* Licensed to CRATE Technology GmbH ("Crate") under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership. Crate licenses
* this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
* obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
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package io.crate.analyze;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import io.crate.metadata.ColumnIdent;
import io.crate.metadata.table.TableInfo;
import io.crate.operation.operator.AndOperator;
import io.crate.operation.operator.EqOperator;
import io.crate.operation.operator.InOperator;
import io.crate.operation.operator.OrOperator;
import io.crate.planner.symbol.*;
import io.crate.types.DataType;
import io.crate.types.DataTypes;
import io.crate.types.LongType;
import io.crate.types.SetType;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
* Visitor which traverses functions to find primary key columns, _version and clustered by columns
* for each "or" node a new bucket is created which can
* contain its own primary key columns, version and clustered by info
* e.g.
* where (pkcol1 = 1 and pkcol2 = 2 and _version = 1) or (pkcol = 10 and pkcol2 = 20 and _version = 2)
* would create two buckets with keyParts and version set.
* for backward compatibility the information in the context is exposed in a way that version and clusteredBy
* is only exposed if primary key has only 1 key part.
* if any column that is neither primary key, nor _version or clustered by column is encountered
* the whole context is invalidated.
public class PrimaryKeyVisitor extends SymbolVisitor<PrimaryKeyVisitor.Context, Symbol> {
private static final ImmutableSet<String> logicalBinaryExpressions = ImmutableSet.of(
AndOperator.NAME, OrOperator.NAME
private static final ImmutableSet<String> PK_COMPARISONS = ImmutableSet.of(
EqOperator.NAME, InOperator.NAME
public static class Context {
private final TableInfo table;
private Symbol whereClause;
private final ArrayList<KeyBucket> buckets;
private KeyBucket currentBucket;
public boolean invalid = false;
public boolean versionInvalid = false;
private List keyLiterals;
private Long version;
private Literal clusteredBy;
public boolean noMatch = false;
public Context(TableInfo tableInfo) {
this.table = tableInfo;
this.buckets = new ArrayList<>();
* For compound primary keys we cannot use (array)literals here,
* because primary key literals can differ in type.
* We must return a nested list of primitive literals in such cases.
* @return
public List keyLiterals() {
return keyLiterals;
public Long version() {
return version;
public Literal clusteredByLiteral() {
return clusteredBy;
public BytesRef clusteredBy() {
if (clusteredBy != null) {
return BytesRefValueSymbolVisitor.INSTANCE.process(clusteredBy);
return null;
public Symbol whereClause() {
return whereClause;
void newBucket() {
currentBucket = new KeyBucket(table.primaryKey().size());
void finish() {
if (!versionInvalid && buckets.size() == 1) {
version = currentBucket.version;
if (!invalid) {
if (buckets.size() == 1) {
clusteredBy = currentBucket.clusteredBy;
if (currentBucket.partsFound == table.primaryKey().size()) {
keyLiterals = Lists.newArrayList(currentBucket.keyParts);
} else if (table.primaryKey().size() == 1) {
Set<Literal> keys = new HashSet<>();
DataType keyType = DataTypes.UNDEFINED;
for (KeyBucket bucket : buckets) {
Literal keyPart = bucket.keyParts[0];
if (keyPart != null) {
keyType = keyPart.valueType();
if (keyType.id() == SetType.ID) {
} else {
keyLiterals = Arrays.<Literal>asList(Literal.implodeCollection(keyType, keys));
} else {
// support compound primary keys
for (int b = 0; b < buckets.size(); b++) {
KeyBucket bucket = buckets.get(b);
if (bucket.partsFound == table.primaryKey().size()) {
if (keyLiterals == null) {
keyLiterals = new ArrayList<List>();
List<Object> keys = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < bucket.keyParts.length; i++) {
Literal keyPart = bucket.keyParts[i];
if (keyPart != null) {
if (keyPart.valueType().id() != SetType.ID) {
if (keyLiterals != null && keyLiterals.size() != buckets.size()) {
// not all parts of all buckets found
keyLiterals = null;
private static class KeyBucket {
private final Literal[] keyParts;
Long version;
public Literal clusteredBy;
public int partsFound = 0;
KeyBucket(int numKeys) {
keyParts = new Literal[numKeys];
public Context process(TableInfo tableInfo, Symbol whereClause) {
if (tableInfo.primaryKey().size() > 0 || tableInfo.clusteredBy() != null) {
Context context = new Context(tableInfo);
context.whereClause = process(whereClause, context);
return context;
return null;
public Symbol visitReference(Reference reference, Context context) {
ColumnIdent columnIdent = reference.info().ident().columnIdent();
if (!reference.info().ident().tableIdent().equals(context.table.ident())) {
return reference;
// where booleanCol; can be handled like: where booleanCol = true;
if (reference.valueType().equals(DataTypes.BOOLEAN)) {
if (columnIdent.equals(context.table.clusteredBy())) {
setClusterBy(context, Literal.newLiteral(true));
int idx = context.table.primaryKey().indexOf(columnIdent);
if (idx >= 0) {
setPrimaryKey(context, Literal.newLiteral(true), idx);
return reference;
public Function visitFunction(Function function, Context context) {
String functionName = function.info().ident().name();
if (logicalBinaryExpressions.contains(functionName)) {
function = continueTraversal(function, context);
return function;
assert function.arguments().size() > 0;
Symbol left = function.arguments().get(0);
Symbol right = Literal.NULL;
if (function.arguments().size() > 1) {
right = function.arguments().get(1);
if (left.symbolType() != SymbolType.REFERENCE || !right.symbolType().isValueSymbol()) {
return function;
Reference reference = (Reference) left;
ColumnIdent columnIdent = reference.info().ident().columnIdent();
if (!reference.info().ident().tableIdent().equals(context.table.ident())) {
return function;
boolean clusteredBySet = false;
if (functionName.equals(EqOperator.NAME)) {
if (columnIdent.equals(context.table.clusteredBy())) {
setClusterBy(context, (Literal) right);
clusteredBySet = true;
if (columnIdent.name().equals("_version")) {
setVersion(context, right);
return function;
int idx = context.table.primaryKey().indexOf(columnIdent);
if (idx < 0 && !clusteredBySet) {
return function;
if (idx >= 0 && PK_COMPARISONS.contains(functionName)) {
setPrimaryKey(context, (Literal) right, idx);
} else if (idx >= 0) {
// unsupported pk comparison
return function;
protected Symbol visitSymbol(Symbol symbol, Context context) {
return symbol;
private void setPrimaryKey(Context context, Literal right, int idx) {
if (context.currentBucket.keyParts[idx] == null) {
context.currentBucket.keyParts[idx] = right;
} else if (!context.currentBucket.keyParts[idx].equals(right)) {
if (context.currentBucket.keyParts[idx].valueType().id() == SetType.ID) {
Set intersection = generateIntersection(
context.currentBucket.keyParts[idx], right);
if (intersection.size() > 0) {
context.currentBucket.keyParts[idx] = Literal.newLiteral(
* if we get to this point we've had something like
* where pkCol = 1 and pkCol = 2
* or
* where pkCol in (1, 2) and pkCol = 3
* which can never match so the query doesn't need to be executed.
context.noMatch = true;
private Set generateIntersection(Literal setLiteral, Literal right) {
Set intersection;
if (right.valueType().id() == SetType.ID) {
intersection = Sets.<Object>intersection((Set) setLiteral.value(), (Set) right.value());
} else {
intersection = Sets.<Object>intersection(
(Set) setLiteral.value(), Sets.newHashSet(right.value()));
return intersection;
private void setClusterBy(Context context, Literal right) {
if (context.currentBucket.clusteredBy == null) {
context.currentBucket.clusteredBy = right;
} else if (!context.currentBucket.clusteredBy.equals(right)) {
private Void invalidate(Context context) {
context.invalid = true;
return null;
private Void invalidateVersion(Context context) {
context.versionInvalid = true;
return null;
private boolean setVersion(Context context, Symbol right) {
Long version = null;
switch (right.symbolType()) {
version = LongType.INSTANCE.value(((Literal)right).value());
version = LongType.INSTANCE.value(((Parameter)right).value());
if (version == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"_version\" cannot be compared to null");
if (context.currentBucket.version != null && !context.currentBucket.version.equals(version)) {
} else {
context.currentBucket.version = version;
if(version <= 0) {
context.noMatch = true;
return false;
private Function continueTraversal(Function symbol, Context context) {
String functionName = symbol.info().ident().name();
boolean newBucket = true;
int argumentsProcessed = 0;
for (Symbol argument : symbol.arguments()) {
Symbol argumentNew = process(argument, context);
if (!argument.equals(argumentNew)) {
symbol.setArgument(argumentsProcessed, argumentNew);
if (newBucket && functionName.equals(OrOperator.NAME)) {
newBucket = false;
return symbol;