Package io.crate.analyze

Source Code of io.crate.analyze.SelectStatementAnalyzer

* Licensed to CRATE Technology GmbH ("Crate") under one or more contributor
* license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.  Crate licenses
* this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may
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package io.crate.analyze;

import io.crate.exceptions.SQLParseException;
import io.crate.metadata.*;
import io.crate.metadata.table.TableInfo;
import io.crate.planner.symbol.*;
import io.crate.planner.symbol.Literal;
import io.crate.sql.tree.*;
import io.crate.types.DataTypes;
import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Inject;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

public class SelectStatementAnalyzer extends DataStatementAnalyzer<SelectAnalysis> {

    private final static AggregationSearcher aggregationSearcher = new AggregationSearcher();
    private final static SortSymbolValidator sortSymbolValidator = new SortSymbolValidator();
    private final static GroupBySymbolValidator groupBySymbolValidator = new GroupBySymbolValidator();
    private final static SelectSymbolValidator selectSymbolVisitor = new SelectSymbolValidator();
    private final static HavingSymbolValidator havingSymbolValidator = new HavingSymbolValidator();
    private final ReferenceInfos referenceInfos;
    private final Functions functions;
    private final ReferenceResolver globalReferenceResolver;

    public SelectStatementAnalyzer(ReferenceInfos referenceInfos,
                                   Functions functions,
                                   ReferenceResolver globalReferenceResolver) {
        this.referenceInfos = referenceInfos;
        this.functions = functions;
        this.globalReferenceResolver = globalReferenceResolver;

    protected Symbol visitSelect(Select node, SelectAnalysis context) {
        context.outputSymbols(new ArrayList<Symbol>(node.getSelectItems().size()));
        context.outputNames(new ArrayList<String>(node.getSelectItems().size()));

        for (SelectItem item : node.getSelectItems()) {
            process(item, context);

        return null;

    protected Symbol visitSingleColumn(SingleColumn node, SelectAnalysis context) {
        Symbol symbol = process(node.getExpression(), context);
        if (symbol.symbolType() == SymbolType.PARAMETER) {
            //convert to Literal
            symbol = Literal.fromParameter((Parameter)symbol);

        if (node.getAlias().isPresent()) {
            context.addAlias(node.getAlias().get(), symbol);
        } else {
            context.addAlias(outputNameFormatter.process(node.getExpression(), null), symbol);

        return null;

    protected Symbol visitAllColumns(AllColumns node, SelectAnalysis context) {
        Symbol symbol;
        for (ReferenceInfo referenceInfo : context.table().columns()) {
            // ignore NOT_SUPPORTED columns
            if (referenceInfo.type() != DataTypes.NOT_SUPPORTED) {
                symbol = context.allocateReference(referenceInfo.ident());
                context.addAlias(referenceInfo.ident().columnIdent().name(), symbol);

        return null;

    protected Symbol visitQuerySpecification(QuerySpecification node, SelectAnalysis context) {
        // visit the from first, since this qualifies the select
        int numTables = node.getFrom() == null ? 0 : node.getFrom().size();
        if (numTables != 1) {
            throw new SQLParseException(
                    "Only exactly one table is allowed in the from clause, got: " + numTables
        process(node.getFrom().get(0), context);

        context.limit(intFromOptionalExpression(node.getLimit(), context.parameters()));
                intFromOptionalExpression(node.getOffset(), context.parameters()), 0));

        context.whereClause(generateWhereClause(node.getWhere(), context));

        if (!node.getGroupBy().isEmpty()) {
            context.selectFromFieldCache = true;

        process(node.getSelect(), context);

        // validate select symbols
        for (Symbol symbol : context.outputSymbols()) {
            selectSymbolVisitor.process(symbol, new SelectSymbolValidator.SelectContext(context.selectFromFieldCache));

        if (!node.getGroupBy().isEmpty()) {
            analyzeGroupBy(node.getGroupBy(), context);

        if (!node.getGroupBy().isEmpty() || context.hasAggregates()) {

        if (node.getSelect().isDistinct() && node.getGroupBy().isEmpty()) {

        if (node.getHaving().isPresent()) {
            if (node.getGroupBy().isEmpty() && !context.hasAggregates()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("HAVING clause can only be used in GROUP BY or global aggregate queries");
            processHavingClause(node.getHaving().get(), context);

        if (node.getOrderBy().size() > 0) {
            addSorting(node.getOrderBy(), context);
        return null;

    private void processHavingClause(Expression expression, SelectAnalysis context) {
        Symbol havingQuery = process(expression, context);

        // validate having symbols
        HavingSymbolValidator.HavingContext havingContext = new HavingSymbolValidator.HavingContext(context.groupBy());
        havingSymbolValidator.process(havingQuery, havingContext);


    private void addSorting(List<SortItem> orderBy, SelectAnalysis context) {
        List<Symbol> sortSymbols = new ArrayList<>(orderBy.size());
        context.reverseFlags(new boolean[orderBy.size()]);
        context.nullsFirst(new Boolean[orderBy.size()]);

        int i = 0;
        for (SortItem sortItem : orderBy) {
            sortSymbols.add(process(sortItem, context));
            switch (sortItem.getNullOrdering()) {
                case FIRST:
                    context.nullsFirst()[i] = true;
                case LAST:
                    context.nullsFirst()[i] = false;
                case UNDEFINED:
                    context.nullsFirst()[i] = null;
            context.reverseFlags()[i] = sortItem.getOrdering() == SortItem.Ordering.DESCENDING;

    private Symbol ordinalOutputReference(List<Symbol> outputSymbols, Literal longLiteral, String clauseName) {
        assert longLiteral.valueType().equals(DataTypes.LONG) : "longLiteral must have valueType long";
        int idx = ((Long) longLiteral.value()).intValue() - 1;
        if (idx < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
                    "%s position %s is not in select list", clauseName, idx + 1));
        try {
            return outputSymbols.get(idx);
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
                        "%s position %s is not in select list", clauseName, idx + 1));

    private void rewriteGlobalDistinct(SelectAnalysis context) {
        ArrayList<Symbol> groupBy = new ArrayList<>(context.outputSymbols().size());

        for (Symbol s : context.outputSymbols()) {
            if (s.symbolType() == SymbolType.DYNAMIC_REFERENCE) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        SymbolFormatter.format("unknown column '%s' not allowed in a global DISTINCT", s));
            } else if (isAggregate(s)) {
                continue; // do not add aggregates

    private Integer intFromOptionalExpression(Optional<Expression> limit, Object[] parameters) {
       if (limit.isPresent()) {
            Number number = ExpressionToNumberVisitor.convert(limit.get(), parameters);
            if (number instanceof Integer) {
                return (Integer) number;
            return number.intValue();
        return null;

     * <h2>resolve expression by also taking alias and ordinal-reference into account</h2>
     * <p>
     *     in group by or order by clauses it is possible to reference anything in the
     *     select list by using a number or alias
     * </p>
     * These are allowed:
     * <pre>
     *     select name as n  ... order by n
     *     select name  ... order by 1
     *     select name ... order by other_column
     * </pre>
    private Symbol symbolFromSelectOutputReferenceOrExpression(Expression expression,
                                                               SelectAnalysis context,
                                                               String clause) {
        Symbol symbol;
        if (expression instanceof QualifiedNameReference) {
            List<String> parts = ((QualifiedNameReference) expression).getName().getParts();
            if (parts.size() == 1) {
                symbol = context.symbolFromAlias(Iterables.getOnlyElement(parts));
                if (symbol != null) {
                    return symbol;
        symbol = process(expression, context);
        if (symbol.symbolType().isValueSymbol()) {
            Literal longLiteral;
            try {
                longLiteral = Literal.toLiteral(symbol, DataTypes.LONG);
            } catch (ClassCastException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format(
                        "Cannot use %s in %s clause", SymbolFormatter.format(symbol), clause));
            symbol = ordinalOutputReference(context.outputSymbols(), longLiteral, clause);
        return symbol;

    private void analyzeGroupBy(List<Expression> groupByExpressions, SelectAnalysis context) {
        List<Symbol> groupBy = new ArrayList<>(groupByExpressions.size());
        for (Expression expression : groupByExpressions) {
            Symbol s = symbolFromSelectOutputReferenceOrExpression(expression, context, "GROUP BY");
            groupBySymbolValidator.process(s, null);

    private void ensureNonAggregatesInGroupBy(SelectAnalysis context) {
        for (Symbol symbol : context.outputSymbols()) {
            List<Symbol> groupBySymbols = context.groupBy();
            if (groupBySymbols == null || !groupBySymbols.contains(symbol)) {
                if (!isAggregate(symbol)) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            SymbolFormatter.format("column '%s' must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregation function",

    private boolean isAggregate(Symbol s) {
        if (s.symbolType() == SymbolType.FUNCTION) {
            if (((Function) s).info().type() == FunctionInfo.Type.AGGREGATE) {
                return true;
            AggregationSearcherContext searcherContext = new AggregationSearcherContext();
            aggregationSearcher.process(s, searcherContext);
            return searcherContext.found;
        return false;

    protected Symbol visitSortItem(SortItem node, SelectAnalysis context) {
        Expression sortKey = node.getSortKey();
        Symbol sortSymbol = symbolFromSelectOutputReferenceOrExpression(sortKey, context, "ORDER BY");
        sortSymbolValidator.process(sortSymbol, new SortSymbolValidator.SortContext(context.table));
        return sortSymbol;

    protected Symbol visitQuery(Query node, SelectAnalysis context) {
        return super.visitQuery(node, context);

    public Analysis newAnalysis(Analyzer.ParameterContext parameterContext) {
        return new SelectAnalysis(referenceInfos, functions, parameterContext, globalReferenceResolver);

    static class AggregationSearcherContext {
        boolean found = false;

    static class AggregationSearcher extends SymbolVisitor<AggregationSearcherContext, Void> {

        public Void visitFunction(Function symbol, AggregationSearcherContext context) {
            if ( == FunctionInfo.Type.AGGREGATE) {
                context.found = true;
            } else {
                for (Symbol argument : symbol.arguments()) {
                    process(argument, context);
            return null;

        public Void visitAggregation(Aggregation symbol, AggregationSearcherContext context) {
            context.found = true;
            return null;

     * validate that sortSymbols don't contain partition by columns
    static class SortSymbolValidator extends SymbolVisitor<SortSymbolValidator.SortContext, Void> {

        static class SortContext {
            private final TableInfo tableInfo;
            private boolean inFunction;
            public SortContext(TableInfo tableInfo) {
                this.tableInfo = tableInfo;
                this.inFunction = false;

        public Void visitFunction(Function symbol, SortContext context) {
            try {
                if (context.inFunction == false
                        && !DataTypes.PRIMITIVE_TYPES.contains(symbol.valueType())) {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                                    "Cannot ORDER BY '%s': invalid return type '%s'.",

                if ( == FunctionInfo.Type.PREDICATE) {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format(
                            "%s predicate cannot be used in an ORDER BY clause",;

                context.inFunction = true;
                for (Symbol arg : symbol.arguments()) {
                    process(arg, context);
            } finally {
                context.inFunction = false;
            return null;

        public Void visitReference(Reference symbol, SortContext context) {
            if (context.tableInfo.partitionedBy().contains( {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                                "cannot use partitioned column %s in ORDER BY clause",
            // if we are in a function, we do not need to check the data type.
            // the function will do that for us.
            if (!context.inFunction && !DataTypes.PRIMITIVE_TYPES.contains( {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                                "Cannot ORDER BY '%s': invalid data type '%s'.",
            } else if ( == ReferenceInfo.IndexType.ANALYZED) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                        String.format("Cannot ORDER BY '%s': sorting on analyzed/fulltext columns is not possible",
            } else if ( == ReferenceInfo.IndexType.NO) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                        String.format("Cannot ORDER BY '%s': sorting on non-indexed columns is not possible",
            return null;

        public Void visitDynamicReference(DynamicReference symbol, SortContext context) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                    SymbolFormatter.format("Cannot order by \"%s\". The column doesn't exist.", symbol));

        public Void visitSymbol(Symbol symbol, SortContext context) {
            return null;

    static class GroupBySymbolValidator extends SymbolVisitor<Void, Void> {

        public Void visitDynamicReference(DynamicReference symbol, Void context) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    SymbolFormatter.format("unknown column '%s' not allowed in GROUP BY", symbol));

        public Void visitReference(Reference symbol, Void context) {
            if (!DataTypes.PRIMITIVE_TYPES.contains(symbol.valueType())) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        String.format("Cannot GROUP BY '%s': invalid data type '%s'",
            } else if ( == ReferenceInfo.IndexType.ANALYZED) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        String.format("Cannot GROUP BY '%s': grouping on analyzed/fulltext columns is not possible",
            } else if ( == ReferenceInfo.IndexType.NO) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        String.format("Cannot GROUP BY '%s': grouping on non-indexed columns is not possible",
            return null;

        public Void visitFunction(Function symbol, Void context) {
            switch ( {
                case SCALAR:
                case AGGREGATE:
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Aggregate functions are not allowed in GROUP BY");
                case PREDICATE:
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format(
                            "%s predicate cannot be used in a GROUP BY clause",;
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                            String.format("FunctionInfo.Type %s not handled",;
            return null;

        protected Void visitSymbol(Symbol symbol, Void context) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                    String.format("Cannot GROUP BY for '%s'", SymbolFormatter.format(symbol))

    static class HavingSymbolValidator extends SymbolVisitor<HavingSymbolValidator.HavingContext, Void> {
        static class HavingContext {
            private final Optional<List<Symbol>> groupBySymbols;

            private boolean insideAggregation = false;

            public HavingContext(@Nullable List<Symbol> groupBySymbols) {
                this.groupBySymbols = Optional.fromNullable(groupBySymbols);

        public Void visitReference(Reference symbol, HavingContext context) {
            if (!context.insideAggregation && (!context.groupBySymbols.isPresent() || !context.groupBySymbols.get().contains(symbol)) ) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        SymbolFormatter.format("Cannot use reference %s outside of an Aggregation in HAVING clause. Only GROUP BY keys allowed here.", symbol));
            return null;

        public Void visitFunction(Function symbol, HavingContext context) {
            if ( {
                context.insideAggregation = true;
            for (Symbol argument : symbol.arguments()) {
                process(argument, context);
            context.insideAggregation = false;
            return null;

        protected Void visitSymbol(Symbol symbol, HavingContext context) {
            return null;

    static class SelectSymbolValidator extends SymbolVisitor<SelectSymbolValidator.SelectContext, Void> {

        static class SelectContext {
            private boolean selectFromFieldCache;

            public SelectContext(boolean selectFromFieldCache) {
                this.selectFromFieldCache = selectFromFieldCache;

        public Void visitReference(Reference symbol, SelectContext context) {
            if (context.selectFromFieldCache) {
                if ( == ReferenceInfo.IndexType.ANALYZED) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            String.format("Cannot select analyzed column '%s' " +
                                            "within grouping or aggregations",
                } else if ( == ReferenceInfo.IndexType.NO) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            String.format("Cannot select non-indexed column '%s' " +
                                            "within grouping or aggregations",
            return null;

        public Void visitFunction(Function symbol, SelectContext context) {
            switch ( {
                case SCALAR:
                case AGGREGATE:
                    context.selectFromFieldCache = true;
                case PREDICATE:
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format(
                            "%s predicate cannot be selected",;
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format(
                            "FunctionInfo.Type %s not handled",;
            for (Symbol arg : symbol.arguments()) {
                process(arg, context);
            return null;

        public Void visitSymbol(Symbol symbol, SelectContext context) {
            return null;



Related Classes of io.crate.analyze.SelectStatementAnalyzer

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