* Copyright 2012 Comcast Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.comcast.cns.tools;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.comcast.cmb.common.controller.CMBControllerServlet;
import com.comcast.cmb.common.model.User;
import com.comcast.cmb.common.persistence.PersistenceFactory;
import com.comcast.cmb.common.util.CMBErrorCodes;
import com.comcast.cmb.common.util.CMBException;
import com.comcast.cmb.common.util.CMBProperties;
import com.comcast.cmb.common.util.ValueAccumulator.AccumulatorName;
import com.comcast.cns.io.EndpointPublisherFactory;
import com.comcast.cns.io.IEndpointPublisher;
import com.comcast.cns.model.CNSMessage;
import com.comcast.cns.model.CNSRetryPolicy;
import com.comcast.cns.model.CNSSubscriptionAttributes;
import com.comcast.cns.model.CNSSubscriptionDeliveryPolicy;
import com.comcast.cns.model.CNSSubscription.CnsSubscriptionProtocol;
import com.comcast.cns.persistence.ICNSAttributesPersistence;
import com.comcast.cns.persistence.SubscriberNotFoundException;
import com.comcast.cns.util.Util;
* Helper class representing individual (to one endpoint) publish job
* Class is thread-safe
public class CNSPublishJob implements Runnable {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CNSPublishJob.class);
enum RetryPhase {
None, ImmediateRetry, PreBackoff, Backoff, PostBackoff;
private final CNSMessage message;
private final User user;
private final CnsSubscriptionProtocol protocol;
private final String endpoint;
private final String subArn;
private final String queueUrl;
private final String receiptHandle;
private final AtomicInteger endpointPublishJobCount;
private final boolean rawDelivery;
public static volatile IEndpointPublisher testPublisher = null; //set and used for unit-testing
public volatile int numRetries = 0;
private volatile int maxDelayRetries = 0;
public String getSubscriptionArn() {
return subArn;
private void letMessageDieForEndpoint() throws Exception {
// decrement the total number of sub-tasks and if counter is 0 delete publish job
if (endpointPublishJobCount.decrementAndGet() == 0) {
CQSHandler.deleteMessage(queueUrl, receiptHandle);
logger.debug("event=deleting_publish_job_from_cqs message_id=" + message.getMessageId() + " queue_url=" + queueUrl + " receipt_handle=" + receiptHandle);
* Call this method only in retry mode for a single sub
public void doRetry(IEndpointPublisher pub, CnsSubscriptionProtocol protocol, String endpoint, String subArn, boolean rawDelivery) {
try {
ICNSAttributesPersistence attributePers = PersistenceFactory.getCNSAttributePersistence();
CNSSubscriptionAttributes subAttr = attributePers.getSubscriptionAttributes(subArn);
if (subAttr == null) {
throw new CMBException(CMBErrorCodes.InternalError, "Could not get subscription delivery policy for subscripiton " + subArn);
CNSSubscriptionDeliveryPolicy deliveryPolicy = subAttr.getEffectiveDeliveryPolicy();
CNSRetryPolicy retryPolicy = deliveryPolicy.getHealthyRetryPolicy();
logger.debug("retry_policy=" + retryPolicy + "sub_arn=" + subArn);
while (numRetries < retryPolicy.getNumNoDelayRetries()) {
logger.debug("event=immediate_retry num_retries=" + numRetries);
// handle immediate retry phase
try {
runCommon(pub, protocol, endpoint, subArn, rawDelivery);
return; //suceeded.
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.debug("event=retry_failed phase=" + RetryPhase.ImmediateRetry.name() + " attempt=" + numRetries);
// handle pre-backoff phase
if (numRetries < retryPolicy.getNumMinDelayRetries() + retryPolicy.getNumNoDelayRetries()) {
logger.debug("event=pre_backoff num_retries=" + numRetries + " mind_delay_target_secs=" + retryPolicy.getMinDelayTarget());
CNSEndpointPublisherJobConsumer.submitForReDelivery(this, retryPolicy.getMinDelayTarget(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// add 6 second buffer to avoid race condition (assuming we are enforcing a 5 sec http timeout)
CQSHandler.changeMessageVisibility(queueUrl, receiptHandle, retryPolicy.getMinDelayTarget() + 6);
// if reached here, in the backoff phase
if (numRetries < retryPolicy.getNumRetries() - (retryPolicy.getNumMinDelayRetries() + retryPolicy.getNumNoDelayRetries() + retryPolicy.getNumMaxDelayRetries())) {
int delay = Util.getNextRetryDelay(numRetries - retryPolicy.getNumMinDelayRetries() - retryPolicy.getNumNoDelayRetries(),
retryPolicy.getNumRetries() - retryPolicy.getNumMinDelayRetries() - retryPolicy.getNumNoDelayRetries(),
retryPolicy.getMinDelayTarget(), retryPolicy.getMaxDelayTarget(), retryPolicy.getBackOffFunction());
logger.debug("event=retry_notification phase=" + RetryPhase.Backoff.name() + " delay=" + delay + " attempt=" + numRetries + " backoff_function=" + retryPolicy.getBackOffFunction().name());
CNSEndpointPublisherJobConsumer.submitForReDelivery(this, delay, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// add 6 second buffer to avoid race condition (assuming we are enforcing a 6 sec http timeout)
CQSHandler.changeMessageVisibility(queueUrl, receiptHandle, delay + 6);
if (numRetries < retryPolicy.getNumRetries()) { //remainder must be post-backoff
logger.debug("event=post_backoff max_delay_retries=" + maxDelayRetries + " max_delay_target=" + retryPolicy.getMaxDelayTarget());
CNSEndpointPublisherJobConsumer.submitForReDelivery(this, retryPolicy.getMaxDelayTarget(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// add 6 second buffer to avoid race condition (assuming we are enforcing a 5 sec http timeout)
CQSHandler.changeMessageVisibility(queueUrl, receiptHandle, retryPolicy.getMaxDelayTarget() + 6);
logger.debug("event=retries_exhausted action=skip_message endpoint=" + endpoint + " message=" + message);
} catch (SubscriberNotFoundException e) {
logger.error("event=retry_error error_code=subscriber_not_found sub_arn=" + subArn);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("event=retry_error endpoint=" + endpoint + " protocol=" + protocol + " message_length=" + message.getMessage().length() + (user == null ?"":" " + user), e);
* Send the notification and let any exceptions bubble up
* @param publisher
* @param protocol
* @param endpoint
* @param subArn
* @throws Exception
private void runCommon(IEndpointPublisher publisher, CnsSubscriptionProtocol protocol, String endpoint, String subArn, boolean rawDelivery) throws Exception {
long ts1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
logger.debug("event=successful_delivery protocol=" + protocol + " endpoint=" + endpoint + " sub_arn=" + subArn + " attempt=" + numRetries + " raw=" + rawDelivery);
long ts2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
CMBControllerServlet.valueAccumulator.addToCounter(AccumulatorName.CNSPublishSendTime, ts2 - ts1);
CNSWorkerMonitor.getInstance().registerSendsRemaining(message.getMessageId(), -1);
CNSWorkerMonitor.getInstance().registerBadEndpoint(endpoint, 0, 1, message.getTopicArn());
private void runCommonAndRetry(IEndpointPublisher pub, CnsSubscriptionProtocol protocol, String endpoint, String subArn, boolean rawDelivery) throws Exception {
try {
int badResponseCounter = CNSEndpointPublisherJobConsumer.getNumBadResponses(endpoint);
int failureSuspensionThreshold = CMBProperties.getInstance().getEndpointFailureCountToSuspensionThreshold();
// only throw away new messages for bad endpoints (not those that are already in redlivery) - in effect we are temporarily suspending
// endpoints with more than three failures in the last minute
if (failureSuspensionThreshold!=0 && badResponseCounter>failureSuspensionThreshold && numRetries==0) {
logger.warn("event=throwing_message_away reason=endpoint_has_too_many_bad_responses_in_last_minute endpoint=" + endpoint + " bad_response_counter=" + badResponseCounter + " attempt=" + numRetries);
} else {
runCommon(pub, protocol, endpoint, subArn, rawDelivery);
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.warn("event=failed_to_deliver_message ex=" + ex);
if (protocol == CnsSubscriptionProtocol.http || protocol == CnsSubscriptionProtocol.https) {
int errorCode = 0;
if (ex instanceof CMBException) {
errorCode = ((CMBException)ex).getHttpCode();
if (CNSEndpointPublisherJobConsumer.acceptableHttpResponseCodes.contains(errorCode+"")) {
// if posting fails with an acceptable http error code let it die
logger.warn("event=failed_to_deliver_message action=skip_message status_code=" + errorCode + " endpoint=" + endpoint);
} else {
// if posting fails with an unacceptable http error code register bad endpoint in rolling window of 60 sec and start retry process
logger.warn("event=failed_to_deliver_message action=retry status_code=" + errorCode + " endpoint=" + endpoint);
CNSWorkerMonitor.getInstance().registerBadEndpoint(endpoint, 1, 1, message.getTopicArn());
doRetry(pub, protocol, endpoint, subArn, rawDelivery);
} else {
// if sending fails for a non-http endpoint let it die immediately without retry
logger.warn("event=failed_to_deliver_message action=skip_message endpoint=" + endpoint);
public CNSPublishJob(CNSMessage message, User user, CnsSubscriptionProtocol protocol, String endpoint, String subArn, boolean rawDelivery, String queueUrl, String receiptHandle, AtomicInteger endpointPublishJobCount) {
this.message = message;
this.user = user;
this.protocol = protocol;
this.endpoint = endpoint;
this.subArn = subArn;
this.queueUrl = queueUrl;
this.receiptHandle = receiptHandle;
this.endpointPublishJobCount = endpointPublishJobCount;
this.rawDelivery = rawDelivery;
public void run() {
long ts1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (testPublisher != null) {
logger.debug("event=test_publisher_not_null publisher=" + testPublisher);
} else {
logger.debug("event=test_publisher_null protocol=" + protocol.name());
IEndpointPublisher pub = (testPublisher == null ? EndpointPublisherFactory.getPublisherInstance(protocol) : testPublisher);
try {
runCommonAndRetry(pub, protocol, endpoint, subArn, rawDelivery);
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.error("event=publish_job_error", ex);
long ts2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
logger.debug("event=metrics endpoint=" + endpoint + " protocol=" + protocol.name() + " raw_delivery=" + rawDelivery +
" message_length=" + message.getMessage().length() + (user == null ?"":" " + user.getUserName()) +
" responseTimeMS=" + (ts2 - ts1) +
" CassandraTimeMS=" + CMBControllerServlet.valueAccumulator.getCounter(AccumulatorName.CassandraTime) +
" publishTimeMS=" + CMBControllerServlet.valueAccumulator.getCounter(AccumulatorName.CNSPublishSendTime) +
" CNSCQSTimeMS=" + CMBControllerServlet.valueAccumulator.getCounter(AccumulatorName.CNSCQSTime));