Package com.opengamma.engine

Source Code of com.opengamma.engine.DefaultCachingComputationTargetResolver

* Copyright (C) 2009 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies
* Please see distribution for license.
package com.opengamma.engine;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import net.sf.ehcache.Cache;
import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager;
import net.sf.ehcache.Element;

import com.opengamma.core.position.PortfolioNode;
import com.opengamma.core.position.Position;
import com.opengamma.core.position.Trade;
import com.opengamma.util.ArgumentChecker;
import com.opengamma.util.ehcache.EHCacheUtils;
import com.opengamma.util.tuple.Pair;

* A computation target resolver implementation that caches another implementation.
public class DefaultCachingComputationTargetResolver extends DelegatingComputationTargetResolver implements CachingComputationTargetResolver {

  // [PLAT-444]: move to

  /** The cache key. */
  private static final String COMPUTATIONTARGET_CACHE = "computationTarget";

   * The cache manager.
  private final CacheManager _cacheManager;
   * The cache.
  private final Cache _computationTarget;

   * The cache of "live" target values that have already been resolved. These are keyed by unique identifier so that target specifications which specify different scopes can be satisfied by the same
   * object.
   * <p>
   * EHCache doesn't like being hammered repeatedly for the same objects. Also, if the window of objects being requested is bigger than the in memory window then new objects get created as the on-disk
   * values get deserialized. The solution is to maintain a soft referenced buffer so that all the while the objects we have previously returned are in use we won't re-query EHCache for them.
  private final Map2<VersionCorrection, UniqueId, UniqueIdentifiable> _frontObjectCacheDeep =
      new WeakValueHashMap2<VersionCorrection, UniqueId, UniqueIdentifiable>(HashMap2.STRONG_KEYS);

   * The cache of "live" target values that have already been resolved. These are keyed by unique identifier so that target specifications which specify different scopes can be satisfied by the same
   * object.
   * <p>
   * EHCache doesn't like being hammered repeatedly for the same objects. Also, if the window of objects being requested is bigger than the in memory window then new objects get created as the on-disk
   * values get deserialized. The solution is to maintain a soft referenced buffer so that all the while the objects we have previously returned are in use we won't re-query EHCache for them.
  private final ConcurrentMap<UniqueId, UniqueIdentifiable> _frontObjectCache = new MapMaker().weakValues().makeMap();

   * The cache of "live" targets that have already been resolved. These are keyed by their exact target specifications.
   * <p>
   * EHCache doesn't like being hammered repeatedly for the same objects. Also, if the window of objects being requested is bigger than the in memory window then new objects get created as the on-disk
   * values get deserialized. The solution is to maintain a soft referenced buffer so that all the while the objects we have previously returned are in use we won't re-query EHCache for them.
  private final Map2<VersionCorrection, ComputationTargetSpecification, ComputationTarget> _frontTargetCacheDeep =
      new WeakValueHashMap2<VersionCorrection, ComputationTargetSpecification, ComputationTarget>(HashMap2.STRONG_KEYS);

   * The cache of "live" targets that have already been resolved. These are keyed by their exact target specifications.
   * <p>
   * EHCache doesn't like being hammered repeatedly for the same objects. Also, if the window of objects being requested is bigger than the in memory window then new objects get created as the on-disk
   * values get deserialized. The solution is to maintain a soft referenced buffer so that all the while the objects we have previously returned are in use we won't re-query EHCache for them.
  private final ConcurrentMap<ComputationTargetSpecification, ComputationTarget> _frontTargetCache = new MapMaker().weakValues().makeMap();

  private final VersionCorrectionLockListener _frontCacheCleaner = new VersionCorrectionLockListener() {
    public void versionCorrectionUnlocked(final VersionCorrection unlocked, final Collection<VersionCorrection> stillLocked) {

  private final LazyResolveContext _lazyResolveContext;

  private final Queue<Element> _pendingCachePuts = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Element>();

  private final AtomicBoolean _cachePutLock = new AtomicBoolean();

   * Creates an instance using the specified cache manager.
   * @param underlying the underlying resolver, not null
   * @param cacheManager the cache manager, not null
  public DefaultCachingComputationTargetResolver(final ComputationTargetResolver underlying, final CacheManager cacheManager) {
    ArgumentChecker.notNull(cacheManager, "cacheManager");
    _cacheManager = cacheManager;
    EHCacheUtils.addCache(cacheManager, COMPUTATIONTARGET_CACHE);
    _computationTarget = EHCacheUtils.getCacheFromManager(cacheManager, COMPUTATIONTARGET_CACHE);
    if (underlying instanceof LazyResolver) {
      final LazyResolver lazyUnderlying = (LazyResolver) underlying;
      final LazyResolveContext context = lazyUnderlying.getLazyResolveContext();
      _lazyResolveContext = new LazyResolveContext(context.getSecuritySource(), this);
    } else {
      _lazyResolveContext = new LazyResolveContext(underlying.getSecuritySource(), this);

   * Empties the cache. This is provided for test/diagnostics only and should not be called in a production system.
  public void clear() {

  protected LazyResolveContext getLazyResolveContext() {
    return _lazyResolveContext;

   * Gets the cache manager.
   * @return the cache manager, not null
  protected CacheManager getCacheManager() {
    return _cacheManager;

  public ComputationTarget resolve(final ComputationTargetSpecification specification, final VersionCorrection versionCorrection) {
    if (specification == ComputationTargetSpecification.NULL) {
      return ComputationTarget.NULL;
    final ObjectResolver<?> resolver = getResolver(specification);
    if (resolver == null) {
      return null;
    final boolean isDeep = resolver.deepResolver() != null;
    ComputationTarget result = isDeep ? _frontTargetCacheDeep.get(versionCorrection, specification) : _frontTargetCache.get(specification);
    if (result != null) {
      return result;
    final UniqueId uid = specification.getUniqueId();
    UniqueIdentifiable target = isDeep ? _frontObjectCacheDeep.get(versionCorrection, uid) : _frontObjectCache.get(uid);
    if (target != null) {
      // The cached object may be from an earlier lookup with a different resolution strategy. For example
      // CTSpec[PRIMITIVE, Foo~Bar] will store the UniqueId object in the cache which is not suitable to
      // return for CTSpec[SECURITY, Foo~Bar].
      if (specification.getType().isCompatible(target)) {
        result = ComputationTargetResolverUtils.createResolvedTarget(specification, target);
        final ComputationTarget newResult = isDeep ? _frontTargetCacheDeep.putIfAbsent(versionCorrection, specification, result) : _frontTargetCache.putIfAbsent(specification, result);
        if (newResult != null) {
          return newResult;
        } else {
          return result;
    final Object key = isDeep ? Pair.of(uid, versionCorrection) : uid;
    final Element e = _computationTarget.get(key);
    if (e != null) {
      target = (UniqueIdentifiable) e.getObjectValue();
      if (specification.getType().isCompatible(target)) {
        final UniqueIdentifiable existing = isDeep ? _frontObjectCacheDeep.putIfAbsent(versionCorrection, uid, target) : _frontObjectCache.putIfAbsent(uid, target);
        if (existing != null) {
          result = ComputationTargetResolverUtils.createResolvedTarget(specification, existing);
        } else {
          result = ComputationTargetResolverUtils.createResolvedTarget(specification, target);
        final ComputationTarget newResult = isDeep ? _frontTargetCacheDeep.putIfAbsent(versionCorrection, specification, result) : _frontTargetCache.put(specification, result);
        if (newResult != null) {
          return newResult;
        } else {
          return result;
    result = super.resolve(specification, versionCorrection);
    if (result != null) {
      final UniqueIdentifiable existing = isDeep ? _frontObjectCacheDeep.putIfAbsent(versionCorrection, uid, result.getValue()) : _frontObjectCache.putIfAbsent(uid, result.getValue());
      if (existing == null) {
        addToCacheImpl(key, result.getValue());
      final ComputationTarget newResult = isDeep ? _frontTargetCacheDeep.putIfAbsent(versionCorrection, specification, result) : _frontTargetCache.putIfAbsent(specification, result);
      if (newResult != null) {
        result = newResult;
    return result;

  public CachingComputationTargetResolver.AtVersionCorrection atVersionCorrection(final VersionCorrection versionCorrection) {
    final ComputationTargetSpecificationResolver.AtVersionCorrection specificationResolver = getSpecificationResolver().atVersionCorrection(versionCorrection);
    return new CachingComputationTargetResolver.AtVersionCorrection() {

      public ComputationTarget resolve(final ComputationTargetSpecification specification) {
        return DefaultCachingComputationTargetResolver.this.resolve(specification, versionCorrection);

      public ObjectResolver<?> getResolver(final ComputationTargetSpecification specification) {
        return DefaultCachingComputationTargetResolver.this.getResolver(specification);

      public ComputationTargetSpecificationResolver.AtVersionCorrection getSpecificationResolver() {
        return specificationResolver;

      public ComputationTargetType simplifyType(final ComputationTargetType type) {
        return DefaultCachingComputationTargetResolver.this.simplifyType(type);

      public void cacheTargets(final Collection<? extends UniqueIdentifiable> targets) {
        DefaultCachingComputationTargetResolver.this.cacheTargets(targets, versionCorrection);

      public VersionCorrection getVersionCorrection() {
        return versionCorrection;


   * @param positions the positions to cache
   * @deprecated implemented by calling {@link #cacheTargets}; use that instead.
  public void cachePositions(final Collection<Position> positions) {
    cacheTargets(positions, VersionCorrection.LATEST);

   * @param trades the trades to cache
   * @deprecated implemented by calling {@link #cacheTargets}; use that instead.
  public void cacheTrades(final Collection<Trade> trades) {
    cacheTargets(trades, VersionCorrection.LATEST);

   * @param securities the securities to cache
   * @deprecated implemented by calling {@link #cacheTargets}; use that instead.
  public void cacheSecurities(final Collection<Security> securities) {
    cacheTargets(securities, VersionCorrection.LATEST);

   * @param nodes the portfolio nodes to cache
   * @deprecated implemented by calling {@link #cacheTargets}; use that instead.
  public void cachePortfolioNodes(final Collection<PortfolioNode> nodes) {
    cacheTargets(nodes, VersionCorrection.LATEST);

  private void addToCacheImpl(final Object key, final UniqueIdentifiable target) {
    // Don't allow re-entrance to the cache; serialization of a LazyResolver can try to write entries to the
    // cache. Put them into the frontCache only so that we can do a quick lookup if they stay in memory. The
    // problem is that spooling a big root portfolio node to disk can try to resolve and cache all of the
    // child nodes and positions.
    if (LazyResolveContext.isWriting()) {
    Element e = new Element(key, target);
    // If the cache is going to write to disk and two threads hit this then one gets blocked; better to let the
    // second one carry on with something else and the first can do "cache writing" duties until the queue is
    // clear.
    if (!_cachePutLock.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
      if (!_cachePutLock.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
    do {
      e = _pendingCachePuts.poll();
      while (e != null) {
        e = _pendingCachePuts.poll();
    } while (!_pendingCachePuts.isEmpty() && _cachePutLock.compareAndSet(false, true));

  public void cacheTargets(final Collection<? extends UniqueIdentifiable> targets, final VersionCorrection versionCorrection) {
    for (final UniqueIdentifiable target : targets) {
      final UniqueId uid = target.getUniqueId();
      if (_frontObjectCacheDeep.putIfAbsent(versionCorrection, uid, target) == null) {
        addToCacheImpl(Pair.of(uid, versionCorrection), target);

   * Returns a string suitable for debugging.
   * @return the string, not null
  public String toString() {
    return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[underlying=" + getUnderlying() + "]";


Related Classes of com.opengamma.engine.DefaultCachingComputationTargetResolver

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