* Copyright Technophobia Ltd 2012
* This file is part of Substeps.
* Substeps is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Substeps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Substeps. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.technophobia.substeps.runner;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.technophobia.substeps.model.ParentStep;
import com.technophobia.substeps.model.Step;
//import static org.junit.Assert.*;
* @author ian
public class ParsingTests {
public void testRegEx() {
final String stepParameter = "bob <start_locateButton>";
final String paramRegEx = ".*<([^>]*)>.*";
final Pattern findParamPattern = Pattern.compile(paramRegEx);
public void testMultiParamScenario() {
final String topLevelStepFeature = "Given two postcodes S11 8UP, \"Penrhyn Road\", S11 8UE, \"Hunter Hill Road\"";
final String parentDefinition = "Given two postcodes <s_outer_pc> <s_inner_pc>, <from_street>, <e_outer_pc> <e_inner_pc>, <to_street>";
final Step theParentStep = new Step(parentDefinition, true);
final ParentStep parentStep = new ParentStep(theParentStep);
final Step topLevelStop = new Step(topLevelStepFeature);
final Map<String, String> paramValueMap = parentStep.getParamValueMap().getParameters();
Assert.assertThat(paramValueMap.size(), is(6));
Assert.assertThat(paramValueMap.get("s_outer_pc"), is("S11"));
Assert.assertThat(paramValueMap.get("s_inner_pc"), is("8UP"));
Assert.assertThat(paramValueMap.get("from_street"), is("Penrhyn Road"));
Assert.assertThat(paramValueMap.get("e_outer_pc"), is("S11"));
Assert.assertThat(paramValueMap.get("e_inner_pc"), is("8UE"));
Assert.assertThat(paramValueMap.get("to_street"), is("Hunter Hill Road"));
public void testStepConstruction() {
final Step aNormalStep = new Step("Given the usual");
Assert.assertThat(aNormalStep.getKeyword(), is("Given"));
Assert.assertThat(aNormalStep.getLine(), is("Given the usual"));
// Assert.assertThat(aNormalStep.getParam(), is("the usual"));
// a step defined as a root of a series of steps
final Step aParentSubStep = new Step("Given the usual with a <parameter>", true);
Assert.assertThat(aParentSubStep.getKeyword(), is("Given"));
Assert.assertThat(aParentSubStep.getLine(), is("Given the usual with a <parameter>"));
// we would want this string to match with the compiled pattern
Assert.assertThat(aParentSubStep.getPattern(), is("Given the usual with a \"?([^\"]*)\"?"));
// param is "the usual with a <parameter>" as normal... TODO is this
// expected?
// Assert.assertThat(aParentSubStep.getParam(),
// is(aParentSubStep.getPattern()));
public void testRegExFindAndReplace() {
// used in the Runner
String input = "hello bob here is <something> else and <anotherthing> blah";
final String paramRegEx = "(<([^>]*)>)";
final Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".*" + paramRegEx + ".*");
final String paramRegEx2 = ".*<(.*)";
final Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile(paramRegEx2);
final String[] splits = input.split(">");
for (final String s : splits) {
System.out.println("split: " + s);
final Matcher matcher = p2.matcher(s);
if (matcher.find()) {
System.out.println("matcher group 1: " + matcher.group(1));
} else {
System.out.println("no match");
// TODO do we want to do this instead? All we want to do is get all the
// params out!
// Assert.assertTrue(paramPattern.matcher(param).matches());
// Matcher matcher1 = p.matcher(input);
Matcher matcher = p.matcher(input);
// Assert.assertTrue(matcher1.matches());
while (matcher.find()) {
final int groupCount = matcher.groupCount();
// for (int i = 1; i <= groupCount; i++)
// {
// if (matcher.find(i)) {
input = input.replaceAll(matcher.group(1), "replacement");
// } else {
// System.out.println("no capturing group: " + i);
// }
matcher = p.matcher(input);
// groupCount = matcher.groupCount();
// break;
// }
System.out.println("input: " + input);
public void testRequiredPattern() {
final String input = "the usual with a unquoted";
final String pattern = "the usual with a \"?([^\"]*)\"?";
// |the usual with a ([^\"]*)
final Pattern p = Pattern.compile(pattern);
final Matcher matcher1 = p.matcher(input);
final Matcher matcher = p.matcher(input);
final int groupCount = matcher.groupCount();
if (matcher.find()) {
for (int i = 1; i <= groupCount; i++) {
// if (matcher.find(i)) {
// } else {
// System.out.println("no capturing group: " + i);
// }
public void testParentParameterChaining() {
final Step aParentSubStep = new Step("Given", // "the usual with a <parameter>",
"Given the usual with a <parameter>", true);
final Step topLevelStepReDefinedInSubSteps = new Step("Given the usual with a \"fantastically tickety boo\"");
final ParentStep parentStep = new ParentStep(aParentSubStep);
// String[] paramValues = Util.getArgs(this.parent.pattern, step.param);
final Map<String, String> paramValueMap = parentStep.getParamValueMap().getParameters();
Assert.assertThat(paramValueMap.size(), is(1));
Assert.assertThat(paramValueMap.get("parameter"), is("fantastically tickety boo"));