Package org.geoserver.config.util

Source Code of org.geoserver.config.util.XStreamPersisterTest$MyServiceInfo

/* (c) 2014 Open Source Geospatial Foundation - all rights reserved
* (c) 2001 - 2013 OpenPlans
* This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, available at the root
* application directory.
package org.geoserver.config.util;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import javax.measure.unit.SI;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;

import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLAssert;
import org.geoserver.catalog.Catalog;
import org.geoserver.catalog.CatalogFactory;
import org.geoserver.catalog.CoverageStoreInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.DataStoreInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.FeatureTypeInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.LayerGroupInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.LayerInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.NamespaceInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.StyleInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.WMSLayerInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.WMSStoreInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.WorkspaceInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.impl.CatalogImpl;
import org.geoserver.catalog.impl.WMSStoreInfoImpl;
import org.geoserver.config.ContactInfo;
import org.geoserver.config.GeoServerFactory;
import org.geoserver.config.GeoServerInfo;
import org.geoserver.config.LoggingInfo;
import org.geoserver.config.impl.GeoServerImpl;
import org.geoserver.config.impl.ServiceInfoImpl;
import org.geoserver.config.util.XStreamPersister.CRSConverter;
import org.geoserver.config.util.XStreamPersister.SRSConverter;
import org.geotools.jdbc.RegexpValidator;
import org.geotools.jdbc.VirtualTable;
import org.geotools.jdbc.VirtualTableParameter;
import org.geotools.measure.Measure;
import org.geotools.referencing.CRS;
import org.geotools.referencing.wkt.Formattable;
import org.geotools.referencing.wkt.UnformattableObjectException;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString;

public class XStreamPersisterTest {

    GeoServerFactory factory;
    CatalogFactory cfactory;
    XStreamPersister persister;
    public void init() {
        factory = new GeoServerImpl().getFactory();
        persister = new XStreamPersisterFactory().createXMLPersister();

    public void testGlobal() throws Exception {
        GeoServerInfo g1 = factory.createGlobal();
        g1.setAdminPassword( "foo" );
        g1.setAdminUsername( "bar" );
        g1.setCharset( "ISO-8859-1" );
        ContactInfo contact = factory.createContact();
        g1.setContact( contact );
        contact.setAddress( "123" );
        contact.setAddressCity( "Victoria" );
        contact.setAddressCountry( "Canada" );
        contact.setAddressPostalCode( "V1T3T8");
        contact.setAddressState( "BC" );
        contact.setAddressType( "house" );
        contact.setContactEmail( "" );
        contact.setContactFacsimile("+1 250 123 4567" );
        contact.setContactOrganization( "Acme" );
        contact.setContactPerson( "Bob" );
        contact.setContactPosition( "hacker" );
        contact.setContactVoice( "+1 250 765 4321" );
        g1.setNumDecimals( 2 );
        g1.setOnlineResource( "" );
        g1.setProxyBaseUrl( "" );
        g1.setSchemaBaseUrl( "");
        g1.setTitle( "Acme's GeoServer" );
        g1.setUpdateSequence( 123 );
        g1.setVerbose( true );
        g1.setVerboseExceptions( true );
        g1.getMetadata().put( "one", new Integer(1) );
        g1.getMetadata().put( "two", new Double(2.2) );
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = out();
       g1, out );
        GeoServerInfo g2 = persister.load(in(out),GeoServerInfo.class);
        assertEquals( g1, g2 );
        Document dom = dom( in( out ) );
        assertEquals( "global", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName() );

    public void testLogging() throws Exception {
        LoggingInfo logging = factory.createLogging();
        logging.setLevel( "CRAZY_LOGGING" );
        logging.setLocation( "some/place/geoserver.log" );
        logging.setStdOutLogging( true );
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = out(); logging, out );
        LoggingInfo logging2 = persister.load(in(out),LoggingInfo.class);
        assertEquals( logging, logging2 );
        Document dom = dom( in( out ) );
        assertEquals( "logging", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName() );
    public void testGobalContactDefault() throws Exception {
        GeoServerInfo g1 = factory.createGlobal();
        ContactInfo contact = factory.createContact();
        g1.setContact( contact );
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = out();, out);
        ByteArrayInputStream in = in( out );
        Document dom = dom( in );
        Element e = (Element) dom.getElementsByTagName( "contact" ).item(0);
        e.removeAttribute( "class" );
        in = in( dom );
        GeoServerInfo g2 = persister.load( in, GeoServerInfo.class );
        assertEquals( g1, g2 );
    static class MyServiceInfo extends ServiceInfoImpl {
        String foo;
        String getFoo() {
            return foo;
        void setFoo( String foo ) {
   = foo;
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if ( !( obj instanceof MyServiceInfo ) ) {
                return false;
            MyServiceInfo other = (MyServiceInfo) obj;
            if ( foo == null ) {
                if ( != null ) {
                    return false;
            else {
                if ( !foo.equals( ) ) {
                    return false;
            return super.equals(other);

    public void testService() throws Exception {
        MyServiceInfo s1 = new MyServiceInfo();
        s1.setAbstract( "my service abstract" );
        s1.setAccessConstraints( "no constraints" );
        s1.setCiteCompliant( true );
        s1.setEnabled( true );
        s1.setFees( "no fees" );
        s1.setFoo( "bar" );
        s1.setId( "id" );
        s1.setMaintainer( "Bob" );
        s1.setMetadataLink( factory.createMetadataLink() );
        s1.setName( "MS" );
        s1.setOnlineResource( "" );
        s1.setSchemaBaseURL( "");
        s1.setTitle( "My Service" );
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = out(); s1, out );
        MyServiceInfo s2 = persister.load( in( out ), MyServiceInfo.class );
        assertEquals( s1.getAbstract(), s2.getAbstract() );
        assertEquals( s1.getAccessConstraints(), s2.getAccessConstraints() );
        assertEquals( s1.isCiteCompliant(), s2.isCiteCompliant() );
        assertEquals( s1.isEnabled(), s2.isEnabled() );
        assertEquals( s1.getFees(), s2.getFees() );
        assertEquals( s1.getFoo(), s2.getFoo() );
        assertEquals( s1.getId(), s2.getId() );
        assertEquals( s1.getMaintainer(), s2.getMaintainer() );
        assertEquals( s1.getMetadataLink(), s2.getMetadataLink() );
        assertEquals( s1.getName(), s2.getName() );
        assertEquals( s1.getOnlineResource( ), s2.getOnlineResource() );
        assertEquals( s1.getOutputStrategy(), s2.getOutputStrategy() );
        assertEquals( s1.getSchemaBaseURL(), s2.getSchemaBaseURL() );
        assertEquals( s1.getTitle(), s2.getTitle() );
        assertEquals( s1.isVerbose(), s2.isVerbose() );
    public void testServiceOmitGlobal() throws Exception {
        MyServiceInfo s1 = new MyServiceInfo();
        s1.setGeoServer( new GeoServerImpl() );
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = out(); s1, out );
        MyServiceInfo s2 = persister.load( in( out ), MyServiceInfo.class );
        assertNull( s2.getGeoServer() );
    public void testServiceCustomAlias() throws Exception {
        XStreamPersister p = persister = new XStreamPersisterFactory().createXMLPersister();
        p.getXStream().alias( "ms", MyServiceInfo.class );
        MyServiceInfo s1 = new MyServiceInfo();
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = out(); s1, out );
        Document dom = dom( in( out ) ) ;
        assertEquals( "ms", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName() );
    public void testDataStore() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = new CatalogImpl();
        CatalogFactory cFactory = catalog.getFactory();
        WorkspaceInfo ws = cFactory.createWorkspace();
        ws.setName( "foo" );
        DataStoreInfo ds1 = cFactory.createDataStore();
        ds1.setName( "bar" );
        ds1.setWorkspace( ws );
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = out(); ds1 , out );
        DataStoreInfo ds2 = persister.load( in( out ), DataStoreInfo.class );
        assertEquals( "bar", ds2.getName() );
        //TODO: reenable when resolving proxy commited
        //assertNotNull( ds2.getWorkspace() );
        //assertEquals( "foo", ds2.getWorkspace().getId() );
        Document dom = dom( in( out ) );
        assertEquals( "dataStore", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName() );
    public void testCoverageStore() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = new CatalogImpl();
        CatalogFactory cFactory = catalog.getFactory();
        WorkspaceInfo ws = cFactory.createWorkspace();
        ws.setName( "foo" );
        CoverageStoreInfo cs1 = cFactory.createCoverageStore();
        cs1.setName( "bar" );
        cs1.setWorkspace( ws );
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = out(); cs1 , out );
        CoverageStoreInfo ds2 = persister.load( in( out ), CoverageStoreInfo.class );
        assertEquals( "bar", ds2.getName() );
        //TODO: reenable when resolving proxy commited
        //assertNotNull( ds2.getWorkspace() );
        //assertEquals( "foo", ds2.getWorkspace().getId() );
        Document dom = dom( in( out ) );
        assertEquals( "coverageStore", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName() );
    public void testWMSStore() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = new CatalogImpl();
        CatalogFactory cFactory = catalog.getFactory();
        WorkspaceInfo ws = cFactory.createWorkspace();
        ws.setName( "foo" );
        WMSStoreInfo wms1 = cFactory.createWebMapServer();
        wms1.setName( "bar" );
        wms1.setWorkspace( ws );
        wms1.setCapabilitiesURL( "");
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = out(); wms1, out );
        WMSStoreInfo wms2 = persister.load( in( out ), WMSStoreInfo.class );
        assertEquals( "bar", wms2.getName() );
        assertEquals(WMSStoreInfoImpl.DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTIONS, wms2.getMaxConnections());
        assertEquals(WMSStoreInfoImpl.DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, wms2.getConnectTimeout());
        assertEquals(WMSStoreInfoImpl.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT, wms2.getReadTimeout());
        //TODO: reenable when resolving proxy commited
        assertNotNull( wms2.getWorkspace() );
        assertEquals( "foo", wms2.getWorkspace().getId() );
        Document dom = dom( in( out ) );
        assertEquals( "wmsStore", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName() );
     * Check maxConnections, connectTimeout, and readTimeout, stored as metadata properties in a
     * 2.1.3+ configuration are read back as actual properties.
    public void testWMSStoreBackwardsCompatibility() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = new CatalogImpl();
        CatalogFactory cFactory = catalog.getFactory();
        WorkspaceInfo ws = cFactory.createWorkspace();
        ws.setName( "foo" );
        WMSStoreInfo wms1 = cFactory.createWebMapServer();
        wms1.setName( "bar" );
        wms1.setWorkspace( ws );
        wms1.setCapabilitiesURL( "");
        wms1.getMetadata().put("maxConnections", Integer.valueOf(18));
        wms1.getMetadata().put("connectTimeout", Integer.valueOf(25));
        wms1.getMetadata().put("readTimeout", Integer.valueOf(78));
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = out(); wms1, out );
        WMSStoreInfo wms2 = persister.load( in( out ), WMSStoreInfo.class );
        assertEquals( "bar", wms2.getName() );

        assertEquals(18, wms2.getMaxConnections());
        assertEquals(25, wms2.getConnectTimeout());
        assertEquals(78, wms2.getReadTimeout());

    public void testStyle() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = new CatalogImpl();
        CatalogFactory cFactory = catalog.getFactory();
        StyleInfo s1 = cFactory.createStyle();
        s1.setName( "foo" );
        s1.setFilename( "foo.sld" );
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = out(); s1, out );
        ByteArrayInputStream in = in( out );
        StyleInfo s2 = persister.load(in,StyleInfo.class);
        assertEquals( s1, s2 );
        Document dom = dom( in( out ) );
        assertEquals( "style", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName() );
    public void testCatalog() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = new CatalogImpl();
        CatalogFactory cFactory = catalog.getFactory();
        WorkspaceInfo ws = cFactory.createWorkspace();
        ws.setName( "foo" );
        catalog.add( ws );
        NamespaceInfo ns = cFactory.createNamespace();
        ns.setPrefix( "acme" );
        ns.setURI( "" );
        catalog.add( ns );
        DataStoreInfo ds = cFactory.createDataStore();
        ds.setWorkspace( ws );
        ds.setName( "foo" );
        catalog.add( ds );
        CoverageStoreInfo cs = cFactory.createCoverageStore();
        cs.setWorkspace( ws );
        cs.setName( "bar" );
        catalog.add( cs );
        StyleInfo s = cFactory.createStyle();
        s.setName( "style" );
        s.setFilename( "style.sld" );
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = out(); catalog, out );
        catalog = persister.load( in(out), Catalog.class );
        assertEquals( 1, catalog.getWorkspaces().size() );
        assertNotNull( catalog.getDefaultWorkspace() );
        ws = catalog.getDefaultWorkspace();
        assertEquals( "foo", ws.getName() );
        assertEquals( 1, catalog.getNamespaces().size() );
        assertNotNull( catalog.getDefaultNamespace() );
        ns = catalog.getDefaultNamespace();
        assertEquals( "acme", ns.getPrefix() );
        assertEquals( "", ns.getURI() );
        assertEquals( 1, catalog.getDataStores().size() );
        ds = catalog.getDataStores().get( 0 );
        assertEquals( "foo", ds.getName() );
        assertNotNull( ds.getWorkspace() );
        assertEquals( ws, ds.getWorkspace() );
        assertEquals( 1, catalog.getCoverageStores().size() );
        cs = catalog.getCoverageStores().get( 0 );
        assertEquals( "bar", cs.getName() );
        assertEquals( ws, cs.getWorkspace() );
        assertEquals( 1, catalog.getStyles().size() );
        s = catalog.getStyles().get(0);
        assertEquals( "style", s.getName() );
        assertEquals( "style.sld", s.getFilename() );
    public void testFeatureType() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = new CatalogImpl();
        CatalogFactory cFactory = catalog.getFactory();
        WorkspaceInfo ws = cFactory.createWorkspace();
        ws.setName( "foo" );
        catalog.add( ws );
        NamespaceInfo ns = cFactory.createNamespace();
        ns.setPrefix( "acme" );
        ns.setURI( "" );
        catalog.add( ns );
        DataStoreInfo ds = cFactory.createDataStore();
        ds.setWorkspace( ws );
        ds.setName( "foo" );
        catalog.add( ds );
        FeatureTypeInfo ft = cFactory.createFeatureType();
        ft.setStore( ds );
        ft.setNamespace( ns );
        ft.setName( "ft" );
        ft.setAbstract( "abstract");
        ft.setSRS( "EPSG:4326");
        ft.setNativeCRS( CRS.decode( "EPSG:4326") );
        ft.setLinearizationTolerance(new Measure(10, SI.METER));
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = out(); ft, out );
        persister.setCatalog( catalog );
        ft = persister.load( in( out ), FeatureTypeInfo.class );
        assertNotNull( ft );
        assertEquals( "ft", ft.getName() );
        assertEquals( ds, ft.getStore() );
        assertEquals( ns, ft.getNamespace() );
        assertEquals( "EPSG:4326", ft.getSRS() );
        assertEquals( new Measure(10, SI.METER), ft.getLinearizationTolerance() );
        assertTrue( CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata( CRS.decode( "EPSG:4326"), ft.getNativeCRS() ) );
    public void testWMSLayer() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = new CatalogImpl();
        CatalogFactory cFactory = catalog.getFactory();
        WorkspaceInfo ws = cFactory.createWorkspace();
        ws.setName( "foo" );
        catalog.add( ws );
        NamespaceInfo ns = cFactory.createNamespace();
        ns.setPrefix( "acme" );
        ns.setURI( "" );
        catalog.add( ns );
        WMSStoreInfo wms = cFactory.createWebMapServer();
        wms.setWorkspace( ws );
        wms.setName( "foo" );
        wms.setCapabilitiesURL( "");
        catalog.add( wms );
        WMSLayerInfo wl = cFactory.createWMSLayer();
        wl.setStore( wms );
        wl.setNamespace( ns );
        wl.setName( "wmsLayer" );
        wl.setAbstract( "abstract");
        wl.setSRS( "EPSG:4326");
        wl.setNativeCRS( CRS.decode( "EPSG:4326") );
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = out(); wl, out );
        // System.out.println( new String(out.toByteArray()) );
        persister.setCatalog( catalog );
        wl = persister.load( in( out ), WMSLayerInfo.class );
        assertNotNull( wl );
        assertEquals( "wmsLayer", wl.getName() );
        assertEquals( wms, wl.getStore() );
        assertEquals( ns, wl.getNamespace() );
        assertEquals( "EPSG:4326", wl.getSRS() );
        assertTrue( CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata( CRS.decode( "EPSG:4326"), wl.getNativeCRS() ) );
        Document dom = dom( in( out ) );
        assertEquals( "wmsLayer", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName() );
    public void testLayer() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = new CatalogImpl();
        CatalogFactory cFactory = catalog.getFactory();
        WorkspaceInfo ws = cFactory.createWorkspace();
        ws.setName( "foo" );
        catalog.add( ws );
        NamespaceInfo ns = cFactory.createNamespace();
        ns.setPrefix( "acme" );
        ns.setURI( "" );
        catalog.add( ns );
        DataStoreInfo ds = cFactory.createDataStore();
        ds.setWorkspace( ws );
        ds.setName( "foo" );
        catalog.add( ds );
        FeatureTypeInfo ft = cFactory.createFeatureType();
        ft.setStore( ds );
        ft.setNamespace( ns );
        ft.setName( "ft" );
        ft.setAbstract( "abstract");
        ft.setSRS( "EPSG:4326");
        ft.setNativeCRS( CRS.decode( "EPSG:4326") );
        catalog.add( ft );
        StyleInfo s = cFactory.createStyle();
        s.setName( "style" );
        s.setFilename( "style.sld" );
        catalog.add( s );
        LayerInfo l = cFactory.createLayer();
        // TODO: reinstate when layer/publish slipt is actually in place
        // l.setName( "layer" );
        l.setResource( ft );
        l.setDefaultStyle( s );
        catalog.add( l );
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = out(); l, out );
        persister.setCatalog( catalog );
        l = persister.load( in( out ) , LayerInfo.class );
        assertEquals( l.getResource().getName(), l.getName() );
        assertEquals( ft, l.getResource() );
        assertEquals( s, l.getDefaultStyle() );
        //assertNotNull( l.getStyles() );
    public void testLayerGroupInfo() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = new CatalogImpl();
        CatalogFactory cFactory = catalog.getFactory();
        LayerGroupInfo group1 = cFactory.createLayerGroup();
        group1.setTitle("foo title");
        group1.setAbstract("foo abstract");

        ByteArrayOutputStream out = out();, out);

        // print(in(out));
        ByteArrayInputStream in = in(out);
        LayerGroupInfo group2 = persister.load(in, LayerGroupInfo.class);
        assertEquals(group1.getName(), group2.getName());
        assertEquals(group1.getTitle(), group2.getTitle());
        assertEquals(group1.getAbstract(), group2.getAbstract());
        assertEquals(group1.getMode(), group2.getMode());
        Document dom = dom(in(out));
        assertEquals("layerGroup", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
    public void testLegacyLayerGroupWithoutMode() throws Exception {
        String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
        "<layerGroup>\n" +
          "<name>foo</name>\n" +
          "<title>foo title</title>\n" +
          "<abstractTxt>foo abstract</abstractTxt>\n" +
          "<layers>\n" +
          "<layer>\n" +
          "<id>LayerInfoImpl--570ae188:124761b8d78:-7fb0</id>\n" +
          "</layer>\n" +
          "</layers>\n" +
          "<styles>\n" +
          "<style/>\n" +
          "</styles>\n" +
          "<bounds>\n" +
          "<minx>589425.9342365642</minx>\n" +
          "<maxx>609518.6719560538</maxx>\n" +
          "<miny>4913959.224611808</miny>\n" +
          "<maxy>4928082.949945881</maxy>\n" +
          "<crs class=\"projected\">EPSG:26713</crs>\n" +
          "</bounds>\n" +
        LayerGroupInfo group = persister.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes()), LayerGroupInfo.class);

        Assert.assertEquals(LayerGroupInfo.Mode.SINGLE, group.getMode());
        Catalog catalog = new CatalogImpl();
        Assert.assertTrue(catalog.validate(group, false).isValid());
    public void testVirtualTable() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = new CatalogImpl();
        CatalogFactory cFactory = catalog.getFactory();
        WorkspaceInfo ws = cFactory.createWorkspace();
        ws.setName( "foo" );
        catalog.add( ws );
        NamespaceInfo ns = cFactory.createNamespace();
        ns.setPrefix( "acme" );
        ns.setURI( "" );
        catalog.add( ns );
        DataStoreInfo ds = cFactory.createDataStore();
        ds.setWorkspace( ws );
        ds.setName( "foo" );
        catalog.add( ds );
        VirtualTable vt = new VirtualTable("riverReduced",
                "select a, b, c * %mulparam% \n from table \n where x > 1 %andparam%");
        vt.addGeometryMetadatata("geom", LineString.class, 4326);
        vt.setPrimaryKeyColumns(Arrays.asList("a", "b"));
        vt.addParameter(new VirtualTableParameter("mulparam", "1", new RegexpValidator("\\d+")));
        vt.addParameter(new VirtualTableParameter("andparam", null));
        FeatureTypeInfo ft = cFactory.createFeatureType();
        ft.setStore( ds );
        ft.setNamespace( ns );
        ft.setName( "ft" );
        ft.setAbstract( "abstract");
        ft.setSRS( "EPSG:4326");
        ft.setNativeCRS( CRS.decode( "EPSG:4326") );
        ft.getMetadata().put(FeatureTypeInfo.JDBC_VIRTUAL_TABLE, vt);
        catalog.add( ft );
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();, out);       
        // System.out.println(out.toString());
        persister.setCatalog( catalog );
        ft = persister.load( in( out ) , FeatureTypeInfo.class );
        VirtualTable vt2 = (VirtualTable) ft.getMetadata().get(FeatureTypeInfo.JDBC_VIRTUAL_TABLE);
        assertEquals(vt, vt2);
     * Test for GEOS-6052
     * @throws Exception
    public void testVirtualTableMissingEscapeSql() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = new CatalogImpl();
        CatalogFactory cFactory = catalog.getFactory();
        WorkspaceInfo ws = cFactory.createWorkspace();
        ws.setName( "foo" );
        catalog.add( ws );
        NamespaceInfo ns = cFactory.createNamespace();
        ns.setPrefix( "acme" );
        ns.setURI( "" );
        catalog.add( ns );
        DataStoreInfo ds = cFactory.createDataStore();
        ds.setWorkspace( ws );
        ds.setName( "foo" );
        catalog.add( ds );
        persister.setCatalog( catalog );
        FeatureTypeInfo ft = persister.load( getClass().getResourceAsStream("/org/geoserver/config/virtualtable_error.xml") , FeatureTypeInfo.class );
        VirtualTable vt2 = (VirtualTable) ft.getMetadata().get(FeatureTypeInfo.JDBC_VIRTUAL_TABLE);
     * Another Test for GEOS-6052
     * @throws Exception
    public void testVirtualTableMissingEscapeSqlDoesntSkipElements() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = new CatalogImpl();
        CatalogFactory cFactory = catalog.getFactory();
        WorkspaceInfo ws = cFactory.createWorkspace();
        ws.setName( "foo" );
        catalog.add( ws );
        NamespaceInfo ns = cFactory.createNamespace();
        ns.setPrefix( "acme" );
        ns.setURI( "" );
        catalog.add( ns );
        DataStoreInfo ds = cFactory.createDataStore();
        ds.setWorkspace( ws );
        ds.setName( "foo" );
        catalog.add( ds );
        persister.setCatalog( catalog );
        FeatureTypeInfo ft = persister.load( getClass().getResourceAsStream("/org/geoserver/config/virtualtable_error_2.xml") , FeatureTypeInfo.class );
        VirtualTable vt2 = (VirtualTable) ft.getMetadata().get(FeatureTypeInfo.JDBC_VIRTUAL_TABLE);
        assertEquals(1, vt2.getGeometries().size());
        String geometryName = vt2.getGeometries().iterator().next();
        assertEquals("geometry", geometryName);

    public void testCRSConverter() throws Exception {
        CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = CRS.decode("EPSG:4326");
        CRSConverter c = new CRSConverter();

        assertEquals(crs.toWKT(), c.toString(crs));
        assertEquals(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84.toWKT(), c.toString(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84));

        CoordinateReferenceSystem crs2 = (CoordinateReferenceSystem) c.fromString(crs.toWKT());
        assertTrue(CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata(crs, crs2));

        crs2 = (CoordinateReferenceSystem) c.fromString("EPSG:4326");
        assertTrue(CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata(crs, crs2));

    public void testSRSConverter() throws Exception {
        CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = CRS.decode("EPSG:4326");
        SRSConverter c = new SRSConverter();

        assertEquals("EPSG:4326", c.toString(crs));

    public void testCRSConverterInvalidWKT() throws Exception {
        CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = CRS.decode("EPSG:3575");
        try {
            ((Formattable)crs).toWKT(2, true);
            fail("expected exception");
        catch(UnformattableObjectException e){

        String wkt = null;
        try {
            wkt = new CRSConverter().toString(crs);
        catch(UnformattableObjectException e) {
            fail("Should have thrown exception");

        CoordinateReferenceSystem crs2 =
            (CoordinateReferenceSystem) new CRSConverter().fromString(wkt);
        assertTrue(CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata(crs, crs2));

    public void testPersisterCustomization() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = new CatalogImpl();
        CatalogFactory cFactory = catalog.getFactory();

        WorkspaceInfo ws = cFactory.createWorkspace();
        ws.getMetadata().put("banana", new SweetBanana("Musa acuminata"));

        XStreamPersisterFactory factory = new XStreamPersisterFactory();
        factory.addInitializer(new XStreamPersisterInitializer() {

            public void init(XStreamPersister persister) {
                persister.getXStream().alias("sweetBanana", SweetBanana.class);
                persister.getXStream().aliasAttribute(SweetBanana.class, "scientificName", "name");
                persister.registerBreifMapComplexType("sweetBanana", SweetBanana.class);
        XStreamPersister persister = factory.createXMLPersister();

        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();, out);

        WorkspaceInfo ws2 = persister.load(in(out), WorkspaceInfo.class);
        assertEquals(ws, ws2);

        Document dom = dom(in(out));
        // print(in(out));
        XMLAssert.assertXpathEvaluatesTo("Musa acuminata",
                "/workspace/metadata/entry[@key='banana']/sweetBanana/@name", dom);

    ByteArrayOutputStream out() {
        return new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ByteArrayInputStream in( ByteArrayOutputStream in ) {
        return new ByteArrayInputStream( in.toByteArray() );
    ByteArrayInputStream in( Document dom ) throws Exception {
        Transformer tx = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
        tx.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes" );
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = out();
        tx.transform( new DOMSource( dom ), new StreamResult( out ) );
        return in( out );
    protected Document dom( InputStream in ) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException  {
            DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse( in );
    protected void print( InputStream in ) throws Exception {
        Transformer tx = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
        tx.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes" );
        tx.transform( new StreamSource( in ), new StreamResult( System.out ) );

    static class SweetBanana implements Serializable {
        String scientificName;

        public SweetBanana(String scientificName) {
            this.scientificName = scientificName;


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