package com.dotcms.publisher.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import com.dotcms.publisher.assets.bean.PushedAsset;
import com.dotcms.publisher.bundle.bean.Bundle;
import com.dotcms.publisher.environment.bean.Environment;
import com.dotmarketing.beans.VersionInfo;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotDataException;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.contentlet.model.ContentletVersionInfo;
import com.dotmarketing.portlets.languagesmanager.model.Language;
import com.dotmarketing.util.InodeUtils;
import com.dotmarketing.util.Logger;
public class DependencySet extends HashSet<String> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3048299770146564147L;
private PushedAssetsCache cache;
private List<Environment> envs = new ArrayList<Environment>();
private String assetType;
private String bundleId;
private Bundle bundle;
private boolean isDownload;
private boolean isPublish;
public DependencySet(String bundleId, String assetType, boolean isDownload, boolean isPublish) {
cache = CacheLocator.getPushedAssetsCache();
this.assetType = assetType;
this.bundleId = bundleId;
this.isDownload = isDownload;
this.isPublish = isPublish;
try {
envs = APILocator.getEnvironmentAPI().findEnvironmentsByBundleId(bundleId);
} catch (DotDataException e) {
Logger.error(getClass(), "Can't get environments", e);
try {
bundle = APILocator.getBundleAPI().getBundleById(bundleId);
} catch (DotDataException e) {
Logger.error(getClass(), "Can't get bundle. Bundle Id: " + bundleId , e);
public boolean add(String assetId, Date assetModDate) {
return addOrClean( assetId, assetModDate, false );
* Is this method is called and in case of an <strong>UN-PUBLISH</strong> instead of adding elements it will remove them
* from cache.<br>
* For <strong>PUBLISH</strong> do the same as the <strong>add</strong> method.
* @param assetId
* @param assetModDate
* @return
public boolean addOrClean ( String assetId, Date assetModDate) {
return addOrClean( assetId, assetModDate, true );
private boolean addOrClean ( String assetId, Date assetModDate, Boolean cleanForUnpublish ) {
if ( !isPublish ) {
//For un-publish we always remove the asset from cache
for ( Environment env : envs ) {
cache.removePushedAssetById( assetId, env.getId() );
//Return if we are here just to clean up dependencies from cache
if ( cleanForUnpublish ) {
return true;
boolean modified = false;
// we need to check if all environments have the last version of the asset in
// order to skip adding it to the Set
// if the asset hasn't been sent to at least one environment or an older version was sen't,
// we need to add it to the cache
Boolean isForcePush = false;
if ( bundle != null ) {
isForcePush = bundle.isForcePush();
if ( !isForcePush && !isDownload && isPublish ) {
for (Environment env : envs) {
PushedAsset asset = cache.getPushedAsset(assetId, env.getId());
modified = (asset==null || (assetModDate!=null && asset.getPushDate().before(assetModDate)));
try {
if(!modified && assetType.equals("content")) {
// check for versionInfo TS on content
for(Language lang : APILocator.getLanguageAPI().getLanguages()) {
ContentletVersionInfo info=APILocator.getVersionableAPI().getContentletVersionInfo(assetId, lang.getId());
if(info!=null && InodeUtils.isSet(info.getIdentifier())) {
modified = modified || assetModDate.before(info.getVersionTs());
if(!modified && (assetType.equals("template") || assetType.equals("links") || assetType.equals("container") || assetType.equals("htmlpage"))) {
// check for versionInfo TS
VersionInfo info=APILocator.getVersionableAPI().getVersionInfo(assetId);
if(info!=null && InodeUtils.isSet(info.getIdentifier())) {
modified = assetModDate.before(info.getVersionTs());
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.warn(getClass(), "Error checking versionInfo for assetType:"+assetType+" assetId:"+assetId+
" process continues without checking versionInfo.ts",e);
if(modified) {
try {
//We need to check if the assetID is already in the bundle.
//1.Get all the pushed assests records with same Asset ID.
List<PushedAsset> pushedAssests = APILocator.getPushedAssetsAPI().getPushedAssets(assetId);
boolean isAlreadyInPushedBunble = false;
//Check through the records to see if match env and bundle ID.
for(PushedAsset pushedAsset : pushedAssests){
&& pushedAsset.getEnvironmentId().equals(env.getId())){
isAlreadyInPushedBunble = true;
//If it is not already in the bundle, we can push the record.
asset = new PushedAsset(bundleId, assetId, assetType, new Date(), env.getId());
} catch (DotDataException e) {
Logger.error(getClass(), "Could not save PushedAsset. "
+ "AssetId: " + assetId + ". AssetType: " + assetType + ". Env Id: " + env.getId(), e);
if ( isForcePush || isDownload || !isPublish || modified ) {
super.add( assetId );
return true;
return false;