Package perf

Source Code of perf.MeasurePerformance

package perf;

import java.util.UUID;

import com.fasterxml.uuid.*;
import com.fasterxml.uuid.impl.RandomBasedGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.uuid.impl.TimeBasedGenerator;

* Simple micro-benchmark for evaluating performance of various UUID generation
* techniques, including JDK's method as well as JUG's variants.
* Notes: for name-based variant we will pass plain Strings, assuming this is the
* most common use case; even though it is possible to also pass raw byte arrays.
* JDK and Jug implementations have similar performance so this only changes
* relative speeds of name- vs time-based variants.
* @since 3.1
public class MeasurePerformance
    // Let's generate quarter million UUIDs per test
    private static final int ROUNDS = 250;
    private static final int COUNT = 1000;
    // also: let's just use a single name for name-based, to avoid extra overhead:
    final String NAME = "";
    final byte[] NAME_BYTES;

    public MeasurePerformance() throws
        NAME_BYTES = NAME.getBytes("UTF-8");
    public void test() throws Exception
        int i = 0;

        final Object[] uuids = new Object[COUNT];

        // can either use bogus address; or local one, no difference perf-wise
        EthernetAddress nic = EthernetAddress.fromInterface();

        // Whether to include namespace? Depends on whether we compare with JDK (which does not)
//        UUID namespaceForNamed = NAMESPACE;
        UUID namespaceForNamed = null;

        final RandomBasedGenerator secureRandomGen = Generators.randomBasedGenerator();
        final RandomBasedGenerator utilRandomGen = Generators.randomBasedGenerator(new java.util.Random(123));
        final TimeBasedGenerator timeGenPlain = Generators.timeBasedGenerator(nic);
        final TimeBasedGenerator timeGenSynced = Generators.timeBasedGenerator(nic,
                new com.fasterxml.uuid.ext.FileBasedTimestampSynchronizer());
        final StringArgGenerator nameGen = Generators.nameBasedGenerator(namespaceForNamed);
        while (true) {
            try Thread.sleep(100L); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { }
            int round = (i++ % 7);
            long curr = System.currentTimeMillis();
            String msg;
            boolean lf = (round == 0);
            switch (round) {
            case 0:
                msg = "JDK, random";
                testJDK(uuids, ROUNDS);

            case 1:
                msg = "JDK, name";
                testJDKNames(uuids, ROUNDS);
            case 2:
                msg = "Jug, time-based (non-sync)";
                testTimeBased(uuids, ROUNDS, timeGenPlain);

            case 3:
                msg = "Jug, time-based (SYNC)";
                testTimeBased(uuids, ROUNDS, timeGenSynced);
            case 4:
                msg = "Jug, SecureRandom";
                testRandom(uuids, ROUNDS, secureRandomGen);

            case 5:
                msg = "Jug, java.util.Random";
                testRandom(uuids, ROUNDS, utilRandomGen);

            case 6:
                msg = "Jug, name-based";
                testNameBased(uuids, ROUNDS, nameGen);

            case 7:
                msg = "";
                testUUID32(uuids, ROUNDS);
                throw new Error("Internal error");

            curr = System.currentTimeMillis() - curr;
            if (lf) {
            System.out.println("Test '"+msg+"' -> "+curr+" msecs; last UUID: "+uuids[COUNT-1]);

    // Test implementation from
    private final void testUUID32(Object[] uuids, int rounds)
        while (--rounds >= 0) {
            for (int i = 0, len = uuids.length; i < len; ++i) {
                uuids[i] = new com.eaio.uuid.UUID();
    private final void testJDK(Object[] uuids, int rounds)
        while (--rounds >= 0) {
            for (int i = 0, len = uuids.length; i < len; ++i) {
                uuids[i] = UUID.randomUUID();

    private final void testJDKNames(Object[] uuids, int rounds) throws
        while (--rounds >= 0) {
            for (int i = 0, len = uuids.length; i < len; ++i) {
                final byte[] nameBytes = NAME.getBytes("UTF-8");
                uuids[i] = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(nameBytes);
    private final void testRandom(Object[] uuids, int rounds, RandomBasedGenerator uuidGen)
        while (--rounds >= 0) {
            for (int i = 0, len = uuids.length; i < len; ++i) {
                uuids[i] = uuidGen.generate();

    private final void testTimeBased(Object[] uuids, int rounds, TimeBasedGenerator uuidGen)
        while (--rounds >= 0) {
            for (int i = 0, len = uuids.length; i < len; ++i) {
                uuids[i] = uuidGen.generate();
    private final void testNameBased(Object[] uuids, int rounds, StringArgGenerator uuidGen)
        while (--rounds >= 0) {
            for (int i = 0, len = uuids.length; i < len; ++i) {
                uuids[i] = uuidGen.generate(NAME);
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        new MeasurePerformance().test();

Related Classes of perf.MeasurePerformance

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