* Licensed to CRATE Technology GmbH ("Crate") under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership. Crate licenses
* this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
* obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* However, if you have executed another commercial license agreement
* with Crate these terms will supersede the license and you may use the
* software solely pursuant to the terms of the relevant commercial agreement.
package io.crate.test.integration;
import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.SeedUtils;
import com.google.common.base.Predicate;
import com.google.common.base.Predicates;
import com.google.common.collect.Collections2;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterators;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.client.Client;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterService;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNode;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNodes;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.ShardRouting;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.decider.DiskThresholdDecider;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Key;
import org.elasticsearch.common.io.FileSystemUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.ESLogger;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.Loggers;
import org.elasticsearch.common.network.NetworkUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.ImmutableSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.env.NodeEnvironment;
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.IndexEngineModule;
import org.elasticsearch.node.Node;
import org.elasticsearch.node.internal.InternalNode;
import org.elasticsearch.test.engine.MockEngineModule;
import org.elasticsearch.test.store.MockFSIndexStoreModule;
import org.elasticsearch.test.transport.AssertingLocalTransportModule;
import org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportModule;
import org.junit.Assert;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import static com.google.common.collect.Maps.newTreeMap;
import static org.elasticsearch.common.settings.ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder;
import static org.elasticsearch.node.NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder;
* TestCluster manages a set of JVM private nodes and allows convenient access to them.
* The cluster supports randomized configuration such that nodes started in the cluster will
* automatically load asserting services tracking resources like file handles or open searchers.
* <p>
* The Cluster is bound to a test lifecycle where tests must call {@link #beforeTest(java.util.Random, double)} and
* {@link #afterTest()} to initialize and reset the cluster in order to be more reproducible. The term "more" relates
* to the async nature of Elasticsearch in combination with randomized testing. Once Threads and asynchronous calls
* are involved reproducibility is very limited. This class should only be used through {@link CrateIntegrationTest}.
* </p>
public class CrateTestCluster implements Iterable<Client> {
private final ESLogger logger = Loggers.getLogger(getClass());
/* sorted map to make traverse order reproducible */
private final TreeMap<String, NodeAndClient> nodes = newTreeMap();
private final Set<File> dataDirToClean = new HashSet<File>();
private final String clusterName;
private final AtomicBoolean open = new AtomicBoolean(true);
private final Settings defaultSettings;
private Random random;
private AtomicInteger nextNodeId = new AtomicInteger(0);
/* We have a fixed number of shared nodes that we keep around across tests */
private final int numSharedNodes;
/* Each shared node has a node seed that is used to start up the node and get default settings
* this is important if a node is randomly shut down in a test since the next test relies on a
* fully shared cluster to be more reproducible */
private final long[] sharedNodesSeeds;
private final NodeSettingsSource nodeSettingsSource;
private Path tmpDataDir = null;
public CrateTestCluster(long clusterSeed, String clusterName) {
this(clusterSeed, 2, clusterName, NodeSettingsSource.EMPTY);
public CrateTestCluster(long clusterSeed, int numNodes, String clusterName, NodeSettingsSource nodeSettingsSource) {
this.clusterName = clusterName;
random = new Random(clusterSeed);
numSharedNodes = numNodes < 0 ? 2 : numNodes;
sharedNodesSeeds = new long[numSharedNodes];
for (int i = 0; i < sharedNodesSeeds.length; i++) {
sharedNodesSeeds[i] = random.nextLong();
logger.info("Setup TestCluster [{}] with seed [{}] using [{}] nodes", clusterName, SeedUtils.formatSeed(clusterSeed), numSharedNodes);
try {
tmpDataDir = Files.createTempDirectory(null);
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
ImmutableSettings.Builder builder = settingsBuilder()
.put("index.store.type", MockFSIndexStoreModule.class.getName()) // no RAM dir for now!
.put(IndexEngineModule.EngineSettings.ENGINE_TYPE, MockEngineModule.class.getName())
.put("cluster.name", clusterName)
// decrease the routing schedule so new nodes will be added quickly - some random value between 30 and 80 ms
.put("cluster.routing.schedule", "30ms")
.put("http.port", "44200-44300")
.put("transport.tcp.port", "44300-44400");
if (tmpDataDir != null) {
builder.put("path.data", tmpDataDir.toAbsolutePath());
if (isLocalTransportConfigured()) {
builder.put(TransportModule.TRANSPORT_TYPE_KEY, AssertingLocalTransportModule.class.getName());
this.defaultSettings = builder.build();
this.nodeSettingsSource = nodeSettingsSource;
private static boolean isLocalTransportConfigured() {
if ("local".equals(System.getProperty("es.node.mode", "network"))) {
return true;
return Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("es.node.local", "false"));
private Settings getSettings(int nodeOrdinal, Settings others) {
ImmutableSettings.Builder builder = settingsBuilder().put(defaultSettings);
Settings settings = nodeSettingsSource.settings(nodeOrdinal);
if (settings != null) {
if (others != null) {
return builder.build();
public static String clusterName(String prefix, String childVMId, long clusterSeed) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(prefix);
// if multiple maven task run on a single host we better have an identifier that doesn't rely on input params
return builder.toString();
public String clusterName() {
return clusterName;
private void ensureOpen() {
if (!open.get()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cluster is already closed");
private synchronized NodeAndClient getOrBuildRandomNode() {
NodeAndClient randomNodeAndClient = getRandomNodeAndClient();
if (randomNodeAndClient != null) {
return randomNodeAndClient;
NodeAndClient buildNode = buildNode();
return buildNode;
private synchronized NodeAndClient getRandomNodeAndClient() {
Predicate<NodeAndClient> all = Predicates.alwaysTrue();
return getRandomNodeAndClient(all);
private synchronized NodeAndClient getRandomNodeAndClient(Predicate<NodeAndClient> predicate) {
Collection<NodeAndClient> values = Collections2.filter(nodes.values(), predicate);
if (!values.isEmpty()) {
int whichOne = random.nextInt(values.size());
for (NodeAndClient nodeAndClient : values) {
if (whichOne-- == 0) {
return nodeAndClient;
return null;
* Ensures that at least <code>n</code> nodes are present in the cluster.
* if more nodes than <code>n</code> are present this method will not
* stop any of the running nodes.
public synchronized void ensureAtLeastNumNodes(int n) {
int size = nodes.size();
for (int i = size; i < n; i++) {
logger.info("increasing cluster size from {} to {}", size, n);
NodeAndClient buildNode = buildNode();
* Ensures that at most <code>n</code> are up and running.
* If less nodes that <code>n</code> are running this method
* will not start any additional nodes.
public synchronized void ensureAtMostNumNodes(int n) {
if (nodes.size() <= n) {
// prevent killing the master if possible
final Iterator<NodeAndClient> values = n == 0 ? nodes.values().iterator() : Iterators.filter(nodes.values().iterator(), Predicates.not(new MasterNodePredicate(getMasterName())));
final Iterator<NodeAndClient> limit = Iterators.limit(values, nodes.size() - n);
logger.info("reducing cluster size from {} to {}", nodes.size() - n, n);
Set<NodeAndClient> nodesToRemove = new HashSet<NodeAndClient>();
while (limit.hasNext()) {
NodeAndClient next = limit.next();
for (NodeAndClient toRemove : nodesToRemove) {
protected NodeAndClient buildNode(Settings settings) {
int ord = nextNodeId.getAndIncrement();
return buildNode(ord, random.nextLong(), settings);
protected NodeAndClient buildNode() {
int ord = nextNodeId.getAndIncrement();
return buildNode(ord, random.nextLong(), null);
private NodeAndClient buildNode(int nodeId, long seed, Settings settings) {
settings = getSettings(nodeId, settings);
String name;
if (settings.get("node.name", null) != null) {
name = settings.get("node.name");
} else {
name = buildNodeName(nodeId);
assert !nodes.containsKey(name);
Settings finalSettings = settingsBuilder()
.put("name", name)
Node node = nodeBuilder().settings(finalSettings).build();
return new NodeAndClient(name, node, new ClientFactory());
private String buildNodeName(int id) {
return "node_" + id;
public synchronized Client client() {
/* Randomly return a client to one of the nodes in the cluster */
return getOrBuildRandomNode().client(random);
* Returns a node client to the current master node.
* Note: use this with care tests should not rely on a certain nodes client.
public synchronized Client masterClient() {
NodeAndClient randomNodeAndClient = getRandomNodeAndClient(new MasterNodePredicate(getMasterName()));
if (randomNodeAndClient != null) {
return randomNodeAndClient.nodeClient(); // ensure node client master is requested
Assert.fail("No master client found");
return null; // can't happen
* Returns a node client to random node but not the master. This method will fail if no non-master client is available.
public synchronized Client nonMasterClient() {
NodeAndClient randomNodeAndClient = getRandomNodeAndClient(Predicates.not(new MasterNodePredicate(getMasterName())));
if (randomNodeAndClient != null) {
return randomNodeAndClient.nodeClient(); // ensure node client non-master is requested
Assert.fail("No non-master client found");
return null; // can't happen
* Returns a client to a node started with "node.client: true"
public synchronized Client clientNodeClient() {
NodeAndClient randomNodeAndClient = getRandomNodeAndClient(new ClientNodePredicate());
if (randomNodeAndClient != null) {
return randomNodeAndClient.client(random);
return getRandomNodeAndClient(new ClientNodePredicate()).client(random);
* Returns a node client to a given node.
public synchronized Client client(String nodeName) {
NodeAndClient nodeAndClient = nodes.get(nodeName);
if (nodeAndClient != null) {
return nodeAndClient.client(random);
Assert.fail("No node found with name: [" + nodeName + "]");
return null; // can't happen
* Returns a "smart" node client to a random node in the cluster
public synchronized Client smartClient() {
NodeAndClient randomNodeAndClient = getRandomNodeAndClient();
if (randomNodeAndClient != null) {
return randomNodeAndClient.nodeClient();
Assert.fail("No smart client found");
return null; // can't happen
* Returns a random node that applies to the given predicate.
* The predicate can filter nodes based on the nodes settings.
* If all nodes are filtered out this method will return <code>null</code>
public synchronized Client client(final Predicate<Settings> filterPredicate) {
final NodeAndClient randomNodeAndClient = getRandomNodeAndClient(new Predicate<NodeAndClient>() {
public boolean apply(NodeAndClient nodeAndClient) {
return filterPredicate.apply(nodeAndClient.node.settings());
if (randomNodeAndClient != null) {
return randomNodeAndClient.client(random);
return null;
void close() {
if (this.open.compareAndSet(true, false)) {
private final class NodeAndClient implements Closeable {
private InternalNode node;
private Client client;
private Client nodeClient;
private final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private final ClientFactory clientFactory;
private final String name;
NodeAndClient(String name, Node node, ClientFactory factory) {
this.node = (InternalNode)node;
this.name = name;
this.clientFactory = factory;
Node node() {
if (closed.get()) {
throw new RuntimeException("already closed");
return node;
Client client(Random random) {
if (closed.get()) {
throw new RuntimeException("already closed");
if (client != null) {
return client;
return client = clientFactory.client(node, clusterName);
Client nodeClient() {
if (closed.get()) {
throw new RuntimeException("already closed");
if (nodeClient == null) {
nodeClient = node.client();
return nodeClient;
void resetClient() {
if (closed.get()) {
throw new RuntimeException("already closed");
if (client != null) {
client = null;
if (nodeClient != null) {
nodeClient = null;
void restart(RestartCallback callback) throws Exception {
assert callback != null;
if (!node.isClosed()) {
Settings newSettings = callback.onNodeStopped(name);
if (newSettings == null) {
newSettings = ImmutableSettings.EMPTY;
if (callback.clearData(name)) {
NodeEnvironment nodeEnv = getInstanceFromNode(NodeEnvironment.class, node);
if (nodeEnv.hasNodeFile()) {
node = (InternalNode) nodeBuilder().settings(node.settings()).settings(newSettings).node();
public void close() {
if (client != null) {
client = null;
if (nodeClient != null) {
nodeClient = null;
static class ClientFactory {
public Client client(Node node, String clusterName) {
return node.client();
* This method should be exectued before each test to reset the cluster to it's initial state.
synchronized void beforeTest(Random random) {
reset(random, true);
private synchronized void reset(Random random, boolean wipeData) {
logger.debug("Reset test cluster");
this.random = new Random(random.nextLong());
resetClients(); /* reset all clients - each test gets it's own client based on the Random instance created above. */
if (wipeData) {
if (nextNodeId.get() == sharedNodesSeeds.length && nodes.size() == sharedNodesSeeds.length) {
logger.debug("Cluster hasn't changed - moving out - nodes: [{}] nextNodeId: [{}] numSharedNodes: [{}]", nodes.keySet(), nextNodeId.get(), sharedNodesSeeds.length);
logger.debug("Cluster is NOT consistent - restarting shared nodes - nodes: [{}] nextNodeId: [{}] numSharedNodes: [{}]", nodes.keySet(), nextNodeId.get(), sharedNodesSeeds.length);
Set<NodeAndClient> sharedNodes = new HashSet<NodeAndClient>();
boolean changed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < sharedNodesSeeds.length; i++) {
String buildNodeName = buildNodeName(i);
NodeAndClient nodeAndClient = nodes.get(buildNodeName);
if (nodeAndClient == null) {
changed = true;
nodeAndClient = buildNode(i, sharedNodesSeeds[i], defaultSettings);
logger.info("Start Shared Node [{}] not shared", nodeAndClient.name);
if (!changed && sharedNodes.size() == nodes.size()) {
logger.debug("Cluster is consistent - moving out - nodes: [{}] nextNodeId: [{}] numSharedNodes: [{}]", nodes.keySet(), nextNodeId.get(), sharedNodesSeeds.length);
if (size() > 0) {
return; // we are consistent - return
for (NodeAndClient nodeAndClient : sharedNodes) {
// trash the remaining nodes
final Collection<NodeAndClient> toShutDown = nodes.values();
for (NodeAndClient nodeAndClient : toShutDown) {
logger.debug("Close Node [{}] not shared", nodeAndClient.name);
for (NodeAndClient nodeAndClient : sharedNodes) {
assert size() == sharedNodesSeeds.length;
if (size() > 0) {
logger.debug("Cluster is consistent again - nodes: [{}] nextNodeId: [{}] numSharedNodes: [{}]", nodes.keySet(), nextNodeId.get(), sharedNodesSeeds.length);
* This method should be executed during tearDown
public synchronized void afterTest() {
resetClients(); /* reset all clients - each test gets it's own client based on the Random instance created above. */
private void resetClients() {
final Collection<NodeAndClient> nodesAndClients = nodes.values();
for (NodeAndClient nodeAndClient : nodesAndClients) {
private void wipeDataDirectories() {
if (!dataDirToClean.isEmpty()) {
logger.info("Wipe data directory for all nodes locations: {}", this.dataDirToClean);
try {
FileSystemUtils.deleteRecursively(dataDirToClean.toArray(new File[0]));
} finally {
if (tmpDataDir != null) {
* Returns a reference to a random nodes {@link ClusterService}
public synchronized ClusterService clusterService() {
return getInstance(ClusterService.class);
* Returns an Iterabel to all instances for the given class >T< across all nodes in the cluster.
public synchronized <T> Iterable<T> getInstances(Class<T> clazz) {
List<T> instances = new ArrayList<T>(nodes.size());
for (NodeAndClient nodeAndClient : nodes.values()) {
instances.add(getInstanceFromNode(clazz, nodeAndClient.node));
return instances;
* Returns a reference to the given nodes instances of the given class >T<
public synchronized <T> T getInstance(Class<T> clazz, final String node) {
final Predicate<CrateTestCluster.NodeAndClient> predicate;
if (node != null) {
predicate = new Predicate<CrateTestCluster.NodeAndClient>() {
public boolean apply(NodeAndClient nodeAndClient) {
return node.equals(nodeAndClient.name);
} else {
predicate = Predicates.alwaysTrue();
NodeAndClient randomNodeAndClient = getRandomNodeAndClient(predicate);
assert randomNodeAndClient != null;
return getInstanceFromNode(clazz, randomNodeAndClient.node);
* Returns a reference to a random nodes instances of the given class >T<
public synchronized <T> T getInstance(Class<T> clazz) {
return getInstance(clazz, null);
private synchronized <T> T getInstanceFromNode(Class<T> clazz, InternalNode node) {
return node.injector().getInstance(clazz);
* Returns a reference to the given nodes instances of the given key >T<
public synchronized <T> T getInstance(Key<T> key, final String node) {
final Predicate<CrateTestCluster.NodeAndClient> predicate;
if (node != null) {
predicate = new Predicate<CrateTestCluster.NodeAndClient>() {
public boolean apply(NodeAndClient nodeAndClient) {
return node.equals(nodeAndClient.name);
} else {
predicate = Predicates.alwaysTrue();
NodeAndClient randomNodeAndClient = getRandomNodeAndClient(predicate);
assert randomNodeAndClient != null;
return getInstanceFromNode(key, randomNodeAndClient.node);
* Returns a reference to a random nodes instances of the given key >T<
public synchronized <T> T getInstance(Key<T> key) {
return getInstance(key, null);
private synchronized <T> T getInstanceFromNode(Key<T> key, InternalNode node) {
return node.injector().getInstance(key);
* Returns the number of nodes in the cluster.
public synchronized int size() {
return this.nodes.size();
* Stops a random node in the cluster.
public synchronized void stopRandomNode() {
NodeAndClient nodeAndClient = getRandomNodeAndClient();
if (nodeAndClient != null) {
logger.info("Closing random node [{}] ", nodeAndClient.name);
public synchronized void stopNode(final String nodeName) {
NodeAndClient nodeAndClient = getRandomNodeAndClient(new Predicate<NodeAndClient>() {
public boolean apply(@Nullable io.crate.test.integration.CrateTestCluster.NodeAndClient input) {
return input.name.equals(nodeName);
if (nodeAndClient != null) {
logger.info("Closing random node [{}] ", nodeAndClient.name);
* Stops a random node in the cluster that applies to the given filter or non if the non of the nodes applies to the
* filter.
public synchronized void stopRandomNode(final Predicate<Settings> filter) {
NodeAndClient nodeAndClient = getRandomNodeAndClient(new Predicate<CrateTestCluster.NodeAndClient>() {
public boolean apply(NodeAndClient nodeAndClient) {
return filter.apply(nodeAndClient.node.settings());
if (nodeAndClient != null) {
logger.info("Closing filtered random node [{}] ", nodeAndClient.name);
* Stops the current master node forcefully
public synchronized void stopCurrentMasterNode() {
assert size() > 0;
String masterNodeName = getMasterName();
assert nodes.containsKey(masterNodeName);
logger.info("Closing master node [{}] ", masterNodeName);
NodeAndClient remove = nodes.remove(masterNodeName);
* Stops the any of the current nodes but not the master node.
public void stopRandomNonMasterNode() {
NodeAndClient nodeAndClient = getRandomNodeAndClient(Predicates.not(new MasterNodePredicate(getMasterName())));
if (nodeAndClient != null) {
logger.info("Closing random non master node [{}] current master [{}] ", nodeAndClient.name, getMasterName());
* Restarts a random node in the cluster
public void restartRandomNode() throws Exception {
* Restarts a random node in the cluster and calls the callback during restart.
public void restartRandomNode(RestartCallback callback) throws Exception {
NodeAndClient nodeAndClient = getRandomNodeAndClient();
if (nodeAndClient != null) {
logger.info("Restarting random node [{}] ", nodeAndClient.name);
private void restartAllNodes(boolean rollingRestart, RestartCallback callback) throws Exception {
List<NodeAndClient> toRemove = new ArrayList<CrateTestCluster.NodeAndClient>();
try {
for (NodeAndClient nodeAndClient : nodes.values()) {
if (!callback.doRestart(nodeAndClient.name)) {
logger.info("Closing node [{}] during restart", nodeAndClient.name);
} finally {
for (NodeAndClient nodeAndClient : toRemove) {
logger.info("Restarting remaining nodes rollingRestart [{}]", rollingRestart);
if (rollingRestart) {
int numNodesRestarted = 0;
for (NodeAndClient nodeAndClient : nodes.values()) {
callback.doAfterNodes(numNodesRestarted++, nodeAndClient.nodeClient());
logger.info("Restarting node [{}] ", nodeAndClient.name);
} else {
int numNodesRestarted = 0;
for (NodeAndClient nodeAndClient : nodes.values()) {
callback.doAfterNodes(numNodesRestarted++, nodeAndClient.nodeClient());
logger.info("Stopping node [{}] ", nodeAndClient.name);
for (NodeAndClient nodeAndClient : nodes.values()) {
logger.info("Starting node [{}] ", nodeAndClient.name);
private static final RestartCallback EMPTY_CALLBACK = new RestartCallback() {
public Settings onNodeStopped(String node) {
return null;
* Restarts all nodes in the cluster. It first stops all nodes and then restarts all the nodes again.
public void fullRestart() throws Exception {
* Restarts all nodes in a rolling restart fashion ie. only restarts on node a time.
public void rollingRestart() throws Exception {
* Restarts all nodes in a rolling restart fashion ie. only restarts on node a time.
public void rollingRestart(RestartCallback function) throws Exception {
restartAllNodes(true, function);
* Restarts all nodes in the cluster. It first stops all nodes and then restarts all the nodes again.
public void fullRestart(RestartCallback function) throws Exception {
restartAllNodes(false, function);
private String getMasterName() {
try {
ClusterState state = client().admin().cluster().prepareState().execute().actionGet().getState();
return state.nodes().masterNode().name();
} catch (Throwable e) {
logger.warn("Can't fetch cluster state", e);
throw new RuntimeException("Can't get master node " + e.getMessage(), e);
synchronized Set<String> allButN(int numNodes) {
return nRandomNodes(size() - numNodes);
private synchronized Set<String> nRandomNodes(int numNodes) {
assert size() >= numNodes;
return Sets.newHashSet(Iterators.limit(this.nodes.keySet().iterator(), numNodes));
public synchronized void startNodeClient(Settings settings) {
ensureOpen(); // currently unused
startNode(settingsBuilder().put(settings).put("node.client", true));
* Returns a set of nodes that have at least one shard of the given index.
public synchronized Set<String> nodesInclude(String index) {
if (clusterService().state().routingTable().hasIndex(index)) {
List<ShardRouting> allShards = clusterService().state().routingTable().allShards(index);
DiscoveryNodes discoveryNodes = clusterService().state().getNodes();
Set<String> nodes = new HashSet<String>();
for (ShardRouting shardRouting : allShards) {
if (shardRouting.assignedToNode()) {
DiscoveryNode discoveryNode = discoveryNodes.get(shardRouting.currentNodeId());
return nodes;
return Collections.emptySet();
* Starts a node with default settings and returns it's name.
public String startNode() {
return startNode(ImmutableSettings.EMPTY);
* Starts a node with the given settings builder and returns it's name.
public String startNode(Settings.Builder settings) {
return startNode(settings.build());
* Starts a node with the given settings and returns it's name.
public String startNode(Settings settings) {
NodeAndClient buildNode = buildNode(settings);
return buildNode.name;
private void publishNode(NodeAndClient nodeAndClient) {
assert !nodeAndClient.node().isClosed();
NodeEnvironment nodeEnv = getInstanceFromNode(NodeEnvironment.class, nodeAndClient.node);
if (nodeEnv.hasNodeFile()) {
nodes.put(nodeAndClient.name, nodeAndClient);
public void closeNonSharedNodes(boolean wipeData) {
reset(random, wipeData);
private static final class MasterNodePredicate implements Predicate<NodeAndClient> {
private final String masterNodeName;
public MasterNodePredicate(String masterNodeName) {
this.masterNodeName = masterNodeName;
public boolean apply(NodeAndClient nodeAndClient) {
return masterNodeName.equals(nodeAndClient.name);
private static final class ClientNodePredicate implements Predicate<NodeAndClient> {
public boolean apply(NodeAndClient nodeAndClient) {
return nodeAndClient.node.settings().getAsBoolean("node.client", false);
public synchronized Iterator<Client> iterator() {
final Iterator<NodeAndClient> iterator = nodes.values().iterator();
return new Iterator<Client>() {
public boolean hasNext() {
return iterator.hasNext();
public Client next() {
return iterator.next().client(random);
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("");
* Returns a predicate that only accepts settings of nodes with one of the given names.
public static Predicate<Settings> nameFilter(String... nodeName) {
return new NodeNamePredicate(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(nodeName)));
private static final class NodeNamePredicate implements Predicate<Settings> {
private final HashSet<String> nodeNames;
public NodeNamePredicate(HashSet<String> nodeNames) {
this.nodeNames = nodeNames;
public boolean apply(Settings settings) {
return nodeNames.contains(settings.get("name"));
public static abstract class RestartCallback {
* Executed once the give node name has been stopped.
public Settings onNodeStopped(String nodeName) throws Exception {
return ImmutableSettings.EMPTY;
* Executed for each node before the <tt>n+1</tt> node is restarted. The given client is
* an active client to the node that will be restarted next.
public void doAfterNodes(int n, Client client) throws Exception {
* If this returns <code>true</code> all data for the node with the given node name will be cleared including
* gateways and all index data. Returns <code>false</code> by default.
public boolean clearData(String nodeName) {
return false;
* If this returns <code>false</code> the node with the given node name will not be restarted. It will be
* closed and removed from the cluster. Returns <code>true</code> by default.
public boolean doRestart(String nodeName) {
return true;