import com.dotcms.publisher.endpoint.bean.PublishingEndPoint;
import com.dotcms.publisher.environment.bean.Environment;
import com.dotmarketing.cms.factories.PublicCompanyFactory;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotDataException;
import com.dotmarketing.util.Logger;
import com.dotmarketing.util.UtilMethods;
import com.dotmarketing.util.WebKeys;
import com.dotmarketing.util.json.JSONException;
import com.dotmarketing.util.json.JSONObject;
import com.liferay.portal.auth.PrincipalThreadLocal;
import com.liferay.portal.ejb.CompanyManagerUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.language.LanguageUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.model.Company;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TimeZone;
* @author Jonathan Gamba
* Date: 7/22/13
@Path ("/config")
public class CMSConfigResource extends WebResource {
* Updates some given basic information to the current company, this method will be call it from the CMS Config portlet
* @param request
* @param user
* @param password
* @param portalURL
* @param mx
* @param emailAddress
* @param size
* @param homeURL
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @throws JSONException
@Path ("/saveCompanyBasicInfo")
@Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
public Response saveCompanyBasicInfo ( @Context HttpServletRequest request,
@FormParam ("user") String user, @FormParam ("password") String password,
@FormParam ("portalURL") String portalURL,
@FormParam ("mx") String mx,
@FormParam ("emailAddress") String emailAddress,
@FormParam ("size") String size,
@FormParam ("homeURL") String homeURL ) throws IOException, JSONException {
InitDataObject initData = init( "user/" + user + "/password/" + password, true, request, true, "9" );
Map<String, String> paramsMap = initData.getParamsMap();
paramsMap.put( "portalURL", portalURL );
paramsMap.put( "mx", mx );
paramsMap.put( "emailAddress", emailAddress );
paramsMap.put( "size", size );
paramsMap.put( "homeURL", homeURL );
ResourceResponse responseResource = new ResourceResponse( initData.getParamsMap() );
StringBuilder responseMessage = new StringBuilder();
//Validate the parameters
if ( !responseResource.validate( responseMessage, "portalURL", "mx", "emailAddress", "size" ) ) {
return responseResource.responseError( responseMessage.toString(), HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST );
try {
PrincipalThreadLocal.setName( initData.getUser().getUserId() );
//Getting the current company
Company currentCompany = PublicCompanyFactory.getDefaultCompany();
//Set the values
currentCompany.setPortalURL( portalURL );
currentCompany.setMx( mx );
currentCompany.setEmailAddress( emailAddress );
currentCompany.setSize( size );
currentCompany.setHomeURL( homeURL );
//Update the company
CompanyManagerUtil.updateCompany( currentCompany );
//And prepare the response
JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject();
jsonResponse.put( "success", true );
jsonResponse.put( "message", LanguageUtil.get( initData.getUser().getLocale(), "you-have-successfully-updated-the-company-profile" ) );
responseMessage.append( jsonResponse.toString() );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger.error( this.getClass(), "Error saving basic information for current company.", e );
if ( e.getMessage() != null ) {
responseMessage.append( e.getMessage() );
} else {
responseMessage.append( "Error saving basic information for current company." );
return responseResource.responseError( responseMessage.toString() );
} finally {
// Clear the principal associated with this thread
PrincipalThreadLocal.setName( null );
return responseResource.response( responseMessage.toString() );
* Updates some given locale information to the current company, this method will be call it from the CMS Config portlet
* @param request
* @param user
* @param password
* @param languageId
* @param timeZoneId
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @throws JSONException
@Path ("/saveCompanyLocaleInfo")
@Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
public Response saveCompanyLocaleInfo ( @Context HttpServletRequest request,
@FormParam ("user") String user, @FormParam ("password") String password,
@FormParam ("languageId") String languageId,
@FormParam ("timeZoneId") String timeZoneId ) throws IOException, JSONException {
InitDataObject initData = init( "user/" + user + "/password/" + password, true, request, true, "9" );
Map<String, String> paramsMap = initData.getParamsMap();
paramsMap.put( "languageId", languageId );
paramsMap.put( "timeZoneId", timeZoneId );
//Creating an utility response object
ResourceResponse responseResource = new ResourceResponse( initData.getParamsMap() );
StringBuilder responseMessage = new StringBuilder();
//Validate the parameters
if ( !responseResource.validate( responseMessage, "languageId", "timeZoneId" ) ) {
return responseResource.responseError( responseMessage.toString(), HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST );
try {
PrincipalThreadLocal.setName( initData.getUser().getUserId() );
//Updating the locale info
CompanyManagerUtil.updateUsers( languageId, timeZoneId, null, false, false, null );
TimeZone.setDefault( TimeZone.getTimeZone( timeZoneId ) );
//And prepare the response
JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject();
jsonResponse.put( "success", true );
jsonResponse.put( "message", LanguageUtil.get( initData.getUser().getLocale(), "you-have-successfully-updated-the-company-profile" ) );
responseMessage.append( jsonResponse.toString() );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger.error( this.getClass(), "Error saving basic information for current company.", e );
if ( e.getMessage() != null ) {
responseMessage.append( e.getMessage() );
} else {
responseMessage.append( "Error saving basic information for current company." );
return responseResource.responseError( responseMessage.toString() );
} finally {
// Clear the principal associated with this thread
PrincipalThreadLocal.setName( null );
return responseResource.response( responseMessage.toString() );
* Updates a given authentication type to the current company, this method will be call it from the CMS Config portlet
* @param request
* @param user
* @param password
* @param authType
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @throws JSONException
@Path ("/saveCompanyAuthTypeInfo")
@Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
public Response saveCompanyAuthTypeInfo ( @Context HttpServletRequest request,
@FormParam ("user") String user, @FormParam ("password") String password,
@FormParam ("authType") String authType ) throws IOException, JSONException {
InitDataObject initData = init( "user/" + user + "/password/" + password, true, request, true, "9" );
Map<String, String> paramsMap = initData.getParamsMap();
paramsMap.put( "authType", authType );
//Creating an utility response object
ResourceResponse responseResource = new ResourceResponse( initData.getParamsMap() );
StringBuilder responseMessage = new StringBuilder();
//Validate the parameters
if ( !responseResource.validate( responseMessage, "authType" ) ) {
return responseResource.responseError( responseMessage.toString(), HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST );
try {
PrincipalThreadLocal.setName( initData.getUser().getUserId() );
//Getting the current company
Company currentCompany = PublicCompanyFactory.getDefaultCompany();
//Set the values
currentCompany.setAuthType( authType );
//Update the company
CompanyManagerUtil.updateCompany( currentCompany );
//And prepare the response
JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject();
jsonResponse.put( "success", true );
jsonResponse.put( "message", LanguageUtil.get( initData.getUser().getLocale(), "you-have-successfully-updated-the-company-profile" ) );
responseMessage.append( jsonResponse.toString() );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger.error( this.getClass(), "Error saving basic information for current company.", e );
if ( e.getMessage() != null ) {
responseMessage.append( e.getMessage() );
} else {
responseMessage.append( "Error saving basic information for current company." );
return responseResource.responseError( responseMessage.toString() );
} finally {
// Clear the principal associated with this thread
PrincipalThreadLocal.setName( null );
return responseResource.response( responseMessage.toString() );
* Updates the company logo.
* @param request
* @param user
* @param password
* @param logoFile
* @param logoDetail
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @throws JSONException
@Path ("/saveCompanyLogo")
@Produces (MediaType.TEXT_HTML)
@Consumes (MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA)
public Response saveCompanyLogo ( @Context HttpServletRequest request,
@FormDataParam ("user") String user, @FormDataParam ("password") String password,
@FormDataParam ("logoFile") File logoFile,
@FormDataParam ("logoFile") FormDataContentDisposition logoDetail ) throws IOException, JSONException {
InitDataObject initData = init( "user/" + user + "/password/" + password, true, request, true , "9");
//Creating an utility response object
ResourceResponse responseResource = new ResourceResponse( initData.getParamsMap() );
StringBuilder responseMessage = new StringBuilder();
//Validate the parameters
if ( !UtilMethods.isSet( logoFile ) ) {
//Prepare a proper response
responseMessage.append( "Error: The Logo file is a required Field." );
return responseResource.responseError( responseMessage.toString(), HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST );
try {
PrincipalThreadLocal.setName( initData.getUser().getUserId() );
//Update the logo
CompanyManagerUtil.updateLogo( logoFile );
//And prepare the response
String message = LanguageUtil.get( initData.getUser().getLocale(), "you-have-successfully-updated-the-company-logo" );
responseMessage.append( "<html><head></head><body><textarea>{'success':'true', 'message':'" ).append( message ).append( "'}</textarea></body></html>" );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger.error( this.getClass(), "Error the company logo.", e );
if ( e.getMessage() != null ) {
responseMessage.append( e.getMessage() );
} else {
responseMessage.append( "Error the company logo." );
return responseResource.responseError( responseMessage.toString() );
} finally {
// Clear the principal associated with this thread
PrincipalThreadLocal.setName( null );
return responseResource.response( responseMessage.toString() );
* Deletes a given environment
* @param request
* @param user
* @param password
* @param environment
* @return
* @throws JSONException
* @throws IOException
@Path ("/deleteEnvironment")
@Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
public Response deleteEnvironment ( @Context HttpServletRequest request,
@FormParam ("user") String user, @FormParam ("password") String password,
@FormParam ("environment") String environment,
@FormParam ("type") String type,
@FormParam ("callback") String callback ) throws JSONException, IOException {
InitDataObject initData = init( "user/" + user + "/password/" + password, true, request, true, "9" );
Map<String, String> paramsMap = initData.getParamsMap();
paramsMap.put( "environment", environment );
paramsMap.put( "type", type );
paramsMap.put( "callback", callback );
//Creating an utility response object
ResourceResponse responseResource = new ResourceResponse( initData.getParamsMap() );
StringBuilder responseMessage = new StringBuilder();
//Validate the parameters
if ( !responseResource.validate( responseMessage, "environment" ) ) {
return responseResource.responseError( responseMessage.toString(), HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST );
try {
EnvironmentAPI environmentAPI = APILocator.getEnvironmentAPI();
//Delete the environment
environmentAPI.deleteEnvironment( environment );
//If it was deleted successfully lets remove it from session
if ( UtilMethods.isSet( request.getSession().getAttribute( WebKeys.SELECTED_ENVIRONMENTS + user ) ) ) {
//Get the selected environments from the session
List<Environment> lastSelectedEnvironments = (List<Environment>) request.getSession().getAttribute( WebKeys.SELECTED_ENVIRONMENTS + user );
Iterator<Environment> environmentsIterator = lastSelectedEnvironments.iterator();
while ( environmentsIterator.hasNext() ) {
Environment currentEnv =;
//Verify if the current env is on the ones stored in session
if ( currentEnv.getId().equals( environment ) ) {
//If we found it lets remove it
//And prepare the response
JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject();
jsonResponse.put( "success", true );
jsonResponse.put( "message", LanguageUtil.get( initData.getUser().getLocale(), "publisher_Environment_deleted" ) );
responseMessage.append( jsonResponse.toString() );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger.error( this.getClass(), "Error deleting Environment: " + environment, e );
if ( e.getMessage() != null ) {
responseMessage.append( e.getMessage() );
} else {
responseMessage.append( "Error deleting Environment: " ).append( environment );
return responseResource.responseError( responseMessage.toString() );
return responseResource.response( responseMessage.toString() );
* Deletes a given end point
* @param request
* @param user
* @param password
* @param endPoint
* @return
* @throws JSONException
* @throws IOException
@Path ("/deleteEndpoint")
@Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
public Response deleteEndpoint ( @Context HttpServletRequest request,
@FormParam ("user") String user, @FormParam ("password") String password,
@FormParam ("endPoint") String endPoint,
@FormParam ("type") String type,
@FormParam ("callback") String callback ) throws JSONException, IOException {
InitDataObject initData = init( "user/" + user + "/password/" + password, true, request, true , "9");
Map<String, String> paramsMap = initData.getParamsMap();
paramsMap.put( "endPoint", endPoint );
paramsMap.put( "type", type );
paramsMap.put( "callback", callback );
//Creating an utility response object
ResourceResponse responseResource = new ResourceResponse( initData.getParamsMap() );
StringBuilder responseMessage = new StringBuilder();
//Validate the parameters
if ( !responseResource.validate( responseMessage, "endPoint" ) ) {
return responseResource.responseError( responseMessage.toString(), HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST );
try {
PublishingEndPointAPI pepAPI = APILocator.getPublisherEndPointAPI();
PublishingEndPoint pep = pepAPI.findEndPointById(endPoint);
String environmentId = pep.getGroupId();
//Delete the end point
pepAPI.deleteEndPointById( endPoint );
// if the environment is now empty, lets remove it from session
if(pepAPI.findSendingEndPointsByEnvironment(environmentId).isEmpty()) {
//If it was deleted successfully lets remove it from session
if ( UtilMethods.isSet( request.getSession().getAttribute( WebKeys.SELECTED_ENVIRONMENTS ) ) ) {
//Get the selected environments from the session
List<Environment> lastSelectedEnvironments = (List<Environment>) request.getSession().getAttribute( WebKeys.SELECTED_ENVIRONMENTS );
Iterator<Environment> environmentsIterator = lastSelectedEnvironments.iterator();
while ( environmentsIterator.hasNext() ) {
Environment currentEnv =;
//Verify if the current env is on the ones stored in session
if ( currentEnv.getId().equals( environmentId ) ) {
//If we found it lets remove it
//And prepare the response
JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject();
jsonResponse.put( "success", true );
jsonResponse.put( "message", LanguageUtil.get( initData.getUser().getLocale(), "publisher_End-Point_deleted" ) );
responseMessage.append( jsonResponse.toString() );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger.error( this.getClass(), "Error deleting End Point: " + endPoint, e );
if ( e.getMessage() != null ) {
responseMessage.append( e.getMessage() );
} else {
responseMessage.append( "Error deleting End Point: " ).append( endPoint );
return responseResource.responseError( responseMessage.toString() );
return responseResource.response( responseMessage.toString() );