* Syncany, www.syncany.org
* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Philipp C. Heckel <philipp.heckel@gmail.com>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.syncany.config;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.syncany.chunk.Chunker;
import org.syncany.chunk.CipherTransformer;
import org.syncany.chunk.FixedChunker;
import org.syncany.chunk.MultiChunker;
import org.syncany.chunk.NoTransformer;
import org.syncany.chunk.Transformer;
import org.syncany.config.to.ConfigTO;
import org.syncany.config.to.RepoTO;
import org.syncany.config.to.RepoTO.MultiChunkerTO;
import org.syncany.config.to.RepoTO.TransformerTO;
import org.syncany.crypto.SaltedSecretKey;
import org.syncany.database.DatabaseConnectionFactory;
import org.syncany.database.VectorClock;
import org.syncany.plugins.Plugins;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.TransferPlugin;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.TransferSettings;
import org.syncany.util.FileUtil;
import org.syncany.util.StringUtil;
* The config class is the central point to configure a Syncany instance. It is mainly
* used in the operations, but parts of it are also used in other parts of the
* application -- especially file locations and names.
* <p>An instance of the <tt>Config</tt> class must be created through the transfer
* objects {@link ConfigTO} and {@link RepoTO}.
* @author Philipp C. Heckel <philipp.heckel@gmail.com>
public class Config {
public static final String DIR_APPLICATION = ".syncany";
public static final String DIR_CACHE = "cache";
public static final String DIR_DATABASE = "db";
public static final String DIR_LOG = "logs";
public static final String DIR_STATE = "state";
// File in managed folder root
public static final String FILE_IGNORE = ".syignore";
// Files in .syncany
public static final String FILE_CONFIG = "config.xml";
public static final String FILE_REPO = "syncany";
public static final String FILE_MASTER = "master";
// File in .syncany/db
public static final String FILE_DATABASE = "local.db";
// Files in .syncany/state
public static final String FILE_PORT = "port.xml";
public static final String FILE_CLEANUP = "cleanup.xml";
private byte[] repoId;
private String machineName;
private String displayName;
private File localDir;
private File appDir;
private File cacheDir;
private File databaseDir;
private File logDir;
private File stateDir;
private SaltedSecretKey masterKey;
private Cache cache;
private TransferPlugin plugin;
private TransferSettings transferSettings;
private Chunker chunker;
private MultiChunker multiChunker;
private Transformer transformer;
private IgnoredFiles ignoredFiles;
static {
public Config(File aLocalDir, ConfigTO configTO, RepoTO repoTO) throws ConfigException {
if (aLocalDir == null || configTO == null || repoTO == null) {
throw new ConfigException("Arguments aLocalDir, configTO and repoTO cannot be null.");
private void initNames(ConfigTO configTO) throws ConfigException {
private void initMasterKey(ConfigTO configTO) {
masterKey = configTO.getMasterKey(); // can be null
private void initDirectories(File aLocalDir) throws ConfigException {
localDir = FileUtil.getCanonicalFile(aLocalDir);
appDir = FileUtil.getCanonicalFile(new File(localDir, DIR_APPLICATION));
cacheDir = FileUtil.getCanonicalFile(new File(appDir, DIR_CACHE));
databaseDir = FileUtil.getCanonicalFile(new File(appDir, DIR_DATABASE));
logDir = FileUtil.getCanonicalFile(new File(appDir, DIR_LOG));
stateDir = FileUtil.getCanonicalFile(new File(appDir, DIR_STATE));
private void initCache(ConfigTO configTO) {
cache = new Cache(cacheDir);
if (configTO.getCacheKeepBytes() != null && configTO.getCacheKeepBytes() >= 0) {
private void initIgnoredFile() throws ConfigException {
File ignoreFile = new File(localDir, FILE_IGNORE);
ignoredFiles = new IgnoredFiles(ignoreFile);
private void initRepo(RepoTO repoTO) throws ConfigException {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
throw new ConfigException("Unable to initialize repository information from config.", e);
private void initRepoId(RepoTO repoTO) {
repoId = repoTO.getRepoId();
private void initChunker(RepoTO repoTO) throws Exception {
// TODO [feature request] make chunking options configurable, something like described in #29
// See: https://github.com/syncany/syncany/issues/29#issuecomment-43425647
chunker = new FixedChunker(512 * 1024, "SHA1");
private void initMultiChunker(RepoTO repoTO) throws ConfigException {
MultiChunkerTO multiChunkerTO = repoTO.getMultiChunker();
if (multiChunkerTO == null) {
throw new ConfigException("No multichunker in repository config.");
multiChunker = MultiChunker.getInstance(multiChunkerTO.getType());
if (multiChunker == null) {
throw new ConfigException("Invalid multichunk type or settings: " + multiChunkerTO.getType());
private void initTransformers(RepoTO repoTO) throws Exception {
if (repoTO.getTransformers() == null || repoTO.getTransformers().size() == 0) {
transformer = new NoTransformer();
else {
ArrayList<TransformerTO> transformerTOs = new ArrayList<TransformerTO>(repoTO.getTransformers());
Transformer lastTransformer = null;
for (int i = transformerTOs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
TransformerTO transformerTO = transformerTOs.get(i);
Transformer transformer = Transformer.getInstance(transformerTO.getType());
if (transformer == null) {
throw new ConfigException("Cannot find transformer '" + transformerTO.getType() + "'");
if (transformer instanceof CipherTransformer) { // Dirty workaround
transformerTO.getSettings().put(CipherTransformer.PROPERTY_MASTER_KEY, StringUtil.toHex(getMasterKey().getEncoded()));
transformerTO.getSettings().put(CipherTransformer.PROPERTY_MASTER_KEY_SALT, StringUtil.toHex(getMasterKey().getSalt()));
if (lastTransformer != null) {
lastTransformer = transformer;
transformer = lastTransformer;
private void initConnection(ConfigTO configTO) throws ConfigException {
if (configTO.getTransferSettings() != null) {
plugin = Plugins.get(configTO.getTransferSettings().getType(), TransferPlugin.class);
if (plugin == null) {
throw new ConfigException("Plugin not supported: " + configTO.getTransferSettings().getType());
try {
transferSettings = (TransferSettings) configTO.getTransferSettings();
catch (Exception e) {
throw new ConfigException("Cannot initialize storage: " + e.getMessage(), e);
public java.sql.Connection createDatabaseConnection() {
return DatabaseConnectionFactory.createConnection(getDatabaseFile());
public File getCacheDir() {
return cacheDir;
public File getAppDir() {
return appDir;
public String getMachineName() {
return machineName;
public void setMachineName(String machineName) throws ConfigException {
if (machineName == null || !VectorClock.MACHINE_PATTERN.matcher(machineName).matches()) {
throw new ConfigException("Machine name cannot be empty and must be only characters (A-Z).");
this.machineName = machineName;
public String getDisplayName() {
return displayName;
public void setDisplayName(String displayName) {
this.displayName = displayName;
public TransferPlugin getTransferPlugin() {
return plugin;
public TransferSettings getConnection() {
return transferSettings;
public void setConnection(TransferSettings connection) {
this.transferSettings = connection;
public byte[] getRepoId() {
return repoId;
public Chunker getChunker() {
return chunker;
public Cache getCache() {
return cache;
public IgnoredFiles getIgnoredFiles() {
return ignoredFiles;
public MultiChunker getMultiChunker() {
return multiChunker;
public Transformer getTransformer() {
return transformer;
public void setCache(Cache cache) {
this.cache = cache;
public File getLocalDir() {
return localDir;
public File getDatabaseDir() {
return databaseDir;
public File getLogDir() {
return logDir;
public File getStateDir() {
return stateDir;
public SaltedSecretKey getMasterKey() {
return masterKey;
public File getDatabaseFile() {
return new File(databaseDir, FILE_DATABASE);
public File getPortFile() {
return new File(stateDir, FILE_PORT);
public File getCleanupFile() {
return new File(stateDir, FILE_CLEANUP);