Package com.fasterxml.uuid

Source Code of com.fasterxml.uuid.UUIDGeneratorTest

/* JUG Java Uuid Generator
* Created on July 16, 2003, 11:17 PM
* Copyright (c) 2003 Eric Bie
* Licensed under the License specified in the file LICENSE which is
* included with the source code.
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package com.fasterxml.uuid;

import java.util.*;

import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import junit.textui.TestRunner;

import com.fasterxml.uuid.EthernetAddress;
import com.fasterxml.uuid.Generators;
import com.fasterxml.uuid.UUIDType;
import com.fasterxml.uuid.impl.UUIDUtil;
import com.fasterxml.uuid.impl.NameBasedGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.uuid.impl.RandomBasedGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.uuid.impl.TimeBasedGenerator;

* JUnit Test class for the com.fasterxml.uuid.UUIDGenerator class.
* @author Eric Bie
public class UUIDGeneratorTest extends TestCase
    // size of the arrays to create for tests using arrays of values
    private static final int SIZE_OF_TEST_ARRAY = 10000;
    public UUIDGeneratorTest(java.lang.String testName)
    public static Test suite()
        TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(UUIDGeneratorTest.class);
        return suite;
    public static void main(String[] args)
     * Test of getDummyAddress method,
     * of class com.fasterxml.uuid.UUIDGenerator.
    public void testGetDummyAddress()
        // this test will attempt to check for reasonable behavior of the
        // getDummyAddress method

        // for the random UUID generator, we will generate a bunch of
        // dummy ethernet addresses
        // NOTE: although creating a bunch of dummy ethernet addresses
        // is not the normal mode of operation, we'return testing for
        // generally good behavior, so we'll create a bunch to make sure the
        // general patterns are observed
        EthernetAddress ethernet_address_array[] =
            new EthernetAddress[SIZE_OF_TEST_ARRAY];
        // now create the array of uuids
        Random rnd = new Random(123L);
        for (int i = 0; i < ethernet_address_array.length; i++) {
            ethernet_address_array[i] = EthernetAddress.constructMulticastAddress(rnd);
        EthernetAddress null_ethernet_address = new EthernetAddress(0L);
        for (int i = 0; i < ethernet_address_array.length; i++)
            byte[] ethernet_address = ethernet_address_array[i].asByteArray();
            // check that none of the EthernetAddresses are null
            assertFalse("dummy EthernetAddress was null",
            // check that the "broadcast" bit is set in the created address
            /* 08-Feb-2004, TSa: Fixed as per fix to actual code; apparently
             *   broadcast bit is LSB, not MSB.
            assertEquals("dummy EthernetAddress was not broadcast",
                    (ethernet_address[0] & 0x01));
     * Test of generateRandomBasedUUID method,
     * of class com.fasterxml.uuid.UUIDGenerator.
    public void testGenerateRandomBasedUUID()
        // this test will attempt to check for reasonable behavior of the
        // generateRandomBasedUUID method
        // we need a instance to use
        RandomBasedGenerator uuid_gen = Generators.randomBasedGenerator();
        // for the random UUID generator, we will generate a bunch of
        // random UUIDs
        UUID uuid_array[] = new UUID[SIZE_OF_TEST_ARRAY];
        // now create the array of uuids
        for (int i = 0; i < uuid_array.length; i++)
            uuid_array[i] = uuid_gen.generate();
        // check that none of the UUIDs are null
        // check that all the uuids were correct variant and version (type-4)
        checkUUIDArrayForCorrectVariantAndVersion(uuid_array, UUIDType.RANDOM_BASED);

        // check that all uuids were unique
        // NOTE: technically, this test 'could' fail, but statistically
        // speaking it should be extremely unlikely unless the implementation
        // of (Secure)Random is bad
     * Test of generateTimeBasedUUID() method,
     * of class com.fasterxml.uuid.UUIDGenerator.
    public void testGenerateTimeBasedUUID()
        // this test will attempt to check for reasonable behavior of the
        // generateTimeBasedUUID method
        // we need a instance to use
        TimeBasedGenerator uuid_gen = Generators.timeBasedGenerator();
        // first check that given a number of calls to generateTimeBasedUUID,
        // all returned UUIDs order after the last returned UUID
        // we'll check this by generating the UUIDs into one array and sorting
        // then in another and checking the order of the two match
        // change the number in the array statement if you want more or less
        // UUIDs to be generated and tested
        UUID uuid_array[] = new UUID[SIZE_OF_TEST_ARRAY];
        // before we generate all the uuids, lets get the start time
        long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // now create the array of uuids
        for (int i = 0; i < uuid_array.length; i++)
            uuid_array[i] = uuid_gen.generate();
        // now capture the end time
        long end_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // check that none of the UUIDs are null

        // check that all the uuids were correct variant and version (type-1)
        checkUUIDArrayForCorrectVariantAndVersion(uuid_array, UUIDType.TIME_BASED);

        // check that all the uuids were generated with correct order
        // check that all uuids were unique
        // check that all uuids have timestamps between the start and end time
        checkUUIDArrayForCorrectCreationTime(uuid_array, start_time, end_time);
     * Test of generateTimeBasedUUID(EthernetAddress) method,
     * of class com.fasterxml.uuid.UUIDGenerator.
    public void testGenerateTimeBasedUUIDWithEthernetAddress()
        // this test will attempt to check for reasonable behavior of the
        // generateTimeBasedUUID(EthernetAddress) method
        EthernetAddress ethernet_address =
            new EthernetAddress("87:F5:93:06:D3:0C");
        // we need a instance to use
        TimeBasedGenerator uuid_gen = Generators.timeBasedGenerator(ethernet_address);
        // check that given a number of calls to generateTimeBasedUUID,
        // all returned UUIDs order after the last returned UUID
        // we'll check this by generating the UUIDs into one array and sorting
        // then in another and checking the order of the two match
        // change the number in the array statement if you want more or less
        // UUIDs to be generated and tested
        UUID uuid_array[] = new UUID[SIZE_OF_TEST_ARRAY];
        // before we generate all the uuids, lets get the start time
        long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // now create the array of uuids
        for (int i = 0; i < uuid_array.length; i++) {
            uuid_array[i] = uuid_gen.generate();
        // now capture the end time
        long end_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // check that none of the UUIDs are null
        // check that all the uuids were correct variant and version (type-1)
        checkUUIDArrayForCorrectVariantAndVersion(uuid_array, UUIDType.TIME_BASED);

        // check that all the uuids were generated with correct order
        // check that all uuids were unique
        // check that all uuids have timestamps between the start and end time
        checkUUIDArrayForCorrectCreationTime(uuid_array, start_time, end_time);
        // check that all UUIDs have the correct ethernet address in the UUID
        checkUUIDArrayForCorrectEthernetAddress(uuid_array, ethernet_address);
     * Test of generateNameBasedUUID(UUID, String)
     * method, of class com.fasterxml.uuid.UUIDGenerator.
    public void testGenerateNameBasedUUIDNameSpaceAndName()
        // this test will attempt to check for reasonable behavior of the
        // generateNameBasedUUID method
        // we need a instance to use
        NameBasedGenerator uuid_gen = Generators.nameBasedGenerator(NameBasedGenerator.NAMESPACE_URL);
        UUID uuid_array[] = new UUID[SIZE_OF_TEST_ARRAY];
        // now create the array of uuids
        for (int i = 0; i < uuid_array.length; i++) {
            uuid_array[i] = uuid_gen.generate("test name" + i);
        // check that none of the UUIDs are null
        // check that all the uuids were correct variant and version
        checkUUIDArrayForCorrectVariantAndVersion(uuid_array, UUIDType.NAME_BASED_SHA1);
        // check that all uuids were unique
        // now create the array of uuids
        for (int i = 0; i < uuid_array.length; i++) {
            uuid_array[i] = uuid_gen.generate("test name" + i);
        // check that none of the UUIDs are null
        // check that all the uuids were correct variant and version
        checkUUIDArrayForCorrectVariantAndVersion(uuid_array, UUIDType.NAME_BASED_SHA1);
        // check that all uuids were unique
        // now, lets make sure generating two sets of name based uuid with the
        // same args always gives the same result
        uuid_array = new UUID[SIZE_OF_TEST_ARRAY];

        uuid_gen = Generators.nameBasedGenerator(NameBasedGenerator.NAMESPACE_URL);
        // now create the array of uuids
        for (int i = 0; i < uuid_array.length; i++) {
            uuid_array[i] = uuid_gen.generate("test name" + i);
        UUID uuid_array2[] = new UUID[SIZE_OF_TEST_ARRAY];
        uuid_gen = Generators.nameBasedGenerator(NameBasedGenerator.NAMESPACE_URL);
        // now create the array of uuids
        for (int i = 0; i < uuid_array2.length; i++) {
            uuid_array2[i] = uuid_gen.generate("test name" + i);
        // check that none of the UUIDs are null
        // check that all the uuids were correct variant and version
        checkUUIDArrayForCorrectVariantAndVersion(uuid_array, UUIDType.NAME_BASED_SHA1);
        checkUUIDArrayForCorrectVariantAndVersion(uuid_array2, UUIDType.NAME_BASED_SHA1);
        // check that all uuids were unique
        // check that both arrays are equal to one another
        assertTrue("expected both arrays to be equal, they were not!",
            Arrays.equals(uuid_array, uuid_array2));
     * Test of generateNameBasedUUID(UUID, String, MessageDigest)
     * method, of class com.fasterxml.uuid.UUIDGenerator.
    public void testGenerateNameBasedUUIDNameSpaceNameAndMessageDigest()
        MessageDigest MESSAGE_DIGEST = null;
            MESSAGE_DIGEST = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            fail("exception caught getting test digest : " + ex);
        // this test will attempt to check for reasonable behavior of the
        // generateNameBasedUUID method

        NameBasedGenerator uuid_gen = Generators.nameBasedGenerator(NameBasedGenerator.NAMESPACE_URL, MESSAGE_DIGEST);
        UUID uuid_array[] = new UUID[SIZE_OF_TEST_ARRAY];
        // now create the array of uuids
        for (int i = 0; i < uuid_array.length; i++)
            uuid_array[i] = uuid_gen.generate("test name"+i);
        // check that none of the UUIDs are null
        // check that all the uuids were correct variant and version
        checkUUIDArrayForCorrectVariantAndVersion(uuid_array, UUIDType.NAME_BASED_MD5);
        // check that all uuids were unique
        // now create the array of uuids
        for (int i = 0; i < uuid_array.length; i++)
            uuid_array[i] = uuid_gen.generate("test name" + i);
        // check that none of the UUIDs are null
        // check that all the uuids were correct variant and version
        checkUUIDArrayForCorrectVariantAndVersion(uuid_array, UUIDType.NAME_BASED_MD5);
        // check that all uuids were unique
        // now, lets make sure generating two sets of name based uuid with the
        // same args always gives the same result
        uuid_array = new UUID[SIZE_OF_TEST_ARRAY];
        // now create the array of uuids
        for (int i = 0; i < uuid_array.length; i++) {
            uuid_array[i] = uuid_gen.generate("test name" + i);
        UUID uuid_array2[] = new UUID[SIZE_OF_TEST_ARRAY];
        // now create the array of uuids
        for (int i = 0; i < uuid_array2.length; i++) {
            uuid_array2[i] = uuid_gen.generate("test name" + i);
        // check that none of the UUIDs are null
        // check that all the uuids were correct variant and version
        checkUUIDArrayForCorrectVariantAndVersion(uuid_array, UUIDType.NAME_BASED_MD5);
        checkUUIDArrayForCorrectVariantAndVersion(uuid_array2, UUIDType.NAME_BASED_MD5);
        // check that all uuids were unique
        // check that both arrays are equal to one another
        assertTrue("expected both arrays to be equal, they were not!",
            Arrays.equals(uuid_array, uuid_array2));
     * Begin Private Helper Methods for use in tests
    private class ReverseOrderUUIDComparator implements Comparator<UUID>
        // this Comparator class has a compare which orders reverse of the
        // compareTo methond in UUID (so we can be sure our arrays below are
        // 'not ordered in sorted order' before we sort them.
        public int compare(UUID uuid1, UUID uuid2)
            return -uuid1.compareTo(uuid2);
        // we are only implementing equals because it's needed, super should do
        public boolean equals(Object o)
            return super.equals(o);
    private void checkUUIDArrayForCorrectOrdering(UUID[] uuidArray)
        // now we'll clone the array and reverse it
        UUID uuid_sorted_array[] = (UUID[])uuidArray.clone();
        assertEquals("Cloned array length did not match",
        ReverseOrderUUIDComparator rev_order_uuid_comp =
            new ReverseOrderUUIDComparator();
        Arrays.sort(uuid_sorted_array, rev_order_uuid_comp);
        // let's check that the array is actually reversed
        for (int i = 0; i < uuid_sorted_array.length; i++)
                "Reverse order check on uuid arrays failed on element " + i,
                    uuid_sorted_array[uuid_sorted_array.length - (1 + i)]));
        // now let's sort the reversed array and check that it
        // sorted to the same order as the original
        for (int i = 0; i < uuid_sorted_array.length; i++)
                "Same order check on uuid arrays failed on element " + i,
    private void checkUUIDArrayForUniqueness(UUID[] uuidArray)
        // here we'll assert that all elements in the list are not equal to
        // each other (aka, there should be no duplicates) we'll do this by
        // inserting all elements into a HashSet and making sure none of them
        //were already present (add will return false if it was already there)
        HashSet<UUID> hash_set = new HashSet<UUID>();
        for (int i = 0; i < uuidArray.length; i++)
            assertTrue("Uniqueness test failed on insert into HashSet: index "+i+", value "+uuidArray[i],
            assertFalse("Paranoia Uniqueness test failed (second insert)",
    private void checkUUIDArrayForCorrectVariantAndVersion(UUID[] uuidArray,
                                                           UUIDType expectedType)
        // let's check that all the UUIDs are valid type-X UUIDs with the
        // correct variant according to the specification.
        for (int i = 0; i < uuidArray.length; i++) {
            UUIDType actual = UUIDUtil.typeOf(uuidArray[i]);
            if (actual != expectedType) {
                fail("Expected version (type) did not match for UUID '"+uuidArray[i]+"' "+i+" (of "+uuidArray.length+"); expected "
                        +expectedType+", got "+actual);
            // now. let's double check the variant and type from the array
            byte[] temp_uuid = UUIDUtil.asByteArray(uuidArray[i]);
            // extract type from the UUID and check for correct type
            int type = (temp_uuid[UUIDUtil.BYTE_OFFSET_TYPE] & 0xFF) >> 4;
            assertEquals("Expected type did not match",
            // extract variant from the UUID and check for correct variant
            int variant = (temp_uuid[UUIDUtil.BYTE_OFFSET_VARIATION] & 0xFF) >> 6;
            assertEquals("Expected variant did not match",

    private void checkUUIDArrayForCorrectCreationTime(UUID[] uuidArray, long startTime, long endTime)
        // we need to convert from 100-nanosecond units (as used in UUIDs)
        // to millisecond units as used in UTC based time
        final long MILLI_CONVERSION_FACTOR = 10000L;
        // Since System.currentTimeMillis() returns time epoc time
        // (from 1-Jan-1970), and UUIDs use time from the beginning of
        // Gregorian calendar (15-Oct-1582) we have a offset for correction

        assertTrue("start time was not before the end time", startTime < endTime);
        // let's check that all uuids in the array have a timestamp which lands
        // between the start and end time
        for (int i = 0; i < uuidArray.length; i++){
            byte[] temp_uuid = UUIDUtil.asByteArray(uuidArray[i]);
            // first we'll collect the UUID time stamp which is
            // the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since
            // 00:00:00.00 15 October 1582
            long uuid_time = 0L;
            uuid_time |= ((temp_uuid[3] & 0xF0L) <<  0);
            uuid_time |= ((temp_uuid[2] & 0xFFL) <<  8);
            uuid_time |= ((temp_uuid[1] & 0xFFL) << 16);
            uuid_time |= ((temp_uuid[0] & 0xFFL) << 24);
            uuid_time |= ((temp_uuid[5] & 0xFFL) << 32);
            uuid_time |= ((temp_uuid[4] & 0xFFL) << 40);
            uuid_time |= ((temp_uuid[7] & 0xFFL) << 48);
            uuid_time |= ((temp_uuid[6] & 0x0FL) << 56);
            // first we'll remove the gregorian offset

            // and convert to milliseconds as the system clock is in millis
            uuid_time /= MILLI_CONVERSION_FACTOR;

            // now check that the times are correct
                "Start time: " + startTime +
                    " was not before UUID timestamp: " + uuid_time,
                startTime  <= uuid_time);
                "UUID timestamp: " + uuid_time +
                    " was not before the start time: " + endTime,
                uuid_time <= endTime);           

    private void checkUUIDArrayForCorrectEthernetAddress(UUID[] uuidArray,
        EthernetAddress ethernetAddress)
        for (int i = 0; i < uuidArray.length; i++)
            byte[] uuid_ethernet_address = new byte[6];
            System.arraycopy(UUIDUtil.asByteArray(uuidArray[i]), 10, uuid_ethernet_address, 0, 6);
            byte[] ethernet_address = ethernetAddress.asByteArray();
                "UUID ethernet address did not equal passed ethernetAddress",
                Arrays.equals(ethernet_address, uuid_ethernet_address));
    private void checkUUIDArrayForNonNullUUIDs(UUID[] uuidArray)
        for (int i = 0; i < uuidArray.length; i++) {
          if (UUIDUtil.typeOf(uuidArray[i]) == UUIDType.UNKNOWN) {
            fail("Entry #"+i+" was UNKNOWN UUID, shouldn't be");
     * End Private Helper Methods for use in tests

Related Classes of com.fasterxml.uuid.UUIDGeneratorTest

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