* Copyright 2013 Julien Dramaix.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.google.gwt.resources.client;
import com.google.gwt.resources.client.TestResources.ClassNameAnnotation;
import com.google.gwt.resources.client.TestResources.EmptyClass;
import com.google.gwt.resources.client.TestResources.NonStandardAtRules;
import com.google.gwt.resources.client.TestResources.NonStandardFunctions;
import com.google.gwt.resources.client.TestResources.RuntimeConditional;
import com.google.gwt.resources.client.TestResources.SomeGssResource;
import com.google.gwt.resources.client.TestResources.WithConstant;
public class GssResourceTest extends RenamingClassNameTest {
public String getModuleName() {
return "com.google.gwt.resources.GssResourceTest";
public void testClassesRenaming() {
ClassNameAnnotation classNameAnnotation = res().classNameAnnotation();
String renamedClass = classNameAnnotation.renamedClass();
String nonRenamedClass = classNameAnnotation.nonRenamedClass();
public void testMixin() {
String text = res().mixin().getText();
public void testAdd() {
String text = res().add().getText();
public void testEval() {
String text = res().eval().getText();
public void testSprite() {
String text = res().sprite().getText();
String expected = "{height:64px;width:64px;overflow:hidden;background:url(" + res()
.someImageResource().getSafeUri().asString() + ") -0px -0px no-repeat}";
public void testResourceUrl() {
String text = res().resourceUrl().getText();
String expected = "{cursor:url(" + res().someDataResource().getSafeUri().asString() + ");"
+ "background-image:url(" + res().someImageResource().getSafeUri().asString() + ");"
+ "cursor:url(" + res().someDataResource().getSafeUri().asString() + ");"
+ "background-image:url(" + res().someImageResource().getSafeUri().asString() + ")}";
* Test that empty class definitions doesn't throw an exception (issue #25) and that they are
* removed from the resulting css.
public void testEmptyClass() {
EmptyClass emptyClass = res().emptyClass();
assertEquals("", emptyClass.getText());
public void testConstant() {
WithConstant withConstant = res().withConstant();
assertEquals("15px", withConstant.constantOne());
String expectedCss = "." + withConstant.classOne() + "{padding:" + withConstant.constantOne()
+ "}";
assertEquals(expectedCss, withConstant.getText());
public void testClassNameAnnotation() {
ClassNameAnnotation css = res().classNameAnnotation();
String expectedCss = "." + css.renamedClass() + "{color:black}." + css.nonRenamedClass()
+ "{color:white}";
assertEquals(expectedCss, css.getText());
public void testConstants() {
assertEquals("15px", res().cssWithConstant().constantOne());
assertEquals(5, res().cssWithConstant().constantTwo());
assertEquals("black", res().cssWithConstant().CONSTANT_THREE());
assertNotSame("white", res().cssWithConstant().conflictConstantClass());
public void testNotStrict() {
SomeGssResource notStrict = res().notstrict();
String expectedCss = "." + notStrict.someClass() + "{color:black}.otherNotStrictClass{" +
assertEquals(expectedCss, notStrict.getText());
public void testRuntimeConditional() {
RuntimeConditional runtimeConditional = res().runtimeConditional();
String foo = runtimeConditional.foo();
BooleanEval.FIRST = true;
BooleanEval.SECOND = true;
BooleanEval.THIRD = true;
assertEquals(runtimeExpectedCss("purple", "20px", foo), runtimeConditional.getText());
BooleanEval.FIRST = false;
BooleanEval.SECOND = true;
BooleanEval.THIRD = true;
assertEquals(runtimeExpectedCss("black", null, foo), runtimeConditional.getText());
BooleanEval.FIRST = false;
BooleanEval.SECOND = true;
BooleanEval.THIRD = false;
assertEquals(runtimeExpectedCss("khaki", null, foo), runtimeConditional.getText());
BooleanEval.FIRST = false;
BooleanEval.SECOND = false;
assertEquals(runtimeExpectedCss("gray", null, foo), runtimeConditional.getText());
public void testNonStandardAtRules() {
NonStandardAtRules nonStandardAtRules = res().nonStandardAtRules();
String css = nonStandardAtRules.getText();
public void testNonStandardFunctions() {
NonStandardFunctions nonStandardFunctions = res().nonStandardFunctions();
String css = nonStandardFunctions.getText();
private String runtimeExpectedCss(String color, String padding, String foo) {
String s = "." + foo + "{width:100%}" + "." + foo + "{color:" + color + "}";
if (padding != null) {
s += "." + foo + "{padding:" + padding + "}";
return s;