package com.dotmarketing.viewtools;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.velocity.context.Context;
import org.apache.velocity.context.InternalContextAdapterImpl;
import com.dotmarketing.beans.Host;
import com.dotmarketing.cache.StructureCache;
import com.dotmarketing.common.db.DotConnect;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotDataException;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotRuntimeException;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotSecurityException;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.categories.model.Category;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.contentlet.model.Contentlet;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.folders.model.Folder;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.links.model.Link;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.structure.factories.StructureFactory;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.structure.model.Field;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.structure.model.Structure;
import com.dotmarketing.util.Config;
import com.dotmarketing.util.InodeUtils;
import com.dotmarketing.util.Logger;
import com.dotmarketing.util.UtilMethods;
import com.liferay.portal.PortalException;
import com.liferay.portal.SystemException;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;
import com.liferay.util.FileUtil;
public class DotCMSMacroWebAPI implements ViewTool {
private static final CategoryAPI categoryAPI = APILocator.getCategoryAPI();
private static final UserAPI userAPI = APILocator.getUserAPI();
private BrowserAPI browser = new BrowserAPI();
Context ctx;
private InternalContextAdapterImpl ica;
public void init(Object obj) {
ViewContext context = (ViewContext) obj;
ctx = context.getVelocityContext();
public List getfileRepository(String folderPath, String searchFolder,
HttpServletRequest request) throws DotDataException, PortalException, SystemException, DotSecurityException {
Host host = WebAPILocator.getHostWebAPI().getCurrentHost(request);
User user = com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil.getUser(request);
Folder folder = (Folder) APILocator.getFolderAPI().findFolderByPath(folderPath, host, user, false);
List returnList = null;
if(user==null) {
user = userAPI.getAnonymousUser();
if (Boolean.parseBoolean(searchFolder)) {
returnList = APILocator.getFolderAPI().findSubFolders(folder, user, true);
else {
Map<String, Object> resultsMap = browser.getFolderContent(user, folder.getInode(), 0, -1, "", null, null, false, false, true, true, null, true);
returnList = (List<Map<String, Object>>) resultsMap.get("list");
return returnList;
public List<Link> getLinkRepository(String folderPath,HttpServletRequest request)
List<Link> links = new ArrayList<Link>();
Host host = WebAPILocator.getHostWebAPI().getCurrentHost(request);
Role[] roles;
User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute("CMS_USER");
if (user != null) {
List rolesList =;
roles = new Role[rolesList.size() + 1];
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < rolesList.size(); ++i) {
roles[i] = (Role) rolesList.get(i);
roles[i] = APILocator.getRoleAPI().loadCMSAnonymousRole();
} else {
roles = new Role[]{APILocator.getRoleAPI().loadCMSAnonymousRole()};
Folder folder = APILocator.getFolderAPI().findFolderByPath(folderPath, host, user, true);
links = APILocator.getFolderAPI().getLinks(folder, user, false);
Logger.debug(DotCMSMacroWebAPI.class,"Folder:" + folderPath + " was not found");
catch(Exception ex)
return links;
public String getFolderPath(String rootFolder, HttpServletRequest request) {
String folderPath = request.getParameter("folderPath");
if (folderPath == null || folderPath.indexOf(rootFolder) != 0
|| folderPath.length() < rootFolder.length()) {
return rootFolder;
} else {
return folderPath;
* Get a list of x number of events, from a category inode list in a range of dates.
* if startDayOffset is null or 0, the start date begin from today at 00:00:00.
* if daysToShow is null or cero, en end date is today at 00:00:00, if not the
* end date if from the start date + daysToShow
* @param categories a string list of comma separated categories inodes
* @param limit max number of events to get
* @param startDayOffset
* @param daysToShow
* @return a list of events
* @throws DotSecurityException
* @throws DotDataException
public List getEvents(String categories, int limit, int startDayOffset,
String daysToShow) throws DotDataException, DotSecurityException {
int daysToShowInt = 0;
if (UtilMethods.isSet(daysToShow)) {
daysToShowInt = Integer.parseInt(daysToShow);
return getEvents(categories, limit, startDayOffset, daysToShowInt);
* Get a list of x number of events, from a category inode list in a range of dates.
* if startDayOffset is null or 0, the start date begin from today at 00:00:00.
* if daysToShow is null or cero, en end date is today at 00:00:00, if not the
* end date if from the start date + daysToShow
* @param categories a string list of comma separated categories inodes
* @param limit max number of events to get
* @param startDayOffset
* @param daysToShow
* @return a list of events
* @throws DotSecurityException
* @throws DotDataException
public List getEvents(String categories, int limit, String startDayOffset,
int daysToShow) throws DotDataException, DotSecurityException {
int startDayOffsetInt = 0;
if (UtilMethods.isSet(startDayOffset)) {
startDayOffsetInt = Integer.parseInt(startDayOffset);
return getEvents(categories, limit, startDayOffsetInt, daysToShow);
* Get a list of x number of events, from a category inode list in a range of dates.
* if startDayOffset is null or 0, the start date begin from today at 00:00:00.
* if daysToShow is null or cero, en end date is today at 00:00:00, if not the
* end date if from the start date + daysToShow
* @param categories a string list of comma separated categories inodes
* @param limit max number of events to get
* @param startDayOffset
* @param daysToShow
* @return a list of events
* @throws DotSecurityException
* @throws DotDataException
public List getEvents(String categories, int limit, String startDayOffset,
String daysToShow) throws DotDataException, DotSecurityException {
int startDayOffsetInt = 0;
if (UtilMethods.isSet(startDayOffset)) {
startDayOffsetInt = Integer.parseInt(startDayOffset);
int daysToShowInt = 0;
if (UtilMethods.isSet(daysToShow)) {
daysToShowInt = Integer.parseInt(daysToShow);
return getEvents(categories, limit, startDayOffsetInt, daysToShowInt);
* Get a list of x number of events, from a category inode list in a range of dates.
* if startDayOffset is null or 0, the start date begin from today at 00:00:00.
* if daysToShow is null or cero, en end date is today at 00:00:00, if not the
* end date if from the start date + daysToShow
* @param categories a string list of comma separated categories inodes
* @param limit max number of events to get
* @param startDayOffset
* @param daysToShow
* @return a list of events
* @throws DotSecurityException
* @throws DotDataException
public List getEvents(String categories, int limit, int startDayOffset,
int daysToShow) throws DotDataException, DotSecurityException {
GregorianCalendar fromCal = new GregorianCalendar();
GregorianCalendar toCal = new GregorianCalendar();
if (startDayOffset != 0) {
fromCal.add(GregorianCalendar.DATE, startDayOffset);
toCal.add(GregorianCalendar.DATE, startDayOffset);
if (daysToShow != 0 && daysToShow > 1) {
toCal.add(GregorianCalendar.DATE, daysToShow - 1);
fromCal.set(GregorianCalendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
fromCal.set(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE, 0);
fromCal.set(GregorianCalendar.SECOND, 1);
toCal.set(GregorianCalendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23);
toCal.set(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE, 59);
toCal.set(GregorianCalendar.SECOND, 58);
String[] categorieInodes=categories.split(",");
List<Category> categoriesList=new ArrayList<Category>(categorieInodes.length);
for(String inode : categorieInodes)
categoriesList.add(categoryAPI.find(inode, userAPI.getSystemUser(), false));
return APILocator.getEventAPI().find(fromCal.getTime(), toCal.getTime(),
null, null, categoriesList, true, false, 0, limit, userAPI.getSystemUser(), false);
public List getFileSystemFolder(String folder) {
List list = new ArrayList();
if(session.getAttribute(WebKeys.CMS_USER) == null){
return list;
folder = UtilMethods.cleanFileSystemPathURI(folder); file = new;
if (!file.exists() || !file.isDirectory()) {
return list;
String[] files = file.list(new SystemFileNameFilter());
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { myFile = new
+ + files[i]);
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("name", files[i]);
long size = myFile.length() / 1024;
if (size < 1)
size = 1;
long k = size % 1024;
long mb = size / 1024;
long percent = (k * 10) / 1024;
Date d = new Date();
String prettySize = (mb > 1) ? mb + "." + percent + " mb" : k + " kb";
map.put("size", String.valueOf(myFile.length() / 1024));
map.put("prettySize", prettySize);
map.put("link", folder + "/" + files[i]);
map.put("date", d);
map.put("prettyDate", UtilMethods.dateToPrettyHTMLDate(d));
return list;
private class SystemFileNameFilter implements FilenameFilter {
public boolean accept( directory, String fileName) {
if (fileName.startsWith(".") || UtilMethods.cleanFileSystemPathURI(fileName) == null) {
return false;
} file = new
+ + fileName);
if (file.isDirectory()) {
return false;
return true;
public ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> getSQLResults(String dataSource, String sql, int startRow, int maxRow) {
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> errorResults = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("hasDotConnectSQLError", "true");
map.put("dotConnectSQLError", "External scripting is disabled in your dotcms instance.");
return errorResults;
if (!UtilMethods.isSet(sql)) {
return new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
if (sql.toLowerCase().indexOf("user_") > -1) {
Logger.error(this,"getSQLResults macro is trying to pull from the users table");
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("hasDotConnectSQLError", "true");
map.put("dotConnectSQLError", "getSQLResults macro is trying to pull from the user_ table");
return new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
if (sql.toLowerCase().indexOf("cms_role") > -1) {
Logger.error(this,"getSQLResults macro is trying to pull from the cms_role table");
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("hasDotConnectSQLError", "true");
map.put("dotConnectSQLError", "getSQLResults macro is trying to pull from the cms_role table");
return new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
if (sql.toLowerCase().indexOf("delete from") > -1 || sql.toLowerCase().indexOf("drop") > -1
|| sql.toLowerCase().indexOf("truncate") > -1) {
Logger.error(this,"getSQLResults macro is trying to run a DELETE/DROP/TRUNCATE query");
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("hasDotConnectSQLError", "true");
map.put("dotConnectSQLError", "getSQLResults macro is trying to run a DELETE/DROP/TRUNCATE query");
return new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
try {
DotConnect dc = new DotConnect();
if (startRow > 0) {
if (maxRow > 0) {
if (dataSource.equals("default")) {
if(!Config.getBooleanProperty("ALLOW_VELOCITY_SQL_ACCESS_TO_DOTCMS_DB", false)){
Logger.error(this,"getSQLResults macro is trying to execute queries using the default connection pool. ALLOW_VELOCITY_SQL_ACCESS_TO_DOTCMS_DB is set to false");
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("hasDotConnectSQLError", "true");
map.put("dotConnectSQLError", "getSQLResults macro is trying to execute queries using the default connection pool. ALLOW_VELOCITY_SQL_ACCESS_TO_DOTCMS_DB is set to false");
return new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
return dc.getResults();
} else {
return dc.getResults(dataSource);
} catch (Exception e) {
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("hasDotConnectSQLError", "true");
map.put("dotConnectSQLError", "There was a sql error:" + e.getMessage());
return errorResults;
* returns a structure using the structure name
* @param structureName name of the structure to look for
* @return structure
public static Structure getStructureByName(String structureName) {
Structure st = StructureCache.getStructureByName(structureName);
return st;
* returns a map of the top most popular tags [numberOfTags] used by the given list of structures
* @param structures Name of the structures to query
* @param maxNumberOfTags maximum number of tag to be returned, if 0 is provided, then
* returns all tags
* @return map of the top most popular tags
public static Map<String, Integer> getTagsCount(List<String> structures, int maxNumberOfTags, List<String> ignoredTags, HttpServletRequest request){
HashMap<String, Integer> tagsCount = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
for (String structure : structures) {
Structure st = StructureCache.getStructureByName(structure);
if(st == null)
String languageId = "";
languageId= " +languageId:"+request.getParameter("language");
ArrayList<Field> tagFields = StructureFactory.getTagsFields(st.getInode());
List<String> ignoredTagsList = new ArrayList<String>();
if(ignoredTags == null) ignoredTags = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String ignoredTag : ignoredTags)
String query = "+type:content +deleted:false +live:true "+languageId+" +structureName:" + st.getVelocityVarName();
List<Contentlet> hits = new ArrayList <Contentlet>();
ContentletAPI conAPI = APILocator.getContentletAPI();
try {
hits =, -1, 0, null, userAPI.getSystemUser(), false);
} catch (DotDataException e) {
Logger.debug(DotCMSMacroWebAPI.class,"Error retriving data");
} catch (DotSecurityException e) {
Logger.debug(DotCMSMacroWebAPI.class,"Error retriving data, user does not have permissions");
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.debug(DotCMSMacroWebAPI.class,"Error retriving data, parsing exception");
for (Contentlet contentlet: hits) {
for (Field tagField : tagFields) {
String tagsValue = (String) contentlet.getMap().get(tagField.getVelocityVarName());
if(UtilMethods.isSet(tagsValue)) {
String[] tags = tagsValue.split(",");
for (String tag : tags) {
tag = tag.trim();
if(ignoredTagsList.contains(tag) || !UtilMethods.isSet(tag))
if(tagsCount.containsKey(tag)) {
int count = tagsCount.get(tag);
tagsCount.put(tag, count+1);
} else {
tagsCount.put(tag, 1);
List<String> tempList = new ArrayList<String>(30);
HashMap<String, Integer> result = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
if (maxNumberOfTags == 0) {
return tagsCount;
int i = 0;
Set<String> keySet = tagsCount.keySet();
for (String stringKey: keySet) {
if (tempList.size() == 0) {
} else {
for (i = 0; i < tempList.size(); ++i) {
int tagCount = ((Integer) tagsCount.get(stringKey)).intValue();
int tempTagCount = ((Integer) tagsCount.get(tempList.get(i))).intValue();
if (tagCount > tempTagCount) {
tempList.add(i, stringKey);
i = 0;
while (i < maxNumberOfTags && i < tempList.size()) {
result.put(tempList.get(i), tagsCount.get(tempList.get(i)));
return result;
* returns a string set alphabetically ordered
* @param stringSet set to be ordered
* @return string set alphabetically ordered
public static List<String> sortAlpha(Set<String> stringSet){
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(30);
int i;
String tempStringKey;
for (String stringKey: stringSet) {
if (result.size() == 0) {
} else {
for (i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
tempStringKey = result.get(i);
if (0 < tempStringKey.compareToIgnoreCase(stringKey)) {
result.add(i, stringKey);
return result;
* returns a map of the top most popular tags, this map has the tag name as a key and
* the tag count as value
* @param tagHashMap map to be verified, in order to get the top most popular tags
* @param maxNumberOfTags maximum number of tag to be returned, if 0 is provided, then
* returns the original map, i.e. returns all tags
* @return map of the top most popular tags
public static HashMap topMostPopularTags(HashMap tagHashMap, int maxNumberOfTags){
List<String> tempList = new ArrayList<String>(30);
HashMap result = new HashMap();
int i;
Set<String> keySet = tagHashMap.keySet();
for (String stringKey: keySet) {
if (tempList.size() == 0) {
} else {
for (i = 0; i < tempList.size(); ++i) {
int tagCount = ((Integer) tagHashMap.get(stringKey)).intValue();
int tempTagCount = ((Integer) tagHashMap.get(tempList.get(i))).intValue();
if (tagCount > tempTagCount) {
tempList.add(i, stringKey);
i = 0;
while (i < maxNumberOfTags && i < tempList.size()) {
result.put(tempList.get(i), tagHashMap.get(tempList.get(i)));
return result;
* Return a list of hashmap with the files to show in the media gallery
* @param folderPath String with the path with the files to show.
* @param host Host where the folder path belongs.
* @return List of the hashmap with the files to show in the media gallery. Each hashmap can contain these keys: 'movie' (null if there is no movie file) or 'photo' (The photo file. If there is a movie file, this will be the photo associated to the movie).
* @throws DotDataException
public List<HashMap<String, IFileAsset>> getMediaGalleryFolderFiles(String folderPath, Host host) throws DotDataException {
return getMediaGalleryFolderFiles(folderPath, host.getIdentifier());
public List<HashMap<String, IFileAsset>> getMediaGalleryFolderFiles(String folderPath, String hostId) throws DotDataException {
folderPath = (folderPath == null) ? "" : folderPath;
folderPath = folderPath.trim().endsWith("/") ? folderPath.trim() : folderPath.trim() + "/";
Folder folder = new Folder();
try {
folder = APILocator.getFolderAPI().findFolderByPath(folderPath, hostId,userAPI.getSystemUser(),false);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(this,e.getMessage(), e);
throw new DotRuntimeException(e.getMessage(),e);
List<IFileAsset> fileList = new ArrayList<IFileAsset>();
try {
boolean live = true;
fileList.addAll(APILocator.getFolderAPI().getLiveFilesSortTitle(folder, null, true));
fileList.addAll(APILocator.getFileAssetAPI().findFileAssetsByFolder(folder, "", true, APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), false));
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, e.getMessage());
List<HashMap<String, IFileAsset>> result = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, IFileAsset>>();
HashMap<String, IFileAsset> resultFile;
List<IFileAsset> noPhotoFile = new ArrayList<IFileAsset>();
int pos;
IFileAsset fileListFile;
String videoPhotoFileName;
for (IFileAsset file: fileList) {
resultFile = new HashMap<String, IFileAsset>();
if (file.getExtension().toLowerCase().endsWith("flv")) {
resultFile.put("movie", file);
videoPhotoFileName = file.getURI().substring(0,file.getURI().length()-4) + ".jpg";
for (pos = 0; pos < fileList.size(); ++pos) {
fileListFile = fileList.get(pos);
if (videoPhotoFileName.equals(fileListFile.getURI())) {
resultFile.put("photo", fileListFile);
} else {
resultFile.put("photo", file);
for (IFileAsset file: noPhotoFile) {
for (pos = 0; pos < result.size(); ++pos) {
resultFile = result.get(pos);
if ((resultFile.get("movie") == null) &&
(resultFile.get("photo").equals(file))) {
return result;
* Return a list of hashmap with the files to show in the media gallery
* @param folderPath String with the path with the files to show.
* @param host long with the hostId of the host where the folder path belongs.
* @return List of the hashmap with the files to show in the media gallery. Each hashmap can contain these keys: 'movie' (null if there is no movie file) or 'photo' (The photo file. If there is a movie file, this will be the photo associated to the movie).
* @throws DotDataException
public List<HashMap<String, IFileAsset>> getMediaGalleryFolderFiles(String folderPath, long hostId) throws DotDataException {
return getMediaGalleryFolderFiles(folderPath, String.valueOf(hostId));
protected boolean canUserEvaluate(){
if(!Config.getBooleanProperty("ENABLE_SCRIPTING", false)){
Logger.warn(this.getClass(), "Scripting called and ENABLE_SCRIPTING set to false");
return false;
ica = new InternalContextAdapterImpl(ctx);
String fieldResourceName = ica.getCurrentTemplateName();
String conInode = fieldResourceName.substring(fieldResourceName.indexOf("/") + 1, fieldResourceName.indexOf("_"));
Contentlet con = APILocator.getContentletAPI().find(conInode, APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), true);
User mu = userAPI.loadUserById(con.getModUser(), APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), true);
Role scripting =APILocator.getRoleAPI().loadRoleByKey("Scripting Developer");
return APILocator.getRoleAPI().doesUserHaveRole(mu, scripting);
catch(Exception e){
Logger.warn(this.getClass(), "Scripting called with error" + e);
return false;