package com.dotmarketing.util;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import com.dotcms.repackage.com.csvreader.CsvReader;
import com.dotmarketing.beans.Host;
import com.dotmarketing.beans.Identifier;
import com.dotmarketing.beans.Permission;
import com.dotmarketing.business.APILocator;
import com.dotmarketing.business.DotStateException;
import com.dotmarketing.business.PermissionAPI;
import com.dotmarketing.cache.FieldsCache;
import com.dotmarketing.cache.StructureCache;
import com.dotmarketing.common.model.ContentletSearch;
import com.dotmarketing.db.HibernateUtil;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotDataException;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotRuntimeException;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotSecurityException;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.categories.business.CategoryAPI;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.categories.model.Category;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.contentlet.action.ImportAuditUtil;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.contentlet.action.ImportContentletsAction;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.contentlet.business.ContentletAPI;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.contentlet.business.DotContentletStateException;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.contentlet.business.DotContentletValidationException;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.contentlet.business.HostAPI;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.contentlet.model.Contentlet;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.files.model.File;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.folders.business.FolderAPI;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.folders.model.Folder;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.languagesmanager.business.LanguageAPI;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.languagesmanager.model.Language;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.structure.factories.FieldFactory;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.structure.factories.RelationshipFactory;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.structure.model.ContentletRelationships;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.structure.model.Field;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.structure.model.Relationship;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.structure.model.Structure;
import com.dotmarketing.tag.factories.TagFactory;
import com.liferay.portal.language.LanguageUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;
public class ImportUtil {
private static PermissionAPI permissionAPI = APILocator.getPermissionAPI();
private final static ContentletAPI conAPI = APILocator.getContentletAPI();
private final static CategoryAPI catAPI = APILocator.getCategoryAPI();
private final static LanguageAPI langAPI = APILocator.getLanguageAPI();
private final static HostAPI hostAPI = APILocator.getHostAPI();
private final static FolderAPI folderAPI = APILocator.getFolderAPI();
private final static String languageCodeHeader = "languageCode";
private final static String countryCodeHeader = "countryCode";
private final static int commitGranularity = 10;
private final static int sleepTime = 200;
public static final String[] IMP_DATE_FORMATS = new String[] { "d-MMM-yy", "MMM-yy", "MMMM-yy", "d-MMM", "dd-MMM-yyyy",
"MM/dd/yy hh:mm aa", "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa", "MM/dd/yy HH:mm", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm", "MMMM dd, yyyy", "M/d/y", "M/d",
"EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy", "MM/dd/yyyy", "hh:mm:ss aa", "HH:mm:ss", "hh:mm aa" };
private static final SimpleDateFormat DATE_FIELD_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
public static HashMap<String, List<String>> importFile(Long importId, String currentHostId, String structure, String[] keyfields, boolean preview, boolean isMultilingual, User user, long language, String[] csvHeaders, CsvReader csvreader, int languageCodeHeaderColumn, int countryCodeHeaderColumn, Reader reader)
throws DotRuntimeException, DotDataException {
HashMap<String, List<String>> results = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
results.put("warnings", new ArrayList<String>());
results.put("errors", new ArrayList<String>());
results.put("messages", new ArrayList<String>());
results.put("results", new ArrayList<String>());
results.put("counters", new ArrayList<String>());
results.put("identifiers", new ArrayList<String>());
results.put("lastInode", new ArrayList<String>());
Structure st = StructureCache.getStructureByInode (structure);
List<Permission> structurePermissions = permissionAPI.getPermissions(st);
List<UniqueFieldBean> uniqueFieldBeans = new ArrayList<UniqueFieldBean>();
List<Field> uniqueFields = new ArrayList<Field>();
//Initializing variables
int lines = 0;
int errors = 0;
int lineNumber = 0;
Counters counters = new Counters();
HashSet<String> keyContentUpdated = new HashSet<String>();
StringBuffer choosenKeyField = new StringBuffer();
HashMap<Integer, Field> headers = new HashMap<Integer, Field>();
HashMap<Integer, Field> keyFields = new HashMap<Integer, Field>();
HashMap<Integer, Relationship> relationships = new HashMap<Integer, Relationship>();
//Get unique fields for structure
for(Field field : FieldsCache.getFieldsByStructureInode(st.getInode())){
//Parsing the file line per line
try {
if ((csvHeaders != null) || (csvreader.readHeaders())) {
//Importing headers from the first file line
HashMap<Integer,Boolean> onlyParent=new HashMap<Integer,Boolean>();
HashMap<Integer,Boolean> onlyChild=new HashMap<Integer,Boolean>();
if (csvHeaders != null)
importHeaders(csvHeaders, st, keyfields, preview, isMultilingual, user, results, headers, keyFields, uniqueFields,relationships,onlyChild,onlyParent);
importHeaders(csvreader.getHeaders(), st, keyfields, preview, isMultilingual, user, results, headers, keyFields, uniqueFields,relationships,onlyChild,onlyParent);
//Reading the whole file
if (headers.size() > 0) {
if (!preview)
String[] csvLine;
while (csvreader.readRecord()) {
csvLine = csvreader.getValues();
try {
Logger.debug(ImportUtil.class, "Line " + lines + ": (" + csvreader.getRawRecord() + ").");
//Importing a line
Long languageToImport = language;
if ( language == -1 ) {
if ( languageCodeHeaderColumn != -1 && countryCodeHeaderColumn != -1 ) {
Language dotCMSLanguage = langAPI.getLanguage( csvLine[languageCodeHeaderColumn], csvLine[countryCodeHeaderColumn] );
languageToImport = dotCMSLanguage.getId();
if ( languageToImport != -1 ) {
Verifies if there was already imported a record with the same keys.
Useful to know if we have batch uploads with the same keys, mostly visible for batch content uploads with multiple languages
boolean sameKeyBatchInsert = true;
if ( keyFields != null && !keyFields.isEmpty() ) {
for ( Integer column : keyFields.keySet() ) {
Field keyField = keyFields.get( column );
if ( !counters.matchKey( keyField.getFieldName(), csvLine[column] ) ) {
sameKeyBatchInsert = false;
//Importing content record...
importLine( csvLine, currentHostId, st, preview, isMultilingual, user, results, lineNumber, languageToImport, headers, keyFields, choosenKeyField,
counters, keyContentUpdated, structurePermissions, uniqueFieldBeans, uniqueFields, relationships, onlyChild, onlyParent, sameKeyBatchInsert );
//Storing the record keys we just imported for a later reference...
if ( keyFields != null && !keyFields.isEmpty() ) {
for ( Integer column : keyFields.keySet() ) {
Field keyField = keyFields.get( column );
counters.addKey( keyField.getFieldName(), csvLine[column] );
} else {
results.get( "errors" ).add( LanguageUtil.get( user, "Line--" ) + lineNumber + LanguageUtil.get( user, "Locale-not-found-for-languageCode" ) + " ='" + csvLine[languageCodeHeaderColumn] + "' countryCode='" + csvLine[countryCodeHeaderColumn] + "'" );
if ( !preview && (lineNumber % commitGranularity == 0) ) {
Thread.sleep( sleepTime );
} catch ( DotRuntimeException ex ) {
String errorMessage = ex.getMessage();
if(errorMessage.indexOf("Line #") == -1){
errorMessage = "Line #"+lineNumber+" "+errorMessage;
Logger.info(ImportUtil.class, "Error line: " + lines + " (" + csvreader.getRawRecord()
+ "). Line Ignored.");
results.get("messages").add(lines + " "+LanguageUtil.get(user, "lines-of-data-were-read" ));
if (errors > 0)
results.get("errors").add(errors + " " + LanguageUtil.get(user, "input-lines-had-errors" ));
if(preview && choosenKeyField.length() > 1)
results.get("messages").add( LanguageUtil.get(user, "Fields-selected-as-key")+": "+choosenKeyField.substring(1).toString()+".");
if (counters.getNewContentCounter() > 0)
results.get("messages").add(LanguageUtil.get(user, "Attempting-to-create") + " " + (counters.getNewContentCounter()) + " contentlets - " + LanguageUtil.get(user, "check-below-for-errors"));
if (counters.getContentToUpdateCounter() > 0)
results.get("messages").add(LanguageUtil.get(user, "Approximately") + " " + (counters.getContentToUpdateCounter()) + " " + LanguageUtil.get(user, "old-content-will-be-updated"));
results.get("results").add(counters.getContentCreated() + " "+LanguageUtil.get(user, "new")+" "+"\"" + st.getName() + "\" "+ LanguageUtil.get(user, "were-created"));
results.get("results").add(counters.getContentUpdatedDuplicated() + " \"" + st.getName() + "\" "+ LanguageUtil.get(user, "contentlets-updated-corresponding-to")+" "+ counters.getContentUpdated() +" "+ LanguageUtil.get(user, "repeated-contents-based-on-the-key-provided"));
if (errors > 0)
results.get("results").add(errors + " "+ LanguageUtil.get(user, "contentlets-were-ignored-due-to-invalid-information"));
} else {
results.get("errors").add(LanguageUtil.get(user, "No-headers-found-on-the-file-nothing-will-be-imported"));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (reader != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.info(ImportUtil.class, lines + " lines read correctly. " + errors + " errors found.");
return results;
private static void importHeaders(String[] headerLine, Structure structure, String[] keyFieldsInodes, boolean preview, boolean isMultilingual, User user, HashMap<String, List<String>> results, HashMap<Integer, Field> headers, HashMap<Integer, Field> keyFields, List<Field> uniqueFields, HashMap<Integer, Relationship> relationships,HashMap<Integer,Boolean> onlyChild, HashMap<Integer,Boolean> onlyParent) throws Exception {
int importableFields = 0;
//Importing headers and storing them in a hashmap to be reused later in the whole import process
List<Field> fields = FieldsCache.getFieldsByStructureInode(structure.getInode());
List<Relationship> structureRelationships = RelationshipFactory.getAllRelationshipsByStructure(structure);
List<String> requiredFields = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> headerFields = new ArrayList<String>();
for(Field field:fields){
for (int i = 0; i < headerLine.length; i++) {
boolean found = false;
String header = headerLine[i].replaceAll("'", "");
if (header.equalsIgnoreCase("Identifier")) {
results.get("messages").add(LanguageUtil.get(user, "identifier-field-found-in-import-contentlet-csv-file"));
results.get("identifiers").add("" + i);
for (Field field : fields) {
if (field.getFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase(header)) {
if (field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.BUTTON.toString())){
found = true;
LanguageUtil.get(user, "Header")+": \"" + header
+"\" "+ LanguageUtil.get(user, "matches-a-field-of-type-button-this-column-of-data-will-be-ignored"));
else if (field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.BINARY.toString())){
found = true;
LanguageUtil.get(user, "Header")+": \"" + header
+ "\" "+ LanguageUtil.get(user, "matches-a-field-of-type-binary-this-column-of-data-will-be-ignored"));
else if (field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.LINE_DIVIDER.toString())){
found = true;
LanguageUtil.get(user, "Header")+": \"" + header
+ "\" "+LanguageUtil.get(user, "matches-a-field-of-type-line-divider-this-column-of-data-will-be-ignored"));
else if (field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.TAB_DIVIDER.toString())){
found = true;
LanguageUtil.get(user, "Header")+": \"" + header
+ "\" "+LanguageUtil.get(user, "matches-a-field-of-type-tab-divider-this-column-of-data-will-be-ignored"));
else {
found = true;
headers.put(i, field);
for (String fieldInode : keyFieldsInodes) {
if (fieldInode.equals(field.getInode()))
keyFields.put(i, field);
* http://jira.dotmarketing.net/browse/DOTCMS-6409
* We gonna delete -RELPARENT -RELCHILD so we can
* search for the relation name. No problem as
* we put relationships.put(i,relationship) instead
* of header.
boolean onlyP=false;
if(header.endsWith("-RELPARENT")) {
header = header.substring(0,header.lastIndexOf("-RELPARENT"));
boolean onlyCh=false;
if(header.endsWith("-RELCHILD")) {
header = header.substring(0,header.lastIndexOf("-RELCHILD"));
//Check if the header is a relationship
for(Relationship relationship : structureRelationships)
found = true;
onlyParent.put(i, onlyP);
onlyChild.put(i, onlyCh);
// special case when the relationship has the same structure for parent and child, set only as child
if(relationship.getChildStructureInode().equals(relationship.getParentStructureInode()) && !onlyCh && !onlyP)
onlyChild.put(i, true);
if ((!found) && !(isMultilingual && (header.equals(languageCodeHeader) || header.equals(countryCodeHeader)))) {
LanguageUtil.get(user, "Header")+": \"" + header
+ "\""+ " "+ LanguageUtil.get(user, "doesn-t-match-any-structure-field-this-column-of-data-will-be-ignored"));
for(String requiredField: requiredFields){
results.get("errors").add(LanguageUtil.get(user, "Field")+": \"" + requiredField+ "\" "+LanguageUtil.get(user, "required-field-not-found-in-header"));
for (Field field : fields) {
if (isImportableField(field)){
//Checking keyField selected by the user against the headers
for (String keyField : keyFieldsInodes) {
boolean found = false;
for (Field headerField : headers.values()) {
if (headerField.getInode().equals(keyField)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
LanguageUtil.get(user, "Key-field")+": \"" + FieldFactory.getFieldByInode(keyField).getFieldName()
+ "\" "+LanguageUtil.get(user, "choosen-doesn-t-match-any-of-theh-eaders-found-in-the-file"));
if (keyFieldsInodes.length == 0)
LanguageUtil.get(user, "No-key-fields-were-choosen-it-could-give-to-you-duplicated-content"));
for(Field f : uniqueFields){
results.get("warnings").add(LanguageUtil.get(user, "the-structure-field")+ " " + f.getFieldName()+ " " +LanguageUtil.get(user, "is-unique"));
//Adding some messages to the results
if (importableFields == headers.size()) {
LanguageUtil.get(user, headers.size() + " "+LanguageUtil.get(user, "headers-match-these-will-be-imported")));
} else {
if (headers.size() > 0)
results.get("messages").add(headers.size() + " " + LanguageUtil.get(user, "headers-found-on-the-file-matches-all-the-structure-fields"));
LanguageUtil.get(user, "No-headers-found-on-the-file-that-match-any-of-the-structure-fields"));
.add(LanguageUtil.get(user, "Not-all-the-structure-fields-were-matched-against-the-file-headers-Some-content-fields-could-be-left-empty"));
//Adding the relationship messages
if(relationships.size() > 0)
results.get("messages").add(LanguageUtil.get(user, relationships.size() + " "+LanguageUtil.get(user, "relationship-match-these-will-be-imported")));
* Imports content extracted from a csv upload file, this method will receive and handle line by line of the import file
* @param line
* @param structure
* @param preview
* @param isMultilingual
* @param user
* @param results
* @param lineNumber
* @param language
* @param headers
* @param keyFields
* @param choosenKeyField
* @param counters
* @param keyContentUpdated
* @param structurePermissions
* @param uniqueFieldBeans
* @param uniqueFields
* @param relationships
* @param onlyChild
* @param onlyParent
* @param sameKeyBatchInsert Indicates if the keys for this row had been use them in this batch upload, help us to see if there is a batch content upload with multiple records
* and the same key, mostly used for content with multiple languages.
* @throws DotRuntimeException
private static void importLine ( String[] line, String currentHostId, Structure structure, boolean preview, boolean isMultilingual, User user, HashMap<String, List<String>> results, int lineNumber, long language,
HashMap<Integer, Field> headers, HashMap<Integer, Field> keyFields, StringBuffer choosenKeyField, Counters counters,
HashSet<String> keyContentUpdated, List<Permission> structurePermissions, List<UniqueFieldBean> uniqueFieldBeans, List<Field> uniqueFields, HashMap<Integer, Relationship> relationships, HashMap<Integer, Boolean> onlyChild, HashMap<Integer, Boolean> onlyParent,
boolean sameKeyBatchInsert ) throws DotRuntimeException {
try {
//Building a values HashMap based on the headers/columns position
HashMap<Integer, Object> values = new HashMap<Integer, Object>();
Set<Category> categories = new HashSet<Category>();
boolean headersIncludeHostField = false;
for ( Integer column : headers.keySet() ) {
Field field = headers.get( column );
if ( line.length < column ) {
throw new DotRuntimeException( "Incomplete line found, the line #" + lineNumber +
" doesn't contain all the required columns." );
String value = line[column];
Object valueObj = value;
if (field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.DATE.toString())) {
if (field.getFieldContentlet().startsWith("date")) {
if(UtilMethods.isSet(value)) {
try { valueObj = parseExcelDate(value) ;} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new DotRuntimeException("Line #" + lineNumber + " contains errors, Column: " + field.getFieldName() +
", value: " + value + ", couldn't be parsed as any of the following supported formats: " +
} else {
valueObj = null;
} else if (field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.DATE_TIME.toString())) {
if (field.getFieldContentlet().startsWith("date")) {
if(UtilMethods.isSet(value)) {
try { valueObj = parseExcelDate(value) ;} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new DotRuntimeException("Line #" + lineNumber + " contains errors, Column: " + field.getFieldName() +
", value: " + value + ", couldn't be parsed as any of the following supported formats: " +
} else {
valueObj = null;
} else if (field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.TIME.toString())) {
if (field.getFieldContentlet().startsWith("date")) {
if(UtilMethods.isSet(value)) {
try { valueObj = parseExcelDate(value) ;} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new DotRuntimeException("Line #" + lineNumber + " contains errors, Column: " + field.getFieldName() +
", value: " + value + ", couldn't be parsed as any of the following supported formats: " +
} else {
valueObj = null;
} else if (field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.CATEGORY.toString()) || field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.CATEGORIES_TAB.toString())) {
valueObj = value;
if(UtilMethods.isSet(value)) {
String[] categoryKeys = value.split(",");
for(String catKey : categoryKeys) {
Category cat = catAPI.findByKey(catKey.trim(), user, false);
if(cat == null)
throw new DotRuntimeException("Line #" + lineNumber + " contains errors, Column: " + field.getFieldName() +
", value: " + value + ", invalid category key found, line will be ignored.");
else if (field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.CHECKBOX.toString()) ||
field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.SELECT.toString()) ||
field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.MULTI_SELECT.toString()) ||
) {
valueObj = value;
String fieldEntriesString = field.getValues()!=null ? field.getValues() : "";
String[] fieldEntries = fieldEntriesString.split("\n");
boolean found = false;
for(String fieldEntry : fieldEntries)
String[] splittedValue = fieldEntry.split("\\|");
String entryValue = splittedValue[splittedValue.length - 1].trim();
if(entryValue.equals(value) || value.contains(entryValue))
found = true;
throw new DotRuntimeException("Line #" + lineNumber + " contains errors, Column: " + field.getFieldName() +
", value: " + value + ", invalid value found, line will be ignored.");
else {
valueObj = null;
else if (field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.TEXT.toString())) {
if (value.length() > 255)
valueObj = value.substring(0, 255);
//valueObj = UtilMethods.escapeUnicodeCharsForHTML(value);
else if (field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.TEXT_AREA.toString()) || field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.WYSIWYG.toString())) {
valueObj = value;
else if (field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.HOST_OR_FOLDER.toString())) {
Identifier identifier = null;
valueObj = null;
identifier = APILocator.getIdentifierAPI().findFromInode(value);
catch(DotStateException dse){
Logger.debug(ImportUtil.class, dse.getMessage());
if(identifier != null && InodeUtils.isSet(identifier.getInode())){
valueObj = value;
headersIncludeHostField = true;
}else if(value.contains("//")){
String hostName=null;
StringWriter path = null;
String[] arr = value.split("/");
path = new StringWriter().append("/");
for(String y : arr){
if(UtilMethods.isSet(y) && hostName == null){
hostName = y;
else if(UtilMethods.isSet(y)){
Host host = APILocator.getHostAPI().findByName(hostName, user, false);
Folder f = APILocator.getFolderAPI().findFolderByPath(path.toString(), host, user, false);
headersIncludeHostField = true;
Host h = APILocator.getHostAPI().findByName(value, user, false);
headersIncludeHostField = true;
if(valueObj ==null){
throw new DotRuntimeException("Line #" + lineNumber + " contains errors, Column: " + field.getFieldName() +
", value: " + value + ", invalid host/folder inode found, line will be ignored.");
}else if(field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.IMAGE.toString()) || field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.FILE.toString())) {
String filePath = value;
if(field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.IMAGE.toString()) && !UtilMethods.isImage(filePath))
//Add Warning the File isn't is an image
String localLineMessage = LanguageUtil.get(user, "Line--");
String noImageFileMessage = LanguageUtil.get(user, "the-file-is-not-an-image");
results.get("warnings").add(localLineMessage + lineNumber + ". " + noImageFileMessage);
valueObj = null;
//check if the path is relative to this host or not
//Host fileHost = hostAPI.findDefaultHost(user,false);
Host fileHost = hostAPI.find(currentHostId, user, false);
if(filePath.indexOf(":") > -1)
String[] fileInfo = filePath.split(":");
if(fileInfo.length == 2)
Host fileHostAux = hostAPI.findByName(fileInfo[0], user, false);
fileHost = (UtilMethods.isSet(fileHostAux) ? fileHostAux : fileHost);
filePath = fileInfo[1];
//Find the file in dotCMS
File dotCMSFile = null;
Identifier id = APILocator.getIdentifierAPI().find(fileHost, filePath);
if(id!=null && InodeUtils.isSet(id.getId()) && id.getAssetType().equals("contentlet")){
Contentlet cont = APILocator.getContentletAPI().findContentletByIdentifier(id.getId(), true, APILocator.getLanguageAPI().getDefaultLanguage().getId(), user, false);
if(cont!=null && InodeUtils.isSet(cont.getInode())){
valueObj = cont.getIdentifier();
String localLineMessage = LanguageUtil.get(user, "Line--");
String noFileMessage = LanguageUtil.get(user, "The-file-has-not-been-found");
results.get("warnings").add(localLineMessage + lineNumber + ". " + noFileMessage + ": " + fileHost.getHostname() + ":" + filePath);
valueObj = null;
dotCMSFile = APILocator.getFileAPI().getFileByURI(filePath, fileHost, true, user, false);
}catch(Exception ex)
//File doesn't exist below I check this
if(UtilMethods.isSet(dotCMSFile) && UtilMethods.isSet(dotCMSFile.getIdentifier()))
valueObj = dotCMSFile.getIdentifier();
//Add Warning the File doesn't exist
String localLineMessage = LanguageUtil.get(user, "Line--");
String noFileMessage = LanguageUtil.get(user, "The-file-has-not-been-found");
results.get("warnings").add(localLineMessage + lineNumber + ". " + noFileMessage + ": " + fileHost.getHostname() + ":" + filePath);
valueObj = null;
} }
else {
valueObj = Config.getBooleanProperty("CONTENT_ESCAPE_HTML_TEXT",true) ? UtilMethods.escapeUnicodeCharsForHTML(value) : value;
values.put(column, valueObj);
UniqueFieldBean bean = new UniqueFieldBean();
//Find the relationships and their related contents
HashMap<Relationship,List<Contentlet>> csvRelationshipRecordsParentOnly = new HashMap<Relationship,List<Contentlet>>();
HashMap<Relationship,List<Contentlet>> csvRelationshipRecordsChildOnly = new HashMap<Relationship,List<Contentlet>>();
HashMap<Relationship,List<Contentlet>> csvRelationshipRecords = new HashMap<Relationship,List<Contentlet>>();
for (Integer column : relationships.keySet()) {
Relationship relationship = relationships.get(column);
String relatedQuery = line[column];
List<Contentlet> relatedContentlets = new ArrayList<Contentlet>();
boolean error = false;
relatedContentlets = conAPI.checkoutWithQuery(relatedQuery, user, false);
//validate if the contenlet retrieved are from the correct typ
for(Contentlet contentlet : relatedContentlets)
Structure relatedStructure = contentlet.getStructure();
error = true;
for(Contentlet contentlet : relatedContentlets)
Structure relatedStructure = contentlet.getStructure();
error = true;
//If no error add the relatedContentlets
csvRelationshipRecordsChildOnly.put(relationship, relatedContentlets);
else if(onlyParent.get(column))
csvRelationshipRecordsParentOnly.put(relationship, relatedContentlets);
csvRelationshipRecords.put(relationship, relatedContentlets);
//else add the error message
String localLineMessage = LanguageUtil.get(user, "Line--");
String structureDoesNoMatchMessage = LanguageUtil.get(user, "the-structure-does-not-match-the-relationship");
results.get("warnings").add(localLineMessage + lineNumber + ". " + structureDoesNoMatchMessage);
//Searching contentlets to be updated by key fields
List<Contentlet> contentlets = new ArrayList<Contentlet>();
String conditionValues = "";
int identifierFieldIndex = -1;
try {
identifierFieldIndex = Integer.parseInt( results.get( "identifiers" ).get( 0 ) );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
String identifier = null;
if ( -1 < identifierFieldIndex ) {
identifier = line[identifierFieldIndex];
StringBuffer buffy = new StringBuffer();
buffy.append( "+structureName:" + structure.getVelocityVarName() + " +working:true +deleted:false" );
if ( UtilMethods.isSet( identifier ) ) {
buffy.append( " +identifier:" + identifier );
List<ContentletSearch> contentsSearch = conAPI.searchIndex( buffy.toString(), 0, -1, null, user, true );
if ( (contentsSearch == null) || (contentsSearch.size() == 0) ) {
throw new DotRuntimeException( "Line #" + lineNumber + ": Content not found with identifier " + identifier + "\n" );
} else {
Contentlet contentlet;
for ( ContentletSearch contentSearch : contentsSearch ) {
contentlet = conAPI.find( contentSearch.getInode(), user, true );
if ( (contentlet != null) && InodeUtils.isSet( contentlet.getInode() ) ) {
contentlets.add( contentlet );
} else {
throw new DotRuntimeException( "Line #" + lineNumber + ": Content not found with identifier " + identifier + "\n" );
} else if (keyFields.size() > 0) {
for (Integer column : keyFields.keySet()) {
Field field = keyFields.get(column);
Object value = values.get(column);
String text;
if (value instanceof Date || value instanceof Timestamp) {
SimpleDateFormat formatter = null;
text = DATE_FIELD_FORMAT.format((Date)value);
}else if(field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.DATE_TIME.toString())){
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
text = df.format((Date)value);
}else if(field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.TIME.toString())) {
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("HHmmss");
text = df.format((Date)value);
} else {
formatter = new SimpleDateFormat();
text = formatter.format(value);
Logger.warn(ImportUtil.class,"importLine: field's date format is undetermined.");
} else {
text = value.toString();
throw new DotRuntimeException("Line #" + lineNumber + " key field "+field.getFieldName()+" is required since it was defined as a key\n");
buffy.append(" +(conhost:" + text + " conFolder:" + text+")");
buffy.append(" +" + structure.getVelocityVarName() + "." + field.getVelocityVarName() + ":" + (escapeLuceneSpecialCharacter(text).contains(" ")?"\""+escapeLuceneSpecialCharacter(text)+"\"":escapeLuceneSpecialCharacter(text)));
conditionValues += conditionValues + value + "-";
int count = 1;
String[] chosenArr = choosenKeyField.toString().split(",");
for(String chosen : chosenArr){
if(UtilMethods.isSet(chosen) && !field.getFieldName().equals(chosen.trim())){
choosenKeyField.append(", "+field.getFieldName());
choosenKeyField.append(", "+field.getFieldName());
String noLanguageQuery = buffy.toString();
if ( !isMultilingual && !UtilMethods.isSet( identifier ) ) {
buffy.append( " +languageId:" ).append( language );
List<ContentletSearch> cons = conAPI.searchIndex( buffy.toString(), 0, -1, null, user, true );
We need to handle the case when keys are used, we could have a contentlet already saved with the same keys but different language
so the above query is not going to find it.
if ( cons == null || cons.isEmpty() ) {
if ( choosenKeyField.length() > 1 ) {
cons = conAPI.searchIndex( noLanguageQuery, 0, -1, null, user, true );
if (cons != null && !cons.isEmpty()) {
isMultilingual = true;
Contentlet con;
for (ContentletSearch contentletSearch: cons) {
con = conAPI.find(contentletSearch.getInode(), user, true);
if ((con != null) && InodeUtils.isSet(con.getInode())) {
boolean columnExists = false;
for (Integer column : keyFields.keySet()) {
Field field = keyFields.get(column);
Object value = values.get(column);
Object conValue = conAPI.getFieldValue(con, field);
|| field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.DATE_TIME.toString())
|| field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.TIME.toString())){
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("HHmmss");
conValue = df.format((Date)conValue);
value = df.format((Date)value);
}else if(field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.DATE.toString())){
value = DATE_FIELD_FORMAT.format((Date)value);
conValue = DATE_FIELD_FORMAT.format((Date)conValue);
if(conValue instanceof java.sql.Timestamp){
value = new java.sql.Timestamp(((Date)value).getTime());
}else if(conValue instanceof Date){
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
value = df.format((Date)value);
columnExists = true;
columnExists = false;
columnExists = true;
columnExists = false;
if ( !preview ) {//Don't do unnecessary calls if it is not required
We must use an alternative search for cases when we are using the same key for batch uploads,
for example if we have multilingual inserts for new records, the search above (searchIndex)
can manage multilingual inserts for already stored records but not for the case when the new record and its multilingual records
came in the same import file. They are new, we will not find them in the index.
if ( sameKeyBatchInsert && contentlets.isEmpty() ) {
//Searching for all the contentlets of this structure
List<Contentlet> foundContentlets = conAPI.findByStructure( structure, user, true, 0, -1 );
for ( Contentlet contentlet : foundContentlets ) {
boolean match = true;
for ( Integer column : keyFields.keySet() ) {
//Getting key values
Field field = keyFields.get( column );
Object value = values.get( column );
//Ok, comparing our keys with the contentlets we found trying to see if there is a contentlet to update with the specified keys
Object conValue = conAPI.getFieldValue( contentlet, field );
if ( !conValue.equals( value ) ) {
match = false;
//Ok, we found our record
if ( match ) {
contentlets.add( contentlet );
isMultilingual = true;
//Creating/updating content
boolean isNew = false;
Long existingMultilingualLanguage = null;//For multilingual batch imports we need the language of an existing contentlet if there is any
if ( contentlets.size() == 0 ) {
counters.setNewContentCounter( counters.getNewContentCounter() + 1 );
isNew = true;
//if (!preview) {
Contentlet newCont = new Contentlet();
newCont.setStructureInode( structure.getInode() );
newCont.setLanguageId( language );
contentlets.add( newCont );
} else {
if ( isMultilingual || UtilMethods.isSet( identifier ) ) {
List<Contentlet> multilingualContentlets = new ArrayList<Contentlet>();
for ( Contentlet contentlet : contentlets ) {
if ( contentlet.getLanguageId() == language ) {
multilingualContentlets.add( contentlet );
existingMultilingualLanguage = contentlet.getLanguageId();
if ( multilingualContentlets.size() == 0 ) {
String lastIdentifier = "";
isNew = true;
for ( Contentlet contentlet : contentlets ) {
if ( !contentlet.getIdentifier().equals( lastIdentifier ) ) {
counters.setNewContentCounter( counters.getNewContentCounter() + 1 );
Contentlet newCont = new Contentlet();
newCont.setIdentifier( contentlet.getIdentifier() );
newCont.setStructureInode( structure.getInode() );
newCont.setLanguageId( language );
multilingualContentlets.add( newCont );
existingMultilingualLanguage = contentlet.getLanguageId();
lastIdentifier = contentlet.getIdentifier();
contentlets = multilingualContentlets;
if ( !isNew ) {
if ( conditionValues.equals( "" ) || !keyContentUpdated.contains( conditionValues ) || isMultilingual ) {
counters.setContentToUpdateCounter( counters.getContentToUpdateCounter() + contentlets.size() );
if ( preview )
keyContentUpdated.add( conditionValues );
if ( contentlets.size() == 1 ) {//DOTCMS-5204
results.get( "warnings" ).add(
LanguageUtil.get( user, "Line--" ) + lineNumber + ". " + LanguageUtil.get( user, "The-key-fields-chosen-match-one-existing-content(s)" ) + " - "
+ LanguageUtil.get( user, "more-than-one-match-suggests-key(s)-are-not-properly-unique" ) );
} else if ( contentlets.size() > 1 ) {
results.get( "warnings" ).add(
LanguageUtil.get( user, "Line--" ) + lineNumber + ". " + LanguageUtil.get( user, "The-key-fields-choosen-match-more-than-one-content-in-this-case" ) + ": "
+ " " + LanguageUtil.get( user, "matches" ) + ": " + contentlets.size() + " " + LanguageUtil.get( user, "different-content-s-looks-like-the-key-fields-choosen" ) + " " +
LanguageUtil.get( user, "aren-t-a-real-key" ) );
for (Contentlet cont : contentlets)
//Fill the new contentlet with the data
for (Integer column : headers.keySet()) {
Field field = headers.get(column);
Object value = values.get(column);
if (field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.HOST_OR_FOLDER.toString())) { // DOTCMS-4484
//Verify if the value belongs to a Host or to a Folder
Folder folder = null;
Host host = hostAPI.find( value.toString(), user, false );
//If a host was not found using the given value (identifier) it must be a folder
if ( !UtilMethods.isSet( host ) || !InodeUtils.isSet( host.getInode() ) ) {
folder = folderAPI.find( value.toString(), user, false );
if (folder != null && folder.getInode().equalsIgnoreCase(value.toString())) {
if (!permissionAPI.doesUserHavePermission(folder,PermissionAPI.PERMISSION_CAN_ADD_CHILDREN,user)) {
throw new DotSecurityException( "User have no Add Children Permissions on selected folder" );
else if(host != null) {
if (!permissionAPI.doesUserHavePermission(host,PermissionAPI.PERMISSION_CAN_ADD_CHILDREN,user)) {
throw new DotSecurityException("User have no Add Children Permissions on selected host");
if(UtilMethods.isSet(field.getDefaultValue()) && (!UtilMethods.isSet(String.valueOf(value)) || value==null)){
value = field.getDefaultValue();
if(field.getFieldContentlet().startsWith("integer") || field.getFieldContentlet().startsWith("float")){
if(!UtilMethods.isSet(String.valueOf(value)) && !field.isRequired()){
value = "0";
conAPI.setContentletProperty(cont, field, value);
}catch(DotContentletStateException de){
if(!field.isRequired() || (value!=null && UtilMethods.isSet(String.valueOf(value)))){
throw de;
//DOTCMS-4528 Retaining Categories when content updated with partial imports
List<Field> structureFields = FieldsCache.getFieldsByStructureInode(structure.getInode());
List<Field> categoryFields = new ArrayList<Field>();
List<Field> nonHeaderCategoryFields = new ArrayList<Field>();
List<Category> nonHeaderParentCats = new ArrayList<Category>();
List<Category> categoriesToRetain = new ArrayList<Category>();
List<Category> categoriesOnWorkingContent = new ArrayList<Category>();
for(Field field : structureFields){
if(field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.CATEGORY.toString()) || field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.CATEGORIES_TAB.toString()))
for (Integer column : headers.keySet()) {
Field headerField = headers.get(column);
Iterator<Field> itr = categoryFields.iterator();
Field field = itr.next();
for(Field field : nonHeaderCategoryFields){
nonHeaderParentCats.add(catAPI.find(field.getValues(), user, false));
for(Category cat : nonHeaderParentCats){
categoriesToRetain.addAll(catAPI.getChildren(cat,false, user, false));
We need to verify that we are not trying to save a contentlet that have as language the default language because that mean that
contentlet for that default language couldn't exist, we are just saving it after all....
Long languageId = langAPI.getDefaultLanguage().getId();
if ( existingMultilingualLanguage != null ) {
languageId = existingMultilingualLanguage;//Using the language another an existing contentlet with the same identifier
Contentlet workingCont;
workingCont = conAPI.findContentletByIdentifier( cont.getIdentifier(), false, languageId, user, false );
categoriesOnWorkingContent = catAPI.getParents( workingCont, user, false );
}catch(DotContentletStateException dse){
for(Category existingCat : categoriesOnWorkingContent){
for(Category retainCat :categoriesToRetain){
if(existingCat.compareTo(retainCat) == 0){
//Check if line has repeated values for a unique field, if it does then ignore the line
boolean ignoreLine = false;
for(Field f : uniqueFields){
Object value = null;
int count = 0;
for(UniqueFieldBean bean : uniqueFieldBeans){
if(count > 0 && value!=null && value.equals(bean.getValue()) && lineNumber == bean.getLineNumber()){
counters.setNewContentCounter(counters.getNewContentCounter() - 1);
ignoreLine = true;
LanguageUtil.get(user, "Line--") + " " + lineNumber + " " +LanguageUtil.get(user, "contains-duplicate-values-for-structure-unique-field") + " " + f.getFieldName() + " " +LanguageUtil.get(user, "and-will-be-ignored") );
value = bean.getValue();
//Check the new contentlet with the validator
conAPI.validateContentlet(cont,new ArrayList<Category>(categories));
catch(DotContentletValidationException ex)
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Line #" + lineNumber + " contains errors\n");
HashMap<String,List<Field>> errors = (HashMap<String,List<Field>>) ex.getNotValidFields();
Set<String> keys = errors.keySet();
for(String key : keys)
sb.append(key + ": ");
List<Field> fields = errors.get(key);
int count = 0;
for(Field field : fields){
sb.append(", ");
throw new DotRuntimeException(sb.toString());
//If not preview save the contentlet
if (!preview)
//Load the old relationShips and add the new ones
ContentletRelationships contentletRelationships = conAPI.getAllRelationships(cont);
List<ContentletRelationships.ContentletRelationshipRecords> relationshipRecords = contentletRelationships.getRelationshipsRecords();
for(ContentletRelationships.ContentletRelationshipRecords relationshipRecord : relationshipRecords) {
List<Contentlet> csvRelatedContentlet = csvRelationshipRecords.get(relationshipRecord.getRelationship());
if(UtilMethods.isSet(csvRelatedContentlet)) {
csvRelatedContentlet = csvRelationshipRecordsChildOnly.get(relationshipRecord.getRelationship());
if(UtilMethods.isSet(csvRelatedContentlet) && relationshipRecord.isHasParent()) {
csvRelatedContentlet = csvRelationshipRecordsParentOnly.get(relationshipRecord.getRelationship());
if(UtilMethods.isSet(csvRelatedContentlet) && !relationshipRecord.isHasParent()) {
//END Load the old relationShips and add the new ones
cont = conAPI.checkin(cont,contentletRelationships, new ArrayList<Category>(categories), structurePermissions, user, false);
if(Config.getBooleanProperty("PUBLISH_CSV_IMPORTED_CONTENT_AUTOMATICALLY", false)){
APILocator.getContentletAPI().publish(cont, user, false);
for (Integer column : headers.keySet()) {
Field field = headers.get(column);
Object value = values.get(column);
if (field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.TAG.toString()) &&
value instanceof String) {
String[] tags = ((String)value).split(",");
Host host = null;
String hostId = "";
//the csv has a Host Or Field Column, with a valid value
host = APILocator.getHostAPI().find(cont.getHost(), user, true);
}catch(Exception e){
Logger.error(ImportUtil.class, "Unable to get host from content");
hostId = Host.SYSTEM_HOST;
hostId = host.getIdentifier();
hostId = Host.SYSTEM_HOST;
for (String tag : tags) {
TagFactory.addTagInode((String)tag.trim(), cont.getInode(), hostId);
else {
for (String tagName : tags)
try {
if ( tagName != null && !tagName.trim().isEmpty() ) {
TagFactory.addTagInode( tagName.trim(), cont.getInode(), Host.SYSTEM_HOST );
} catch (Exception e) {
List<String> l = results.get("lastInode");
results.put("lastInode", l);
if (isNew){
counters.setContentCreated(counters.getContentCreated() + 1);
if (conditionValues.equals("") || !keyContentUpdated.contains(conditionValues)) {
counters.setContentUpdated(counters.getContentUpdated() + 1);
counters.setContentUpdatedDuplicated(counters.getContentUpdatedDuplicated() + 1);
counters.setContentUpdatedDuplicated(counters.getContentUpdatedDuplicated() + 1);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DotRuntimeException(e.getMessage());
private static String printSupportedDateFormats () {
StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer("[ ");
for (String pattern : IMP_DATE_FORMATS) {
ret.append(pattern + ", ");
ret.append(" ] ");
return ret.toString();
* Escape lucene reserved characters
* @param text
* @return String
private static String escapeLuceneSpecialCharacter(String text){
text = text.replaceAll("\\[","\\\\[").replaceAll("\\]","\\\\]");
text = text.replaceAll("\\{","\\\\{").replaceAll("\\}","\\\\}");
text = text.replaceAll("\\+","\\\\+").replaceAll(":","\\\\:");
text = text.replaceAll("\\*","\\\\*").replaceAll("\\?","\\\\?");
text = text.replaceAll("\\(","\\\\(").replaceAll("\\)","\\\\)");
text = text.replaceAll("&&","\\\\&&").replaceAll("\\|\\|","\\\\||");
text = text.replaceAll("!","\\\\!").replaceAll("\\^","\\\\^");
text = text.replaceAll("-","\\\\-").replaceAll("~","\\\\~");
text = text.replaceAll("\"","\\\"");
return text;
public static class Counters {
public int newContentCounter = 0;
public int contentToUpdateCounter = 0;
public int contentCreated = 0;
public int contentUpdated = 0;
public int contentUpdatedDuplicated = 0;
private Collection<Map<String, String>> keys = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
* @return the newContentCounter
public int getNewContentCounter () {
return newContentCounter;
* @param newContentCounter the newContentCounter to set
public void setNewContentCounter ( int newContentCounter ) {
this.newContentCounter = newContentCounter;
* @return the contentToUpdateCounter
public int getContentToUpdateCounter () {
return contentToUpdateCounter;
* @param contentToUpdateCounter the contentToUpdateCounter to set
public void setContentToUpdateCounter(int contentToUpdateCounter) {
this.contentToUpdateCounter = contentToUpdateCounter;
* @return the contentCreated
public int getContentCreated() {
return contentCreated;
* @param contentCreated the contentCreated to set
public void setContentCreated(int contentCreated) {
this.contentCreated = contentCreated;
* @return the contentUpdated
public int getContentUpdated() {
return contentUpdated;
* @param contentUpdated the contentUpdated to set
public void setContentUpdated(int contentUpdated) {
this.contentUpdated = contentUpdated;
* @return the contentUpdatedDuplicated
public int getContentUpdatedDuplicated() {
return contentUpdatedDuplicated;
* @param contentUpdatedDuplicated the contentUpdatedDuplicated to set
public void setContentUpdatedDuplicated(int contentUpdatedDuplicated) {
this.contentUpdatedDuplicated = contentUpdatedDuplicated;
* Stores unique keys per line, useful to know if we have batch uploads with the same keys, mostly use it for batch content uploads with multiple languages
* @param key
* @param value
public void addKey ( String key, String value ) {
if ( !matchKey( key, value ) ) {
Map<String, String> keyMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
keyMap.put( key, value );
keys.add( keyMap );
* Verifies if a key with a given value was already used
* @param key
* @param value
* @return
public boolean matchKey ( String key, String value ) {
for ( Map<String, String> keyMap : keys ) {
String match = keyMap.get( key );
if ( match != null && match.equals( value ) ) {
return true;
return false;
public int uniqueKeysCount () {
return keys.size();
public static boolean isImportableField ( Field field ) {
return !(
field.getFieldType().equals( Field.FieldType.BUTTON.toString() ) ||
field.getFieldType().equals( Field.FieldType.LINE_DIVIDER.toString() ) ||
field.getFieldType().equals( Field.FieldType.TAB_DIVIDER.toString() ) ||
field.getFieldType().equals( Field.FieldType.BINARY.toString() ) ||
field.getFieldType().equals( Field.FieldType.PERMISSIONS_TAB.toString() ));
private static Date parseExcelDate ( String date ) throws ParseException {
return DateUtil.convertDate( date, IMP_DATE_FORMATS );
private static class UniqueFieldBean {
private Field field;
private Object value;
private Integer lineNumber;
public Field getField() {
return field;
public void setField(Field field) {
this.field = field;
public Object getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(Object value) {
this.value = value;
public Integer getLineNumber() {
return lineNumber;
public void setLineNumber(Integer lineNumber) {
this.lineNumber = lineNumber;