package com.dotmarketing.osgi;
import com.dotmarketing.util.Logger;
import java.lang.instrument.ClassDefinition;
import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
* Created by Jonathan Gamba
* Date: 1/31/13
public class UrlOsgiClassLoader extends URLClassLoader {
Instrumentation instrumentation;
private ClassLoader mainClassLoader;
private Collection<URL> urls;
private Collection<OSGIClassTransformer> transformers;
private Long bundleId;
private HashMap<String, byte[]> originalByteCodes;
public UrlOsgiClassLoader ( URL url, ClassLoader mainClassLoader, Long bundleId ) throws Exception {
super( new URL[] { url }, null );
transformers = new ArrayList<>();
originalByteCodes = new HashMap<>();
urls = new ArrayList<>();
urls.add( url );
this.bundleId = bundleId;
//Find and set the instrumentation object
instrumentation = findInstrumentation();
//Set our main class loader in order to use it in case we don't find a reference to a class we need to load
this.mainClassLoader = mainClassLoader;
public Class<?> loadClass ( String name ) throws ClassNotFoundException {
try {
return super.loadClass( name );
} catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
return mainClassLoader.loadClass( name );
public Class<?> findClass ( String name ) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return super.findClass( name );
public synchronized Class loadClass ( String name, boolean resolve ) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return super.loadClass( name, resolve );
protected void addURL ( URL url ) {
if ( !urls.contains( url ) ) {
urls.add( url );
super.addURL( url );
public Boolean contains ( URL url ) {
return urls.contains( url );
* Reload all the loaded classes of this custom class loader, by reload we mean to redefine those classes.
* @throws Exception
public void reload () throws Exception {
for ( URL url : urls ) {
reload( url );
public void reload ( URL url ) throws Exception {
reload( url, false );
* Reload all the loaded classes of this custom class loader of a given url, by reload we mean to redefine those classes.
* @throws Exception
public void reload ( URL url, Boolean restoreOriginal ) throws Exception {
Remove our custom class loader from the dotCMS class loaders hierarchy in order to avoid problems redefining
a class that should not even be loaded like the Activator or any class that should live just in the context
of the OSGI plugin.
File jarFile = new File( url.toURI() );
JarFile jar = new JarFile( jarFile );
Enumeration resources = jar.entries();
while ( resources.hasMoreElements() ) {
//We will try to redefine class by class
JarEntry entry = (JarEntry) resources.nextElement();
if ( !entry.isDirectory() && entry.getName().contains( ".class" ) ) {
String className = entry.getName().replace( "/", "." ).replace( ".class", "" );
//We just want to redefine loaded classes, we don't want to load something that will not be use it
Class currentClass = searchClassForReloading( className );
if ( currentClass != null ) {
try {
byte[] byteCode = null;
if ( restoreOriginal ) {
//Get the original implementation for this class in order to restore it to its original state
byteCode = originalByteCodes.get( className );
} else {
//Save the original implementation of this class before to redefine it
if ( !originalByteCodes.containsKey( className ) ) {
InputStream originalIn = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream originalOut = null;
try {
originalIn = currentClass.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( entry.getName() );
if ( originalIn == null ) {
originalIn = this.getResourceAsStream( entry.getName() );
originalOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int length;
while ( (length = buffer )) > 0 ) {
originalOut.write( buffer, 0, length );
originalByteCodes.put( className, originalOut.toByteArray() );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger.error( this, "Error reading resource [ " + entry.getName() + "]", e );
} finally {
if ( originalIn != null ) {
if ( originalOut != null ) {
//Read the implementation we want to use to redefine the class
InputStream in = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream out = null;
try {
in = jar.getInputStream( entry );
out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int length;
while ( (length = buffer )) > 0 ) {
out.write( buffer, 0, length );
byteCode = out.toByteArray();
} finally {
if ( in != null ) {
if ( out != null ) {
if ( byteCode != null ) {
//Remove any old transformer created to redefined this class
Iterator<OSGIClassTransformer> transformerIterator = transformers.iterator();
while ( transformerIterator.hasNext() ) {
OSGIClassTransformer osgiClassTransformer =;
String classToTransform = className.replace( '.', '/' );
if ( osgiClassTransformer.getClassName().equals( classToTransform ) ) {
instrumentation.removeTransformer( osgiClassTransformer );
//Creates our transformer, a class that will allows to redefine a class content
OSGIClassTransformer transformer = new OSGIClassTransformer( className, currentClass.getClassLoader() );
//Adding the transformer
transformers.add( transformer );
instrumentation.addTransformer( transformer, true );
//And finally redefine the class
ClassDefinition classDefinition = new ClassDefinition( currentClass, byteCode );
instrumentation.redefineClasses( classDefinition );
} catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
//If the class has not been loaded we don't need to redefine it
//Link again the class loaders
* Search for a given class. This method will be call it when a class needs to be reload it, in order to do that
* we will search first on the main classLoader (dotCMS ClassLoader) and if the class is not loaded and exist in dotCMS we
* want to load it to redefine it with our implementation or changes.
* @param className
* @return
private Class searchClassForReloading ( String className ) {
Class foundClass;
try {
//First let search this class in the main dotCMS class loader
foundClass = mainClassLoader.loadClass( className );
} catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
foundClass = findLoadedClass( className );
return foundClass;
* In order to inject an OSGI bundle class code inside dotCMS context it is required to insert our
* custom class loader with the OSGI bundle classes inside the dotCMS class loaders hierarchy.
* @throws Exception
public void linkClassLoaders () throws Exception {
//Search for the top class loader in the dotCMS class loaders hierarchy
ClassLoader topClassLoader = findTopLoader( ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() );
//Inject our custom class loader
Field parentLoaderField = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredField( "parent" );
parentLoaderField.setAccessible( true );
parentLoaderField.set( topClassLoader, this );
parentLoaderField.setAccessible( false );
* Remove our custom class loader from the dotCMS class loaders hierarchy.
* @throws Exception
public void unlinkClassLoaders () throws Exception {
//Search for the top class loader in the dotCMS class loaders hierarchy
ClassLoader topClassLoader = findTopLoader( ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() );
//Remove our custom class loader
Field parentLoaderField = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredField( "parent" );
parentLoaderField.setAccessible( true );
parentLoaderField.set( topClassLoader, this.getParent() );//We will remove this class loader from the way
parentLoaderField.setAccessible( false );
* Search for the top class loader in the dotCMS class loaders hierarchy
* @param loader base class loader
* @return The class loader at the top of the dotCMS class loaders hierarchy
private ClassLoader findTopLoader ( ClassLoader loader ) {
if ( loader.getParent() == null ) {
return loader;
} else {
if ( loader.getParent() instanceof UrlOsgiClassLoader
&& ((UrlOsgiClassLoader) loader.getParent()).getBundleId().equals( this.getBundleId() ) ) {
return loader;
} else {
return findTopLoader( loader.getParent() );
public void close () throws IOException {
//Remove any transformer defined on this class loader
Iterator<OSGIClassTransformer> transformerIterator = transformers.iterator();
while ( transformerIterator.hasNext() ) {
OSGIClassTransformer osgiClassTransformer =;
instrumentation.removeTransformer( osgiClassTransformer );
public Long getBundleId () {
return bundleId;
public void setBundleId ( Long bundleId ) {
this.bundleId = bundleId;
* We need to access to the instrumentation (This class provides services needed to instrument Java programming language code.
* Instrumentation is the addition of byte-codes to methods for the purpose of gathering data to be
* utilized by tools, or on this case to modify on run time classes content in order to reload them.)
* @return an Instrumentation instance
* @throws Exception
public Instrumentation findInstrumentation () throws Exception {
//Find the instrumentation object
MemoryMeter mm = new MemoryMeter();
Field instrumentationField = MemoryMeter.class.getDeclaredField( "instrumentation" );//We need to access it using reflection
instrumentationField.setAccessible( true );
Instrumentation instrumentation = (Instrumentation) instrumentationField.get( mm );
instrumentationField.setAccessible( false );
return instrumentation;
public URL[] getURLs () {
return new URL[] { };