package com.dotmarketing.factories;
//import com.dotmarketing.threads.DeliverNewsletterThread;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.velocity.Template;
import org.apache.velocity.context.Context;
import org.apache.velocity.exception.MethodInvocationException;
import org.apache.velocity.exception.ParseErrorException;
import org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException;
import com.dotmarketing.beans.Host;
import com.dotmarketing.beans.UserProxy;
import com.dotmarketing.cms.factories.PublicAddressFactory;
import com.dotmarketing.cms.factories.PublicCompanyFactory;
import com.dotmarketing.cms.factories.PublicEncryptionFactory;
import com.dotmarketing.db.HibernateUtil;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotDataException;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotHibernateException;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotRuntimeException;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotSecurityException;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.WebAssetException;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.contentlet.model.Contentlet;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.folders.model.Folder;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.mailinglists.factories.MailingListFactory;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.mailinglists.model.MailingList;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.webforms.model.WebForm;
import com.dotmarketing.util.Config;
import com.dotmarketing.util.FormSpamFilter;
import com.dotmarketing.util.InodeUtils;
import com.dotmarketing.util.Logger;
import com.dotmarketing.util.Mailer;
import com.dotmarketing.util.Parameter;
import com.dotmarketing.util.UtilMethods;
import com.dotmarketing.util.VelocityUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.PortalException;
import com.liferay.portal.SystemException;
import com.liferay.portal.language.LanguageException;
import com.liferay.portal.language.LanguageUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.model.Address;
import com.liferay.portal.model.Company;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;
import com.liferay.util.FileUtil;
* @author $author$
* @version $Revision: 1.10 $
public class EmailFactory {
private static Long emailTime = new Long(System.currentTimeMillis());
* Rewrites urls to point back to the redirection servlet to track links
* and then calls the alterBodyHtmlAbsolutizePaths method
public static StringBuffer alterBodyHTML(StringBuffer HTML, String serverName) {
return new StringBuffer(alterBodyHTML(HTML.toString(), serverName));
public static String alterBodyHTML(String HTML, String serverName) {
//This is the new Regular Expression for white spaces ([ .\r\n&&[^>]]*)
// Replacing links "a href" like tags axcluding the mail to links
HTML = HTML.replaceAll("(?i)(?s)<a[^>]+href=\"([^/(http://)(https://)(#)(mailto:\")])(.*)\"[^>]*>",
"<a href=\"http://$1$2\">");
HTML = HTML.replaceAll(
"(?i)(?s)<a href=\"([^#])([^>]+)\"[^>]*>(.*?)</[^>]*a[^>]*>",
"<a href=\"http://"
+ serverName
//+ "/redirect?r=<rId>&redir=$1\">$2</a>")
+ "/redirect?r=<rId>&redir=$1$2\">$3</a>")
.replaceAll("<a href=\"http://" + serverName + "/redirect\\?r=<rId>&redir=(mailto:[^\"]+)\">", "<a href=\"$1\">");
HTML = alterBodyHtmlAbsolutizePaths(HTML, serverName);
return HTML;
* Change all the relative paths in the email body to absolute paths
public static StringBuffer alterBodyHtmlAbsolutizePaths(StringBuffer HTML, String serverName)
return new StringBuffer(alterBodyHtmlAbsolutizePaths(HTML.toString(), serverName));
public static String alterBodyHtmlAbsolutizePaths(String HTML, String serverName)
String message = HTML;
//Replacing links "TD background" like tags
message = message
+ serverName
+ "$2\"$3>");
// Replacing links "TR background" like tags
message = message
+ serverName
+ "$2\"$3>");
// Replacing links "IMG SRC" like tags
message = message.replaceAll(
"<img$1src=\"http://" + serverName
+ "$2\"$3>");
// Replacing links "A HREF" like tags
message = message
+ serverName
+ "$2\"$3>");
// Replacing links "SCRIPT" like tags
message = message
+ serverName
+ "$2\"$3>");
// Replacing links "APPLET" with codebase like tags
message = message
+ serverName
+ "$2\"$3>");
// Replacing links "APPLET" without codebase like tags
message = message
+ serverName
+ "$4\"$5>");
// Replacing links "IFRAME" src replacement
message = message
+ serverName
+ "$2\"$3>");
// Replacing links "IFRAME" longdesc replacement
message = message
+ serverName
+ "$2\"$3>");
// Replacing links "FRAME" src replacement
message = message
+ serverName
+ "$2\"$3>");
// Replacing links "FRAME" longdesc replacement
message = message
+ serverName
+ "$2\"$3>");
// Replacing some style URLs
message = message
+ serverName
+ "$3)$4\"$5>");
// Fixing absolute paths
message = message.replaceAll("http://"
+ serverName + "\\s*http://",
return message;
* Sends the forgot password email with the new random generated password
* @throws DotSecurityException
* @throws DotDataException
public static boolean sendForgotPassword(User user, String newPassword, String hostId) throws DotDataException, DotSecurityException {
HostAPI hostAPI = APILocator.getHostAPI();
// build a decent default context
Context context = VelocityUtil.getBasicContext();
context.put("user", user);
context.put("UtilMethods", new UtilMethods());
context.put("language", "1");
context.put("password", newPassword);
Host host = hostAPI.find(hostId, user, true);
context.put("host", host);
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
String idInode = APILocator.getIdentifierAPI().find(host, Config
try {
String message = "";
try {
Template t = UtilMethods.getVelocityTemplate("live/"+ idInode+ "."+ Config.getStringProperty("VELOCITY_HTMLPAGE_EXTENSION"));
t.merge(context, writer);
.debug(EmailFactory.class, "writer:"
+ writer.getBuffer());
message = writer.toString().trim();
} catch (ResourceNotFoundException ex) {
message = "<center><b>And error has ocurred loading de message's page<b></center>";
Mailer m = new Mailer();
m.setSubject("Your " + host.getHostname() + " Password");
return m.sendMessage();
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.warn(EmailFactory.class, e.toString(), e);
return false;
public static boolean isSubscribed(MailingList list, User s){
UserProxy up;
try {
up =,APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), false);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(EmailFactory.class, e.getMessage(), e);
throw new DotRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
return MailingListFactory.isSubscribed(list, up);
* Send emails based on the parameters given to the method, basically is used
* to send emails based on parameters received html forms but it can be used
* to send emails using parameters that come form any source
* Some parameters are required and need to be passed in order the method to work
* correctly, here it is the description of the predefined parameters and when they are
* required or not:
* formType/formName: The name of the form used to generate the reports and to save the files submitted
* as parameters, so if no formType or formName is supplied then no report
* or files will be saved.
* to: Email address where the email will be sent
* from: Email address will be used as the from address
* subject: Subject of the email
* cc: Carbon copy of the email
* bcc: Hidden carbon copy of the email
* html: Set it to false|0|f if you don't want to send an html kind of email
* dispatch: Not used reserved for struts processing
* order: Order how you want to present the parameters, the valid syntax of this
* parameter is like: param1,param2,...
* prettyOrder: This property goes together with the order property to specify
* prettiest names to the parameters, these prettiest names are used
* when building the simple html table e-mail
* ignore: Parameters you want to exclude from the email sent, the valid syntax of this
* parameter is like ;param1;param2;..., this is only used when building the
* simple html table email body and not when building the email from a given template
* emailTemplate: The path to the email template to be used to generate the email
* it can be a path in the dotCMS tree or a real path in the server file system
* under /liferay folder, dotCMS paths take precedence over filesystem paths
* attachFiles: A comma separated list of the file kind of fields you want the method include as
* attachments to the email to send
* If the following parameters are included an auto reply message will be send
* to the from email
* autoReplyFrom: Address to be used as the from
* autoReplySubject: Subject of the message
* autoReplyText: Message to send
* autoReplyTemplate: A path to an html template that can be used to generate this message
* it can be a path in the dotCMS tree or a real path in the server file system
* under /liferay folder
* @param parameters A map of the submitted fields, any kind of parameter can
* be used and will be passed to the email template to render the email body text used when
* sending the email but only string or file kind parameters will be used to generate the database
* reports and generate plain table html table like body text when no html template is passed
* in the parameters
* @param spamValidation List of fields that wants to be checked for possible spam
* @param otherIgnoredParams A list of other fields (more than the default ones) that you want to
* be excluded from the list of fields to be sent in the email
* @param host Current dotCMS host used to submit the form
* @param user User how submits the form (can be null then the user parameters won't be excluded
* on the template substitution)
* @return The saved webform if a formType/formName parameter is specified if not returns null.
* @throws DotRuntimeException when spam is detected or any other mayor error occurs
* CreditCardDeniedException when the credit card gets denied
public static WebForm sendParameterizedEmail(Map<String,Object> parameters, Set<String> spamValidation,
Host host, User user) throws DotRuntimeException
// check for possible spam
if(spamValidation != null)
if (FormSpamFilter.isSpamRequest(parameters, spamValidation)) {
throw new DotRuntimeException("Spam detected");
//Variables initialization
//Default parameters to be ignored when sending the email
String ignoreString = ":formType:formName:to:from:subject:cc:bcc:html:dispatch:order:" +
"prettyOrder:autoReplyTo:autoReplyFrom:autoReplyText:autoReplySubject:" +
if(UtilMethods.isSet(getMapValue("ignore", parameters))) {
ignoreString += getMapValue("ignore", parameters).toString().replace(",", ":") + ":";
// Sort the forms' fields by the given order parameter
String order = (String)getMapValue("order", parameters);
Map<String, Object> orderedMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
// Parameter prettyOrder is used to map
// the pretty names of the variables used in the order field
// E.G: order = firstName, lastName
// prettyOrder = First Name, Last Name
String prettyOrder = (String)getMapValue("prettyOrder", parameters);
Map<String, String> prettyVariableNamesMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
// Parameter attachFiles is used to specify the file kind of fields you want to attach
// to the mail is sent by this method
// E.G: attachFiles = file1, file2, ...
String attachFiles = (String)getMapValue("attachFiles", parameters);
//Building the parameters maps from the order and pretty order parameters
if (order != null) {
String[] orderArr = order.split("[;,]");
String[] prettyOrderArr = prettyOrder!=null?prettyOrder.split("[;,]"):new String[0];
for (int i = 0; i < orderArr.length; i++) {
String orderParam = orderArr[i].trim();
Object value = (getMapValue(orderParam, parameters) == null) ?
null : getMapValue(orderParam, parameters);
if(value != null) {
//if pretty name is passed using it as a key value in the ordered map
if (prettyOrderArr.length > i)
prettyVariableNamesMap.put(orderArr[i].trim(), prettyOrderArr[i].trim());
prettyVariableNamesMap.put(orderArr[i].trim(), orderArr[i].trim());
orderedMap.put(orderArr[i].trim(), value);
for (Entry<String, Object> param : parameters.entrySet()) {
if(!orderedMap.containsKey(param.getKey())) {
orderedMap.put(param.getKey(), param.getValue());
prettyVariableNamesMap.put(param.getKey(), param.getKey());
StringBuffer filesLinks = new StringBuffer();
// Saving the form in the database and the submitted file to the dotCMS
String formType = getMapValue("formType", parameters) != null?
(String)getMapValue("formType", parameters):(String)getMapValue("formName", parameters);
WebForm formBean = saveFormBean(parameters, host, formType, ignoreString, filesLinks);
// Setting up the email
// Email variables - decrypting crypted email addresses
String from = UtilMethods.replace((String)getMapValue("from", parameters), "spamx", "");
String to = UtilMethods.replace((String)getMapValue("to", parameters), "spamx", "");
String cc = UtilMethods.replace((String)getMapValue("cc", parameters), "spamx", "");
String bcc = UtilMethods.replace((String)getMapValue("bcc", parameters), "spamx", "");
String fromName = UtilMethods.replace((String)getMapValue("fromName", parameters), "spamx", "");
try { from = PublicEncryptionFactory.decryptString(from); } catch (Exception e) { }
try { to = PublicEncryptionFactory.decryptString(to); } catch (Exception e) { }
try { cc = PublicEncryptionFactory.decryptString(cc); } catch (Exception e) { }
try { bcc = PublicEncryptionFactory.decryptString(bcc); } catch (Exception e) { }
try { fromName = PublicEncryptionFactory.decryptString(fromName); } catch (Exception e) { }
String subject = (String)getMapValue("subject", parameters);
subject = (subject == null) ? "Mail from " + host.getHostname() + "" : subject;
String emailFolder = (String)getMapValue("emailFolder", parameters);
boolean html = getMapValue("html", parameters) != null?Parameter.getBooleanFromString((String)getMapValue("html", parameters)):true;
String templatePath = (String) getMapValue("emailTemplate", parameters);
// Building email message no template
Map<String, String> emailBodies = null;
try {
emailBodies = buildEmail(templatePath, host, orderedMap, prettyVariableNamesMap, filesLinks.toString(), ignoreString, user);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(EmailFactory.class, "sendForm: Couldn't build the email body text.", e);
throw new DotRuntimeException("sendForm: Couldn't build the email body text.", e);
// Saving email backup in a file
try {
String filePath = FileUtil.getRealPath(Config.getStringProperty("EMAIL_BACKUPS"));
new File(filePath).mkdir();
File file = null;
synchronized (emailTime) {
emailTime = new Long(emailTime.longValue() + 1);
if (UtilMethods.isSet(emailFolder)) {
new File(filePath + File.separator + emailFolder).mkdir();
filePath = filePath + File.separator + emailFolder;
file = new File(filePath + File.separator + emailTime.toString()
+ ".html");
if (file != null) { os = new;
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(os);
if(emailBodies.get("emailHTMLBody") != null)
else if(emailBodies.get("emailHTMLTableBody") != null)
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.warn(EmailFactory.class, "sendForm: Couldn't save the email backup in " + Config.getStringProperty("EMAIL_BACKUPS"));
// send the mail out;
Mailer m = new Mailer();
if (html) {
//Attaching files requested to be attached to the email
if(attachFiles != null) {
attachFiles = "," + attachFiles.replaceAll("\\s", "") + ",";
for(Entry<String, Object> entry : parameters.entrySet()) {
if(entry.getValue() instanceof File && attachFiles.indexOf("," + entry.getKey() + ",") > -1) {
File f = (File)entry.getValue();
m.addAttachment(f, entry.getKey() + "." + UtilMethods.getFileExtension(f.getName()));
if (m.sendMessage()) {
// there is an auto reply, send it on
if ((UtilMethods.isSet((String)getMapValue("autoReplyTemplate", parameters)) ||
UtilMethods.isSet((String)getMapValue("autoReplyText", parameters)))
&& UtilMethods.isSet((String)getMapValue("autoReplySubject", parameters))
&& UtilMethods.isSet((String)getMapValue("autoReplyFrom", parameters))) {
templatePath = (String) getMapValue("autoReplyTemplate", parameters);
if(UtilMethods.isSet(templatePath)) {
try {
emailBodies = buildEmail(templatePath, host, orderedMap, prettyVariableNamesMap, filesLinks.toString(), ignoreString, user);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(EmailFactory.class, "sendForm: Couldn't build the auto reply email body text. Sending plain text.", e);
m = new Mailer();
String autoReplyTo = (String)(getMapValue("autoReplyTo", parameters) == null?getMapValue("from", parameters):getMapValue("autoReplyTo", parameters));
m.setToEmail(UtilMethods.replace(autoReplyTo, "spamx", ""));
m.setFromEmail(UtilMethods.replace((String)getMapValue("autoReplyFrom", parameters), "spamx", ""));
m.setSubject((String)getMapValue("autoReplySubject", parameters));
String autoReplyText = (String)getMapValue("autoReplyText", parameters);
boolean autoReplyHtml = getMapValue("autoReplyHtml", parameters) != null?Parameter.getBooleanFromString((String)getMapValue("autoReplyHtml", parameters)):html;
if (autoReplyText != null)
m.setHTMLBody((String)getMapValue("autoReplyText", parameters));
} else {
m.setTextBody((String)getMapValue("autoReplyText", parameters));
if (autoReplyHtml)
} else {
if(formBean != null){
try {
} catch (DotHibernateException e) {
Logger.error(EmailFactory.class, e.getMessage(), e);
throw new DotRuntimeException("Unable to send the email");
return formBean;
public static Map<String, String> buildEmail(String templatePath, Host host, Map<String,Object> parameters,
Map<String, String> prettyParametersNamesMap, String filesLinks, String ignoreString, User user)
throws WebAssetException, ResourceNotFoundException, ParseErrorException, MethodInvocationException, IOException, DotDataException, DotSecurityException, PortalException, SystemException
StringBuffer emailHTMLBody = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer emailHTMLTableBody = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer emailPlainTextBody = new StringBuffer();
//Case when a html page template is passed as parameter
String idInode = APILocator.getIdentifierAPI().find(host,templatePath).getInode();
Template t = null;
try {
if(InodeUtils.isSet(idInode)) {
t = UtilMethods.getVelocityTemplate("live/"+ idInode+ "."+ Config.getStringProperty("VELOCITY_HTMLPAGE_EXTENSION"));
} else {
t = UtilMethods.getVelocityTemplate(templatePath);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (t != null) {
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) parameters.get("request");
HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) parameters.get("response");
Context context = null;
if(InodeUtils.isSet(idInode) && request != null && response != null)
context = VelocityUtil.getWebContext(request,response);
context = VelocityUtil.getBasicContext();
//Copying the parameters to the context
for(Entry<String, Object> entry : parameters.entrySet()) {
Object value = getMapValue(entry.getKey(), parameters);
if(entry.getKey().equals("ccNumber") && value instanceof String) {
value = (String)UtilMethods.obfuscateCreditCard((String)value);
if(entry.getKey().contains("cvv") && value instanceof String) {
String valueString = (String)value;
if(valueString.length() > 3){
value = (String)UtilMethods.obfuscateString(valueString,2);
else {
value = (String)UtilMethods.obfuscateString(valueString,1);
context.put(entry.getKey(), value);
context.put("utilMethods", new UtilMethods());
context.put("UtilMethods", new UtilMethods());
context.put("host", host);
if(user != null)
context.put("user", user);
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
//Rendering the html template with the parameters
t.merge(context, writer);
String textVar = writer.toString();
emailHTMLBody = new StringBuffer(alterBodyHtmlAbsolutizePaths(replaceTextVar(textVar, parameters, user), host.getHostname()));
String subject = (String)getMapValue("subject", parameters);
subject = (subject == null) ? "Mail from " + host.getHostname(): subject;
emailHTMLTableBody.append("<TABLE bgcolor=eeeeee width=95%>");
emailHTMLTableBody.append("<TR><TD colspan=2><strong>Information from "
+ host.getHostname() + ": " + subject
+ "</strong></TD></TR>");
emailPlainTextBody.append("Information from " + host.getHostname()
+ ": \t" + subject + "\n\n");
// Loop over the request Map or the ordered Map
Iterator<Entry<String,Object>> it = parameters.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Entry<String, Object> e = (Entry<String, Object>);
String key = e.getKey();
Object mapvalue = getMapValue(key, parameters);
if (mapvalue instanceof String) {
String value = (String)mapvalue;
if(key.equals("ccNumber") && value instanceof String) {
value = (String)UtilMethods.obfuscateCreditCard((String)value);
if(key.contains("cvv") && value instanceof String) {
String valueString = (String)value;
if(valueString.length() > 3){
value = (String)UtilMethods.obfuscateString(valueString,2);
else {
value = (String)UtilMethods.obfuscateString(valueString,1);
if (ignoreString.indexOf(":" + key + ":") < 0 && UtilMethods.isSet(value)) {
String prettyKey = prettyParametersNamesMap.get(key);
String capKey = prettyKey != null?prettyKey:UtilMethods.capitalize(key);
emailHTMLTableBody.append("<TR><TD bgcolor=white valign=top nowrap> " + capKey + " </TD>");
emailHTMLTableBody.append("<TD bgcolor=white valign=top width=100%>" + value + "</TD></TR>");
emailPlainTextBody.append(capKey + ":\t" + value + "\n");
if (UtilMethods.isSet(filesLinks)) {
emailHTMLTableBody.append("<TR><TD bgcolor=white valign=top nowrap> Files </TD>");
emailHTMLTableBody.append("<TD bgcolor=white valign=top width=100%>" + filesLinks + "</TD></TR>");
emailPlainTextBody.append("Files:\t" + filesLinks + "\n");
Map<String, String> returnMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
returnMap.put("emailHTMLBody", emailHTMLBody.toString());
returnMap.put("emailHTMLTableBody", emailHTMLTableBody.toString());
returnMap.put("emailPlainTextBody", emailPlainTextBody.toString());
return returnMap;
private static WebForm saveFormBean (Map<String, Object> parameters, Host host, String formType, String ignoreString, StringBuffer filesLinks) {
//Fields predefined for the form reports
String predefinedFields = ":prefix:title:firstName:middleInitial:middleName:lastName:fullName:organization:address:address1:address2:city:state:zip:country:phone:email:";
//Return variable
WebForm formBean = new WebForm();
// Copy the common fields set in the form
try {
for (Entry<String, Object> param : parameters.entrySet()) {
BeanUtils.setProperty(formBean, param.getKey(), getMapValue(param.getKey(), parameters));
} catch (Exception e1) {
Logger.error(EmailFactory.class, "sendForm: Error ocurred trying to copy the form bean parameters", e1);
try {;
} catch (DotHibernateException e) {
Logger.error(EmailFactory.class, e.getMessage(), e);
String formId = formBean.getWebFormId();
// Loop over the request Map or the ordered Map to set the custom
// fields and also saving the submitted files
StringBuffer customFields = new StringBuffer();
Set<Entry<String, Object>> paramSet = parameters.entrySet();
for (Entry<String, Object> param : paramSet) {
String key = (String) param.getKey();
String value = null;
Object paramValue = getMapValue(key, parameters);
if (paramValue instanceof File) {
File f = (File) param.getValue();
String submittedFileName = f.getName();
String fileName = key + "." + UtilMethods.getFileExtension(submittedFileName);
if(getMapValue(fileName.substring(4, key.length()) + "FName", parameters) != null) {
fileName = getMapValue(fileName.substring(4, key.length()) + "FName", parameters) +
"." + UtilMethods.getFileExtension(submittedFileName);
//Saving the file
try {
if(f.exists()) {
String filesFolder = getMapValue("formFolder", parameters) instanceof String?(String)getMapValue("formFolder", parameters):null;
String fileLink = saveFormFile(formId, formType, fileName, f, host, filesFolder);
filesLinks.append(filesLinks.toString().equals("")? "http://" + host.getHostname() + fileLink : ",http://" + host.getHostname() + fileLink);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(EmailFactory.class, "sendForm: couldn't saved the submitted file into the cms = " + fileName, e);
try {
} catch (DotHibernateException e1) {
Logger.error(EmailFactory.class, e1.getMessage(), e1);
throw new DotRuntimeException("sendForm: couldn't saved the submitted file into the cms = " + fileName, e);
} else if (paramValue instanceof String)
value = (String)paramValue;
List<String> cFields = new ArrayList<String>();
if (predefinedFields.indexOf(":" + key + ":") < 0
&& ignoreString.indexOf(":" + key + ":") < 0
&& UtilMethods.isSet(value)) {
value = value.replaceAll("\\|", " ").replaceAll("=", " ");
value = UtilMethods.obfuscateCreditCard(value);
String capKey = UtilMethods.capitalize(key);
int aux = 2;
String capKeyAux = capKey;
while (cFields.contains(capKeyAux)) {
capKeyAux = capKey + aux;
String cField = capKeyAux + "=" + value;
customFields.append(cField + "|");
customFields.append("Files=" + filesLinks);
//Setting the custom fields and saving them
formBean.setSubmitDate(new Date());
try {
} catch (DotHibernateException e) {
throw new DotRuntimeException("Webform Save Failed");
Logger.debug(EmailFactory.class, "The web form doesn't have the required formType field, the form data will not be saved in the database.");
return formBean;
private static String getFormFileFolderPath (String formType, String formInode) {
String path = Config.getStringProperty("SAVED_UPLOAD_FILES_PATH")
+ "/" + formType.replace(" ", "_") + "/"
+ String.valueOf(formInode).substring(0, 1) + "/" + formInode;
return path;
private static String saveFormFile (String formInode, String formType,
String fileName, File fileToSave, Host currentHost, String filesFolder) throws Exception {
FileAPI fileAPI=APILocator.getFileAPI();
String path;
if(filesFolder != null)
path = filesFolder;
path = getFormFileFolderPath(formType, formInode);
Folder folder = APILocator.getFolderAPI().createFolders(path, currentHost, APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), false);
String baseFilename = fileName;
int c = 1;
while(fileAPI.fileNameExists(folder, fileName)) {
fileName = UtilMethods.getFileName(baseFilename) + "-" + c + "." + UtilMethods.getFileExtension(baseFilename);
Host host = APILocator.getHostAPI().find(folder.getHostId(), APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), false);
while(APILocator.getFileAssetAPI().fileNameExists(host,folder, fileName, "")) {
fileName = UtilMethods.getFileName(baseFilename) + "-" + c + "." + UtilMethods.getFileExtension(baseFilename);
Contentlet cont = new Contentlet();
cont.setStringProperty(FileAssetAPI.TITLE_FIELD, UtilMethods.getFileName(fileName));
cont.setBinary(FileAssetAPI.BINARY_FIELD, fileToSave);
APILocator.getContentletAPI().checkin(cont, APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(),false);
return path + "/" + fileName;
private static String replaceTextVar(String template, Map<String, Object> parameters, User user)
String finalMessageStr = template;
Set<String> keys = parameters.keySet();
for(String key : keys)
if(getMapValue(key, parameters) instanceof String) {
String value = (String)getMapValue(key, parameters);
value = (value != null ? value : "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))/"+ key +"(>|(>))", "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))" + key + "(\")?( )*/*( )*(>|(>))",value);
Address address = new Address();
try {
List<Address> adds = PublicAddressFactory.getAddressesByUserId(user.getUserId());
if (adds != null && adds.size() > 0) {
address = (Address) adds.get(0);
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(EmailFactory.class, "Send To Friend Failed" + e);
//Variables replacement from user object
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))/varName(>|(>))", "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))varName(\")?( )*/*( )*(>|(>))", (user.getFirstName()!=null) ? user.getFirstName() : "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))/varEmail(>|(>))", "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))varEmail(\")?( )*/*( )*(>|(>))", (user.getEmailAddress()!=null) ? user.getEmailAddress() : "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))/varMiddleName(>|(>))", "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))varMiddleName(\")?( )*/*( )*(>|(>))", (user.getMiddleName()!=null) ? user.getMiddleName() : "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))/varLastName(>|(>))", "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))varLastName(\")?( )*/*( )*(>|(>))", (user.getLastName()!=null) ? user.getLastName() : "");
UserProxy userproxy;
try {
userproxy =,APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), false);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(EmailFactory.class, e.getMessage(), e);
throw new DotRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))/varLastMessage(>|(>))", "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))varLastMessage(\")?( )*/*( )*(>|(>))", (userproxy.getLastMessage()!=null) ? userproxy.getLastMessage() : "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))/varAddress1(>|(>))", "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))varAddress1(\")?( )*/*( )*(>|(>))", (address.getStreet1()!=null) ? address.getStreet1() : "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))/varAddress2(>|(>))", "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))varAddress2(\")?( )*/*( )*(>|(>))", (address.getStreet2()!=null) ? address.getStreet2() : "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))/varPhone(>|(>))", "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))varPhone(\")?( )*/*( )*(>|(>))", (address.getPhone()!=null) ? address.getPhone() : "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))/varState(>|(>))", "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))varState(\")?( )*/*( )*(>|(>))", (address.getState()!=null) ? address.getState() : "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))/varCity(>|(>))", "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))varCity(\")?( )*/*( )*(>|(>))", (address.getCity()!=null) ? address.getCity() : "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))/varCountry(>|(>))", "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))varCountry(\")?( )*/*( )*(>|(>))", (address.getCountry()!=null) ? address.getCountry() : "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))/varZip(>|(>))", "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))varZip(\")?( )*/*( )*(>|(>))", (address.getZip()!=null) ? address.getZip() : "");
//gets default company to get locale
Company comp = PublicCompanyFactory.getDefaultCompany();
try {
int varCounter = 1;
for (;varCounter < 26;varCounter++) {
String var = LanguageUtil.get(comp.getCompanyId(), comp.getLocale(), "user.profile.var" + varCounter);
if (var!=null) var = var.replaceAll(" ","_");
String value = "";
try {
value = BeanUtils.getSimpleProperty(userproxy, "var" + varCounter);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(EmailFactory.class, "An error as ocurred trying to access the variable var" + varCounter + " from the user proxy.", e);
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))/"+var+"(>|(>))", "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))" + var + "(\")?( )*/*( )*(>|(>))", (value != null) ? value : "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))/var" + varCounter + "(>|(>))", "");
finalMessageStr = finalMessageStr.replaceAll("(?i)(<|(<))var" + varCounter + "(\")?( )*/*( )*(>|(>))", (value != null) ? value : "");
} catch(LanguageException le) {
Logger.error(EmailFactory.class, le.getMessage());
return finalMessageStr;
public static Object getMapValue(String key, Map<String, Object> map) {
try {
if(((Object[]) map.get(key)).length > 1)
String returnValue = "";
for(Object object : ((Object[]) map.get(key)))
returnValue += object.toString() + ", ";
returnValue = returnValue.substring(0,returnValue.lastIndexOf(","));
return returnValue;
catch(Exception ex)
return ((Object[]) map.get(key))[0];
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
return (Object) map.get(key);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return null;