
Source Code of$PropertyHandler$Validator

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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IInputValidator;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellEditor;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ICellEditorValidator;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.neo4j.neoclipse.Icons;

* Transform between property values and representations for editors.
* @author Anders Nawroth
public final class PropertyTransform
     * Transform between editor representation and property value.
    public static abstract class PropertyHandler
        private final Class<?> type;
        private final Icons icon;
        private final Object standard;
        private Validator validator = null;
        private final boolean isArray;

        private PropertyHandler( final Class<?> type, final Icons icon,
                final Object standard, final boolean array )
            this.type = type;
            this.icon = icon;
            this.standard = standard;
            this.isArray = array;

         * Transform from editor representation to property value.
         * @param o editor representation (mostly a String)
         * @return property value or null
         * @throws IOException
        public Object parse( final Object o ) throws IOException
            if ( isType( o.getClass() ) )
                return o;
            return parser( o );

         * Compare type to the type of this handler.
        public boolean isType( final Class<?> t )
            return t.equals( type );

         * Tell if type is array type.
         * @return true if type is array type
        public boolean isArray()
            return isArray;

        protected abstract Object parser( Object o ) throws IOException;

         * Transform from property value to editor representation.
         * @param o property value
         * @return editor representation of the value
        public String render( final Object o )
            return type.cast( o ).toString();

         * Get the icon image for this type.
         * @return
        public ImageDescriptor descriptor()
            return icon.descriptor();

         * Get the icon image for this type.
         * @return
        public Image image()
            return icon.image();

         * Get default value.
         * @return default value
        public Object value()
            return standard;

         * Get simple name of the class.
         * @return
        public String name()
            return type.getSimpleName();

        private class Validator implements ICellEditorValidator,
             * cell editor validator
            public String isValid( final Object value )
                    parse( value );
                catch ( Exception e )
                    return "Could not parse the input as type " + name() + ".";
                return null;

             * dialog field validator
            public String isValid( final String value )
                return isValid( (Object) value );

         * get an input field validator
         * @return
        public IInputValidator getValidator()
            return getInternalValidator();

         * get a cell editor validator
         * @return
        private ICellEditorValidator getCellValidator()
            return getInternalValidator();

         * Get the real internal validator.
         * @return
        private Validator getInternalValidator()
            if ( validator == null )
                validator = new Validator();
            return validator;

         * Editor for this property type.
         * @return editor
        public CellEditor getEditor( final Composite parent )
            CellEditor editor = getEditorType().getEditor( parent, this );
            editor.setValidator( getCellValidator() );
            return editor;

         * Gets editor type for this property type. Override if another editor
         * than TEXT should be used.
         * @return editor type
        protected PropertyEditor getEditorType()
            return PropertyEditor.TEXT;

     * Prevent instantiation.
    private PropertyTransform()
        // no instances

     * Transform a String to a List of Strings.
     * @param input editor data for array
     * @return list containing the separated strings
    protected static List<String> arrayToCollection( final Object input )
        String in = removeBrackets( input );
        List<String> out = new ArrayList<String>();
        for ( String item : in.split( "," ) )
            item = item.trim();
            if ( item.length() > 0 )
                out.add( item );
        return out;

     * Transform a String to a list of Strings that are used as Strings in the
     * property value. Adds a little more features like being able to have
     * spaces inside a string. Citation signs (") are escaped by a backslash
     * (\).
     * @param input editor data for String array
     * @return list containing the separated strings
     * @throws IOException
    protected static List<String> stringArrayToCollection( final Object input )
            throws IOException
        String in = removeBrackets( input );
        List<String> out = new ArrayList<String>();
        StreamTokenizer tokenizer = new StreamTokenizer( new StringReader( in ) );
        tokenizer.wordChars( '0', '9' );
        while ( tokenizer.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF )
            if ( tokenizer.sval != null )
                out.add( tokenizer.sval );
        return out;

     * Simple utility to remove [brackets] used as markers for an array.
     * @param input user data
     * @return user data minus brackets and leading/trailing whitespace
    private static String removeBrackets( final Object input )
        String in = input.toString().trim();
        if ( in.charAt( 0 ) == '[' )
            in = in.substring( 1 );
        if ( in.charAt( in.length() - 1 ) == ']' )
            in = in.substring( 0, in.length() - 1 );
        return in;

     * Get a PropertyHandler for a specific type.
     * @param cls type to handle
     * @return handler for type
    public static PropertyHandler getHandler( final Class<?> cls )
        return HANDLERS.get( cls );

     * Get a PropertyHandler for an object.
     * @param o object to handle
     * @return handler for type
    public static PropertyHandler getHandler( final Object o )
        return HANDLERS.get( o.getClass() );

     * Render a property value.
     * @param o the value
     * @return rendition of value
    public static String render( final Object o )
        return HANDLERS.get( o.getClass() ).render( o );

     * A Map from property type classes to property handlers. Use get() on the
     * map to retrieve the correct property handler with parse(), render() and
     * getEditorType() methods.
    private static final Map<Class<?>, PropertyHandler> HANDLERS = new HashMap<Class<?>, PropertyHandler>()
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
            put( String.class, new PropertyHandler( String.class,
                    Icons.TYPE_STRING, "", false )
                protected Object parser( final Object o )
                    return o;
            } );
            put( String[].class, new PropertyHandler( String[].class,
                    Icons.TYPE_STRINGS, new String[0], true )
                protected Object parser( final Object o ) throws IOException
                    List<String> items = stringArrayToCollection( o );
                    String[] res = new String[items.size()];
                    for ( int i = 0; i < res.length; i++ )
                        res[i] = items.get( i );
                    return res;

                public String render( final Object o )
                    String[] res = new String[( (String[]) o ).length];
                    for ( int i = 0; i < res.length; i++ )
                        String s = ( (String[]) o )[i];
                        s = s.replaceAll( "\"", "\\\\\"" );
                        res[i] = '"' + s + '"';
                    return Arrays.toString( res );
            } );
            put( Integer.class, new PropertyHandler( Integer.class,
                    Icons.TYPE_INT, 0, false )
                protected Object parser( final Object o )
                    return Integer.parseInt( (String) o );
            } );
            put( int[].class, new PropertyHandler( int[].class,
                    Icons.TYPE_INTS, new int[0], true )
                protected Object parser( final Object o )
                    List<String> items = arrayToCollection( o );
                    int[] res = new int[items.size()];
                    for ( int i = 0; i < res.length; i++ )
                        res[i] = Integer.parseInt( items.get( i ) );
                    return res;

                public String render( final Object o )
                    return Arrays.toString( (int[]) o );
            } );
            put( Double.class, new PropertyHandler( Double.class,
                    Icons.TYPE_DOUBLE, 0d, false )
                protected Object parser( final Object o )
                    return Double.parseDouble( (String) o );
            } );
            put( double[].class, new PropertyHandler( double[].class,
                    Icons.TYPE_DOUBLES, new double[0], true )
                protected Object parser( final Object o )
                    List<String> items = arrayToCollection( o );
                    double[] res = new double[items.size()];
                    for ( int i = 0; i < res.length; i++ )
                        res[i] = Double.parseDouble( items.get( i ) );
                    return res;

                public String render( final Object o )
                    return Arrays.toString( (double[]) o );
            } );
            put( Float.class, new PropertyHandler( Float.class,
                    Icons.TYPE_FLOAT, 0f, false )
                protected Object parser( final Object o )
                    return Float.parseFloat( (String) o );
            } );
            put( float[].class, new PropertyHandler( float[].class,
                    Icons.TYPE_FLOATS, new float[0], true )
                protected Object parser( final Object o )
                    List<String> items = arrayToCollection( o );
                    float[] res = new float[items.size()];
                    for ( int i = 0; i < res.length; i++ )
                        res[i] = Float.parseFloat( items.get( i ) );
                    return res;

                public String render( final Object o )
                    return Arrays.toString( (float[]) o );
            } );
            put( Boolean.class, new PropertyHandler( Boolean.class,
                    Icons.TYPE_BOOLEAN, false, false )
                // has it's dedicated editor, handling transforms,
                // so we just pass things through here
                protected Object parser( final Object o )
                    return Boolean.parseBoolean( (String) o );
            } );
            put( boolean[].class, new PropertyHandler( boolean[].class,
                    Icons.TYPE_BOOLEANS, new boolean[0], true )
                protected Object parser( final Object o )
                    List<String> items = arrayToCollection( o );
                    boolean[] res = new boolean[items.size()];
                    for ( int i = 0; i < res.length; i++ )
                        res[i] = Boolean.parseBoolean( items.get( i ) );
                    return res;

                public String render( final Object o )
                    return Arrays.toString( (boolean[]) o );
            } );
            put( Byte.class, new PropertyHandler( Byte.class, Icons.TYPE_BYTE,
                    (byte) 0, false )
                protected Object parser( final Object o )
                    return Byte.parseByte( (String) o );
            } );
            put( byte[].class, new PropertyHandler( byte[].class,
                    Icons.TYPE_BYTES, new byte[0], true )
                protected Object parser( final Object o )
                    List<String> items = arrayToCollection( o );
                    byte[] res = new byte[items.size()];
                    for ( int i = 0; i < res.length; i++ )
                        res[i] = Byte.parseByte( items.get( i ) );
                    return res;

                public String render( final Object o )
                    return Arrays.toString( (byte[]) o );
            } );
            put( Short.class, new PropertyHandler( Short.class,
                    Icons.TYPE_SHORT, (short) 0, false )
                protected Object parser( final Object o )
                    return Short.parseShort( (String) o );
            } );
            put( short[].class, new PropertyHandler( short[].class,
                    Icons.TYPE_SHORTS, new short[0], true )
                protected Object parser( final Object o )
                    List<String> items = arrayToCollection( o );
                    short[] res = new short[items.size()];
                    for ( int i = 0; i < res.length; i++ )
                        res[i] = Short.parseShort( items.get( i ) );
                    return res;

                public String render( final Object o )
                    return Arrays.toString( (short[]) o );
            } );
            put( Long.class, new PropertyHandler( Long.class, Icons.TYPE_LONG,
                    0L, false )
                protected Object parser( final Object o )
                    return Long.parseLong( (String) o );
            } );
            put( long[].class, new PropertyHandler( long[].class,
                    Icons.TYPE_LONGS, new long[0], true )
                protected Object parser( final Object o )
                    List<String> items = arrayToCollection( o );
                    long[] res = new long[items.size()];
                    for ( int i = 0; i < res.length; i++ )
                        res[i] = Long.parseLong( items.get( i ) );
                    return res;

                public String render( final Object o )
                    return Arrays.toString( (long[]) o );
            } );
            put( Character.class, new PropertyHandler( Character.class,
                    Icons.TYPE_CHAR, (char) 0, false )
                protected Object parser( final Object o )
                    String s = (String) o;
                    if ( s.length() > 0 )
                        return ( (String) o ).charAt( 0 );
                    return null;
            } );
            put( char[].class, new PropertyHandler( char[].class,
                    Icons.TYPE_CHARS, new char[0], true )
                protected Object parser( final Object o )
                    List<String> items = arrayToCollection( o );
                    char[] res = new char[items.size()];
                    for ( int i = 0; i < res.length; i++ )
                        res[i] = items.get( i ).charAt( 0 );
                    return res;

                public String render( final Object o )
                    return Arrays.toString( (char[]) o );
            } );

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