package com.dotmarketing.viewtools;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.velocity.context.Context;
import com.dotmarketing.beans.Host;
import com.dotmarketing.beans.Identifier;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotDataException;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotSecurityException;
import com.dotmarketing.factories.InodeFactory;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.folders.model.Folder;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.templates.model.Template;
import com.dotmarketing.util.InodeUtils;
import com.dotmarketing.util.Logger;
import com.dotmarketing.util.UtilMethods;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;
* Created by Jonathan Gamba
* Date: 10/25/12
public class DotTemplateTool implements ViewTool {
private static HttpServletRequest request;
Context ctx;
private static User sysUser = null;
* @param initData the ViewContext that is automatically passed on view tool initialization, either in the request or the application
* @return
* @see ViewTool, ViewContext
public void init ( Object initData ) {
ViewContext context = (ViewContext) initData;
request = context.getRequest();
ctx = context.getVelocityContext();
try {
sysUser = APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser();
} catch (DotDataException e) {
* Given a theme id we will parse it and return the Layout for the given template
* @param themeInode
* @return
* @throws com.dotmarketing.exception.DotDataException
* @throws com.dotmarketing.exception.DotSecurityException
public static TemplateLayout themeLayout ( String themeInode ) throws DotDataException, DotSecurityException {
return themeLayout( themeInode, false );
* Given a theme id we will parse it and return the Layout for the given template
* @param themeInode
* @param isPreview
* @return
* @throws com.dotmarketing.exception.DotDataException
* @throws com.dotmarketing.exception.DotSecurityException
public static TemplateLayout themeLayout ( String themeInode, Boolean isPreview ) throws DotDataException, DotSecurityException {
String title = null;
String drawedBody;
if ( UtilMethods.isSet( themeInode ) ) {
Identifier ident = APILocator.getIdentifierAPI().findFromInode( themeInode );
Template template = APILocator.getTemplateAPI().findWorkingTemplate(ident.getId(), sysUser, false);
if ( !template.getInode().equals( themeInode ) ) {
template = (Template) InodeFactory.getInode( themeInode, Template.class );
drawedBody = ((Template) template).getDrawedBody();
title = template.getTitle();
} else {
drawedBody = (String) request.getAttribute( "designedBody" );
if ( request.getAttribute( "title" ) != null ) {
title = (String) request.getAttribute( "title" );
//Parse and return the layout for this template
TemplateLayout layout = DesignTemplateUtil.getDesignParameters( drawedBody, isPreview );
layout.setTitle( title );
return layout;
* Method that will create a map of required data for the Layout template, basically paths
* where the different elements of the theme can be found.
* @param themeFolderInode
* @param hostId
* @return
* @throws DotDataException
* @throws DotSecurityException
public static Map<String, Object> theme ( String themeFolderInode, String hostId ) throws DotDataException, DotSecurityException {
//Get the theme folder
Folder themeFolder = APILocator.getFolderAPI().find( themeFolderInode, APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), false );
return setThemeData( themeFolder, hostId );
* Method that will create a map of required data for the Layout template, basically paths
* where the different elements of the theme can be found.
* @param themeFolderPath
* @param hostId
* @return
* @throws DotDataException
* @throws DotSecurityException
public static Map<String, Object> themeByPath ( String themeFolderPath, String hostId ) throws DotDataException, DotSecurityException {
if(themeFolderPath ==null ){
return null;
// get theme host
String[] uriArray = themeFolderPath.split("/");
String hostName = uriArray[2];
hostId = APILocator.getHostAPI().resolveHostName(hostName, APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), true).getIdentifier(); sw = new;
for(int i= 3;i< uriArray.length;i++){
themeFolderPath = sw.toString();
//Get the theme folder
Folder themeFolder = APILocator.getFolderAPI().findFolderByPath( themeFolderPath, hostId, APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), false );
return setThemeData( themeFolder, hostId );
* Method that will create a map of required data for the Layout template, basically paths
* where the different elements of the theme can be found.
* @param themeFolder
* @param hostId
* @return
* @throws DotDataException
* @throws DotSecurityException
private static Map<String, Object> setThemeData ( Folder themeFolder, String hostId ) throws DotDataException, DotSecurityException {
//Get the theme files
List<FileAsset> themeFiles = APILocator.getFileAssetAPI().findFileAssetsByFolder( themeFolder, APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), false );
//We need to verify if we have the template.vtl file
FileAsset themeTemplate = null;
Boolean haveHtmlHead = false;
for ( FileAsset themeFile : themeFiles ) {
if ( Template.THEME_TEMPLATE.equals( themeFile.getFileName() ) ) {
themeTemplate = themeFile;
} else if ( Template.THEME_HTML_HEAD.equals( themeFile.getFileName() ) ) {
haveHtmlHead = true;
//Getting the theme path
String themePath;
if ( themeFolder.getHostId().equals( hostId ) ) {
themePath = Template.THEMES_PATH + themeFolder.getName() + "/";
} else {
Host themeHost = APILocator.getHostAPI().find( themeFolder.getHostId(), APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), false );
themePath = "//" + themeHost.getHostname() + Template.THEMES_PATH + themeFolder.getName() + "/";
//Getting the template.vtl file path
String themeTemplatePath;
if ( UtilMethods.isSet( themeTemplate ) && InodeUtils.isSet( themeTemplate.getInode() ) ) {
themeTemplatePath = themeTemplate.getFileAsset().getPath();
} else {//If the theme doesn't provide a template.vtl file lest use ours
themeTemplatePath = "static/template/" + Template.THEME_TEMPLATE;
//Setting required theme data for the Layout template
Map<String, Object> themeMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
themeMap.put( "path", themePath );
themeMap.put( "templatePath", themeTemplatePath );
themeMap.put( "htmlHead", haveHtmlHead );
return themeMap;