* Copyright Technophobia Ltd 2012
* This file is part of Substeps.
* Substeps is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Substeps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Substeps. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.technophobia.substeps.model;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.collect.Collections2;
import com.technophobia.substeps.model.exception.DuplicateStepImplementationException;
import com.technophobia.substeps.model.exception.StepImplementationException;
import com.technophobia.substeps.model.exception.UnimplementedStepException;
import com.technophobia.substeps.runner.syntax.DefaultSyntaxErrorReporter;
import com.technophobia.substeps.runner.syntax.SyntaxErrorReporter;
* @author imoore
public class Syntax {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Syntax.class);
// These two will always be populated
private final Map<String, PatternMap<StepImplementation>> stepImplementationMap = new HashMap<String, PatternMap<StepImplementation>>();
private final Map<StepImplementation, List<StepImplementationUsage>> stepImplementationsUsageMap = new HashMap<StepImplementation, List<StepImplementationUsage>>();
// this is the map of substeps - Define: blah blah and might not be populated
private PatternMap<ParentStep> subStepsMap = null;
private boolean strict;
private boolean failOnDuplicateStepImplementations = true;
private String[] nonStrictKeywordPrecedence;
private final SyntaxErrorReporter syntaxErrorReporter;
public Syntax() {
this(new DefaultSyntaxErrorReporter());
public Syntax(final SyntaxErrorReporter syntaxErrorReporter) {
this.syntaxErrorReporter = syntaxErrorReporter;
public Map<String, PatternMap<StepImplementation>> getStepImplementationMap() {
return this.stepImplementationMap;
public List<StepImplementation> getStepImplementations() {
// build a list of the impls in the order of the annotations
final List<StepImplementation> allImpls = new ArrayList<StepImplementation>();
final List<String> sortedAnnotations = new ArrayList<String>();
// get all the PatternMaps for each annotation:
for (final String annotation : sortedAnnotations) {
final PatternMap<StepImplementation> patternMap = this.stepImplementationMap.get(annotation);
if (patternMap != null) {
for (final StepImplementation impl : patternMap.values()) {
return allImpls;
* @param keyWord
* @return
private PatternMap<StepImplementation> getPatternMapForAnnotation(final String keyWord) {
return this.stepImplementationMap.get(keyWord);
* @param loadSubSteps
public void setSubStepsMap(final PatternMap<ParentStep> loadSubSteps) {
this.subStepsMap = loadSubSteps;
public PatternMap<ParentStep> getSubStepsMap() {
return this.subStepsMap;
* @return
public List<ParentStep> getSortedRootSubSteps() {
final Collection<ParentStep> rootSubSteps = this.subStepsMap.values();
final List<ParentStep> sortedList = new ArrayList<ParentStep>();
Collections.sort(sortedList, ParentStep.PARENT_STEP_COMPARATOR);
return sortedList;
* @param impl
public void addStepImplementation(final StepImplementation impl) {
stepImplementationsUsageMap.put(impl, new ArrayList<StepImplementationUsage>());
PatternMap<StepImplementation> patternMap = this.stepImplementationMap.get(impl.getKeyword());
if (patternMap == null) {
patternMap = new PatternMap<StepImplementation>();
this.stepImplementationMap.put(impl.getKeyword(), patternMap);
final String pattern = impl.getValue();
if (!patternMap.containsPattern(pattern)) {
try {
patternMap.put(pattern, impl);
} catch (final PatternSyntaxException e) {
Syntax.log.warn("Invalid step implementation pattern: " + e.getMessage() + "\n" + impl.getClass() + "."
+ impl.getMethod() + " will not be added to the syntax");
} else {
final StepImplementation implAlreadyGot = patternMap.getValueForPattern(pattern);
if (!implAlreadyGot.getMethod().equals(impl.getMethod())) {
final StepImplementationException ex = new DuplicateStepImplementationException(pattern,
patternMap.getValueForPattern(pattern), impl);
if (this.failOnDuplicateStepImplementations) {
throw ex;
} else {
// this is the same - no need to make a fuss, just ignore it
* @param strict
public void setStrict(final boolean strict, final String[] nonStrictKeywordPrecedence) {
this.strict = strict;
this.nonStrictKeywordPrecedence = nonStrictKeywordPrecedence;
if (!strict && (this.nonStrictKeywordPrecedence == null || this.nonStrictKeywordPrecedence.length == 0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Please provide a keyword precedence in parameter nonStrictKeywordPrecedence to use when running in non strict mode");
public void setFailOnDuplicateStepImplementations(final boolean failOnDuplicateStepImplementations) {
this.failOnDuplicateStepImplementations = failOnDuplicateStepImplementations;
* @param parameterLine
* @return
public List<StepImplementation> getStepImplementations(final String keyword, final String parameterLine,
final File source, final int lineNumber) {
return getStepImplementationsInternal(keyword, parameterLine, false, source, lineNumber);
public List<StepImplementation> checkForStepImplementations(final String keyword, final String parameterLine,
final File source, final int lineNumber) {
return getStepImplementationsInternal(keyword, parameterLine, true, source, lineNumber);
* @param keyword
* @param parameterLine
* @return
private List<StepImplementation> getStepImplementationsInternal(final String keyword, final String parameterLine,
final boolean okNotTofindAnything, final File source, final int lineNumber) {
List<StepImplementation> list = getStrictStepimplementation(keyword, parameterLine, okNotTofindAnything,
source, lineNumber);
if (!this.strict
&& ((list == null && okNotTofindAnything) || (!okNotTofindAnything && list != null && list.isEmpty()))) {
// look for an alternative, iterate through the
// nonStrictKeywordPrecedence until we get what we want
for (final String altKeyword : this.nonStrictKeywordPrecedence) {
// don't use the same keyword again
if (altKeyword.compareToIgnoreCase(keyword) != 0) {
final List<StepImplementation> altStepImplementations = getStrictStepimplementation(altKeyword,
parameterLine.replaceFirst(keyword, altKeyword), okNotTofindAnything, source, lineNumber);
if (altStepImplementations != null && !altStepImplementations.isEmpty()) {
// found an alternative, bail immediately
list = new ArrayList<StepImplementation>(Collections2.transform(altStepImplementations,
new CloneStepImplementationsWithNewKeywordFunction(keyword)));
if (list != null) {
for (final StepImplementation s : list){
stepImplementationsUsageMap.get(s).add(new StepImplementationUsage(parameterLine, source, lineNumber));
return list;
* @param keyword
* @param parameterLine
* @return
private List<StepImplementation> getStrictStepimplementation(final String keyword, final String parameterLine,
final boolean okNotTofindAnything, final File source, final int lineNumber) {
List<StepImplementation> list = null;
final PatternMap<StepImplementation> pMap = getPatternMapForAnnotation(keyword);
if (pMap != null) {
list = pMap.get(parameterLine);
else if (!okNotTofindAnything) {
throw new UnimplementedStepException(parameterLine, source, lineNumber);
return list;
private static final class CloneStepImplementationsWithNewKeywordFunction implements
Function<StepImplementation, StepImplementation> {
private final String keyword;
public CloneStepImplementationsWithNewKeywordFunction(final String keyword) {
this.keyword = keyword;
public StepImplementation apply(final StepImplementation stepImplementation) {
return stepImplementation.cloneWithKeyword(this.keyword);
* @return the strict
public boolean isStrict() {
return this.strict;
* @return the nonStrictKeywordPrecedence
public String[] getNonStrictKeywordPrecedence() {
return this.nonStrictKeywordPrecedence;
public List<StepImplementation> getUncalledStepImplementations() {
final List<StepImplementation> uncalled = new ArrayList<StepImplementation>();
final Set<Entry<StepImplementation, List<StepImplementationUsage>>> entrySet = stepImplementationsUsageMap.entrySet();
for (final Entry<StepImplementation, List<StepImplementationUsage>> e : entrySet){
if (e.getValue().isEmpty()){
return uncalled;