package com.jbidwatcher.util.html;
* Copyright (c) 2000-2007, CyberFOX Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Developed by mrs (Morgan Schweers)
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.config.JConfig;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.xml.XMLElement;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.xml.XMLInterface;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.http.Http;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.xml.XMLParseException;
public class JHTML implements JHTMLListener {
protected boolean m_loaded = false;
protected int m_tokenIndex;
protected int m_contentIndex;
private JHTMLParser m_parser;
private Map<String, intPair> contentMap;
private Map<String, intPair> caselessContentMap;
private List<String> contentList;
private List<Form> m_formList;
private Form m_curForm;
private static boolean do_uber_debug=false;
private String mCharset;
// Extract just the HREF portion (should look for HREF=\")
private static Pattern urlMatcher = Pattern.compile("(?i)href=\"([^\"#]*)");
public JHTML(StringBuffer strBuf) {
m_parser = new JHTMLParser(strBuf, this);
private void setup() {
caselessContentMap = new HashMap<String, intPair>();
contentMap = new HashMap<String, intPair>();
contentList = new ArrayList<String>();
m_formList = new ArrayList<Form>();
m_curForm = null;
* @brief Set the 'tag pointer' to the start of the document.
public void reset() {
m_tokenIndex = 0;
m_contentIndex = 0;
public Map<String, String> extractMicroformat() {
XMLElement xe = new XMLElement();
String currentProperty = null;
Map<String, String> rval = new HashMap<String, String>();
htmlToken tok;
int balance = 0;
String currentContent = null;
while((tok = nextToken()) != null) {
int type = tok.getTokenType();
if(currentProperty != null) {
if(type == htmlToken.HTML_TAG) balance++;
if(type == htmlToken.HTML_ENDTAG) {
if(balance == 0) {
if(rval.get(currentProperty) == null || rval.get(currentProperty).length() == 0 || currentContent.length() != 0) {
rval.put(currentProperty, currentContent);
currentProperty = null;
if(type == htmlToken.HTML_TAG || type == htmlToken.HTML_SINGLETAG) {
if(tok.getToken().startsWith("!")) continue;
try {
xe.parseString("<" + tok.getToken() + "/>");
} catch(XMLParseException xpe) {
JConfig.log().logVerboseDebug("eBay's HTML still sucks.");
String itemprop = xe.getProperty("itemprop");
if(itemprop != null) {
String content = xe.getProperty("content");
if (content != null) {
if(rval.get(itemprop) == null || rval.get(itemprop).length() == 0 || content.length() != 0) {
rval.put(itemprop, content);
} else {
currentProperty = itemprop;
currentContent = "";
balance = 1;
} else if(xe.getTagName().equals("meta")) {
String property = xe.getProperty("property");
if(property != null && property.startsWith("og:")) {
itemprop = property.substring(3);
String content = xe.getProperty("content");
if (rval.get(itemprop) == null || rval.get(itemprop).length() == 0 || content.length() != 0) {
rval.put(itemprop, content);
} else if(type == htmlToken.HTML_CONTENT && currentProperty != null) {
if(currentContent.length() != 0) currentContent += " ";
currentContent += tok.toString();
return rval;
private static class intPair {
private int first;
private int second;
public intPair(int f, int s) { first = f; second = s; }
public int getFirst() {
return first;
public int getSecond() {
return second;
public static class Form {
private List<XMLInterface> mAllInputs;
private XMLElement formTag;
private static final String FORM_VALUE = "value";
private static final String FORM_SUBMIT = "submit";
private static final String FORM_CHECKBOX = "checkbox";
public static final String FORM_PASSWORD = "password";
private static final String FORM_HIDDEN = "hidden";
private static final String FORM_RADIO = "radio";
public Form(String initialTag) {
formTag = new XMLElement();
formTag.parseString('<' + initialTag + "/>");
mAllInputs = new ArrayList<XMLInterface>();
if (do_uber_debug) JConfig.log().logDebug("Name: " + formTag.getProperty("name", "(unnamed)"));
public String getName() { return formTag.getProperty("name"); }
public boolean hasInput(String srchFor) { return hasInput(srchFor, null); }
public boolean hasInput(String srchFor, String value) {
for (XMLInterface curInput : mAllInputs) {
String name = curInput.getProperty("name");
if (name != null) {
if (srchFor.equalsIgnoreCase(name) && (value == null || curInput.getProperty("value").equalsIgnoreCase(value))) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean delInput(String srchFor) {
Iterator<XMLInterface> it = mAllInputs.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
XMLInterface curInput =;
String name=curInput.getProperty("name");
if(name != null) {
if(srchFor.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
return true;
return false;
public String getCGI() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
String action = getAction();
String rval = getFormData();
if(action != null) {
if (action.indexOf('?') == -1) {
rval = action + '?' + rval;
} else {
rval = action + '&' + rval;
return rval;
public String getFormData() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
Iterator<XMLInterface> it = mAllInputs.iterator();
StringBuffer rval = new StringBuffer("");
String seperator = "";
while(it.hasNext()) {
XMLElement curInput = (XMLElement);
if(do_uber_debug) JConfig.log().logDebug("Type == " + curInput.getProperty("type", "text"));
if (rval.length() != 0) {
seperator = "&";
String type = curInput.getProperty("type", "text");
String name = curInput.getProperty("name", "");
if(type.equals("text") || type.equalsIgnoreCase(FORM_HIDDEN) || type.equals(FORM_PASSWORD)) {
// Need to URL-Encode 'value'...
rval.append(seperator).append(name).append('=').append(URLEncoder.encode(curInput.getProperty(FORM_VALUE, ""), "UTF-8"));
} else if(type.equals(FORM_CHECKBOX) || type.equals(FORM_RADIO)) {
if(curInput.getProperty("checked") != null) {
rval.append(seperator).append(name).append('=').append(URLEncoder.encode(curInput.getProperty(FORM_VALUE, "on"), "UTF-8"));
} else if(type.equals(FORM_SUBMIT)) {
if(name.length() != 0) {
String value = curInput.getProperty(FORM_VALUE, "Submit");
if (!value.equalsIgnoreCase("cancel")) {
rval.append(seperator).append(name).append('=').append(URLEncoder.encode(value, "UTF-8"));
return rval.toString();
public String getAction() {
return formTag.getProperty(JHTMLDialog.FORM_ACTION);
private String createProperty(String property, XMLInterface tag, String defValue) {
String value = tag.getProperty(property);
if(value != null) {
return property + "=\"" + value + "\" ";
return defValue;
public void addInput(String newTag) {
XMLElement inputTag = new XMLElement();
try {
inputTag.parseString('<' + newTag + "/>");
} catch (XMLParseException e) {
if(XMLElement.rejectingBadHTML()) throw e;
JConfig.log().handleException("Bad input tag", e);
String inputType = inputTag.getProperty("type", "text").toLowerCase();
if(inputTag.getTagName().equals("button")) {
XMLElement tempTag = new XMLElement();
String name = createProperty("name", inputTag, "");
String value= createProperty("value", inputTag, "");
String type = createProperty("type", inputTag, "button");
tempTag.parseString("<input " + type + name + value + "/>");
inputType = tempTag.getProperty("type");
inputTag = tempTag;
boolean showInputs = JConfig.queryConfiguration("debug.showInputs", "false").equals("true");
boolean isError = inputType == null;
if(!isError) {
if(inputType.equals("text")) {
if (showInputs) JConfig.log().logDebug("T: Name: " + inputTag.getProperty("name") + ", Value: " + inputTag.getProperty(FORM_VALUE));
} else if(inputType.equals(FORM_PASSWORD)) {
if (showInputs) JConfig.log().logDebug("P: Name: " + inputTag.getProperty("name") + ", Value: " + inputTag.getProperty(FORM_VALUE));
} else if (inputType.equalsIgnoreCase(FORM_HIDDEN) || inputType.equalsIgnoreCase("'hidden'")) {
if (showInputs) JConfig.log().logDebug("H: Name: " + inputTag.getProperty("name") + ", Value: " + inputTag.getProperty(FORM_VALUE));
} else if(inputType.equals(FORM_CHECKBOX)) {
if (showInputs) JConfig.log().logDebug("CB: Name: " + inputTag.getProperty("name") + ", Value: " + inputTag.getProperty(FORM_VALUE));
} else if(inputType.equals(FORM_RADIO)) {
if (showInputs) JConfig.log().logDebug("R: Name: " + inputTag.getProperty("name") + ", Value: " + inputTag.getProperty(FORM_VALUE));
} else if(inputType.equals(FORM_SUBMIT)) {
if (showInputs) JConfig.log().logDebug("S: Name: " + inputTag.getProperty("name") + ", Value: " + inputTag.getProperty(FORM_VALUE));
} else if(inputType.equals("image")) {
if (showInputs) JConfig.log().logDebug("I: Name: " + inputTag.getProperty("name") + ", Value: " + inputTag.getProperty(FORM_VALUE));
} else if(inputType.equals("button")) {
if (showInputs) JConfig.log().logDebug("B: Name: " + inputTag.getProperty("name") + ", Value: " + inputTag.getProperty(FORM_VALUE));
} else if(inputType.equals("reset")) {
if (showInputs) JConfig.log().logDebug("RST: Name: " + inputTag.getProperty("name") + ", Value: " + inputTag.getProperty(FORM_VALUE));
} else if(inputType.equals("file")) {
if (showInputs) JConfig.log().logDebug("File: Name: " + inputTag.getProperty("name"));
} else {
JConfig.log().logDebug("Unknown input type: " + inputType);
isError = true;
} else {
JConfig.log().logDebug("Bad input tag (ignoring): " + newTag);
if(!isError) {
public void setText(String key, String val) {
for (XMLInterface curInput : mAllInputs) {
String name = curInput.getProperty("name");
if (name != null) {
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(key)) {
curInput.setProperty(FORM_VALUE, val);
public String getInputValue(String inputName) {
for(XMLInterface input : mAllInputs) {
String name = input.getProperty("name");
if(name != null && name.equals(inputName)) {
if (input.getProperty("value") != null) {
return input.getProperty("value");
return null;
public Map<String, Object> getCGIMap() {
LinkedHashMap<String, Object> rval = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
for(XMLInterface input : mAllInputs) {
String name = input.getProperty("name");
String value = input.getProperty("value");
rval.put(name, value);
return rval;
public List<Form> getForms() { return m_formList; }
* @brief Added to work with JHTMLParser, which takes a JHTMLListener (which this implements); this
* adds each content token into a hash map for later fast lookup.
* @param newToken - The token that has been extracted.
* @param contentIndex - This token's index into the total token list...
* m_parser.getTokenAt(contentIndex) == newTok.
public void addToken(htmlToken newToken, int contentIndex) {
if(newToken.getTokenType() == htmlToken.HTML_CONTENT) {
// Non-numeric single character content tokens suck.
if(newToken.getToken().length() == 1 && !Character.isDigit(newToken.getToken().charAt(0))) return;
// Keep the content stored by lowercase value, for case-insensitive searching.
// Store the passed content index (the 'real' index), and the internal index,
// for quick lookups.
intPair pair = new intPair(contentIndex, contentList.size());
// First entry into the table wins.
if(!contentMap.containsKey(newToken.getToken())) {
contentMap.put(newToken.getToken(), pair);
caselessContentMap.put(newToken.getToken().toLowerCase(), pair);
} else {
if(newToken.getTokenType() == htmlToken.HTML_TAG ||
newToken.getTokenType() == htmlToken.HTML_ENDTAG ||
newToken.getTokenType() == htmlToken.HTML_SINGLETAG) {
// <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
if(newToken.getToken().toLowerCase().startsWith("meta")) {
checkDocumentType(newToken.getToken(), "ISO-8859-1");
checkDocumentType(newToken.getToken(), "UTF-8");
public String getCharset() {
return mCharset;
private void checkDocumentType(String meta, String type) {
if(meta.contains(type)) setCharset(type);
private void handleForms(htmlToken newToken) {
if(newToken.getToken().toLowerCase().startsWith("form")) {
if (m_curForm != null) {
m_curForm = null;
try {
m_curForm = new Form(newToken.getToken());
} catch (com.jbidwatcher.util.xml.XMLParseException parseException) {
JConfig.log().logDebug("Form parsing failure: " + parseException);
} else if(newToken.getToken().toLowerCase().startsWith("/form")) {
if(m_curForm != null) m_formList.add(m_curForm);
m_curForm = null;
if(m_curForm != null) {
if(newToken.getToken().regionMatches(true, 0, "input", 0, 5) || newToken.getToken().regionMatches(true, 0, "button", 0, 6)) {
// Content operations.
* @brief Helper function to retrieve just the first piece of content from a potentially HTML string.
* @param toSearch - The string to search for non-tag content.
* @return The very first block of non-tag content in a potentially HTML string.
public static String getFirstContent(String toSearch) {
JHTML parser = new JHTML(new StringBuffer(toSearch));
return parser.contentList.get(0);
public String getTitle() {
String tagWalk = getNextTag();
while(tagWalk != null && !"title".equalsIgnoreCase(tagWalk)) {
tagWalk = getNextTag();
if(tagWalk == null) return null;
htmlToken t = nextToken();
while(t != null && t.getTokenType() != htmlToken.HTML_CONTENT) t = nextToken();
return t == null ? null : t.getToken();
public String getNextContent() {
if( (m_contentIndex+1) >= contentList.size()) return null;
return contentList.get(m_contentIndex++);
public String getPrevContent() {
if(m_contentIndex == 0) return null;
return contentList.get(--m_contentIndex);
public String getPrevContent(int farBack) {
if(farBack > m_contentIndex) {
m_contentIndex = 0;
return null;
m_contentIndex -= farBack;
return contentList.get(m_contentIndex);
// None of these parameter definitions are needed right now.
// private static final boolean IGNORE_CASE = true;
// private static final boolean IS_REGEX = true;
// private static final boolean NOT_REGEX = false;
// private static final boolean EXACT = true;
// private static final boolean INEXACT = false;
// private static final int DOWN = -1;
// private static final int UP = 1;
private static final boolean CHECK_CASE = false;
public Object lookup(String hunt, boolean caseless) {
intPair at;
if (caseless) {
at = caselessContentMap.get(hunt.toLowerCase());
} else {
at = contentMap.get(hunt);
return at;
private String contentLookup(String hunt, boolean caseless) {
intPair at = (intPair)lookup(hunt, caseless);
if(at == null) return null;
m_tokenIndex = at.getFirst() +2;
m_contentIndex = at.getSecond() +1;
return contentList.get(m_contentIndex++);
public String find(String hunt, boolean ignoreCase) {
for (String nextContent : contentList) {
if (nextContent.regionMatches(ignoreCase, 0, hunt, 0, hunt.length())) {
return nextContent;
return null;
private String contentFind(String hunt, boolean ignoreCase) {
String nextContent = find(hunt, ignoreCase);
if (nextContent != null) {
// This might not be safe...
nextContent = contentLookup(nextContent, CHECK_CASE);
return nextContent;
public String grep(String match) {
Pattern matchPat = Pattern.compile(match);
for (String nextContent : contentList) {
Matcher m = matchPat.matcher(nextContent);
if (m.matches()) {
// This might not be safe...
return nextContent;
return null;
public Matcher realGrep(String match) {
Pattern matchPat = Pattern.compile(match);
for (String nextContent : contentList) {
Matcher m = matchPat.matcher(nextContent);
if (m.matches()) {
return m;
return null;
private String grepAfter(String match, String ignore) {
Pattern toMatch = Pattern.compile(match);
Pattern toIgnore = (ignore == null ? null : Pattern.compile(ignore));
for (Iterator<String> it = contentList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String contentStep =;
if(toMatch.matcher(contentStep).matches()) {
Iterator<String> save = it;
if(it.hasNext()) {
String potential =;
if(ignore == null || !toIgnore.matcher(potential).matches()) {
contentLookup(contentStep, false);
return potential;
it = save;
return null;
private String contentGrep(String match, String ignore) {
return grepAfter(match, ignore);
// Default to caseless lookups.
public String getNextContentAfterContent(String previousData) {
return contentFind(previousData, CHECK_CASE);
public String getContentBeforeContent(String followingData) {
if (contentFind(followingData, CHECK_CASE) != null && getPrevContent() != null && getPrevContent() != null) return getPrevContent();
return null;
public String getNextContentAfterRegex(String match) {
return contentGrep(match, null);
public String getNextContentAfterRegexIgnoring(String match, String ignore) {
return contentGrep(match, ignore);
* Strictly speaking this is not correct; we should reset to the initial
* content step plus one, and start again. In practice, this is not needed
* yet. (Essentially this should become a larger scale Boyer-Moore.)
* @param sequence - The sequence of regular expressions to match
* @return The contents that matched the last regex, or null if no matches.
public boolean hasSequence(String... sequence) {
return sequence.length != 0 && findSequence(sequence) != null;
public class SequenceResult extends LinkedList<String> {
Pattern[] sequence;
int nextStartPoint;
public int getNextStartPoint() {
return nextStartPoint;
public SequenceResult findSequence(String... originalSequence) {
SequenceResult contentSequence = new SequenceResult();
contentSequence.nextStartPoint = 0;
Pattern[] inputPattern = new Pattern[originalSequence.length];
int currentPattern = 0;
for (String step : originalSequence) {
inputPattern[currentPattern++] = Pattern.compile(step);
contentSequence.sequence = inputPattern;
return findNextSequence(contentSequence);
public SequenceResult findNextSequence(SequenceResult contentSequence) {
int stepwise = contentSequence.nextStartPoint;
Pattern[] inputPattern = contentSequence.sequence;
List<String> toSearch = contentList.subList(stepwise, contentList.size());
int index = 0;
for (String contentStep : toSearch) {
if(inputPattern[index].matcher(contentStep).matches()) {
if (index == inputPattern.length) {
contentSequence.nextStartPoint = stepwise;
return contentSequence;
} else {
index = 0;
return null;
// Tag operations.
public String getNextTag() {
htmlToken returnToken = nextToken();
if (returnToken != null) {
while (returnToken != null &&
returnToken.getTokenType() == htmlToken.HTML_CONTENT &&
returnToken.getTokenType() != htmlToken.HTML_EOF) {
returnToken = nextToken();
if (returnToken != null && returnToken.getTokenType() != htmlToken.HTML_EOF) {
return returnToken.getToken();
return null;
public List<String> getAllLinks() {
List<String> linkTags = null;
String curTag = getNextTag();
while(curTag != null) {
if(curTag.startsWith("A ") || curTag.startsWith("a ")) {
if(linkTags == null) {
linkTags = new ArrayList<String>();
curTag = getNextTag();
return linkTags;
public String getLinkForContent(String searchContent) {
String lastTag = null;
htmlToken curToken = nextToken();
while(curToken != null) {
switch(curToken.getTokenType()) {
case htmlToken.HTML_TAG: {
String tag = curToken.getToken();
if(tag.regionMatches(true, 0, "a ", 0, 2)) {
lastTag = tag;
case htmlToken.HTML_ENDTAG: {
String tag = curToken.getToken();
if(tag.equalsIgnoreCase("/a")) {
lastTag = null;
case htmlToken.HTML_CONTENT: {
String content = curToken.getToken();
if(lastTag != null) {
if(searchContent.equals(content)) {
Matcher result = urlMatcher.matcher(lastTag);
if(result.find()) {
curToken = nextToken();
return null;
public List<String> getAllImages() {
HashSet<String> imgUrls = new HashSet<String>();
String curTag = getNextTag();
while(curTag != null) {
if(curTag.toLowerCase().startsWith("img ")) {
imgUrls.add(deAmpersand(curTag).replaceAll(".*img.*src=\"(.*?)\".*", "$1"));
curTag = getNextTag();
return new ArrayList<String>(imgUrls);
public List<String> getAllURLsOnPage(boolean viewOnly) {
// Add ALL auctions on myEbay bidding/watching page!
List<String> addressTags = getAllLinks();
if(addressTags == null) return null;
List<String> outEntries = null;
for (String curTag : addressTags) {
Matcher result = urlMatcher.matcher(curTag);
if(result.find()) {
String href =;
boolean isView = false;
if (viewOnly) {
isView = href.matches("^https?://[a-z]+.ebay.[a-z.]+/(?:itm/)?[A-Za-z0-9-]+/[0-9]+(\\?.*)?") || (href.indexOf("ViewItem") != -1);
if (isView) {
href = deAmpersand(href);
if (!viewOnly || isView) {
if (outEntries == null) outEntries = new ArrayList<String>();
return outEntries;
public static String deAmpersand(String href) {
int searchIndex = href.indexOf("&");
while (searchIndex != -1) {
href = href.substring(0, searchIndex + 1) +
href.substring(searchIndex + 5);
searchIndex = href.indexOf("&");
return href;
// Generic token operations.
public htmlToken nextToken() {
htmlToken rval = m_parser.getTokenAt(m_tokenIndex++);
if (rval == null) --m_tokenIndex;
return rval;
public boolean isLoaded() { return m_loaded; }
private void loadParseURL(String newURL, String cookie, CleanupHandler cl) {
m_parser = new JHTMLParser(this);
StringBuffer loadedPage;
try {
URLConnection uc =, cookie, null, true);
loadedPage =;
if(loadedPage != null) {
if(cl != null) cl.cleanup(loadedPage);
m_loaded = true;
} catch(IOException e) {
loadedPage = null;
JConfig.log().handleException("JHTML.loadPage: (" + newURL + ") " + e, e);
if(loadedPage == null) m_loaded = false;
* @brief Simple function that does all the 'usual' stuff for a web page,
* constructing a JHTML object with the data from the given page.
* For pages that need more processing, they have to do it by hand.
* @param newURL - The URL to get, receive, and pre-parse.
* @param cookie - A cookie to pass along when getting the page.
* @param cl - A CleanupHandler to call to clean up the StringBuffer before continuing.
public JHTML(String newURL, String cookie, CleanupHandler cl) {
loadParseURL(newURL, cookie, cl);
public JHTML.Form getFormWithInput(String input) {
List<Form> forms = getForms();
for (Form curForm : forms) {
if (curForm.hasInput(input)) return curForm;
return null;
public void setCharset(String charset) {
mCharset = charset;
private boolean isToken(htmlToken tok, int tokenType, String tag) {
return tok.getTokenType() == tokenType && tok.getToken().regionMatches(true, 0, tag, 0, tag.length());
public class Table {
private List<List<String>> data;
public Table() {
data = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
public void addRow(List<String> newRow) {
public String getCell(int col, int row) {
return data.get(row).get(col);
public List<String> getRow(int row) {
return data.get(row);
public boolean rowCellMatches(int row, String regexp) {
if(data.size() == 0) return false;
for(String cell : data.get(row)) {
if(cell.matches(regexp)) return true;
return false;
public int getRowCount() {
return data.size();
public List<Table> extractTables() {
List<Table> tableContents = new ArrayList<Table>(1);
htmlToken tok = nextToken();
while (tok != null) {
if (isToken(tok, htmlToken.HTML_TAG, "table")) {
tok = nextToken();
return tableContents;
public Table extractTable(List<Table> tableContents) {
List<htmlToken> currentTable = new ArrayList<htmlToken>();
Table currentTableContents = new Table();
List<String> headers = new ArrayList<String>();
List<List<htmlToken>> tableList = new ArrayList<List<htmlToken>>(1);
htmlToken tok = nextToken();
String curHdr = null;
while(!isToken(tok, htmlToken.HTML_ENDTAG, "/table")) {
if (isToken(tok, htmlToken.HTML_TAG, "table")) {
} else {
if (isToken(tok, htmlToken.HTML_ENDTAG, "/tr")) {
boolean first = true;
List<String> curRow = null;
for (String hdr : headers) {
if (!first) {
} else {
curRow = new ArrayList<String>(headers.size());
first = false;
if (!headers.isEmpty()) {
headers = new ArrayList<String>();
} else {
if (isToken(tok, htmlToken.HTML_TAG, "td") || isToken(tok, htmlToken.HTML_TAG, "th")) {
curHdr = "";
} else if (isToken(tok, htmlToken.HTML_ENDTAG, "/td") || isToken(tok, htmlToken.HTML_ENDTAG, "/th")) {
if (curHdr != null && curHdr.length() != 0) headers.add(curHdr);
curHdr = null;
if (tok.getTokenType() == htmlToken.HTML_CONTENT && curHdr != null) {
if (curHdr.length() != 0) curHdr += ' ';
curHdr += tok.getToken();
tok = nextToken();
return currentTableContents;