* Copyright (C) 2009 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies
* Please see distribution for license.
package com.opengamma.master;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.List;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
import javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder;
import javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo;
import com.opengamma.id.ObjectId;
import com.opengamma.id.ObjectIdentifiable;
import com.opengamma.id.UniqueId;
import com.opengamma.id.VersionCorrection;
import com.opengamma.util.rest.AbstractDataResource;
import com.opengamma.util.rest.RestUtils;
* Abstract base class for RESTful resources.
* @param <D> the type of the document
public abstract class AbstractDocumentDataResource<D extends AbstractDocument> extends AbstractDataResource {
protected abstract AbstractMaster<D> getMaster();
protected abstract String getResourceName();
protected abstract ObjectId getUrlId();
//===================== ROUTING HELPERS ==============================================================================
// @GET
protected Response get(/*@QueryParam("versionAsOf")*/ String versionAsOf, /*@QueryParam("correctedTo")*/ String correctedTo) {
VersionCorrection vc = VersionCorrection.parse(versionAsOf, correctedTo);
D result = getMaster().get(getUrlId(), vc);
return responseOkFudge(result);
// @POST
protected Response update(/*@Context*/ UriInfo uriInfo, D request) {
if (getUrlId().equals(request.getUniqueId().getObjectId()) == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Document objectIdentifiable does not match URI");
D result = getMaster().update(request);
URI uri = uriVersion(uriInfo.getBaseUri(), result.getUniqueId());
return responseCreatedFudge(uri, result);
protected void remove() {
// @GET
// @Path("versions/{versionId}")
protected Response getVersioned(/*@PathParam("versionId")*/ String versionId) {
UniqueId uniqueId = getUrlId().atVersion(versionId);
D result = getMaster().get(uniqueId);
return responseOkFudge(result);
// @PUT
// @Path("versions/{versionId}")
protected Response replaceVersion(/*@PathParam("versionId")*/ String versionId, List<D> replacementDocuments) {
UniqueId uniqueId = getUrlId().atVersion(versionId);
List<UniqueId> result = getMaster().replaceVersion(uniqueId, replacementDocuments);
return responseOkFudge(result);
// @PUT
protected Response replaceVersions(List<D> replacementDocuments) {
ObjectId objectId = getUrlId();
List<UniqueId> result = getMaster().replaceVersions(objectId, replacementDocuments);
return responseOkFudge(result);
// @PUT
// @Path("all")
protected Response replaceAllVersions(List<D> replacementDocuments) {
ObjectId objectId = getUrlId();
List<UniqueId> result = getMaster().replaceAllVersions(objectId, replacementDocuments);
return responseOkFudge(result);
* Builds a URI for the resource.
* @param baseUri the base URI, not null
* @param objectIdentifiable the object identifier, not null
* @param vc the version-correction locator, null for latest
* @return the URI, not null
public URI uri(URI baseUri, ObjectIdentifiable objectIdentifiable, VersionCorrection vc) {
UriBuilder bld = UriBuilder.fromUri(baseUri).path("/" + getResourceName() + "/{id}");
if (vc != null) {
bld.queryParam("versionAsOf", vc.getVersionAsOfString());
bld.queryParam("correctedTo", vc.getCorrectedToString());
return bld.build(objectIdentifiable.getObjectId());
* Builds a URI for the resource.
* @param baseUri the base URI, not null
* @param objectId the object identifier, not null
* @param vc the version-correction locator, null for latest
* @return the URI, not null
// TODO replace URI with something better
public URI uriAll(URI baseUri, ObjectIdentifiable objectId, VersionCorrection vc) {
UriBuilder bld = UriBuilder.fromUri(baseUri).path("/" + getResourceName() + "/{id}/all");
if (vc != null) {
bld.queryParam("versionAsOf", vc.getVersionAsOfString());
bld.queryParam("correctedTo", vc.getCorrectedToString());
return bld.build(objectId.getObjectId());
* Builds a URI for the versions of the resource.
* @param baseUri the base URI, not null
* @param objectId the object identifier, not null
* @param request the request, may be null
* @return the URI, not null
public URI uriVersions(URI baseUri, ObjectIdentifiable objectId, Object request) {
UriBuilder bld = UriBuilder.fromUri(baseUri).path("/" + getResourceName() + "/{id}/versions");
if (request != null) {
RestUtils.encodeQueryParams(bld, request);
return bld.build(objectId.getObjectId());
* Builds a URI for a specific version of the resource.
* @param baseUri the base URI, not null
* @param uniqueId the unique identifier, not null
* @return the URI, not null
public URI uriVersion(URI baseUri, UniqueId uniqueId) {
if (uniqueId.isLatest()) {
return uri(baseUri, uniqueId, null);
return UriBuilder.fromUri(baseUri).path("/" + getResourceName() + "/{id}/versions/{versionId}")
.build(uniqueId.toLatest(), uniqueId.getVersion());