import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotDataException;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotSecurityException;
import com.dotmarketing.util.UtilMethods;
import com.dotmarketing.util.json.JSONArray;
import com.dotmarketing.util.json.JSONException;
import com.dotmarketing.util.json.JSONObject;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class RoleResource extends WebResource {
* <p>Returns a JSON representation of the Role with the given id, including its first level children.
* <br>The role node contains: id, name, locked, children.
* <br>- id: id of the role
* <br>- name: name of the role
* <br>- locked: boolean that indicates if the role is locked
* <br>- children: a list of the role's first level children
* <br><p>Each child node contains: id, name, locked, children.
* <br>- id: id of the child role
* <br>- name: name of the child role
* <br>- locked: boolean that indicates if the child role is locked
* <br>- children: boolean that indicates if the child role has children
* <br><p>If no id is given, returns the root node (not a role) and its first level children (root roles)
* <br><p>This is used to lazy-load the Tree (UI) of roles in the Role Manager of dotCMS Admin
* Usage: /loadchildren/id/{id}
* Example usage 1: /loadchildren/id/2adccac3-a56b-4078-be40-94e343f20712
* Example usage 2 (Root Roles): /loadchildren/
* @param request
* @param params a string containing the URL parameters
* @return
* @throws DotStateException
* @throws DotDataException
* @throws DotSecurityException
* @throws JSONException
public Response loadChildren(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @PathParam("params") String params) throws DotStateException, DotDataException, DotSecurityException, JSONException {
InitDataObject initData = init(params, true, request, true);
//Creating an utility response object
ResourceResponse responseResource = new ResourceResponse( initData.getParamsMap() );
Map<String, String> paramsMap = initData.getParamsMap();
String roleId = paramsMap.get("id");
RoleAPI roleAPI = APILocator.getRoleAPI();
CacheControl cc = new CacheControl();
cc.setNoCache( true );
if(!UtilMethods.isSet(roleId) || roleId.equals("root")) { // Loads Root Roles
JSONArray jsonRoles = new JSONArray();
JSONObject jsonRoleObject = new JSONObject();
jsonRoleObject.put("id", "root");
jsonRoleObject.put("name", "Roles");
jsonRoleObject.put("top", "true");
List<Role> rootRoles = roleAPI.findRootRoles();
JSONArray jsonChildren = new JSONArray();
for(Role r : rootRoles) {
JSONObject jsonRoleChildObject = new JSONObject();
jsonRoleChildObject.put("id", r.getId());
jsonRoleChildObject.put("$ref", r.getId());
jsonRoleChildObject.put("name", UtilMethods.javaScriptify(r.getName()));
jsonRoleChildObject.put("locked", r.isLocked());
jsonRoleChildObject.put("children", true);
//In order to add a JsonArray to a JsonObject
//we need to specify that is an object (API bug)
jsonRoleObject.put("children", (Object)jsonChildren);
return responseResource.response(jsonRoles.toString(), cc);
} else { // Loads Children Roles of given Role ID
Role role = roleAPI.loadRoleById(roleId);
JSONObject jsonRoleObject = new JSONObject();
jsonRoleObject.put("id", role.getId());
jsonRoleObject.put("name", UtilMethods.javaScriptify(role.getName()));
jsonRoleObject.put("locked", role.isLocked());
JSONArray jsonChildren = new JSONArray();
List<String> children = role.getRoleChildren();
if(children != null) {
for(String childId : children) {
Role r = roleAPI.loadRoleById(childId);
JSONObject jsonRoleChildObject = new JSONObject();
jsonRoleChildObject.put("id", r.getId());
jsonRoleChildObject.put("$ref", r.getId());
jsonRoleChildObject.put("name", UtilMethods.javaScriptify(r.getName()));
jsonRoleChildObject.put("locked", r.isLocked());
jsonRoleChildObject.put("children", true);
//In order to add a JsonArray to a JsonObject
//we need to specify that is an object (API bug)
jsonRoleObject.put("children", (Object)jsonChildren);
return responseResource.response(jsonRoleObject.toString(), cc);
* <p>Returns a JSON representation of the Role with the given id.
* <br>The resulting role node contains the following fields:
* <br>DBFQN, FQN, description, editLayouts, editPermissions, editUsers,
* id, locked, name, parent, roleKey, system. See {@link Role}.
* <p>This is used to load all the info of a role when clicked on the Tree (UI) in the Role Manager
* of dotCMS Admin
* <p>Usage: /api/role/loadbyid/id/{id}
* <br>Example usage: /api/role/loadbyid/id/2adccac3-a56b-4078-be40-94e343f20712
* @param request
* @param params a string containing the URL parameters
* @return
* @throws DotDataException
* @throws JSONException
public Response loadById(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @PathParam("params") String params) throws DotDataException, JSONException {
InitDataObject initData = init(params, true, request, true);
//Creating an utility response object
ResourceResponse responseResource = new ResourceResponse( initData.getParamsMap() );
Map<String, String> paramsMap = initData.getParamsMap();
String roleId = paramsMap.get("id");
if(!UtilMethods.isSet(roleId) || roleId.equalsIgnoreCase("root")) {
JSONObject jsonRoleObject = new JSONObject();
jsonRoleObject.put("id", 0);
jsonRoleObject.put("name", "Root Role");
return responseResource.response(jsonRoleObject.toString());
RoleAPI roleAPI = APILocator.getRoleAPI();
Role role = roleAPI.loadRoleById(roleId);
JSONObject jsonRoleObject = new JSONObject();
jsonRoleObject.put("DBFQN", UtilMethods.javaScriptify(role.getDBFQN()));
jsonRoleObject.put("FQN", UtilMethods.javaScriptify(role.getFQN()));
jsonRoleObject.put("children", (Object)new JSONArray());
jsonRoleObject.put("description", UtilMethods.javaScriptify(role.getDescription()));
jsonRoleObject.put("editLayouts", role.isEditLayouts());
jsonRoleObject.put("editPermissions", role.isEditPermissions());
jsonRoleObject.put("editUsers", role.isEditUsers());
jsonRoleObject.put("id", role.getId());
jsonRoleObject.put("locked", role.isLocked());
jsonRoleObject.put("name", UtilMethods.javaScriptify(role.getName()));
jsonRoleObject.put("parent", role.getParent());
jsonRoleObject.put("roleKey", role.getRoleKey()!=null?UtilMethods.javaScriptify(role.getRoleKey()):"");
jsonRoleObject.put("system", role.isSystem());
return responseResource.response(jsonRoleObject.toString());
* Returns a JSON tree structure whose leaves names contain the given "name" parameter.
* Each node contains the fields: id, name, locked, children.
* - id: id of the child role
* - name: name of the child role
* - locked: boolean that indicates if the child role is locked
* - children: list of the role's first level children, if any.
* This is used to feed the resulting Tree (UI) in the Role Manager of dotCMS Admin when using
* the filter functionality
* Usage: /api/role/loadbyname/name/<id>
* Example usage: /api/role/loadbyid/id/2adccac3-a56b-4078-be40-94e343f20712
* @param request
* @param params
* @return
* @throws DotDataException
* @throws JSONException
public Response loadByName(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @PathParam("params") String params) throws DotDataException, JSONException {
InitDataObject initData = init(params, true, request, true);
//Creating an utility response object
ResourceResponse responseResource = new ResourceResponse( initData.getParamsMap() );
Map<String, String> paramsMap = initData.getParamsMap();
String name = paramsMap.get("name");
if(!UtilMethods.isSet(name)) {
responseResource.response( "" );//FIXME: Should return a proper error....
RoleAPI roleAPI = APILocator.getRoleAPI();
Role userRole = roleAPI.loadRoleByKey(RoleAPI.USERS_ROOT_ROLE_KEY);
List<Role> roles = roleAPI.findRolesByNameFilter(name, -1, -1);
LinkedHashMap<String, Object> resultTree = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
for (Role r : roles) {
String DBFQN = r.getDBFQN();
if(DBFQN.contains(userRole.getId())) {
String node = DBFQN.split(" --> ")[0];
int offset = DBFQN.indexOf(" --> ");
if(offset>0) {
String nodes = DBFQN.substring(offset+5, DBFQN.length());
// check if it already exists
LinkedHashMap<String, Object> existingMap = (LinkedHashMap<String, Object>) resultTree.get(node);
if(existingMap!=null) {
buildTree(existingMap, nodes); // if exists past the existing HashMap to continue looking for children
} else {
resultTree.put(node, buildTree(new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(), nodes)); // if does not exist put the key and continue building recursively
} else {
resultTree.put(node, null);
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
jsonObject.put("identifier", "id");
jsonObject.put("label", "name");
JSONArray jsonItems = new JSONArray();
JSONObject jsonItemsObject = new JSONObject();
jsonItemsObject.put("id", "root");
jsonItemsObject.put("name", "Roles");
jsonItemsObject.put("top", true);
jsonItemsObject.put("children", (Object)buildFilteredJsonTree(resultTree));
jsonObject.put("items", (Object)jsonItems);
return responseResource.response(jsonObject.toString());
private LinkedHashMap<String, Object> buildTree(LinkedHashMap<String, Object> map, String nodes) {
String node = nodes.split(" --> ")[0];
int offset = nodes.indexOf(" --> ");
if(offset>0) {
String subNodes = nodes.substring(offset+5, nodes.length());
LinkedHashMap<String, Object> existingMap = (LinkedHashMap<String, Object>) map.get(node);
if(existingMap!=null) {
buildTree(existingMap, subNodes); // if exists pass the existing HashMap to continue looking for children
} else {
map.put(node, buildTree(new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(), subNodes)); // if does not exist put the key and continue building recursively
} else {
map.put(node, null);
return map;
private JSONArray buildFilteredJsonTree(LinkedHashMap<String, Object> map) throws DotDataException, JSONException {
JSONArray jsonChildren = new JSONArray();
RoleAPI roleAPI = APILocator.getRoleAPI();
if(map != null) {
for (String key : map.keySet()) {
Role r = roleAPI.loadRoleById(key);
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
jsonObject.put("id", r.getId().replace('-', '_'));
jsonObject.put("name", UtilMethods.javaScriptify(r.getName()));
jsonObject.put("locked", r.isLocked());
LinkedHashMap<String, Object> children = (LinkedHashMap<String, Object>) map.get(key);
jsonObject.put("children", (Object)buildFilteredJsonTree(children));
return jsonChildren;