* Licensed to CRATE Technology GmbH ("Crate") under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership. Crate licenses
* this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
* obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* However, if you have executed another commercial license agreement
* with Crate these terms will supersede the license and you may use the
* software solely pursuant to the terms of the relevant commercial agreement.
package io.crate.operation;
import io.crate.exceptions.UnhandledServerException;
import io.crate.metadata.FunctionImplementation;
import io.crate.metadata.Functions;
import io.crate.metadata.ReferenceImplementation;
import io.crate.metadata.ReferenceResolver;
import io.crate.operation.aggregation.AggregationFunction;
import io.crate.operation.collect.CollectExpression;
import io.crate.operation.collect.InputCollectExpression;
import io.crate.planner.RowGranularity;
import io.crate.planner.symbol.*;
import java.util.*;
* convert Symbols into Inputs for evaluation and CollectExpressions
* that might be treated in a special way
public class ImplementationSymbolVisitor extends
AbstractImplementationSymbolVisitor<ImplementationSymbolVisitor.Context> {
public static class Context extends AbstractImplementationSymbolVisitor.Context {
protected Set<CollectExpression<?>> collectExpressions = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // to keep insertion order
protected RowGranularity maxGranularity = RowGranularity.CLUSTER;
protected List<AggregationContext> aggregations = new ArrayList<>();
protected Map<InputColumn, InputCollectExpression> allocatedInputCollectionExpressions = new HashMap<>();
public RowGranularity maxGranularity() {
return maxGranularity;
private void setMaxGranularity(RowGranularity granularity) {
if (granularity.ordinal() > this.maxGranularity.ordinal()) {
this.maxGranularity = granularity;
public Set<CollectExpression<?>> collectExpressions() {
return collectExpressions;
public AggregationContext[] aggregations() {
return aggregations.toArray(new AggregationContext[aggregations.size()]);
public Input<?> collectExpressionFor(InputColumn inputColumn) {
InputCollectExpression<?> collectExpression = allocatedInputCollectionExpressions.get(inputColumn);
if (collectExpression == null) {
collectExpression = new InputCollectExpression<>(inputColumn.index());
allocatedInputCollectionExpressions.put(inputColumn, collectExpression);
return collectExpression;
protected final ReferenceResolver referenceResolver;
protected final RowGranularity rowGranularity;
public ImplementationSymbolVisitor(ReferenceResolver referenceResolver, Functions functions,
RowGranularity rowGranularity) {
this.referenceResolver = referenceResolver;
this.rowGranularity = rowGranularity;
public ReferenceResolver referenceResolver() {
return referenceResolver;
public RowGranularity rowGranularity() {
return rowGranularity;
protected Context newContext() {
return new Context();
public Input<?> visitInputColumn(InputColumn inputColumn, Context context) {
return context.collectExpressionFor(inputColumn);
public Input<?> visitReference(Reference symbol, Context context) {
Input<?> result;
if (!symbol.info().granularity().finerThan(rowGranularity)) {
ReferenceImplementation impl = referenceResolver.getImplementation(symbol.info().ident());
if (impl != null && impl instanceof Input<?>) {
// collect collectExpressions separately
if (impl instanceof CollectExpression<?>) {
context.collectExpressions.add((CollectExpression<?>) impl);
result = (Input<?>) impl;
} else {
// same or lower granularity and not found means unknown
throw new UnhandledServerException(SymbolFormatter.format("Unknown Reference %s", symbol));
} else {
throw new UnhandledServerException(SymbolFormatter.format("Cannot handle Reference %s", symbol));
return result;
public Input<?> visitAggregation(Aggregation symbol, Context context) {
FunctionImplementation impl = functions.get(symbol.functionIdent());
if (impl == null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
SymbolFormatter.format("Can't load aggregation impl for symbol %s", symbol));
AggregationContext aggregationContext = new AggregationContext((AggregationFunction) impl, symbol);
for (Symbol aggInput : symbol.inputs()) {
aggregationContext.addInput(process(aggInput, context));
// can't generate an input from an aggregation.
// since they cannot/shouldn't be nested this should be okay.
return null;