package com.dotmarketing.viewtools.content.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import com.dotmarketing.beans.Identifier;
import com.dotmarketing.common.model.ContentletSearch;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotDataException;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotSecurityException;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.contentlet.model.Contentlet;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.structure.factories.RelationshipFactory;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.structure.model.Relationship;
import com.dotmarketing.util.Logger;
import com.dotmarketing.util.PaginatedArrayList;
import com.dotmarketing.util.UtilMethods;
import com.dotmarketing.viewtools.content.PaginatedContentList;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;
* The purpose of this class is to abstract the methods called from the ContentTool Viewtool
* so they can be called from other viewtools or external plugins.
* other viewtools can return a ContentMap back to the page
* @author Jason Tesser
* @since 1.9.3
public class ContentUtils {
private static ContentletAPI conAPI;
public static final ContentUtils INSTANCE = new ContentUtils();
private ContentUtils() {
conAPI = APILocator.getContentletAPI();
public ContentUtils getInstance()
return INSTANCE;
* Will pull a single piece of content for you based on the inode or identifier. It will always
* try to retrieve the live content unless in EDIT_MODE in the backend of dotCMS when passing in an
* identifier. If it is an inode this is ignored.
* Will return NULL if not found
* @param inodeOrIdentifier Can be either an Inode or Indentifier of content.
* @return NULL if not found
public static Contentlet find(String inodeOrIdentifier, User user, boolean EDIT_OR_PREVIEW_MODE, long sessionLang){
return find(inodeOrIdentifier,user,null,EDIT_OR_PREVIEW_MODE, sessionLang);
public static Contentlet find(String inodeOrIdentifier, User user, String tmDate, boolean EDIT_OR_PREVIEW_MODE, long sessionLang){
String[] recDates = null;
try {
recDates = RecurrenceUtil.getRecurrenceDates(inodeOrIdentifier);
inodeOrIdentifier = RecurrenceUtil.getBaseEventIdentifier(inodeOrIdentifier);
Contentlet c = conAPI.find(inodeOrIdentifier, user, true);
if(c != null){
&& (recDates!=null && recDates.length==2)){
String startDate = recDates[0];
String endDate = recDates[1];
if(UtilMethods.isSet(startDate) && UtilMethods.isSet(endDate)){
c.setDateProperty("startDate", new Date(Long.parseLong(startDate)));
c.setDateProperty("endDate", new Date(Long.parseLong(endDate)));
return c;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
try {
List<Contentlet> l=null;
if(tmDate!=null) {
// timemachine future dates
Date ffdate=new Date(Long.parseLong(tmDate));
Identifier ident=APILocator.getIdentifierAPI().find(inodeOrIdentifier);
if(ident==null || !UtilMethods.isSet(ident.getId())) return null;
boolean showlive=true;
if(UtilMethods.isSet(ident.getSysExpireDate()) && ffdate.after(ident.getSysExpireDate()))
return null; // it has expired. return nothing
if(UtilMethods.isSet(ident.getSysPublishDate()) && ffdate.after(ident.getSysPublishDate()))
showlive=false; // it would be published. show the working
l ="+identifier:" + inodeOrIdentifier +
" +deleted:false " + (showlive ? "+live:true" : "+working:true"), 0, -1, "modDate", user, true);
else {
String stateQuery = EDIT_OR_PREVIEW_MODE ? "+working:true +deleted:false" : "+live:true +deleted:false";
l ="+identifier:" + inodeOrIdentifier + " " + stateQuery, 0, -1, "modDate", user, true);
if(l== null || l.size() < 1){
return null;
Logger.warn(ContentUtils.class, "More then one live or working content found with identifier = " + inodeOrIdentifier);
//If the list of contentlest with the same identifier is > 1
//try to search if there is one with the same language id.
for (Contentlet contentlet : l){
if(contentlet.getLanguageId() == sessionLang)
return contentlet;
&& (recDates!=null && recDates.length==2)){
String startDate = recDates[0];
String endDate = recDates[1];
if(UtilMethods.isSet(startDate) && UtilMethods.isSet(endDate)){
l.get(0).setDateProperty("startDate", new Date(Long.parseLong(startDate)));
l.get(0).setDateProperty("endDate", new Date(Long.parseLong(endDate)));
//If anything else match, return the firs result.
return (Contentlet) l.get(0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* Returns empty List if no results are found
* @param query - Lucene Query used to search for content - Will append live, working, deleted, and language if not passed
* @param limit 0 is the dotCMS max limit which is 10000. Becareful when searching for unlimited amount as all content will load into memory
* @param sort - Velocity variable name to sort by. this is a string and can contain multiple values "sort1 acs, sort2 desc"
* @return Returns empty List if no results are found
public static List<Contentlet> pull(String query, String limit, String sort,User user, String tmDate){
int l = new Integer(limit);
return pull(query, l, sort, user, tmDate);
* Returns empty List if no results are found
* @param query - Lucene Query used to search for content - Will append live, working, deleted, and language if not passed
* @param limit 0 is the dotCMS max limit which is 10000. Becareful when searching for unlimited amount as all content will load into memory
* @param sort - Velocity variable name to sort by. this is a string and can contain multiple values "sort1 acs, sort2 desc"
* @return Returns empty List if no results are found
public static List<Contentlet> pull(String query,int limit, String sort, User user, String tmDate){
return pull(query,-1,limit,sort, user, tmDate);
public static PaginatedArrayList<Contentlet> pull(String query, int offset,int limit, String sort, User user, String tmDate){
PaginatedArrayList<Contentlet> ret = new PaginatedArrayList<Contentlet>();
try {
//need to send the query with the defaults ---
List<Contentlet> contentlets=null;
if(tmDate!=null && query.contains("+live:true")) {
// with timemachine on!
String datestr=tmDate;
Date futureDate=new Date(Long.parseLong(datestr));
query=query.replaceAll("\\+live\\:true", "").replaceAll("\\+working\\:true", "");
String ffdate=ESMappingAPIImpl.datetimeFormat.format(futureDate);
String notexpired=" +expdate:["+ffdate+" TO 29990101000000] ";
String wquery=query + " +working:true " +
"+pubdate:["+ESMappingAPIImpl.datetimeFormat.format(new Date())+
" TO "+ffdate+"] "+notexpired;
String lquery=query + " +live:true " + notexpired;
PaginatedArrayList<Contentlet> wc=(PaginatedArrayList<Contentlet>), limit, offset, sort, user, true);
PaginatedArrayList<Contentlet> lc=(PaginatedArrayList<Contentlet>), limit, offset, sort, user, true);
// merging both results avoiding repeated inodes
Set<String> inodes=new HashSet<String>();
contentlets=new ArrayList<Contentlet>();
wc.getTotalResults()>lc.getTotalResults() ?
wc.getTotalResults() : lc.getTotalResults());
for(Contentlet cc : wc)
for(Contentlet cc : lc) {
if(!inodes.contains(cc.getInode())) {
// sorting the result
if(UtilMethods.isSet(sort) && !sort.trim().equals("random")) {
final String[] sorts=sort.split(",");
Collections.sort(contentlets, new Comparator<Contentlet>() {
public int compare(Contentlet a, Contentlet b) {
int comp=0;
for(int x=0;x<sorts.length && comp==0;x++) {
String[] ss=sorts[x].split(" ");
Comparable c1=(Comparable)a.get(ss[0]);
Comparable c2=(Comparable)b.get(ss[0]);
if(c1!=null && c2!=null) {
if(ss.length==1 || ss[1].equals("asc"))
return comp;
// truncate to respect limit
contentlets=contentlets.subList(0, limit);
else {
// normal query
PaginatedArrayList<Contentlet> conts=(PaginatedArrayList<Contentlet>), limit, offset, sort, user, true);
for(Contentlet c : contentlets)
} catch (Exception e) {
return ret;
* Will return a ContentMap object which can be used on dotCMS front end.
* This method is better then the old #pullcontent macro because it doesn't have to
* parse all the velocity content object that are returned. If you are building large pulls
* and depending on the types of fields on the content this can get expensive especially
* with large data sets.<br />
* EXAMPLE:<br />
* #foreach($con in $dotcontent.pullPagenated('+structureName:newsItem',20,20,'modDate desc'))<br />
* $con.headline<br />
* #end<br />
* Returns empty List if no results are found <br />
* there is a totalResults avialible to you on the returned list. $retList.totalResults
* @param query - Lucene Query used to search for content - Will append live, working, deleted, and language if not passed
* @param limit 0 is the dotCMS max limit which is 10000. Becareful when searching for unlimited amount as all content will load into memory
* @param offset offset to start the results from
* @param sort - Velocity variable name to sort by. this is a string and can contain multiple values "sort1 acs, sort2 desc"
* @return Returns empty List if no results are found
public static PaginatedArrayList<Contentlet> pullPagenated(String query, int limit, int offset, String sort,User user, String tmDate){
return pull(query, offset, limit, sort, user, tmDate);
* Works just similar to the pullPagenated. Will return a ContentMap object which can be used on dotCMS front end.
* This method is better then the old #pullcontent macro because it doesn't have to
* parse all the velocity content object that are returned. If you are building large pulls
* and depending on the types of fields on the content this can get expensive especially
* with large data sets.<br />
* EXAMPLE:<br />
* #set($pagedList = $dotcontent.pullPerPage("+structureName:webPageContent" ,20, 3, "modDate desc"))<br/>
* <div><br/>
* $pagedList<br/>
* </div><br/>
* <h2>$pagedList.previousPage</h2><br/>
* <h2>$pagedList.nextPage</h2><br/>
* <h2>$pagedList.totalPages</h2><br/>
* <h2>$pagedList.totalResults</h2><br/>
* #foreach($con in $pagedList)<br/>
* <h2>$con.inode</h2><br/>
* <h2>$con.identifier</h2><br/>
* $con.title<br/>
* #end<br />
* Returns empty List if no results are found
* The returned list is a PaginatedContentList which lets you get at the totalPages, nextPage, and previousPage, and totalResults as helpers ie.. $conlist.previousPage ...
* @param query - Lucene Query used to search for content - Will append live, working, deleted, and language if not passed
* @param currentPage Current page number for pagination the first page would be one.
* @param contentsPerPage Number of contentlets you are displaying per page
* @param offset offset to start the results from
* @param sort - Velocity variable name to sort by. this is a string and can contain multiple values "sort1 acs, sort2 desc"
* @return Returns empty List if no results are found
public static PaginatedContentList<Contentlet> pullPerPage(String query, int currentPage, int contentsPerPage, String sort, User user, String tmDate){
PaginatedArrayList<Contentlet> cmaps = pullPagenated(query, contentsPerPage, contentsPerPage * (currentPage - 1), sort, user, tmDate);
PaginatedContentList<Contentlet> ret = new PaginatedContentList<Contentlet>();
long minIndex = (currentPage - 1) * contentsPerPage;
long totalCount = cmaps.getTotalResults();
long maxIndex = contentsPerPage * currentPage;
if((minIndex + contentsPerPage) >= totalCount){
maxIndex = totalCount;
ret.setNextPage(maxIndex < totalCount);
ret.setPreviousPage(minIndex > 0);
cmaps = null;
return ret;
* Will return a ContentSearch object which can be used on dotCMS front end.
* The method can be used to determine the inodes or identifiers which match a given query.
* It does NOT return actual content only the inodes and identifiers. An example use could be
* you need to know if a query matches at all. Lets say you want to know if a category is used at all within
* a given query this is the fastest way to figure it out as dotCMS doesn't have to put together the content itself.
* @param query - Lucene Query used to search for content - Will append live, working, deleted, and language if not passed
* @param limit 0 is the dotCMS max limit which is 10000.
* @return
public static List<ContentletSearch> query(String query, int limit, User user, String tmDate){
return query(query, limit, "modDate", user, tmDate);
* Will return a ContentSearch object which can be used on dotCMS front end.
* The method can be used to determine the inodes or identifiers which match a given query.
* It does NOT return actual content only the inodes and identifiers. An example use could be
* you need to know if a query matches at all. Lets say you want to know if a category is used at all within
* a given query this is the fastest way to figure it out as dotCMS doesn't have to put together the content itself.
* Returns empty List if no results are found
* @param query - Lucene Query used to search for content - Will append live, working, deleted, and language if not passed
* @param limit 0 is the dotCMS max limit which is 10000.
* @param sort - Velocity variable name to sort by. this is a string and can contain multiple values "sort1 acs, sort2 desc"
* @return Returns empty List if no results are found
public static List<ContentletSearch> query(String query, int limit, String sort, User user, String tmDate){
List<ContentletSearch> ret = null;
try {
if(tmDate!=null && query.contains("+live:true")) {
// with timemachine on!
// as we need to load contentlets anyway to sort
// lets just call pull here
List<Contentlet> conts=pull(query, limit, sort, user, tmDate);
ret = new ArrayList<ContentletSearch>(conts.size());
for(Contentlet cm : conts) {
ContentletSearch cs=new ContentletSearch();
else {
// normal query
ret = conAPI.searchIndex(query, limit, -1, sort, user, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
if(ret == null){
ret = new ArrayList<ContentletSearch>();
return ret;
* Use this method to return the number of contents which match a particular query.
* @param query - Lucene Query used to search for content - Will append live, working, deleted, and language if not passed
* @return
public static long count(String query, User user, String tmDate) {
try {
if(tmDate!=null && query.contains("+live:true"))
return query(query,0, user, tmDate).size();
return conAPI.indexCount(query, user, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(ContentUtils.class, "can't get indexCount for query: "+query,e);
return 0;
* Will return a ContentMap object which can be used on dotCMS front end.
* This method is better then the old #pullRelatedContent macro because it doesn't have to
* parse all the velocity content object that are returned. If you are building large pulls
* and depending on the types of fields on the content this can get expensive especially
* with large data sets.<br />
* EXAMPLE:<br />
* #foreach($con in $dotcontent.pullRelated('myRelationship','asbd-asd-asda-asd',false,5))<br />
* $con.title<br />
* #end<br />
* The method will figure out language, working and live for you.
* Returns empty List if no results are found
* @param relationshipName - Name of the relationship as defined in the structure.
* @param contentletIdentifier - Identifier of the contentlet
* @param pullParents Should the related pull be based on Parents or Children
* @param limit 0 is the dotCMS max limit which is 10000. Becareful when searching for unlimited amount as all content will load into memory
* @return Returns empty List if no results are found
* @throws DotSecurityException
* @throws DotDataException
public static List<Contentlet> pullRelated(String relationshipName, String contentletIdentifier, boolean pullParents, int limit, User user, String tmDate) {
return pullRelated(relationshipName, contentletIdentifier, null, pullParents, limit, null, user, tmDate);
* Will return a ContentMap object which can be used on dotCMS front end.
* This method is better then the old #pullRelatedContent macro because it doesn't have to
* parse all the velocity content object that are returned. If you are building large pulls
* and depending on the types of fields on the content this can get expensive especially
* with large data sets.<br />
* EXAMPLE:<br />
* #foreach($con in $dotcontent.pullRelated('myRelationship','asbd-asd-asda-asd',false,5,'modDate'))<br />
* $con.title<br />
* #end<br />
* The method will figure out language, working and live for you.
* Returns empty List if no results are found
* @param relationshipName - Name of the relationship as defined in the structure.
* @param contentletIdentifier - Identifier of the contentlet
* @param pullParents Should the related pull be based on Parents or Children
* @param limit 0 is the dotCMS max limit which is 10000. Becareful when searching for unlimited amount as all content will load into memory
* @param sort - Velocity variable name to sort by. this is a string and can contain multiple values "sort1 acs, sort2 desc". Can be Null
* @return Returns empty List if no results are found
* @throws DotSecurityException
* @throws DotDataException
public static List<Contentlet> pullRelated(String relationshipName, String contentletIdentifier, boolean pullParents, int limit, String sort, User user, String tmDate) {
return pullRelated(relationshipName, contentletIdentifier, null, pullParents, limit, sort, user, tmDate);
* Will return a ContentMap object which can be used on dotCMS front end.
* This method is better then the old #pullRelatedContent macro because it doesn't have to
* parse all the velocity content object that are returned. If you are building large pulls
* and depending on the types of fields on the content this can get expensive especially
* with large data sets.<br />
* EXAMPLE:<br />
* #foreach($con in $dotcontent.pullRelated('myRelationship','asbd-asd-asda-asd','+myField:someValue',false,5,'modDate desc'))<br />
* $con.title<br />
* #end<br />
* The method will figure out language, working and live for you if not passed in with the condition
* Returns empty List if no results are found
* @param relationshipName - Name of the relationship as defined in the structure.
* @param contentletIdentifier - Identifier of the contentlet
* @param condition - Extra conditions to add to the query. like +title:Some Title. Can be Null
* @param pullParents Should the related pull be based on Parents or Children
* @param limit 0 is the dotCMS max limit which is 10000. Becareful when searching for unlimited amount as all content will load into memory
* @param sort - Velocity variable name to sort by. this is a string and can contain multiple values "sort1 acs, sort2 desc". Can be Null
* @return Returns empty List if no results are found
* @throws DotSecurityException
* @throws DotDataException
* @return Returns empty List if no results are found
public static List<Contentlet> pullRelated(String relationshipName, String contentletIdentifier, String condition, boolean pullParents, int limit, String sort, User user, String tmDate) {
Relationship rel = RelationshipFactory.getRelationshipByRelationTypeValue(relationshipName);
String relNameForQuery = "";
relNameForQuery = relationshipName.trim() + "-child";
relNameForQuery = relationshipName.trim() + "-parent";
relNameForQuery = rel.getRelationTypeValue();
contentletIdentifier = RecurrenceUtil.getBaseEventIdentifier(contentletIdentifier);
String pullquery = "+type:content +" + relNameForQuery + ":" + contentletIdentifier;
pullquery += " " + condition;
sort = relationshipName + "-" + contentletIdentifier + "-order";
return pull(pullquery, limit, sort, user, tmDate);