lt;RequestHandler&gt;org.jboss.identity.federation.core.wstrust.StandardRequestHandler&lt;/RequestHandler&gt;
     *     &lt;TokenProviders&gt;
     *         &lt;TokenProvider ProviderClass=&quot;;
     *             TokenType=&quot;;
     *             TokenElement=&quot;SpecialToken&quot;
     *             TokenElementNS=&quot;;&gt;
     *             &lt;Property Key=&quot;Property1&quot; Value=&quot;Value1&quot;/&gt;
     *             &lt;Property Key=&quot;Property2&quot; Value=&quot;Value2&quot;/&gt;
     *         &lt;/TokenProvider&gt;
     *         &lt;TokenProvider ProviderClass=&quot;org.jboss.identity.federation.core.wstrust.SAML11TokenProvider&quot;
     *             TokenType=&quot;;
     *             TokenElement=&quot;Assertion&quot;
     *             TokenElementNS=&quot;urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion&quot;/&gt;
     *         &lt;TokenProvider ProviderClass=&quot;org.jboss.identity.federation.core.wstrust.SAML20TokenProvider&quot;
     *             TokenType=&quot;;
     *             TokenElement=&quot;Assertion&quot;
     *             TokenElementNS=&quot;urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion&quot;/&gt;/&gt;
     *     &lt;/TokenProviders&gt;
     *     &lt;ServiceProviders&gt;
     *         &lt;ServiceProvider Endpoint=&quot;; TokenType=&quot;;
     *             TruststoreAlias=&quot;service1&quot;/&gt;
     *         &lt;ServiceProvider Endpoint=&quot;; TokenType=&quot;;
     *             TruststoreAlias=&quot;service2&quot;/&gt;
     *     &lt;/ServiceProviders&gt;
     *    &lt;/PicketLinkSTS&gt;    *
     * </pre>
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testSTSConfiguration() throws Exception {
        // make the STS read the configuration file.
        STSConfiguration config = this.tokenService.getConfiguration();

        // check the values that have been configured.
        assertEquals("Unexpected service name", "Test STS", config.getSTSName());
        assertEquals("Unexpected token timeout value", 7200 * 1000, config.getIssuedTokenTimeout());
        assertFalse("Encrypt token should be true", config.encryptIssuedToken());
        WSTrustRequestHandler handler = config.getRequestHandler();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null request handler found", handler);
        assertTrue("Unexpected request handler type", handler instanceof StandardRequestHandler);

        // check the token type -> token provider mapping.
        SecurityTokenProvider provider = config.getProviderForTokenType("");
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null token provider", provider);
        assertTrue("Unexpected token provider type", provider instanceof SpecialTokenProvider);
        Map<String, String> properties = ((SpecialTokenProvider) provider).getProperties();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null properties map", properties);
        assertEquals("Invalid property found", "Value1", properties.get("Property1"));
        assertEquals("Invalid property found", "Value2", properties.get("Property2"));
        provider = config.getProviderForTokenType(SAMLUtil.SAML2_TOKEN_TYPE);
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null token provider", provider);
        assertTrue("Unexpected token provider type", provider instanceof SAML20TokenProvider);
        provider = config.getProviderForTokenType(SAMLUtil.SAML11_TOKEN_TYPE);
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null token provider", provider);
        assertTrue("Unexpected token provider type", provider instanceof SAML11TokenProvider);

        // check the service provider -> token provider mapping.
        provider = config.getProviderForService("");
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null token provider", provider);
        assertTrue("Unexpected token provider type", provider instanceof SpecialTokenProvider);
        provider = config.getProviderForService("");
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null token provider", provider);
        assertTrue("Unexpected token provider type", provider instanceof SAML20TokenProvider);

        String family = SecurityTokenProvider.FAMILY_TYPE.WS_TRUST.toString();

        // check the token element and namespace -> token provider mapping.
        provider = config.getProviderForTokenElementNS(family, new QName("", "SpecialToken"));
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null token provider", provider);
        assertTrue("Unexpected token provider type", provider instanceof SpecialTokenProvider);
        provider = config.getProviderForTokenElementNS(family, new QName(JBossSAMLURIConstants.ASSERTION_NSURI.get(),
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null token provider", provider);
        assertTrue("Unexpected token provider type", provider instanceof SAML20TokenProvider);
        provider = config.getProviderForTokenElementNS(family, new QName(SAML11Constants.ASSERTION_11_NSURI,
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null token provider", provider);
        assertTrue("Unexpected token provider type", provider instanceof SAML11TokenProvider);
        assertNull(config.getProviderForTokenElementNS(family, new QName("InvalidNamespace", "SpecialToken")));

        // check the service provider -> token type mapping.
        assertEquals("Invalid token type for service provider 1", "",
        assertEquals("Invalid token type for service provider 2", SAMLUtil.SAML2_TOKEN_TYPE,

        // check the keystore configuration.
        assertNotNull("Invalid null STS key pair", config.getSTSKeyPair());
        assertNotNull("Invalid null STS public key", config.getSTSKeyPair().getPublic());
        assertNotNull("Invalid null STS private key", config.getSTSKeyPair().getPrivate());
        assertNotNull("Invalid null validating key for service provider 1",
        assertNotNull("Invalid null validating key for service provider 2",

     * <p>
     * This tests sends a security token request to PicketLinkSTS custom {@code SpecialTokenProvider}. The returned response is
     * verified to make sure the expected tokens have been returned by the service. The token that is generated in this test
     * looks as follows:
     * <pre>
     *    &lt;token:SpecialToken xmlns:token=&quot;; TokenType=&quot;;&gt;
     *       Principal:sguilhen
     *    &lt;/token:SpecialToken&gt;
     * </pre>
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvokeCustom() throws Exception {
        // create a simple token request, asking for a "special" test token.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST,
                "", null);
        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the token service.
        Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
        BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) new WSTrustParser()
        // validate the security token response.

     * <p>
     * This tests sends a SAMLV2.0 security token request to PicketLinkSTS. This request should be handled by the
     * {@code SAML11TokenProvider} and should result in a SAMLV1.1 assertion.
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvokeSAML11() throws Exception {
        // create a simple token request, asking for a SAMLv1.1 token.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST,
                SAMLUtil.SAML11_TOKEN_TYPE, null);
        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the token service.
        Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
        InputStream is = DocumentUtil.getSourceAsStream(responseMessage);
        BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) new WSTrustParser().parse(is);
        // validate the security token response.
        this.validateSAML11AssertionResponse(baseResponse, "testcontext", "jduke", SAMLUtil.SAML11_BEARER_URI);

     * <p>
     * This tests sends a SAMLV2.0 security token request to PicketLinkSTS. This request should be handled by the standard
     * {@code SAML20TokenProvider} and should result in a SAMLV2.0 assertion that looks like the following:
     * <pre>
     * &lt;saml2:Assertion xmlns:saml2=&quot;urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion&quot;
     *                  xmlns:ds=&quot;;
     *                  xmlns:xenc=&quot;;
     *                  ID=&quot;ID-cc541137-74dc-4fc0-8bcc-7e9e3a4c899d&quot;
     *                  IssueInstant=&quot;2009-05-29T18:02:13.458Z&quot;&gt;
     *     &lt;saml2:Issuer&gt;
     *         PicketLinkSTS
     *     &lt;/saml2:Issuer&gt;
     *     &lt;saml2:Subject&gt;
     *         &lt;saml2:NameID NameQualifier=&quot;;&gt;
     *             sguilhen
     *         &lt;/saml2:NameID&gt;
     *         &lt;saml2:SubjectConfirmation Method=&quot;urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer&quot;/&gt;
     *     &lt;/saml2:Subject&gt;
     *     &lt;saml2:Conditions NotBefore=&quot;2009-05-29T18:02:13.458Z&quot; NotOnOrAfter=&quot;2009-05-29T19:02:13.458Z&quot;&gt;
     *         &lt;saml2:AudienceRestriction&gt;
     *             &lt;saml2:Audience&gt;
     *             &lt;/saml2:Audience&gt;
     *         &lt;/saml2:AudienceRestriction&gt;
     *     &lt;/saml2:Conditions&gt;
     *     &lt;ds:Signature&gt;
     *         ...
     *     &lt;/ds:Signature&gt;
     * &lt;/saml2:Assertion&gt;
     * </pre>
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvokeSAML20() throws Exception {
        // create a simple token request, asking for a SAMLv2.0 token.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST,
                SAMLUtil.SAML2_TOKEN_TYPE, null);
        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the token service.
        Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
        InputStream is = DocumentUtil.getSourceAsStream(responseMessage);
        BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) new WSTrustParser().parse(is);
        // validate the security token response.
        this.validateSAMLAssertionResponse(baseResponse, "testcontext", "jduke", SAMLUtil.SAML2_BEARER_URI);

     * Use SOAP12
     * @see #testInvokeSAML20()
     * @throws Exception
    public void testInvokeSAML20WithSOAP12() throws Exception {
        // create a simple token request, asking for a SAMLv2.0 token.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST,
                SAMLUtil.SAML2_TOKEN_TYPE, null);
        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        this.tokenService.setSoap12(true); // Set to SOAP12
        try {
            // invoke the token service.
            Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
            InputStream is = DocumentUtil.getSourceAsStream(responseMessage);
            BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) new WSTrustParser().parse(is);
            // validate the security token response.
            this.validateSAMLAssertionResponse(baseResponse, "testcontext", "jduke", SAMLUtil.SAML2_BEARER_URI);
        } finally {

     * <p>
     * This test requests a token to the STS using the {@code AppliesTo} to identify the service provider. The STS must be able
     * to find out the type of the token that must be issued using the service provider URI. In this specific case, the request
     * should be handled by the custom {@code SpecialTokenProvider}.
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvokeCustomAppliesTo() throws Exception {
        // create a simple token request, this time using the applies to get to the token type.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST, null,
        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the token service.
        Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
        BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) new WSTrustParser()

        // validate the security token response.

     * <p>
     * This test requests a token to the STS using the {@code AppliesTo} to identify the service provider. The STS must be able
     * to find out the type of the token that must be issued using the service provider URI. In this specific case, the request
     * should be handled by the standard {@code SAML20TokenProvider}.
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvokeSAML20AppliesTo() throws Exception {
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST, null,
        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the token service.
        Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
        BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) new WSTrustParser()

        // validate the security token response.
        AssertionType assertion = this.validateSAMLAssertionResponse(baseResponse, "testcontext", "jduke",

        // in this scenario, the conditions section should have an audience restriction.
        ConditionsType conditions = assertion.getConditions();
        assertEquals("Unexpected restriction list size", 1, conditions.getConditions().size());
        ConditionAbstractType abstractType = conditions.getConditions().get(0);
        assertTrue("Unexpected restriction type", abstractType instanceof AudienceRestrictionType);
        AudienceRestrictionType audienceRestriction = (AudienceRestrictionType) abstractType;
        assertEquals("Unexpected audience restriction list size", 1, audienceRestriction.getAudience().size());
        assertEquals("Unexpected audience restriction item", "", audienceRestriction

     * <p>
     * This test requests a SAMLV2.0 assertion on behalf of another identity. The STS must issue an assertion for the identity
     * contained in the {@code OnBehalfOf} section of the WS-Trust request (and not for the identity that sent the request).
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvokeSAML20OnBehalfOf() throws Exception {
        // create a simple token request, asking for a SAMLv2.0 token.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST,
                SAMLUtil.SAML2_TOKEN_TYPE, null);
        OnBehalfOfType onBehalfOf = WSTrustUtil.createOnBehalfOfWithUsername("anotherduke", "id");

        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the token service.
        Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
        BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) new WSTrustParser()

        // validate the security token response (assertion principal should be anotherduke as specified by OnBehalfOf).
        this.validateSAMLAssertionResponse(baseResponse, "testcontext", "anotherduke", SAMLUtil.SAML2_SENDER_VOUCHES_URI);

     * <p>
     * This test requests a SAMLV2.0 assertion and requires a symmetric key to be used as a proof-of-possession token. As the
     * request doesn't contain any client-specified key, the STS is responsible for generating a random key and use this key as
     * the proof token. The WS-Trust response should contain the STS-generated key.
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvokeSAML20WithSTSGeneratedSymmetricKey() throws Exception {
        // create a simple token request, asking for a SAMLv2.0 token.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST, null,

        // add a symmetric key type to the request, but don't supply any client key - STS should generate one.
        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the token service.
        Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
        BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) new WSTrustParser()

        // validate the security token response.
        AssertionType assertion = this.validateSAMLAssertionResponse(baseResponse, "testcontext", "jduke",
        // validate the holder of key contents.
        SubjectConfirmationType subjConfirmation = assertion.getSubject().getConfirmation().get(0);
        this.validateHolderOfKeyContents(subjConfirmation, WSTrustConstants.KEY_TYPE_SYMMETRIC, null, false);

        // check if the response contains the STS-generated key.
        RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) baseResponse;
        RequestSecurityTokenResponse response = collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0);
        RequestedProofTokenType proofToken = response.getRequestedProofToken();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null proof token", proofToken);
        assertTrue(proofToken.getAny().get(0) instanceof BinarySecretType);
        BinarySecretType serverBinarySecret = (BinarySecretType) proofToken.getAny().get(0);
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null secret", serverBinarySecret.getValue());
        // default key size is 128 bits (16 bytes).
        byte[] encodedSecret = serverBinarySecret.getValue();
        assertEquals("Unexpected secret size", 16, Base64.decode(encodedSecret, 0, encodedSecret.length).length);

     * <p>
     * This test requests a SAMLV2.0 assertion and requires a symmetric key to be used as a proof-of-possession token. In this
     * case, the client supplies a secret key in the WS-Trust request, so the STS should combine the client- specified key with
     * the STS-generated key and use this combined key as the proof token. The WS-Trust response should include the STS key to
     * allow reconstruction of the combined key and the algorithm used to combine the keys.
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvokeSAML20WithCombinedSymmetricKey() throws Exception {
        // create a 64-bit random client secret.
        byte[] clientSecret = WSTrustUtil.createRandomSecret(8);
        BinarySecretType clientBinarySecret = new BinarySecretType();

        // set the client secret in the client entropy.
        EntropyType clientEntropy = new EntropyType();

        // create a token request specifying the key type, key size, and client entropy.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST, null,

        // invoke the token service.
        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);
        Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
        BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) new WSTrustParser()

        // validate the security token response.
        AssertionType assertion = this.validateSAMLAssertionResponse(baseResponse, "testcontext", "jduke",
        // validate the holder of key contents.
        SubjectConfirmationType subjConfirmation = assertion.getSubject().getConfirmation().get(0);
        this.validateHolderOfKeyContents(subjConfirmation, WSTrustConstants.KEY_TYPE_SYMMETRIC, null, false);

        RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) baseResponse;
        RequestSecurityTokenResponse response = collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0);
        RequestedProofTokenType proofToken = response.getRequestedProofToken();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null proof token", proofToken);
        assertTrue(proofToken.getAny().get(0) instanceof ComputedKeyType);
        ComputedKeyType computedKey = (ComputedKeyType) proofToken.getAny().get(0);
        assertEquals("Unexpected computed key algorithm", WSTrustConstants.CK_PSHA1, computedKey.getAlgorithm());

        // server entropy must have been included in the response to allow reconstruction of the computed key.
        EntropyType serverEntropy = response.getEntropy();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null server entropy");
        assertEquals("Invalid number of elements in server entropy", 1, serverEntropy.getAny().size());
        BinarySecretType serverBinarySecret = (BinarySecretType) serverEntropy.getAny().get(0);
        assertEquals("Unexpected binary secret type", WSTrustConstants.BS_TYPE_NONCE, serverBinarySecret.getType());
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null secret value", serverBinarySecret.getValue());
        // get the base64 decoded
        byte[] encodedSecret = serverBinarySecret.getValue();
        assertEquals("Unexpected secret size", 8, Base64.decode(encodedSecret, 0, encodedSecret.length).length);

     * <p>
     * This test requests a SAMLV2.0 assertion and sends a X.509 certificate to be used as the proof-of-possession token. The
     * STS must include the specified certificate in the SAML subject confirmation.
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvokeSAML20WithCertificate() throws Exception {
        // create a simple token request.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST, null,

        // include a UseKey section that specifies the certificate in the request.
        Certificate certificate = this.getCertificate("keystore/sts_keystore.jks", "testpass", "service1");
        UseKeyType useKey = new UseKeyType();

        // invoke the token service.
        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);
        Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
        BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) new WSTrustParser()
        // validate the security token response.
        AssertionType assertion = this.validateSAMLAssertionResponse(baseResponse, "testcontext", "jduke",
        // validate the holder of key contents.
        SubjectConfirmationType subjConfirmation = assertion.getSubject().getConfirmation().get(0);
        this.validateHolderOfKeyContents(subjConfirmation, WSTrustConstants.KEY_TYPE_PUBLIC, certificate, false);

     * <p>
     * This test requests a SAMLV2.0 assertion and sends a public key to be used as the proof-of-possession token. The STS must
     * include the specified public key in the SAML subject confirmation.
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvokeSAML20WithPublicKey() throws Exception {
        // create a simple token request.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST, null,

        // include a UseKey section that sets the public key in the request.
        Certificate certificate = this.getCertificate("keystore/sts_keystore.jks", "testpass", "service1");
        KeyValueType keyValue = WSTrustUtil.createKeyValue(certificate.getPublicKey());
        UseKeyType useKey = new UseKeyType();

        // invoke the token service.
        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);
        Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
        BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) new WSTrustParser()

        // validate the security token response.
        AssertionType assertion = this.validateSAMLAssertionResponse(baseResponse, "testcontext", "jduke",
        // validate the holder of key contents.
        SubjectConfirmationType subjConfirmation = assertion.getSubject().getConfirmation().get(0);
        this.validateHolderOfKeyContents(subjConfirmation, WSTrustConstants.KEY_TYPE_PUBLIC, certificate, true);

     * <p>
     * This test case first generates a SAMLV1.1 assertion and then sends a WS-Trust validate message to the STS to get the
     * assertion validated, checking the validation results.
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvokeSAML11Validate() throws Exception {
        // create a simple token request.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST,
                SAMLUtil.SAML11_TOKEN_TYPE, null);

        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the token service.
        Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
        WSTrustParser parser = new WSTrustParser();
        BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) parser.parse(DocumentUtil

        // validate the response and get the SAML assertion from the request.
        this.validateSAML11AssertionResponse(baseResponse, "testcontext", "jduke", SAMLUtil.SAML11_BEARER_URI);
        RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) baseResponse;
        Element assertion = (Element) collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0).getRequestedSecurityToken().getAny()

        // now construct a WS-Trust validate request with the generated assertion.
        request = this.createRequest("validatecontext", WSTrustConstants.VALIDATE_REQUEST, WSTrustConstants.STATUS_TYPE, null);
        ValidateTargetType validateTarget = new ValidateTargetType();

        // invoke the token service.
        responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(this.createSourceFromRequest(request));
        baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) parser.parse(DocumentUtil.getSourceAsStream(responseMessage));

        // validate the response contents.
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null response", baseResponse);
        assertTrue("Unexpected response type", baseResponse instanceof RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection);
        collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) baseResponse;
        assertEquals("Unexpected number of responses", 1, collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().size());
        RequestSecurityTokenResponse response = collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0);
        assertEquals("Unexpected response context", "validatecontext", response.getContext());
        assertEquals("Unexpected token type", WSTrustConstants.STATUS_TYPE, response.getTokenType().toString());
        StatusType status = response.getStatus();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null status", status);
        assertEquals("Unexpected status code", WSTrustConstants.STATUS_CODE_VALID, status.getCode());
        assertEquals("Unexpected status reason", "SAMLV1.1 Assertion successfuly validated", status.getReason());

        // now let's temper the SAML assertion and try to validate it again.
        // assertion.getAttributeNode("Issuer").setNodeValue("ABC");
        // request.getValidateTarget().add(assertion);
        // Source theRequest = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);
        // responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(theRequest);
        // collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) parser.parse(DocumentUtil
        // .getSourceAsStream(responseMessage));
        // assertEquals("Unexpected number of responses", 1, collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().size());
        // response = collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0);
        // assertEquals("Unexpected response context", "validatecontext", response.getContext());
        // assertEquals("Unexpected token type", WSTrustConstants.STATUS_TYPE, response.getTokenType().toString());
        // status = response.getStatus();
        // assertNotNull("Unexpected null status", status);
        // assertEquals("Unexpected status code", WSTrustConstants.STATUS_CODE_INVALID, status.getCode());
        // assertEquals("Unexpected status reason", "Validation failure: digital signature is invalid",
        // status.getReason());

     * <p>
     * This test case first generates a SAMLV2.0 assertion and then sends a WS-Trust validate message to the STS to get the
     * assertion validated, checking the validation results.
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvokeSAML20Validate() throws Exception {
        // create a simple token request.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST,
                SAMLUtil.SAML2_TOKEN_TYPE, null);

        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the token service.
        Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
        WSTrustParser parser = new WSTrustParser();
        BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) parser.parse(DocumentUtil

        // validate the response and get the SAML assertion from the request.
        this.validateSAMLAssertionResponse(baseResponse, "testcontext", "jduke", SAMLUtil.SAML2_BEARER_URI);
        RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) baseResponse;
        Element assertion = (Element) collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0).getRequestedSecurityToken().getAny()

        // now construct a WS-Trust validate request with the generated assertion.
        request = this.createRequest("validatecontext", WSTrustConstants.VALIDATE_REQUEST, WSTrustConstants.STATUS_TYPE, null);
        ValidateTargetType validateTarget = new ValidateTargetType();

        // invoke the token service.
        responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(this.createSourceFromRequest(request));
        baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) parser.parse(DocumentUtil.getSourceAsStream(responseMessage));

        // validate the response contents.
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null response", baseResponse);
        assertTrue("Unexpected response type", baseResponse instanceof RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection);
        collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) baseResponse;
        assertEquals("Unexpected number of responses", 1, collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().size());
        RequestSecurityTokenResponse response = collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0);
        assertEquals("Unexpected response context", "validatecontext", response.getContext());
        assertEquals("Unexpected token type", WSTrustConstants.STATUS_TYPE, response.getTokenType().toString());
        StatusType status = response.getStatus();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null status", status);
        assertEquals("Unexpected status code", WSTrustConstants.STATUS_CODE_VALID, status.getCode());
        assertEquals("Unexpected status reason", "SAMLV2.0 Assertion successfuly validated", status.getReason());

        // now let's temper the SAML assertion and try to validate it again.
        assertion.setAttribute("Version", "X");
        Source theRequest = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);
        responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(theRequest);
        collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) parser.parse(DocumentUtil.getSourceAsStream(responseMessage));
        assertEquals("Unexpected number of responses", 1, collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().size());
        response = collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0);
        assertEquals("Unexpected response context", "validatecontext", response.getContext());
        assertEquals("Unexpected token type", WSTrustConstants.STATUS_TYPE, response.getTokenType().toString());
        status = response.getStatus();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null status", status);
        assertEquals("Unexpected status code", WSTrustConstants.STATUS_CODE_INVALID, status.getCode());
        assertEquals("Unexpected status reason", "Validation failure: digital signature is invalid", status.getReason());

     * <p>
     * This test case first generates a SAMLV1.1 assertion and then sends a WS-Trust renew message to the STS to get the
     * assertion renewed (i.e. get a new assertion with an updated lifetime).
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvokeSAML11Renew() throws Exception {
        // create a simple token request.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST,
                SAMLUtil.SAML11_TOKEN_TYPE, null);

        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the token service.
        Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
        WSTrustParser parser = new WSTrustParser();
        BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) parser.parse(DocumentUtil

        // validate the response and get the SAML assertion from the request.
        this.validateSAML11AssertionResponse(baseResponse, "testcontext", "jduke", SAMLUtil.SAML11_BEARER_URI);
        RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) baseResponse;
        Element assertionElement = (Element) collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0).getRequestedSecurityToken()

        // now construct a WS-Trust renew request with the generated assertion.
        request = this.createRequest("renewcontext", WSTrustConstants.RENEW_REQUEST, SAMLUtil.SAML11_TOKEN_TYPE, null);
        RenewTargetType renewTarget = new RenewTargetType();

        // invoke the token service.
        responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(this.createSourceFromRequest(request));
        baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) parser.parse(DocumentUtil.getSourceAsStream(responseMessage));

        // validate the renew response contents and get the renewed token.
        this.validateSAML11AssertionResponse(baseResponse, "renewcontext", "jduke", SAMLUtil.SAML11_BEARER_URI);
        collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) baseResponse;
        Element renewedAssertionElement = (Element) collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0)

        // compare the assertions, checking if the lifetime has been updated.
        SAML11AssertionType originalAssertion = SAMLUtil.saml11FromElement(assertionElement);
        SAML11AssertionType renewedAssertion = SAMLUtil.saml11FromElement(renewedAssertionElement);

        // assertions should have different ids and lifetimes.
        assertFalse("Renewed assertion should have a unique id", originalAssertion.getID().equals(renewedAssertion.getID()));

     * <p>
     * This test case first generates a SAMLV2.0 assertion and then sends a WS-Trust renew message to the STS to get the
     * assertion renewed (i.e. get a new assertion with an updated lifetime).
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvokeSAML20Renew() throws Exception {
        // create a simple token request, using applies-to to identify the token type.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST, null,

        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the token service.
        Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
        WSTrustParser parser = new WSTrustParser();
        BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) parser.parse(DocumentUtil

        // validate the response and get the SAML assertion from the request.
        this.validateSAMLAssertionResponse(baseResponse, "testcontext", "jduke", SAMLUtil.SAML2_BEARER_URI);
        RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) baseResponse;
        Element assertionElement = (Element) collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0).getRequestedSecurityToken()

        // now construct a WS-Trust renew request with the generated assertion.
        request = this.createRequest("renewcontext", WSTrustConstants.RENEW_REQUEST, SAMLUtil.SAML2_TOKEN_TYPE, null);
        RenewTargetType renewTarget = new RenewTargetType();

        // invoke the token service.
        responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(this.createSourceFromRequest(request));
        baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) parser.parse(DocumentUtil.getSourceAsStream(responseMessage));

        // validate the renew response contents and get the renewed token.
        this.validateSAMLAssertionResponse(baseResponse, "renewcontext", "jduke", SAMLUtil.SAML2_BEARER_URI);
        collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) baseResponse;
        Element renewedAssertionElement = (Element) collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0)

        // compare the assertions, checking if the lifetime has been updated.
        AssertionType originalAssertion = SAMLUtil.fromElement(assertionElement);
        AssertionType renewedAssertion = SAMLUtil.fromElement(renewedAssertionElement);

        // assertions should have different ids and lifetimes.
        assertFalse("Renewed assertion should have a unique id", originalAssertion.getID().equals(renewedAssertion.getID()));

     * <p>
     * This test case first generates a SAMLV1.1 assertion and then sends a WS-Trust cancel message to the STS to cancel the
     * assertion. A canceled assertion cannot be renewed or considered valid anymore.
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvokeSAML11Cancel() throws Exception {
        // create a simple token request.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST,
                SAMLUtil.SAML11_TOKEN_TYPE, null);

        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the token service.
        Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
        WSTrustParser parser = new WSTrustParser();
        BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) parser.parse(DocumentUtil

        // validate the response and get the SAML assertion from the request.
        this.validateSAML11AssertionResponse(baseResponse, "testcontext", "jduke", SAMLUtil.SAML11_BEARER_URI);
        RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) baseResponse;
        Element assertion = (Element) collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0).getRequestedSecurityToken().getAny()

        // now construct a WS-Trust cancel request with the generated assertion.
        request = this.createRequest("cancelcontext", WSTrustConstants.CANCEL_REQUEST, null, null);
        CancelTargetType cancelTarget = new CancelTargetType();

        // invoke the token service.
        responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(this.createSourceFromRequest(request));
        baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) parser.parse(DocumentUtil.getSourceAsStream(responseMessage));

        // validate the response contents.
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null response", baseResponse);
        assertTrue("Unexpected response type", baseResponse instanceof RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection);
        collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) baseResponse;
        assertEquals("Unexpected number of responses", 1, collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().size());
        RequestSecurityTokenResponse response = collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0);
        assertEquals("Unexpected response context", "cancelcontext", response.getContext());
        assertNotNull("Cancel response should contain a RequestedTokenCancelled element", response.getRequestedTokenCancelled());

        // try to validate the canceled assertion.
        request = this.createRequest("validatecontext", WSTrustConstants.VALIDATE_REQUEST, null, null);
        ValidateTargetType validateTarget = new ValidateTargetType();

        // the response should contain a status indicating that the token is not valid.
        responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(this.createSourceFromRequest(request));
        collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) parser.parse(DocumentUtil.getSourceAsStream(responseMessage));
        assertEquals("Unexpected number of responses", 1, collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().size());
        response = collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0);
        assertEquals("Unexpected response context", "validatecontext", response.getContext());
        assertEquals("Unexpected token type", WSTrustConstants.STATUS_TYPE, response.getTokenType().toString());
        StatusType status = response.getStatus();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null status", status);
        assertEquals("Unexpected status code", WSTrustConstants.STATUS_CODE_INVALID, status.getCode());
        assertEquals("Unexpected status reason",
                "Validation failure: assertion with id " + assertion.getAttribute("AssertionID") + " has been canceled",

        // now try to renew the canceled assertion.
        request = this.createRequest("renewcontext", WSTrustConstants.RENEW_REQUEST, null, null);
        RenewTargetType renewTarget = new RenewTargetType();

        // we should receive an exception when renewing the token.
        try {
            fail("Renewing a canceled token should result in an exception being thrown");
        } catch (WebServiceException we) {
            Throwable t = we.getCause();
            assertTrue("Unexpected cause type", t instanceof WSTrustException);
            String msg = t.getMessage();
            if (msg.contains("has been canceled and cannot be renewed") == false)
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception message");

     * <p>
     * This test case first generates a SAMLV2.0 assertion and then sends a WS-Trust cancel message to the STS to cancel the
     * assertion. A canceled assertion cannot be renewed or considered valid anymore.
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvokeSAML20Cancel() throws Exception {
        // create a simple token request.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST,
                SAMLUtil.SAML2_TOKEN_TYPE, null);

        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the token service.
        Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
        WSTrustParser parser = new WSTrustParser();
        BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) parser.parse(DocumentUtil

        // validate the response and get the SAML assertion from the request.
        this.validateSAMLAssertionResponse(baseResponse, "testcontext", "jduke", SAMLUtil.SAML2_BEARER_URI);
        RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) baseResponse;
        Element assertion = (Element) collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0).getRequestedSecurityToken().getAny()

        // now construct a WS-Trust cancel request with the generated assertion.
        request = this.createRequest("cancelcontext", WSTrustConstants.CANCEL_REQUEST, null, null);
        CancelTargetType cancelTarget = new CancelTargetType();

        // invoke the token service.
        responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(this.createSourceFromRequest(request));
        baseResponse = (BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse) parser.parse(DocumentUtil.getSourceAsStream(responseMessage));

        // validate the response contents.
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null response", baseResponse);
        assertTrue("Unexpected response type", baseResponse instanceof RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection);
        collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) baseResponse;
        assertEquals("Unexpected number of responses", 1, collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().size());
        RequestSecurityTokenResponse response = collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0);
        assertEquals("Unexpected response context", "cancelcontext", response.getContext());
        assertNotNull("Cancel response should contain a RequestedTokenCancelled element", response.getRequestedTokenCancelled());

        // try to validate the canceled assertion.
        request = this.createRequest("validatecontext", WSTrustConstants.VALIDATE_REQUEST, null, null);
        ValidateTargetType validateTarget = new ValidateTargetType();

        // the response should contain a status indicating that the token is not valid.
        responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(this.createSourceFromRequest(request));
        collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) parser.parse(DocumentUtil.getSourceAsStream(responseMessage));
        assertEquals("Unexpected number of responses", 1, collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().size());
        response = collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0);
        assertEquals("Unexpected response context", "validatecontext", response.getContext());
        assertEquals("Unexpected token type", WSTrustConstants.STATUS_TYPE, response.getTokenType().toString());
        StatusType status = response.getStatus();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null status", status);
        assertEquals("Unexpected status code", WSTrustConstants.STATUS_CODE_INVALID, status.getCode());
        assertEquals("Unexpected status reason", "Validation failure: assertion with id " + assertion.getAttribute("ID")
                + " has been canceled", status.getReason());

        // now try to renew the canceled assertion.
        request = this.createRequest("renewcontext", WSTrustConstants.RENEW_REQUEST, null, null);
        RenewTargetType renewTarget = new RenewTargetType();

        // we should receive an exception when renewing the token.
        try {
            fail("Renewing a canceled token should result in an exception being thrown");
        } catch (WebServiceException we) {
            Throwable t = we.getCause();
            assertTrue("Unexpected cause type", t instanceof WSTrustException);
            String msg = t.getMessage();
            if (msg.contains("has been canceled and cannot be renewed") == false)
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception message");

     * <p>
     * This test tries to request a token of an unknown type, checking if an exception is correctly thrown by the security token
     * service.
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvokeUnknownTokenType() throws Exception {
        // create a simple token request, asking for an "unknown" test token.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST,
                "", null);

        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the security token service.
        try {
            fail("An exception should have been raised by the security token service");
        } catch (WebServiceException we) {
            assertNotNull("Unexpected null cause", we.getCause());
            assertTrue("Unexpected cause type", we.getCause() instanceof WSTrustException);

     * <p>
     * This test verifies if the token service is correctly identifying invalid issue requests.
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvalidIssueRequests() throws Exception {
        // lets create an issue request that container neither an applies-to nor a token type.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("testcontext", WSTrustConstants.ISSUE_REQUEST, null, null);
        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the token service. A WSTrustException should be raised.
        try {
            fail("An exception should have been raised by the security token service");
        } catch (WebServiceException we) {
            assertNotNull("Unexpected null cause", we.getCause());
            assertTrue("Unexpected cause type", we.getCause() instanceof WSTrustException);
             * assertEquals("Either AppliesTo or TokenType must be present in a security token request", we.getCause()
             * .getMessage());

        // a request that asks for a public key to be used as proof key will fail if the public key is not available.
        requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        try {
            fail("An exception should have been raised by the security token service");
        } catch (WebServiceException we) {
            Throwable t = we.getCause();
            assertNotNull("Unexpected null cause", t);
            assertTrue("Unexpected cause type", t instanceof WSTrustException);
            String msg = t.getMessage();
            if (msg.contains("Unable to locate client public key") == false)
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception message");

     * <p>
     * This test verifies if the token service is correctly identifying invalid renew requests.
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvalidRenewRequests() throws Exception {
        // first create a request that doesn't have a renew target element.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("renewcontext", WSTrustConstants.RENEW_REQUEST,
                SAMLUtil.SAML2_TOKEN_TYPE, null);
        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the token service.
        try {
            fail("An exception should have been raised by the security token service");
        } catch (WebServiceException we) {
            Throwable t = we.getCause();
            assertNotNull("Unexpected null cause", t);
            assertTrue("Unexpected cause type", t instanceof WSTrustException);
            String msg = t.getMessage();
            if (msg.contains("PL00092: Null Value:renew target") == false)
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception message");

        // a request with an empty renew target should also result in a failure.
        request.setRenewTarget(new RenewTargetType());
        requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);
        try {
            fail("An exception should have been raised by the security token service");
        } catch (WebServiceException we) {
            Throwable t = we.getCause();
            assertNotNull("Unexpected null cause", t);
            assertTrue("Unexpected cause type", t instanceof ParsingException);
            String msg = t.getMessage();
            if (msg.contains("Unable to parse token request: security token is null") == false)
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception message");

        // a request to renew an unknown token (i.e. there's no provider can handle the token) should also fail.
        requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);
        try {
            fail("An exception should have been raised by the security token service");
        } catch (WebServiceException we) {
            Throwable t = we.getCause();
            assertNotNull("Unexpected null cause", t);
            assertTrue("Unexpected cause type", t instanceof WSTrustException);
            String msg = t.getMessage();
            if (msg.contains(ErrorCodes.INVALID_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE) == false)
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error msg");

     * <p>
     * This test verifies if the token service is correctly identifying invalid validate requests.
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvalidValidateRequests() throws Exception {
        // first create a request that doesn't have a validate target element.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("validatecontext", WSTrustConstants.VALIDATE_REQUEST,
                SAMLUtil.SAML2_TOKEN_TYPE, null);
        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the token service.
        try {
            fail("An exception should have been raised by the security token service");
        } catch (WebServiceException we) {
            Throwable t = we.getCause();
            assertNotNull("Unexpected null cause", t);
            assertTrue("Unexpected cause type", t instanceof WSTrustException);
            String msg = t.getMessage();
            if (msg.contains("request does not have a validate target. Unable to validate token") == false)
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception message");

        // a request with an empty validate target should also result in a failure.
        request.setValidateTarget(new ValidateTargetType());
        requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);
        try {
            fail("An exception should have been raised by the security token service");
        } catch (WebServiceException we) {
            Throwable t = we.getCause();
            assertNotNull("Unexpected null cause", t);
            assertTrue("Unexpected cause type", t instanceof ParsingException);
            String msg = t.getMessage();
            if (msg.contains("Unable to parse token request: security token is null") == false)
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception message");

        // a request to validate an unknown token (i.e. there's no provider can handle the token) should also fail.
        requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);
        try {
            Source responseMessage = this.tokenService.invoke(requestMessage);
            RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection baseResponseColl = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) new WSTrustParser()

            RequestSecurityTokenResponse response = baseResponseColl.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0);
            StatusType status = response.getStatus();
            // fail("An exception should have been raised by the security token service");
        } catch (WebServiceException we) {
            assertNotNull("Unexpected null cause", we.getCause());
            assertTrue("Unexpected cause type", we.getCause() instanceof WSTrustException);
            assertEquals("No SecurityTokenProvider configured for", we.getCause()

     * <p>
     * This test verifies if the token service is correctly identifying invalid cancel requests.
     * </p>
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while running the test.
    public void testInvalidCancelRequests() throws Exception {
        // first create a request that doesn't have a cancel target element.
        RequestSecurityToken request = this.createRequest("cancelcontext", WSTrustConstants.CANCEL_REQUEST,
                SAMLUtil.SAML2_TOKEN_TYPE, null);
        Source requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);

        // invoke the token service.
        try {
            fail("An exception should have been raised by the security token service");
        } catch (WebServiceException we) {
            Throwable t = we.getCause();
            assertNotNull("Unexpected null cause", t);
            assertTrue("Unexpected cause type", t instanceof WSTrustException);
            String msg = t.getMessage();
            if (msg.contains("request does not have a cancel target. Unable to cancel token") == false)
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception message");

        // a request with an empty cancel target should also result in a failure.
        request.setCancelTarget(new CancelTargetType());
        requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);
        try {
            fail("An exception should have been raised by the security token service");
        } catch (WebServiceException we) {
            Throwable t = we.getCause();
            assertNotNull("Unexpected null cause", t);
            assertTrue("Unexpected cause type", t instanceof ParsingException);
            String msg = t.getMessage();
            if (msg.contains("Unable to parse token request: security token is null") == false)
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception message");

        // a request to cancel an unknown token (i.e. there's no provider can handle the token) should also fail.
        requestMessage = this.createSourceFromRequest(request);
        try {
            fail("An exception should have been raised by the security token service");
        } catch (WebServiceException we) {
            Throwable t = we.getCause();
            assertNotNull("Unexpected null cause", t);
            assertTrue("Unexpected cause type", t instanceof WSTrustException);
            String msg = t.getMessage();
            if (msg.contains(ErrorCodes.STS_NO_TOKEN_PROVIDER) == false)
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception message");

     * <p>
     * Validates the contents of a WS-Trust response message that contains a custom token issued by the test
     * {@code SpecialTokenProvider}.
     * </p>
     * @param baseResponse a reference to the WS-Trust response that was sent by the STS.
     * @throws Exception if one of the validation performed fail.
    private void validateCustomTokenResponse(BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse) throws Exception {

        // =============================== WS-Trust Security Token Response Validation ===============================//

        assertNotNull("Unexpected null response", baseResponse);
        assertTrue("Unexpected response type", baseResponse instanceof RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection);
        RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) baseResponse;
        assertEquals("Unexpected number of responses", 1, collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().size());
        RequestSecurityTokenResponse response = collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0);
        assertEquals("Unexpected response context", "testcontext", response.getContext());
        assertEquals("Unexpected token type", "", response.getTokenType().toString());
        Lifetime lifetime = response.getLifetime();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null token lifetime", lifetime);

        // ========================================= Custom Token Validation =========================================//

        RequestedSecurityTokenType requestedToken = response.getRequestedSecurityToken();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null requested security token", requestedToken);
        Object token = requestedToken.getAny().get(0);
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null token", token);
        assertTrue("Unexpected token class", token instanceof Element);
        Element element = (Element) requestedToken.getAny().get(0);
        assertEquals("Unexpected root element name", "SpecialToken", element.getLocalName());
        assertEquals("Unexpected namespace value", "", element.getNamespaceURI());
        assertEquals("Unexpected attribute value", "", element.getAttribute("TokenType"));
        element = (Element) element.getFirstChild();
        assertEquals("Unexpected child element name", "SpecialTokenValue", element.getLocalName());
        assertEquals("Unexpected token value", "Principal:jduke", element.getFirstChild().getNodeValue());

    private SAML11AssertionType validateSAML11AssertionResponse(BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse, String context,
            String principal, String confirmationMethod) throws Exception {

        // =============================== WS-Trust Security Token Response Validation ===============================//

        assertNotNull("Unexpected null response", baseResponse);
        assertTrue("Unexpected response type", baseResponse instanceof RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection);
        RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) baseResponse;
        assertEquals("Unexpected number of responses", 1, collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().size());
        RequestSecurityTokenResponse response = collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0);
        assertEquals("Unexpected response context", context, response.getContext());
        assertEquals("Unexpected token type", SAMLUtil.SAML11_TOKEN_TYPE, response.getTokenType().toString());
        Lifetime lifetime = response.getLifetime();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null token lifetime", lifetime);

        // validate the attached token reference.
        RequestedReferenceType reference = response.getRequestedAttachedReference();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null attached reference", reference);
        SecurityTokenReferenceType securityRef = reference.getSecurityTokenReference();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null security reference", securityRef);
        String tokenTypeAttr = securityRef.getOtherAttributes().get(new QName(WSTrustConstants.WSSE11_NS, "TokenType"));
        assertNotNull("Required attribute TokenType is missing", tokenTypeAttr);
        assertEquals("TokenType attribute has an unexpected value", SAMLUtil.SAML11_TOKEN_TYPE, tokenTypeAttr);
        KeyIdentifierType keyId = (KeyIdentifierType) securityRef.getAny().get(0);
        assertEquals("Unexpected key value type", SAMLUtil.SAML11_VALUE_TYPE, keyId.getValueType());
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null key identifier value", keyId.getValue());

        // ====================================== SAMLV1.1 Assertion Validation ======================================//

        RequestedSecurityTokenType requestedToken = response.getRequestedSecurityToken();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null requested security token", requestedToken);

        // unmarshall the SAMLV1.1 assertion.
        Element assertionElement = (Element) requestedToken.getAny().get(0);
        SAML11AssertionType assertion = SAMLUtil.saml11FromElement(assertionElement);

        // verify the contents of the unmarshalled assertion.
        assertNotNull("Invalid null assertion ID", assertion.getID());
        assertEquals(keyId.getValue().substring(1), assertion.getID());
        assertEquals(lifetime.getCreated(), assertion.getIssueInstant());
        assertEquals(1, assertion.getMajorVersion());
        assertEquals(1, assertion.getMinorVersion());

        // validate the assertion issuer.
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null assertion issuer", assertion.getIssuer());
        assertEquals("Unexpected assertion issuer name", "Test STS", assertion.getIssuer());

        // validate the assertion authentication statement.
        List<SAML11StatementAbstractType> statements = assertion.getStatements();
        assertTrue("At least one statement is expected in a SAMLV1.1 assertion", statements.size() > 0);
        SAML11AuthenticationStatementType authStatement = null;
        for (SAML11StatementAbstractType statement : statements) {
            if (statement instanceof SAML11AuthenticationStatementType) {
                authStatement = (SAML11AuthenticationStatementType) statement;
        assertNotNull("SAMLV1.1 assertion is missing the authentication statement", authStatement);

        // validate the assertion subject.
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null subject", authStatement.getSubject());
        SAML11SubjectType subject = authStatement.getSubject();

        SAML11NameIdentifierType nameID = subject.getChoice().getNameID();
        assertEquals("Unexpected NameIdentifier format", SAML11Constants.FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED, nameID.getFormat().toString());
        assertEquals("Unexpected NameIdentifier value", principal, nameID.getValue());

        SAML11SubjectConfirmationType subjType = subject.getSubjectConfirmation();
        assertEquals("Unexpected confirmation method", confirmationMethod, subjType.getConfirmationMethod().get(0).toString());

        // validate the assertion conditions.
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null conditions", assertion.getConditions());
        assertEquals(lifetime.getCreated(), assertion.getConditions().getNotBefore());
        assertEquals(lifetime.getExpires(), assertion.getConditions().getNotOnOrAfter());

        assertNotNull("Assertion should have been signed", assertion.getSignature());

        return assertion;

     * <p>
     * Validates the contents of a WS-Trust response message that contains a SAMLV2.0 assertion issued by the
     * {@code SAML20TokenProvider}.
     * </p>
     * @param baseResponse a reference to the WS-Trust response that was sent by the STS.
     * @param context the expected name of the response context.
     * @param principal the principal that is expected to be seen in the assertion subject.
     * @param confirmationMethod the confirmation method that is expected to be seen in the assertion subject.
     * @return the SAMLV2.0 assertion that has been extracted from the response. This object can be used by the test methods to
     *         perform extra validations depending on the scenario being tested.
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while performing the validation.
    private AssertionType validateSAMLAssertionResponse(BaseRequestSecurityTokenResponse baseResponse, String context,
            String principal, String confirmationMethod) throws Exception {

        // =============================== WS-Trust Security Token Response Validation ===============================//

        assertNotNull("Unexpected null response", baseResponse);
        assertTrue("Unexpected response type", baseResponse instanceof RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection);
        RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection collection = (RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection) baseResponse;
        assertEquals("Unexpected number of responses", 1, collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().size());
        RequestSecurityTokenResponse response = collection.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0);
        assertEquals("Unexpected response context", context, response.getContext());
        assertEquals("Unexpected token type", SAMLUtil.SAML2_TOKEN_TYPE, response.getTokenType().toString());
        Lifetime lifetime = response.getLifetime();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null token lifetime", lifetime);

        // validate the attached token reference.
        RequestedReferenceType reference = response.getRequestedAttachedReference();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null attached reference", reference);
        SecurityTokenReferenceType securityRef = reference.getSecurityTokenReference();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null security reference", securityRef);
        String tokenTypeAttr = securityRef.getOtherAttributes().get(new QName(WSTrustConstants.WSSE11_NS, "TokenType"));
        assertNotNull("Required attribute TokenType is missing", tokenTypeAttr);
        assertEquals("TokenType attribute has an unexpected value", SAMLUtil.SAML2_TOKEN_TYPE, tokenTypeAttr);
        KeyIdentifierType keyId = (KeyIdentifierType) securityRef.getAny().get(0);
        assertEquals("Unexpected key value type", SAMLUtil.SAML2_VALUE_TYPE, keyId.getValueType());
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null key identifier value", keyId.getValue());

        // ====================================== SAMLV2.0 Assertion Validation ======================================//

        RequestedSecurityTokenType requestedToken = response.getRequestedSecurityToken();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null requested security token", requestedToken);

        // unmarshall the SAMLV2.0 assertion.
        Element assertionElement = (Element) requestedToken.getAny().get(0);
        AssertionType assertion = SAMLUtil.fromElement(assertionElement);

        // verify the contents of the unmarshalled assertion.
        assertNotNull("Invalid null assertion ID", assertion.getID());
        assertEquals(keyId.getValue().substring(1), assertion.getID());
        assertEquals(lifetime.getCreated(), assertion.getIssueInstant());

        // validate the assertion issuer.
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null assertion issuer", assertion.getIssuer());
        assertEquals("Unexpected assertion issuer name", "Test STS", assertion.getIssuer().getValue());

        // validate the assertion subject.
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null subject", assertion.getSubject());
        SubjectType subject = assertion.getSubject();

        NameIDType nameID = (NameIDType) subject.getSubType().getBaseID();
        assertEquals("Unexpected name id qualifier", "urn:picketlink:identity-federation", nameID.getNameQualifier());
        assertEquals("Unexpected name id value", principal, nameID.getValue());

        SubjectConfirmationType subjType = subject.getConfirmation().get(0);
        assertEquals("Unexpected confirmation method", confirmationMethod, subjType.getMethod());

        // validate the assertion conditions.
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null conditions", assertion.getConditions());
        assertEquals(lifetime.getCreated(), assertion.getConditions().getNotBefore());
        assertEquals(lifetime.getExpires(), assertion.getConditions().getNotOnOrAfter());

        assertNotNull("Assertion should have been signed", assertion.getSignature());

        return assertion;

     * <p>
     * Validates the contents of the specified {@code SubjectConfirmationType} when the {@code HOLDER_OF_KEY} confirmation
     * method has been used.
     * </p>
     * @param subjectConfirmation the {@code SubjectConfirmationType} to be validated.
     * @param keyType the type of the proof-of-possession key (Symmetric or Public).
     * @param certificate the certificate used in the Public Key scenarios.
     * @param usePublicKey {@code true} if the certificate's Public Key was used as the proof-of-possession token; {@code false}
     *        otherwise.
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while performing the validation.
    private void validateHolderOfKeyContents(SubjectConfirmationType subjectConfirmation, String keyType,
            Certificate certificate, boolean usePublicKey) throws Exception {
        SubjectConfirmationDataType subjConfirmationDataType = subjectConfirmation.getSubjectConfirmationData();
        assertNotNull("Unexpected null subject confirmation data", subjConfirmationDataType);
        KeyInfoType keyInfo = (KeyInfoType) subjConfirmationDataType.getAnyType();
        assertEquals("Unexpected key info content size", 1, keyInfo.getContent().size());

        // if the key is a symmetric key, the KeyInfo should contain an encrypted element.
        if (WSTrustConstants.KEY_TYPE_SYMMETRIC.equals(keyType)) {
            Element encKeyElement = (Element) keyInfo.getContent().get(0);
            assertEquals("Unexpected key info content type", WSTrustConstants.XMLEnc.ENCRYPTED_KEY,
        // if the key is public, KeyInfo should either contain an encoded certificate or an encoded public key.
        else if (WSTrustConstants.KEY_TYPE_PUBLIC.equals(keyType)) {
            // if the public key has been used as proof, we should be able to retrieve it from KeyValueType.
            if (usePublicKey == true) {
                KeyValueType keyValue = (KeyValueType) keyInfo.getContent().get(0);
                RSAKeyValueType rsaKeyValue = (RSAKeyValueType) keyValue;

                // reconstruct the public key and check if it matches the public key of the provided certificate.
                BigInteger modulus = new BigInteger(1, Base64.decode(new String(rsaKeyValue.getModulus())));
                BigInteger exponent = new BigInteger(1, Base64.decode(new String(rsaKeyValue.getExponent())));
                KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
                RSAPublicKeySpec spec = new RSAPublicKeySpec(modulus, exponent);
                RSAPublicKey genKey = (RSAPublicKey) factory.generatePublic(spec);
                assertEquals("Invalid public key", certificate.getPublicKey(), genKey);
            // if the whole certificate was used as proof, we should be able to retrieve it from X509DataType.
            else {
                X509DataType x509Data = (X509DataType) keyInfo.getContent().get(0);
                assertEquals("Unexpected X509 data content size", 1, x509Data.getDataObjects().size());
                Object content = x509Data.getDataObjects().get(0);
                assertTrue("Unexpected X509 data content type", content instanceof X509CertificateType);
                byte[] encodedCertificate = ((X509CertificateType) content).getEncodedCertificate();

                // reconstruct the certificate and check if it matches the provided certificate.
                ByteArrayInputStream byteInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.decode(encodedCertificate, 0,
                assertEquals("Invalid certificate in key info", certificate, CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509")

     * <p>
     * Utility method that creates a simple WS-Trust request using the specified information.
     * </p>
     * @param context a {@code String} that represents the request context.
     * @param requestType a {@code String} that represents the WS-Trust request type.
     * @param tokenType a {@code String} that represents the requested token type.
     * @param appliesToString a {@code String} that represents the URL of a service provider.
     * @return the constructed {@code RequestSecurityToken} object.
    private RequestSecurityToken createRequest(String context, String requestType, String tokenType, String appliesToString) {
        RequestSecurityToken request = new RequestSecurityToken();
        if (tokenType != null)
        if (appliesToString != null)
        return request;

     * <p>
     * Creates a simple token that is not known to the STS for testing purposes.
     * </p>
     * @return an {@code Element} representing the unknown token.
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while creating the token.
    private Element createUnknownToken() throws Exception {
        Document doc = DocumentUtil.createDocument();
        String namespaceURI = "";
        Element root = doc.createElementNS(namespaceURI, "token:UnknownToken");
        Element child = doc.createElementNS(namespaceURI, "token:UnknownTokenValue");
        child.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Unknown content"));
        String id = IDGenerator.create("ID_");
        root.setAttributeNS(namespaceURI, "ID", id);
        root.setAttributeNS("", "xmlns:token", namespaceURI);
        return root;

     * <p>
     * Obtains the {@code Certificate} stored under the specified alias in the specified keystore.
     * </p>
     * @param keyStoreFile the name of the file that contains a JKS keystore.
     * @param passwd the keystore password.
     * @param certificateAlias the alias of a certificate in the keystore.
     * @return a reference to the {@code Certificate} stored under the given alias.
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while handling the keystore.
    private Certificate getCertificate(String keyStoreFile, String passwd, String certificateAlias) throws Exception {
        InputStream stream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(keyStoreFile);
        KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
        keyStore.load(stream, passwd.toCharArray());

        Certificate certificate = keyStore.getCertificate(certificateAlias);
        return certificate;

    private Source createSourceFromRequest(RequestSecurityToken request) throws Exception {
        // write the request XML to a DOMResult
        DOMResult result = new DOMResult(DocumentUtil.createDocument());
        WSTrustRequestWriter writer = new WSTrustRequestWriter(result);
        return new DOMSource(result.getNode());

     * <p>
     * Helper class that exposes the PicketLinkSTS methods as public for the tests to work.
     * </p>
     * @author <a href="">Stefan Guilhen</a>
    class TestSTS extends PicketLinkSTS {
        private String configFileName = "sts/picketlink-sts.xml";
        private boolean soap12 = false;

        TestSTS() {

        TestSTS(String configFileName) {
            this.configFileName = configFileName;

        TestSTS(String configFileName, boolean useSOAP12) {
            this.configFileName = configFileName;
            this.soap12 = useSOAP12;

        public Source invoke(Source source) {
            try {
                SOAPMessage request = null;
                if (soap12) {
                    request = SOAPUtil.createSOAP12();
                } else {
                    request = SOAPUtil.create();
                SOAPUtil.addData(source, request);
                SOAPMessage response = super.invoke(request);
                return new DOMSource(SOAPUtil.getSOAPData(response));
            } catch (SOAPException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);

        public STSConfiguration getConfiguration() throws ConfigurationException {
            InputStream stream;
            try {
                URL configURL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(configFileName);
                stream = configURL.openStream();

                STSType stsConfig = (STSType) new STSConfigParser().parse(stream);
                return new PicketLinkSTSConfiguration(stsConfig);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);

        public void setContext(WebServiceContext context) {
            super.context = context;

        public void setSoap12(boolean soap12) {
            this.soap12 = soap12;

     * <p>
     * Helper class that mocks a {@code WebServiceContext}. It is used in the PicketLink STS test cases.
     * </p>
     * @author <a href="">Stefan Guilhen</a>
    class TestContext implements WebServiceContext {

        private Principal principal;

         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see, org.w3c.dom.Element[])
        public <T extends EndpointReference> T getEndpointReference(Class<T> arg0, Element... arg1) {
            return null;

         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see[])
        public EndpointReference getEndpointReference(Element... arg0) {
            return null;

         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see
        public MessageContext getMessageContext() {
            return null;

         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see
        public Principal getUserPrincipal() {
            return this.principal;

         * <p>
         * Sets the principal to be used in the test case.
         * </p>
         * @param principal the {@code Principal} to be set.
        public void setUserPrincipal(Principal principal) {
            this.principal = principal;

         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see
        public boolean isUserInRole(String arg0) {
            return false;

Related Classes of org.picketlink.test.identity.federation.core.wstrust.PicketLinkSTSUnitTestCase$TestContext

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