Package com.dotmarketing.portlets.user.ajax

Source Code of com.dotmarketing.portlets.user.ajax.UserAjax

package com.dotmarketing.portlets.user.ajax;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;


import com.dotmarketing.beans.Permission;
import com.dotmarketing.beans.UserProxy;
import com.dotmarketing.db.HibernateUtil;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotDataException;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotHibernateException;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotRuntimeException;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotSecurityException;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.categories.model.Category;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.containers.model.Container;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.files.model.File;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.folders.model.Folder;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.templates.model.Template;
import com.dotmarketing.util.ActivityLogger;
import com.dotmarketing.util.AdminLogger;
import com.dotmarketing.util.DateUtil;
import com.dotmarketing.util.InodeUtils;
import com.dotmarketing.util.Logger;
import com.dotmarketing.util.SecurityLogger;
import com.dotmarketing.util.UtilMethods;
import com.liferay.portal.NoSuchRoleException;
import com.liferay.portal.PortalException;
import com.liferay.portal.SystemException;
import com.liferay.portal.language.LanguageUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.model.Address;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;
import com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil;
import com.liferay.util.Encryptor;


public class UserAjax {

  // Constants for internal use only
  private static final String USER_TYPE_VALUE = "user";
  private static final String ROLE_TYPE_VALUE = "role";

  public Map<String, Object> getUserById(String userId) throws DotDataException,DotSecurityException {

    UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
    UserProxyAPI uProxyWebAPI = APILocator.getUserProxyAPI();
    WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
    HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();

    UserAPI uAPI = APILocator.getUserAPI();

    User user = null;
    try {
        // lock down to users with access to Users portlet
          User loggedInUser=uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request);
          if(loggedInUser==null || !APILocator.getPortletAPI().hasUserAdminRights(loggedInUser)) {
              SecurityLogger.logInfo(UserAjax.class, "unauthorized attempt to call getUserById by user "+loggedInUser!=null?loggedInUser.getUserId():"[not logged in]");
              throw new DotSecurityException("not authorized");

      user = uAPI.loadUserById(userId,uWebAPI.getSystemUser(), !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));

      Map<String, Object> aRecord = user.toMap();
      aRecord.put("id", user.getUserId());
      aRecord.put("type", USER_TYPE_VALUE);
      aRecord.put("name", user.getFullName());
      aRecord.put("firstName", user.getFirstName());
      aRecord.put("lastName", user.getLastName());
      aRecord.put("emailaddress", user.getEmailAddress());

      UserProxy up = uProxyWebAPI.getUserProxy(user, uWebAPI.getSystemUser(), !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));

      return aRecord;

    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);

  public String addUser (String userId, String firstName, String lastName, String email, String password) throws DotDataException, DotRuntimeException, PortalException, SystemException, DotSecurityException {

    User modUser = getUser();
    String date = DateUtil.getCurrentDate();

    ActivityLogger.logInfo(getClass(), "Adding User", "Date: " + date + "; "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());
    AdminLogger.log(getClass(), "Adding User", "Date: " + date + "; "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());

    try {

      UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
      WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
      HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();
      UserAPI uAPI = APILocator.getUserAPI();

      User user = uAPI.createUser(userId, email);
      user.setPassword(Encryptor.digest(password));, uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request), !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));

      ActivityLogger.logInfo(getClass(), "User Added", "Date: " + date + "; "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());
      AdminLogger.log(getClass(), "User Added", "Date: " + date + "; "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());

      return user.getUserId();

    } catch(DotDataException | DotStateException e) {
      ActivityLogger.logInfo(getClass(), "Error Adding User", "Date: " + date + ";  "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());
      AdminLogger.log(getClass(), "Error Adding User", "Date: " + date + ";  "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());
      throw e;


  public String updateUser (String userId, String newUserID, String firstName, String lastName, String email, String password) throws DotRuntimeException, PortalException, SystemException,
    DotDataException, DotSecurityException {

    User modUser = getUser();
    String date = DateUtil.getCurrentDate();

    ActivityLogger.logInfo(getClass(), "Updating User", "Date: " + date + "; "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());
    AdminLogger.log(getClass(), "Updating User", "Date: " + date + "; "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());

    try {

      UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
      WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
      HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();
      UserAPI uAPI = APILocator.getUserAPI();
      PermissionAPI perAPI = APILocator.getPermissionAPI();
      UserProxyAPI upAPI = APILocator.getUserProxyAPI();
      User userToSave;
      User loggedInUser = uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request);

      try {
        userToSave = (User)uAPI.loadUserById(userId,uAPI.getSystemUser(),false).clone();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;
      if(email != null)
      if(password != null) {

      if(userToSave.getUserId().equalsIgnoreCase(loggedInUser.getUserId())){, uAPI.getSystemUser(), !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));
      }else if(perAPI.doesUserHavePermission(upAPI.getUserProxy(userToSave,uAPI.getSystemUser(), false), PermissionAPI.PERMISSION_EDIT,loggedInUser, false)){, loggedInUser, !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));
        throw new DotSecurityException("User doesn't have permission to save the user which is trying to be saved");

      ActivityLogger.logInfo(getClass(), "User Updated", "Date: " + date + "; "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());
      AdminLogger.log(getClass(), "User Updated", "Date: " + date + "; "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());

      return userToSave.getUserId();

    } catch(DotDataException | DotStateException e) {
      ActivityLogger.logInfo(getClass(), "Error Updating User", "Date: " + date + ";  "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());
      AdminLogger.log(getClass(), "Error Updating User", "Date: " + date + ";  "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());
      throw e;


  public boolean deleteUser (String userId) throws DotHibernateException, PortalException, SystemException {
    User modUser = getUser();
    String date = DateUtil.getCurrentDate();

    ActivityLogger.logInfo(getClass(), "Deleting User", "Date: " + date + "; "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());
    AdminLogger.log(getClass(), "Deleting User", "Date: " + date + "; "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());

    try {

      UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
      WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
      HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();
      UserAPI uAPI = APILocator.getUserAPI();

      User user;
      try {
        user = uAPI.loadUserById(userId,uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request),false);
        uAPI.delete(user, uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request), !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
        return false;

    } catch(DotDataException | DotStateException e) {
      ActivityLogger.logInfo(getClass(), "Error Deleting User", "Date: " + date + ";  "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());
      AdminLogger.log(getClass(), "Error Deleting User", "Date: " + date + ";  "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());
      throw e;

    ActivityLogger.logInfo(getClass(), "User Deleted", "Date: " + date + "; "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());
    AdminLogger.log(getClass(), "User Deleted", "Date: " + date + "; "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());

    return true;

  public List<Map<String, Object>> getUserRoles (String userId) throws Exception {
    List<Map<String, Object>> roleMaps = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();
    Role userRole = APILocator.getRoleAPI().loadRoleByKey(RoleAPI.USERS_ROOT_ROLE_KEY);
    UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
    WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
        HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();

    // lock down to users with access to Users portlet
        User loggedInUser=uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request);
        if(loggedInUser==null || !APILocator.getPortletAPI().hasUserAdminRights(loggedInUser)) {
            SecurityLogger.logInfo(UserAjax.class, "unauthorized attempt to call getUserRoles by user "+loggedInUser!=null?loggedInUser.getUserId():"[not logged in]");
            throw new DotSecurityException("not authorized");

      RoleAPI roleAPI = APILocator.getRoleAPI();
      List<> roles = roleAPI.loadRolesForUser(userId, false);
      for( r : roles) {

        String DBFQN =  r.getDBFQN();

        if(DBFQN.contains(userRole.getId())) {
    return roleMaps;

  public Map<String, Boolean> getUserRolesValues (String userId, String hostIdentifier) throws Exception {
      UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
        WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
        HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();

        // lock down to users with access to Users portlet
        User loggedInUser=uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request);
        if(loggedInUser==null || !(APILocator.getPortletAPI().hasUserAdminRights(loggedInUser) || userId.equals(loggedInUser.getUserId()))) {
            SecurityLogger.logInfo(UserAjax.class, "unauthorized attempt to call getUserRolesValues by user "+loggedInUser!=null?loggedInUser.getUserId():"[not logged in]");
            throw new DotSecurityException("not authorized");

    Map<String, Boolean> userPerms = new HashMap<String,Boolean>();
      RoleAPI roleAPI = APILocator.getRoleAPI();
      List<> roles = roleAPI.loadRolesForUser(userId, false);
      for( r : roles) {
        List<Permission> perms = APILocator.getPermissionAPI().getPermissionsByRole(r, false);
        for (Permission p : perms) {
          String permType = p.getType();
          permType = permType.equals(Folder.class.getCanonicalName())?"folderModifiable":

          Boolean hasPerm = userPerms.get(permType)!=null?userPerms.get(permType):false;

           if(UtilMethods.isSet(permType) && p.getInode().equals(hostIdentifier)) {
             userPerms.put(permType, hasPerm | (p.getPermission()==PermissionAPI.PERMISSION_EDIT ||
    return userPerms;

  public void updateUserRoles (String userId, List<String> roleIds) throws DotDataException, NoSuchUserException, DotRuntimeException, PortalException, SystemException, DotSecurityException {

    String date = DateUtil.getCurrentDate();
    User currentUser = getUser();

    ActivityLogger.logInfo(getClass(), "Modifying User Roles", "User Beign Modified:" + userId + "; "+ "Modificator User:" + currentUser.getUserId() + "; Date:" + date );
    AdminLogger.log(getClass(), "Modifying User Roles", "User Beign Modified:" + userId + "; "+ "Modificator User:" + currentUser.getUserId() + "; Date:" + date );

    WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
    RoleAPI roleAPI = APILocator.getRoleAPI();
    UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
    HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();
    UserAPI uAPI = APILocator.getUserAPI();

    List<> userRoles = roleAPI.loadRolesForUser(userId);

    User user = uAPI.loadUserById(userId,uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request),false);

    //Remove all roles not assigned
    for( r : userRoles) {
      if(!roleIds.contains(r.getId())) {
        if(r.isEditUsers()) {
          try {
            roleAPI.removeRoleFromUser(r, user);
          } catch(DotDataException | DotStateException e) {
            ActivityLogger.logInfo(getClass(), "Error Removing User Role", "User Beign Modified:" + userId + "; "+ "Modificator User:" + currentUser.getUserId() + "; RoleID: " + r.getId() + "; Date:" + date );
            AdminLogger.log(getClass(), "Error Removing User Role", "User Beign Modified:" + userId + "; "+ "Modificator User:" + currentUser.getUserId() + "; RoleID: " + r.getId() + "; Date:" + date );
            throw e;

    for( r : roleAPI.loadRolesForUser(userId)) {
      if(roleIds.contains(r.getId())) {

    //Adding missing roles
    for(String roleId : roleIds) { r = roleAPI.loadRoleById(roleId);
      if(r.isEditUsers()) {
        try {
          roleAPI.addRoleToUser(r, user);
        } catch(DotDataException e) {
          ActivityLogger.logInfo(getClass(), "Error Adding User Role", "User Beign Modified:" + userId + "; "+ "Modificator User:" + currentUser.getUserId() + "; RoleID: " + r.getId() + "; Date:" + date );
          AdminLogger.log(getClass(), "Error Adding User Role", "User Beign Modified:" + userId + "; "+ "Modificator User:" + currentUser.getUserId() + "; RoleID: " + r.getId() + "; Date:" + date );
          throw e;
        } catch(DotStateException e) {
          ActivityLogger.logInfo(getClass(), "Error Adding User Role", "User Beign Modified:" + userId + "; "+ "Modificator User:" + currentUser.getUserId() + "; RoleID: " + r.getId() + "; Date:" + date );
          AdminLogger.log(getClass(), "Error Adding User Role", "User Beign Modified:" + userId + "; "+ "Modificator User:" + currentUser.getUserId() + "; RoleID: " + r.getId() + "; Date:" + date );
          throw e;

    ActivityLogger.logInfo(getClass(), "User Roles Modified", "User Modified:" + userId + "; "+ "Modificator User:" + currentUser.getUserId() + "; Date:" + date );
    AdminLogger.log(getClass(), "User Roles Modified", "User Modified:" + userId + "; "+ "Modificator User:" + currentUser.getUserId() + "; Date:" + date );


  public List<Map<String, String>> loadUserAddresses(String userId) throws DotDataException {

    UserAPI uAPI = APILocator.getUserAPI();
    UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
    WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
    HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();

    User user = null;
    List<Address> userAddresses = new ArrayList<Address>();
    try {
        user = uAPI.loadUserById(userId, uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request), !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));
        userAddresses = uAPI.loadUserAddresses(user, uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request), !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));
    } catch (NoSuchUserException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (DotRuntimeException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (PortalException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (SystemException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (DotSecurityException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);

    List<Map<String, String>> addressesToReturn = new ArrayList<Map<String,String>>();
    for(Address add : userAddresses) {
    return addressesToReturn;

  public Map<String, String> addNewUserAddress(String userId, String addressDescription, String street1, String street2, String city, String state,
      String zip, String country, String phone, String fax, String cell) throws DotDataException {

    UserAPI uAPI = APILocator.getUserAPI();
    UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
    WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
    HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();

    User user = null;
    try {
      user = uAPI.loadUserById(userId, uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request), !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));
    } catch (NoSuchUserException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (DotRuntimeException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (PortalException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (SystemException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (DotSecurityException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);

    Address ad = new Address();

    try {
      uAPI.saveAddress(user, ad, uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request), !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));
    } catch (DotDataException e) {
      throw new DotDataException(e.getCause().toString(), e);
    } catch (DotRuntimeException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (PortalException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (SystemException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (DotSecurityException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);

    return ad.toMap();


  public Map<String, String> saveUserAddress(String userId, String addressId, String addressDescription, String street1, String street2, String city, String state,
      String zip, String country, String phone, String fax, String cell) throws DotDataException {

    UserAPI uAPI = APILocator.getUserAPI();
    UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
    WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
    HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();

    User user = null;
    try {
      user = uAPI.loadUserById(userId, uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request), !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));
    } catch (NoSuchUserException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (DotRuntimeException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (PortalException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (SystemException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (DotSecurityException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);

    Address ad = new Address();

    try {
      uAPI.saveAddress(user, ad, uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request), !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));
    } catch (DotRuntimeException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (PortalException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (SystemException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (DotSecurityException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);

    return ad.toMap();


  public String deleteAddress(String userId, String addressId) throws DotDataException {
    UserAPI uAPI = APILocator.getUserAPI();
    UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
    WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
    HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();

    Address ad;
    try {
      ad = uAPI.loadAddressById(addressId, uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request), !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));
      uAPI.deleteAddress(ad, uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request), !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));
    } catch (DotRuntimeException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (PortalException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (SystemException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (DotSecurityException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);

    return addressId;

  public void saveUserAddittionalInfo(String userId, boolean active, String prefix, String suffix, String title, String company, String website, String[] additionalVars)
     throws DotDataException {

    UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
    UserAPI uAPI = APILocator.getUserAPI();
    WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
    HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();
    try {

      User user = uAPI.loadUserById(userId,uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request),false);

      UserProxyAPI uProxyAPI = APILocator.getUserProxyAPI();
      User u = uAPI.loadUserById(userId, uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request), !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));
      UserProxy up = uProxyAPI.getUserProxy(u, uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request), !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));

      if(!active && u.getUserId().equals(uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request).getUserId())){
        throw new DotRuntimeException(LanguageUtil.get(uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request),"deactivate-your-own-user-error"));

      for(int i = 1; i <= additionalVars.length; i++) {
        up.setVar(i, additionalVars[i - 1]);
      }, uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request), !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));
      uProxyAPI.saveUserProxy(up, uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request), !uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));

      User modUser = getUser();
      String date = DateUtil.getCurrentDate();

      ActivityLogger.logInfo(getClass(), "Updating User Additional Info. 'Is User Enabled' was set to: " + active , "Date: " + date + "; "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());
      AdminLogger.log(getClass(), "Updating User Additional Info. 'Is User Enabled' was set to: " + active , "Date: " + date + "; "+ "User:" + modUser.getUserId());

    } catch (DotRuntimeException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (PortalException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (SystemException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (DotSecurityException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new DotDataException(e.getMessage(), e);

  private void setActive(boolean active) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub


  public Map<String, Object> getRoleById(String roleId) throws Exception {
      UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
        WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
        HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();

        // lock down to users with access to Users portlet
        User loggedInUser=uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request);
        if(loggedInUser==null || APILocator.getLayoutAPI().loadLayoutsForUser(loggedInUser).isEmpty()) {
            SecurityLogger.logInfo(UserAjax.class, "unauthorized attempt to call getRoleById by user "+loggedInUser!=null?loggedInUser.getUserId():"[not logged in]");
            throw new DotSecurityException("not authorized");

    RoleAPI api = APILocator.getRoleAPI();
    Role role;
    try {
      role =;
    } catch (DotDataException e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      return null;
    if(role == null){
      return null;
    HashMap<String, Object> aRecord = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    aRecord.put("id", role.getId());
    aRecord.put("type", ROLE_TYPE_VALUE);
    aRecord.put("name", role.getName());
    aRecord.put("emailaddress", "");
    return aRecord;

  public Map<String, Object> getUsersAndRolesList(String assetInode, String permission, Map<String, String> params) throws Exception {

      UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
        WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
        HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();

        // lock down to users with access to Users portlet
        User loggedInUser=uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request);
        if(loggedInUser==null || APILocator.getLayoutAPI().loadLayoutsForUser(loggedInUser).isEmpty()) {
            SecurityLogger.logInfo(UserAjax.class, "unauthorized attempt to call getRoleById by user "+loggedInUser!=null?loggedInUser.getUserId():"[not logged in]");
            throw new DotSecurityException("not authorized");

    int start = 0;
      start = Integer.parseInt((String)params.get("start"));

    int limit = -1;
      limit = Integer.parseInt((String)params.get("limit"));

    String query = "";
      query = (String) params.get("query");

    boolean hideSystemRoles =false;
      hideSystemRoles = params.get("hideSystemRoles").equals("true")?true:false;

    Map<String, Object> results;

    if ( (InodeUtils.isSet(assetInode) && !assetInode.equals("0")) && (UtilMethods.isSet(permission) && !permission.equals("0")) ) {
      results = processUserAndRoleListWithPermissionOnInode(assetInode, permission, query, start, limit, hideSystemRoles);
    } else {
      results = processUserAndRoleList(query, start, limit, hideSystemRoles);

    return results;

  public Map<String, Object> getRolesList(String assetInode, String permission, Map<String, String> params) throws Exception {

      UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
        WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
        HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();

        // lock down to users with access to Users portlet
        User loggedInUser=uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request);
        if(loggedInUser==null || APILocator.getLayoutAPI().loadLayoutsForUser(loggedInUser).isEmpty()) {
            SecurityLogger.logInfo(UserAjax.class, "unauthorized attempt to call getRoleById by user "+loggedInUser!=null?loggedInUser.getUserId():"[not logged in]");
            throw new DotSecurityException("not authorized");

    int start = 0;
      start = Integer.parseInt((String)params.get("start"));

    int limit = -1;
      limit = Integer.parseInt((String)params.get("limit"));

    String query = "";
      query = (String) params.get("query");

    boolean hideSystemRoles =false;
      hideSystemRoles = params.get("hideSystemRoles").equals("true")?true:false;

    Map<String, Object> results;

    if ( (InodeUtils.isSet(assetInode) && !assetInode.equals("0")) && (UtilMethods.isSet(permission) && !permission.equals("0")) ) {
      results = processRoleListWithPermissionOnInode(assetInode, permission, query, start, limit, hideSystemRoles);
    } else {
      results = processRoleList(query, start, limit, hideSystemRoles);

    return results;

  public Map<String, Object> getUsersList(String assetInode, String permission, Map<String, String> params) throws Exception {

      UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
        WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
        HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();

        // lock down to users with access to Users portlet
        User loggedInUser=uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request);
        if(loggedInUser==null || APILocator.getLayoutAPI().loadLayoutsForUser(loggedInUser).isEmpty()) {
            SecurityLogger.logInfo(UserAjax.class, "unauthorized attempt to call getUsersList by user "+loggedInUser!=null?loggedInUser.getUserId():"[not logged in]");
            throw new DotSecurityException("not authorized");

    int start = 0;
      start = Integer.parseInt((String)params.get("start"));

    int limit = -1;
      limit = Integer.parseInt((String)params.get("limit"));

    String query = "";
      query = (String) params.get("query");

    Map<String, Object> results;

    if ( (InodeUtils.isSet(assetInode) && !assetInode.equals("0")) && (UtilMethods.isSet(permission) && !permission.equals("0")) ) {
      results = processUserListWithPermissionOnInode(assetInode, permission, query, start, limit);
    } else {
      results = processUserList(query, start, limit);

    return results;

  public List getUsersList2(String assetInode, String permission, Map<String, String> params) throws Exception {

      UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
        WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
        HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();

        // lock down to users with access to Users portlet
        User loggedInUser=uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request);
        if(loggedInUser==null || APILocator.getLayoutAPI().loadLayoutsForUser(loggedInUser).isEmpty()) {
            SecurityLogger.logInfo(UserAjax.class, "unauthorized attempt to call getUsersList2 by user "+loggedInUser!=null?loggedInUser.getUserId():"[not logged in]");
            throw new DotSecurityException("not authorized");

    int start = 0;
      start = Integer.parseInt((String)params.get("start"));

    int limit = -1;
      limit = Integer.parseInt((String)params.get("limit"));

    String query = "";
      query = (String) params.get("query");

    Map<String, Object> results;

    if ( (UtilMethods.isSet(assetInode) && !assetInode.equals("0")) && (UtilMethods.isSet(permission) && !permission.equals("0")) ) {
      results = processUserListWithPermissionOnInode(assetInode, permission, query, start, limit);
    } else {
      results = processUserList(query, start, limit);

    return (List) results.get("data");

  private Map<String, Object> processRoleListWithPermissionOnInode(String assetInode, String permission, String query, int start, int limit,
      boolean hideSystemRoles) {

    Map<String, Object> results;

    try {
      int permissionType = Integer.parseInt(permission);
      String inode = assetInode;
      results = new RolesListTemplate(inode, permissionType, query, start, limit, hideSystemRoles) {

        PermissionAPI perAPI = APILocator.getPermissionAPI();

        public int getRoleCount(boolean hideSystemRoles) throws NoSuchRoleException,
            SystemException {
          return perAPI.getRoleCount(inode, permissionType, filter, hideSystemRoles);

        public List<Role> getRoles(boolean hideSystemRoles) throws NoSuchRoleException,
            SystemException {
          List<Role> roles = perAPI.getRoles(inode, permissionType, filter, start, limit, hideSystemRoles);
          Collections.sort(roles, new Comparator<Role>(){

            public int compare(Role o1, Role o2) {
              return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());


          return roles;

    catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
        Logger.warn(UserAjax.class, String.format("::getUsersAndRolesList -> Invalid parameters inode(%s) permission(%s).", assetInode, permission));
        results = new HashMap<String,Object>(0);

    return results;


private Map<String, Object> processRoleList(String query, int start, int limit, boolean hideSystemRoles) {

    Map<String, Object> results = new RolesListTemplate("", 0, query, start, limit, hideSystemRoles)

      RoleAPI roleAPI = APILocator.getRoleAPI();

      public int getRoleCount(boolean hideSystemRoles) throws NoSuchRoleException, SystemException {
        List<Role> roleList;
        try {
          roleList = APILocator.getRoleAPI().findRolesByNameFilter(filter,0,0);
        } catch (DotDataException e) {
          throw new SystemException(e);
        List<Role> roleListTemp = new ArrayList<Role>(roleList);
        for(Role r : roleListTemp) {
          if(PortalUtil.isSystemRole(r) && !r.getFQN().startsWith("Users"))
        return roleList.size();

      public List<Role> getRoles(boolean hideSystemRoles) throws NoSuchRoleException, SystemException {
        List<Role> roleList;
        try {
          roleList = APILocator.getRoleAPI().findRolesByNameFilter(filter, start, limit);
        } catch (DotDataException e) {
          throw new SystemException(e);
        List<Role> roleListTemp = new ArrayList<Role>(roleList);
        for(Role r : roleListTemp) {
          if(PortalUtil.isSystemRole(r)&& hideSystemRoles && !r.getFQN().startsWith("Users"))
        return roleList;


    return results;


  private Map<String, Object> processUserAndRoleListWithPermissionOnInode(String assetInode, String permission, String query, int start, int limit,
      boolean hideSystemRoles) {

    Map<String, Object> results;

    try {
      int permissionType = Integer.parseInt(permission);
      String inode = assetInode;
      results = new UsersAndRolesListTemplate(inode, permissionType, query, start, limit, hideSystemRoles) {

        PermissionAPI perAPI = APILocator.getPermissionAPI();

        public int getRoleCount(boolean hideSystemRoles) throws NoSuchRoleException,
            SystemException {
          return perAPI.getRoleCount(inode, permissionType, filter, hideSystemRoles);

        public List<Role> getRoles(boolean hideSystemRoles) throws NoSuchRoleException,
            SystemException {
          List<Role> roles = perAPI.getRoles(inode, permissionType, filter, start, limit, hideSystemRoles);
          Collections.sort(roles, new Comparator<Role>(){

            public int compare(Role o1, Role o2) {
              return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());


          return roles;

        public int getUserCount() {
          return perAPI.getUserCount(inode, permissionType, filter);

        public List<User> getUsers(int newStart, int newLimit) {
          return perAPI.getUsers(inode, permissionType, filter, newStart, newLimit);
    catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
        Logger.warn(UserAjax.class, String.format("::getUsersAndRolesList -> Invalid parameters inode(%s) permission(%s).", assetInode, permission));
        results = new HashMap<String,Object>(0);

    return results;


  private Map<String, Object> processUserAndRoleList(String query, int start, int limit, boolean hideSystemRoles) {

    Map<String, Object> results = new UsersAndRolesListTemplate("", 0, query, start, limit, hideSystemRoles)

      RoleAPI roleAPI = APILocator.getRoleAPI();
      UserAPI userAPI = APILocator.getUserAPI();

      public int getRoleCount(boolean hideSystemRoles) throws NoSuchRoleException, SystemException {
        List<Role> roleList;
        try {
          roleList = APILocator.getRoleAPI().findRolesByNameFilter(filter,0,0);
        } catch (DotDataException e) {
          throw new SystemException(e);
        List<Role> roleListTemp = new ArrayList<Role>(roleList);
        for(Role r : roleListTemp) {
        return roleList.size();

      public List<Role> getRoles(boolean hideSystemRoles) throws NoSuchRoleException, SystemException {
        List<Role> roleList;
        try {
          roleList = APILocator.getRoleAPI().findRolesByNameFilter(filter, start, limit);
        } catch (DotDataException e) {
          throw new SystemException(e);
        List<Role> roleListTemp = new ArrayList<Role>(roleList);
        for(Role r : roleListTemp) {
          if(PortalUtil.isSystemRole(r)&& hideSystemRoles)
        return roleList;

      public int getUserCount() {
        try {
          return new Long(userAPI.getCountUsersByNameOrEmail(filter)).intValue();
        } catch (DotDataException e) {
          Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
          return 0;

      public List<User> getUsers(int newStart, int newLimit) {
        try {
          return userAPI.getUsersByName(filter, newStart, newLimit, APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(),false);
        } catch (DotDataException e) {
          Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
          return new ArrayList<User>();

    return results;


  private Map<String, Object> processUserListWithPermissionOnInode(String assetInode, String permission, String query, int start, int limit) {

    Map<String, Object> results;

    try {
      int permissionType = Integer.parseInt(permission);
      String inode = assetInode;
      results = new UsersListTemplate(inode, permissionType, query, start, limit) {

        PermissionAPI perAPI = APILocator.getPermissionAPI();

        public int getUserCount() {
          return perAPI.getUserCount(inode, permissionType, filter);

        public List<User> getUsers() {
          return perAPI.getUsers(inode, permissionType, filter, start, limit);
    catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
      Logger.warn(UserAjax.class, String.format("::getUsersList -> Invalid parameters inode(%s) permission(%s).", assetInode, permission));
      results = new HashMap<String,Object>(0);

    return results;

  private Map<String, Object> processUserList(String query, int start, int limit) {

    Map<String, Object> results = new UsersListTemplate("", 0, query, start, limit)
        UserAPI userAPI = APILocator.getUserAPI();

        public int getUserCount() {
          try {
            return new Long(userAPI.getCountUsersByNameOrEmailOrUserID(filter)).intValue();
          } catch (DotDataException e) {
            Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
            return 0;

        public List<User> getUsers() {
          try {
            int page = (start/limit)+1;
            int pageSize = limit;
            return userAPI.getUsersByNameOrEmailOrUserID(filter, page, pageSize);
          } catch (DotDataException e) {
            Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
            return new ArrayList<User>();

    return results;

  public boolean hasUserRoles(String userId, String[] roles) throws Exception {
      UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
        WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
        HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();

        // lock down to users with access to Users portlet
        User loggedInUser=uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request);
        if(loggedInUser==null || APILocator.getLayoutAPI().loadLayoutsForUser(loggedInUser).isEmpty()) {
            SecurityLogger.logInfo(UserAjax.class, "unauthorized attempt to call hasUserRoles by user "+loggedInUser!=null?loggedInUser.getUserId():"[not logged in]");
            throw new DotSecurityException("not authorized");

    User user;
    try {
      user = APILocator.getUserAPI().loadUserById(userId,APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(),false);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e);
      return false;
    for(String roleName : roles) {
      try {
        if(, roleName))
          return true;
      } catch (DotDataException e) {
        return false;
    return false;

  public List<Map<String, Object>> getUserCategories(String userId) throws PortalException, SystemException, DotDataException, DotSecurityException {
    UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
    WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
    HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();
    UserProxyAPI userProxyAPI = APILocator.getUserProxyAPI();

    CategoryAPI catAPI = APILocator.getCategoryAPI();
    UserProxy uProxy = userProxyAPI.getUserProxy(userId, uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request), uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));
    List<Category> children = catAPI.getChildren(uProxy, uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request), uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));

    List<Map<String, Object>> toReturn = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();
    for(Category child: children) {

    return toReturn;

  public void updateUserCategories(String userId, String[] categories) throws PortalException, SystemException, DotSecurityException, DotDataException {
    UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
    WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
    HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();
    UserProxyAPI userProxyAPI = APILocator.getUserProxyAPI();

    User user = uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request);
    boolean respectFrontend = uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request);

    CategoryAPI catAPI = APILocator.getCategoryAPI();
    UserProxy userProxy = userProxyAPI.getUserProxy(userId, uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request), uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request));

    List<Category> myUserCategories = catAPI.getChildren(userProxy, user, respectFrontend);
    for (Object o : myUserCategories) {
      if(o instanceof Category && catAPI.canUseCategory((Category)o, user, respectFrontend)){
        catAPI.removeChild(userProxy, (Category)o, user, respectFrontend);
    for(int i = 0;i < categories.length;i++)
      Category category = catAPI.find(categories[i], user, respectFrontend);
        catAPI.addChild(userProxy, category, user, respectFrontend);

  public void updateUserLocale(String userId, String timeZoneId, String languageId) throws DotDataException, PortalException, SystemException, DotSecurityException {
    UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
    WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
    HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();
    UserAPI userAPI = APILocator.getUserAPI();

    User user = uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request);
    boolean respectFrontend = uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request);

    User toUpdate = userAPI.loadUserById(userId, user, respectFrontend);
    toUpdate.setLanguageId(languageId);, user, respectFrontend);


  public void disableUserClicktracking(String userId, boolean disabled) throws PortalException, SystemException, DotSecurityException, DotDataException {

    UserWebAPI uWebAPI = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI();
    WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
    HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();
    UserProxyAPI userProxyAPI = APILocator.getUserProxyAPI();

    User user = uWebAPI.getLoggedInUser(request);
    boolean respectFrontEndRoles = uWebAPI.isLoggedToBackend(request);

    UserProxy toUpdate = userProxyAPI.getUserProxy(userId, user, respectFrontEndRoles);
    userProxyAPI.saveUserProxy(toUpdate, user, respectFrontEndRoles);


  // Helper classes. They implement the template method design pattern.
  private abstract class UsersAndRolesListTemplate {

    protected String inode;
    protected int permissionType;
    protected String filter;
    protected int start;
    protected int limit;
    protected boolean hideSystemRoles;

    public abstract int getRoleCount(boolean hideSystemRoles) throws NoSuchRoleException, SystemException;
    public abstract List<Role> getRoles(boolean hideSystemRoles) throws NoSuchRoleException, SystemException;
    public abstract int getUserCount();
    public abstract List<User> getUsers(int start, int limit);

    public UsersAndRolesListTemplate(String inode, int permissionType, String filter, int start, int limit, boolean hideSystemRoles) {
      this.inode = inode;
      this.permissionType = permissionType;
      this.filter = filter;
      this.start = start;
      this.limit = limit;
      this.hideSystemRoles = hideSystemRoles;

    public Map<String, Object> perform() {

      ArrayList<Map<String, String>> list = null;            // Keeps a list of roles and/or users
      Map<String, Object> results = new HashMap<String, Object>(2)// Keeps the objects in container needed by the Ajax proxy (client-side)
      int totalItemCount = 0;                      // Keeps the grand total of items
                                      // (No. of roles + No. of users)
      List<Role> roles = null;
      List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>();
      int realRoleCount = 0;
      int realUserCount = 0;

      // Step 1. Retrieve roles, beginning from "start" parameter, up to a number of "limit" items, filtered by "filter" parameter.
      try {

        totalItemCount = getRoleCount(hideSystemRoles);
        if( start < totalItemCount ) {
          roles = getRoles(hideSystemRoles);
          realRoleCount = roles.size();

      // Step 2. Retrieve users by matching name for the remaining of page, if needed.

        if( realRoleCount < limit || limit < 0 ) {

          // Since one page should be filled in with up to "limit" number of items, fill the remaining of page with users
          int realStart = start - totalItemCount < 0 ? 0 : start - totalItemCount;
          int realLimit = limit - realRoleCount < 0 ? -1 : limit - realRoleCount;
          users = getUsers(realStart, realLimit);
          realUserCount = users.size();

        totalItemCount += getUserCount();

        // Step 3. Get the CMS Admins
        if(realRoleCount != 0 && (realRoleCount < limit || limit < 0))
          Role CMSAdministratorRole =;
          List<User> CMSAdministrators =;
          String localFilter = filter.toLowerCase();
          for(User administrator : CMSAdministrators)
              if(!users.contains(administrator) && !administrator.getUserId().equals("system"))

          SortTool sortTool = new SortTool();
          users = (List<User>) sortTool.sort(users.toArray(),"firstName");

        catch(Exception ex)
,"couldn't sort the users by first name" + ex.getMessage());

          SortTool sortTool = new SortTool();
          roles = (List<Role>) sortTool.sort(roles.toArray(),"name");

        catch(Exception ex)
,"couldn't sort the roles by name" + ex.getMessage());

        //Step 4. Assemble all of this information into an appropriate container to the view
        if( roles != null || users != null ) {

          int pageSize = realRoleCount + realUserCount;
          list = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(pageSize);

          if( roles != null ) {
            for(Role aRole : roles) {
              Map<String, String> aRecord = new HashMap<String, String>();
              aRecord.put("id", aRole.getId());
              aRecord.put("type", ROLE_TYPE_VALUE);
              aRecord.put("name", aRole.getName());
              aRecord.put("emailaddress", ROLE_TYPE_VALUE);

          if( users != null ) {
            for( User aUser : users ) {
              Map<String, String> aRecord = new HashMap<String, String>();
              String fullName = aUser.getFullName();
              fullName = (UtilMethods.isSet(fullName) ? fullName : " ");
              String emailAddress = aUser.getEmailAddress();
              emailAddress = (UtilMethods.isSet(emailAddress) ? emailAddress : " ");
              aRecord.put("id", aUser.getUserId());
              aRecord.put("type", USER_TYPE_VALUE);
              aRecord.put("name", fullName);
              aRecord.put("emailaddress", emailAddress);

        // No roles nor users retrieved. So create an empty list.
        else {
          list = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(0);
        } //end if

        Collections.sort(list, new Comparator <Map<String, String>>(){

          public int compare(Map<String, String> record1,
              Map<String, String> record2) {

            return record1.get("name").compareTo(record2.get("name"));

      catch(Exception ex) {
          Logger.warn(UsersAndRolesListTemplate.class, "::perform -> Could not process list of roles and users.");
        list = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(0);

      results.put("data", list);
      results.put("total", totalItemCount);

      return results;


  // Helper classes. They implement the template method design pattern.
  private abstract class RolesListTemplate {

    protected String inode;
    protected int permissionType;
    protected String filter;
    protected int start;
    protected int limit;
    protected boolean hideSystemRoles;

    public abstract int getRoleCount(boolean hideSystemRoles) throws NoSuchRoleException, SystemException;
    public abstract List<Role> getRoles(boolean hideSystemRoles) throws NoSuchRoleException, SystemException;

    public RolesListTemplate(String inode, int permissionType, String filter, int start, int limit, boolean hideSystemRoles) {
      this.inode = inode;
      this.permissionType = permissionType;
      this.filter = filter;
      this.start = start;
      this.limit = limit;
      this.hideSystemRoles = hideSystemRoles;

    public Map<String, Object> perform() {

      ArrayList<Map<String, String>> list = null;            // Keeps a list of roles and/or users
      Map<String, Object> results = new HashMap<String, Object>(2)// Keeps the objects in container needed by the Ajax proxy (client-side)
      int totalItemCount = 0;                      // Keeps the grand total of items
                                      // (No. of roles + No. of users)
      List<Role> roles = null;

      int realRoleCount = 0;

      // Step 1. Retrieve roles, beginning from "start" parameter, up to a number of "limit" items, filtered by "filter" parameter.
      try {

        totalItemCount = getRoleCount(hideSystemRoles);
        if( start < totalItemCount ) {
          roles = getRoles(hideSystemRoles);
          realRoleCount = roles.size();

      // Step 2. Retrieve users by matching name for the remaining of page, if needed.

        if( realRoleCount < limit || limit < 0 ) {

          // Since one page should be filled in with up to "limit" number of items, fill the remaining of page with users
          int realStart = start - totalItemCount < 0 ? 0 : start - totalItemCount;
          int realLimit = limit - realRoleCount < 0 ? -1 : limit - realRoleCount;


        // Step 3. Get the CMS Admins
        if(realRoleCount != 0 && (realRoleCount < limit || limit < 0))
          Role CMSAdministratorRole =;
          List<User> CMSAdministrators =;
          String localFilter = filter.toLowerCase();
          for(User administrator : CMSAdministrators)


          SortTool sortTool = new SortTool();

        catch(Exception ex)
,"couldn't sort the users by first name" + ex.getMessage());

          SortTool sortTool = new SortTool();
          roles = (List<Role>) sortTool.sort(roles.toArray(),"name");

        catch(Exception ex)
,"couldn't sort the roles by name" + ex.getMessage());

        //Step 4. Assemble all of this information into an appropriate container to the view
        if( roles != null  ) {

          int pageSize = realRoleCount ;
          list = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(pageSize);

          if( roles != null ) {
            for(Role aRole : roles) {
              Map<String, String> aRecord = new HashMap<String, String>();
              aRecord.put("id", aRole.getId());
              aRecord.put("type", ROLE_TYPE_VALUE);
              aRecord.put("name", aRole.getName());
              aRecord.put("emailaddress", ROLE_TYPE_VALUE);

        // No roles nor users retrieved. So create an empty list.
        else {
          list = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(0);
        } //end if

        Collections.sort(list, new Comparator <Map<String, String>>(){

          public int compare(Map<String, String> record1,
              Map<String, String> record2) {

            return record1.get("name").compareTo(record2.get("name"));

      catch(Exception ex) {
          Logger.warn(UsersAndRolesListTemplate.class, "::perform -> Could not process list of roles");
        list = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(0);

      results.put("data", list);
      results.put("total", totalItemCount);

      return results;

  private abstract class UsersListTemplate {

    protected String inode;
    protected int permissionType;
    protected String filter;
    protected int start;
    protected int limit;

    public abstract int getUserCount();
    public abstract List<User> getUsers();

    public UsersListTemplate(String inode, int permissionType, String filter, int start, int limit) {
      this.inode = inode;
      this.permissionType = permissionType;
      this.filter = filter;
      this.start = start;
      this.limit = limit;

    public Map<String, Object> perform() {

      ArrayList<Map<String, String>> list = null;            // Keeps a list of users
      Map<String, Object> results = new HashMap<String, Object>(2)// Keeps the objects in container needed by the Ajax proxy (client-side)
      int totalItemCount = 0;                      // Keeps the grand total of items
                                      // (No. of users)
      List<User> users = null;
      int realUserCount = 0;

      // Step 1. Retrieve users, beginning from "start" parameter, up to a number of "limit" items, filtered by "filter" parameter.
      try {

        totalItemCount = getUserCount();
        if( start < totalItemCount ) {
          users = getUsers();
          realUserCount = users.size();

      // Step 2. Assemble all of this information into an appropriate container to the view
        if( users != null ) {

          int pageSize = realUserCount;
          list = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(pageSize);

          for( User aUser : users ) {
            Map<String, String> aRecord = new HashMap<String, String>();
            String fullName = aUser.getFullName();
            fullName = (UtilMethods.isSet(fullName) ? fullName : " ");
            String emailAddress = aUser.getEmailAddress();
            emailAddress = (UtilMethods.isSet(emailAddress) ? emailAddress : " ");
            aRecord.put("id", aUser.getUserId());
            aRecord.put("type", USER_TYPE_VALUE);
            aRecord.put("name", fullName);
        // No users retrieved. So create an empty list.
        else {
          list = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(0);
        } //end if
      catch(Exception ex) {
          Logger.warn(UserAjax.class, "::processUsersList -> Could not process list of users.");
        list = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(0);

      results.put("data", list);
      results.put("total", totalItemCount);

      return results;



  private User getUser() throws PortalException, SystemException {
    WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
    HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();
    User user = WebAPILocator.getUserWebAPI().getLoggedInUser(request);
    return user;


Related Classes of com.dotmarketing.portlets.user.ajax.UserAjax

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