Package com.dotmarketing.viewtools

Source Code of com.dotmarketing.viewtools.CategoriesWebAPI

package com.dotmarketing.viewtools;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import org.apache.velocity.context.Context;

import com.dotmarketing.beans.Inode;
import com.dotmarketing.beans.UserProxy;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotDataException;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotSecurityException;
import com.dotmarketing.factories.InodeFactory;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.categories.model.Category;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.contentlet.model.Contentlet;
import com.dotmarketing.util.InodeUtils;
import com.dotmarketing.util.Logger;
import com.dotmarketing.util.UtilMethods;
import com.dotmarketing.util.WebKeys;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;

public class CategoriesWebAPI implements ViewTool {

  private CategoryAPI categoryAPI = APILocator.getCategoryAPI();
  private ContentletAPI conAPI = APILocator.getContentletAPI();
  private PermissionAPI perAPI = APILocator.getPermissionAPI();

  private HttpServletRequest request;
  Context ctx;
  User user = null;

  public CategoryAPI getCategoryAPI() {
    return categoryAPI;

  public void setCategoryAPI(CategoryAPI categoryAPI) {
    this.categoryAPI = categoryAPI;

  public void init(Object obj) {
    ViewContext context = (ViewContext) obj;
    this.request = context.getRequest();
    ctx = context.getVelocityContext();
    HttpSession ses = request.getSession(false);
    if (ses != null) {
      user = (User) ses.getAttribute(WebKeys.CMS_USER);
      if (user == null && ses.getAttribute("USER_ID") != null) {
        String userId = (String) ses.getAttribute("USER_ID");
        try {
          user = APILocator.getUserAPI().loadUserById(userId, APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), false);
        } catch (NoSuchUserException e) {
          Logger.error(this, "A System error happend while trying to retrieve user  : " + userId, e);
        } catch (DotDataException e) {
          Logger.error(this, "A System error happend while trying to retrieve user  : " + userId, e);
        } catch (DotSecurityException e) {
          Logger.error(this, "A System error happend while trying to retrieve user  : " + userId, e);

  public List<Category> getChildrenCategoriesByKey(String key) {
    if (key == null) {
      return new ArrayList<Category>();
    try {
      Category cat = categoryAPI.findByKey(key, user, true);
      if (!InodeUtils.isSet(cat.getInode())) {
        return new ArrayList<Category>();
      return categoryAPI.getChildren(cat, user, true);
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the categories with key : " + key);
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", de);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
    return new ArrayList<Category>();


  public Category getCategoryByKey(String key) {
      return null;
    try {
      return categoryAPI.findByKey(key, user, true);
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the category");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve category : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve category : ", e);
      return null;

   * @param name
   * @return
   * @deprecated Multiple categories can have the same name so this method
   *             should be avoid to search a single category
  public Category getCategoryByName(String name) {
      return null;
    try {
      return categoryAPI.findByName(name, user, true);
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the category");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve the category : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve the category : ", e);
      return null;

  public List<Category> getChildrenCategories(Category cat) {
    try {
      return categoryAPI.getChildren(cat, user, true);
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the categories");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;

  public List<Category> getChildrenCategories(Inode inode) {
    try {
      List<Category> categories = InodeFactory.getChildrenClass(inode, Category.class);
      return perAPI.filterCollection(categories, PermissionAPI.PERMISSION_READ, true, user);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;

  public List<Category> getChildrenCategories(String inode) {
    try {
      Inode inodeObj = new Inode();
      List<Category> categories = InodeFactory.getChildrenClass(inodeObj, Category.class);
      return perAPI.filterCollection(categories, PermissionAPI.PERMISSION_READ, true, user);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;
   * Retrieves the list of categories, their children categories and grand-children categories upto the specified maxDepth.
   * @param inode CategoryInode for which to get the children categories.
   * @param includeGrandChildren
   * @param maxDepth
   * @return
  public List<Category> getChildrenCategories(String inode, boolean includeGrandChildren, int maxDepth) {   
    try {
      List<Category> categories = new ArrayList<Category>();
      Category cat = categoryAPI.find(inode, user, true);
      List<Category> cats = categoryAPI.getChildren(cat, user, true);

        maxDepth = 5;
      for (Category childCat : cats) {
          categories.addAll(getChildrenCategories(childCat, 1 , maxDepth));
      return perAPI.filterCollection(categories, PermissionAPI.PERMISSION_READ, true, user);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;
  private List<Category> getChildrenCategories(Category parentCategory, int level, int maxDepth) throws DotDataException, DotSecurityException{
    List<Category> result = new ArrayList<Category>();
    if(level <= maxDepth)
      int nextLevel = level + 1;
      List<Category> childCategories = categoryAPI.getChildren(parentCategory, user, true);
      //Get the children categories of each child
      for(Category categoryAux : childCategories)
        List<Category> children = getChildrenCategories(categoryAux,nextLevel, maxDepth);
        if(children.size() > 0) {
    return result;

  public List<Category> getActiveChildrenCategories(Category cat) {
    try {
      return categoryAPI.getChildren(cat, true, user, true);
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the categories");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;

  public List<Category> getActiveChildrenCategoriesByKey(String key) {
    if (key == null) {
      return new ArrayList();
    try {
      Category cat = categoryAPI.findByKey(key, user, true);
      if (!InodeUtils.isSet(cat.getInode())) {
        return new ArrayList();
      return categoryAPI.getChildren(cat, true, user, true);
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the categories");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;

  public List<Category> getActiveChildrenCategories(Inode inode) {
    try {
      return categoryAPI.getChildren(inode, true, user, true);
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the categories");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;

  public List<Category> getActiveChildrenCategories(String inode) {
    try {
      Inode inodeObj = new Inode();
      return categoryAPI.getChildren(inodeObj, true, user, true);
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the categories");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;

  public List<Category> getActiveChildrenCategoriesOrderByName(Category cat) {
    try {
      return categoryAPI.getChildren(cat, true, "category_name", user, true);
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the categories");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;

  public List<Category> getActiveChildrenCategoriesOrderByName(Inode inode) {
    try {
      return categoryAPI.getChildren(inode, true, "category_name", user, true);
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the categories");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;

  public List<Category> getActiveChildrenCategoriesOrderByName(String inode) {
    try {
      Inode inodeObj = new Inode();
      return categoryAPI.getChildren(inodeObj, true, "category_name", user, true);
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the categories");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;

  public List<Category> getActiveChildrenCategoriesByParent(ArrayList<String> o) {
    try {
      List<Category> children = new ArrayList<Category>();
      for (String key : o) {
        if (UtilMethods.isSet(key)) {
          Category cat = getCategoryByKey(key);
          if (!InodeUtils.isSet(cat.getInode())) {
            cat = getCategoryByName(key);
          children.addAll(categoryAPI.getChildren(cat, user, true));
      return children;
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the categories");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;

  private List<Map<String, Object>> getAllActiveChildrenCategories(List<Category> children, int currentLevel)
      throws DotDataException, DotSecurityException {
    List<Map<String, Object>> retList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
    for (Category ccat : children) {
      Map<String, Object> valMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
      valMap.put("level", currentLevel);
      valMap.put("category", ccat);
      List<Category> cchildren = categoryAPI.getChildren(ccat, true, user, true);
      if (cchildren.size() > 0) {
        List<Map<String, Object>> childrenMaps = getAllActiveChildrenCategories(cchildren, currentLevel + 1);
    return retList;

   * Retrieves a plain list of all the children categories (any depth) of the
   * given parent category key The list returned is a list of maps, each map
   * has the category and the level of this category belongs
   * E.G. level: 1 cat: Best Practices level: 1 cat: Conferences &
   * Presentations level: 2 cat: second level level: 1 cat: Marketing
   * @param key
   *            parent category key
   * @return

  public List<Map<String, Object>> getAllActiveChildrenCategoriesByKey(String key) {
    if (key == null) {
      return new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
    try {
      Category cat = categoryAPI.findByKey(key, user, true);
      if (!InodeUtils.isSet(cat.getInode())) {
        return new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
      List<Category> children = categoryAPI.getChildren(cat, true, user, true);
      return getAllActiveChildrenCategories(children, 1);
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the categories");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;

   * Retrieves a plain list of all the children categories (any depth) of the
   * given parent inode The list returned is a list of maps, each map has the
   * category and the level of this category belongs
   * E.G. level: 1 cat: Best Practices level: 1 cat: Conferences &
   * Presentations level: 2 cat: second level level: 1 cat: Marketing
   * @param inode
   *            parent inode
   * @return

  public List<Map<String, Object>> getAllActiveChildrenCategories(Inode inode) {
    try {
      List<Category> children = categoryAPI.getChildren(inode, true, user, true);
      return getAllActiveChildrenCategories(children, 1);
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the categories");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;

   * Retrieves a plain list of all the children categories (any depth) of the
   * given parent inode The list returned is a list of maps, each map has the
   * category and the level of this category belongs
   * E.G. level: 1 cat: Best Practices level: 1 cat: Conferences &
   * Presentations level: 2 cat: second level level: 1 cat: Marketing
   * @param inode
   *            parent inode
   * @return

  public List<Map<String, Object>> getAllActiveChildrenCategories(String inode) {
    try {
      Category parent = categoryAPI.find(inode, user, true);
      List<Category> children = categoryAPI.getChildren(parent, true, user, true);
      return getAllActiveChildrenCategories(children, 1);
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the categories");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;

  public List<Category> getInodeCategories(String inode) {
    try {
      Inode inodeObj = new Inode();
      return categoryAPI.getParents(inodeObj, user, true);
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the categories");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;

  public List<Category> getInodeCategories(Inode inodeObj) {
    try {
      return categoryAPI.getParents(inodeObj, user, true);
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the categories");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;
  public Category getCategoryByInode(String inode) {
    try {
      return (Category) categoryAPI.find(inode, user, true);
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the category");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve category : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve category : ", e);
      return null;

  public Category getCategoryByInode(long inode) {
    try {
      return getCategoryByInode(String.valueOf(inode));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve category : ", e);
      return null;

  public String getCategoryKeyByContentlet(long contentletInode) {
    try {
      return getCategoryKeyByContentlet(String.valueOf(contentletInode));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve category : ", e);
      return null;

  public String getCategoryKeyByContentlet(String contentletInode) {
    try {
      Contentlet contentlet = new Contentlet();
      try {
        contentlet = conAPI.find(contentletInode, user, true);
      } catch (DotDataException e) {
        Logger.error(this, "Unable to look up contentlet with inode " + contentletInode, e);
      List<Category> category = categoryAPI.getParents(contentlet, user, true);
      // Category category = (Category)
      // InodeFactory.getParentOfClass(contentlet,Category.class);
      String key = category.get(0).getKey();
      return key;
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the category");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve category : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve category : ", e);
      return null;

  public List<Category> getCategoriesByUser(User user) {
    try {
      HttpSession session = request.getSession();
      List<Category> catsUser = (List<Category>) session.getAttribute(WebKeys.LOGGED_IN_USER_CATS);
      if (!UtilMethods.isSet(catsUser) || catsUser.size() == 0) {
        UserProxy up =,
            APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), false);
        catsUser = categoryAPI.getChildren(up, user, true);
        request.getSession().setAttribute(WebKeys.LOGGED_IN_USER_CATS, catsUser);
      return catsUser;
    } catch (DotSecurityException se) {, "The logged in user cannot access the categories");
      return null;
    } catch (DotDataException de) {
      Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", de);
      return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve categories : ", e);
      return null;

  public List<Category> filterCategoriesByUserPermissions(List<Object> catInodes) {
    List<Category> result = new ArrayList<Category>(30);
    try {
      // Needed to make the List Generic when we refactored to UUID to
      // handle backwards compat of categores being passed.
      for (Object cInode : catInodes) {
        String catInode = cInode.toString();
        try {
          result.add(categoryAPI.find(catInode, user, true));
        } catch (DotSecurityException se) {
        } catch (DotDataException de) {
          Logger.error(this, "An error happening while trying to retrieve category : ", de);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          Logger.error(this, "An unknown error happening while trying to retrieve category : ", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.warn(this, e.toString());

    return result;
  public List<String> fetchCategoriesInodes(List<Category> cats) {
      List<String> inodes=new ArrayList<String>(cats.size());
      for(Category cc : cats)
      return inodes;
  public List<String> fetchCategoriesNames(List<Category> cats) {
        List<String> inodes=new ArrayList<String>(cats.size());
        for(Category cc : cats)
        return inodes;
  public List<String> fetchCategoriesKeys(List<Category> cats) {
        List<String> inodes=new ArrayList<String>(cats.size());
        for(Category cc : cats)
        return inodes;

Related Classes of com.dotmarketing.viewtools.CategoriesWebAPI

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