package com.jbidwatcher.ui.table;
* Copyright (c) 2000-2007, CyberFOX Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Developed by mrs (Morgan Schweers)
import com.jbidwatcher.util.Comparison;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.Constants;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.config.JConfig;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.Currency;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.IconFactory;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.xml.XMLElement;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
public class auctionTableModel extends AbstractTableModel
private static final String neverBid = "--";
private AuctionList dispList;
private Date futureForever = new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE);
public int getRowCount() { return dispList.size(); }
public int getColumnCount() { return TableColumnController.columnCount(); }
public String getColumnName(int aColumn) { return TableColumnController.getInstance().getColumnName(aColumn); }
public void delete(int row) {
public synchronized int findRow(Comparison c) {
for(int i=0; i<getRowCount(); i++) {
if(c.match(getValueAt(i, -1))) return i;
return -1;
public synchronized int findRow(Object o) {
List<Object> cache = new ArrayList<Object>();
for(int i=0; i<getRowCount(); i++) {
Object curStep = getValueAt(i, -1);
if(curStep == o) return i;
for(int i=0; i<cache.size(); i++) {
if(cache.get(i).equals(o)) return i;
return -1;
public boolean delete(Object o) {
int row = findRow(o);
if(row != -1) delete(row);
return row != -1;
public int insert(Object o) {
return dispList.size()-1;
public int getColumnNumber(String colName) {
return TableColumnController.getInstance().getColumnNumber(colName);
// All columns return strings...
public Class getColumnClass(int aColumn) { if(aColumn != 5) return String.class; return Icon.class; }
// Except when we want to sort them...
public Class getSortByColumnClass(int i) {
// Status is the only one where the type is very different than the dummy data.
if(i==TableColumnController.STATUS ||
i==TableColumnController.THUMBNAIL ||
i==TableColumnController.SELLER_FEEDBACK ||
i==TableColumnController.BIDCOUNT ||
i==TableColumnController.SELLER_POSITIVE_FEEDBACK) return Integer.class;
if(i==-1 || i > TableColumnController.MAX_FIXED_COLUMN) return String.class;
Object o = getDummyValueAtColumn(i);
return o.getClass();
private static final ImageIcon dummyIcon = new ImageIcon(JConfig.getResource("/icons/white_ball.gif"));
private static final ImageIcon greenIcon = new ImageIcon(JConfig.getResource("/icons/green_ball.gif"));
// private final static ImageIcon blueIcon = new ImageIcon(JConfig.getResource("/icons/blue_ball.gif"));
private static final ImageIcon binIcon = new ImageIcon(JConfig.getResource("/icons/bin_item.gif"));
private static final ImageIcon resIcon = new ImageIcon(JConfig.getResource("/icons/unmet_reserve.gif"));
private static final ImageIcon resMetIcon = new ImageIcon(JConfig.getResource("/icons/met_reserve.gif"));
private static final ImageIcon imageIcon = new ImageIcon(JConfig.getResource("/icons/camera.gif"));
private static final ImageIcon commentIcon=new ImageIcon(JConfig.getResource("/icons/note3.gif"));
private static final ImageIcon winningIcon=new ImageIcon(JConfig.getResource("/icons/winning.gif"));
private static final ImageIcon invalidIcon=new ImageIcon(JConfig.getResource("/icons/invalid.png"));
private static final ImageIcon deletedIcon=new ImageIcon(JConfig.getResource("/icons/deleted.png"));
private static final ImageIcon paypalIcon =new ImageIcon(JConfig.getResource("/icons/paypal16x16.gif"));
// private final static ImageIcon boughtIcon = new ImageIcon(JConfig.getResource("/icons/blue_check_ball.gif"));
// private final static ImageIcon soldIcon = new ImageIcon(JConfig.getResource("/icons/green_check_ball.gif"));
private Object getDummyValueAtColumn(int j) {
switch(j) {
// For the 'get the whole object', all we can safely do is
// return null.
case -1:
return null;
case TableColumnController.CUR_BID:
case TableColumnController.SNIPE_OR_MAX:
case TableColumnController.SHIPPING_INSURANCE:
case TableColumnController.MAX:
case TableColumnController.SNIPE:
case TableColumnController.FIXED_PRICE:
case TableColumnController.JUSTPRICE:
case TableColumnController.CUR_TOTAL:
return Currency.NoValue();
case TableColumnController.TIME_LEFT:
case TableColumnController.END_DATE:
return futureForever;
case TableColumnController.STATUS:
case TableColumnController.THUMBNAIL:
return dummyIcon;
case TableColumnController.ID:
case TableColumnController.TITLE:
case TableColumnController.SELLER:
case TableColumnController.COMMENT:
case TableColumnController.BIDDER:
case TableColumnController.SELLER_POSITIVE_FEEDBACK:
case TableColumnController.ITEM_LOCATION:
case TableColumnController.BIDCOUNT:
case TableColumnController.SNIPE_TOTAL:
private int buildEntryFlags(AuctionEntry ae) {
// This shouldn't happen, but to be safe...
if(ae == null) return 1;
return ae.getFlags();
private ImageIcon getEntryIcon(AuctionEntry ae) {
ImageIcon ret_icon = null;
if(ae.isFixed()) ret_icon = null;
if (ae.getHighBidder() != null) {
if (ae.isHighBidder()) {
ret_icon = winningIcon;
} else {
if (ae.isSeller() && ae.getNumBidders() > 0 &&
(!ae.isReserve() || ae.isReserveMet())) {
ret_icon = greenIcon;
if(!ae.getBuyNow().isNull()) {
ret_icon = IconFactory.getCombination(ret_icon, binIcon);
if(ae.isReserve()) {
if(ae.isReserveMet()) {
ret_icon = IconFactory.getCombination(ret_icon, resMetIcon);
} else {
ret_icon = IconFactory.getCombination(ret_icon, resIcon);
if(ae.getThumbnail() != null) {
ret_icon = IconFactory.getCombination(ret_icon, imageIcon);
if(ae.getComment() != null) {
ret_icon = IconFactory.getCombination(ret_icon, commentIcon);
if(ae.isInvalid()) {
ret_icon = IconFactory.getCombination(ret_icon, invalidIcon);
if(ae.isDeleted()) {
ret_icon = IconFactory.getCombination(ret_icon, deletedIcon);
if(ae.hasPaypal()) {
ret_icon = IconFactory.getCombination(ret_icon, paypalIcon);
return ret_icon;
public Object getSortByValueAt(int i, int j) {
JConfig.log().logMessage("Trying to sort by value at (" + i + ", " + j + ")");
try {
AuctionEntry entry = dispList.get(i);
AuctionSortable sortBy = new AuctionSortable(entry);
switch(j) {
case -1: return entry;
case TableColumnController.ID: return sortBy.getId();
case TableColumnController.CUR_BID: return sortBy.getCurrentBid();
case TableColumnController.SNIPE_OR_MAX: return sortBy.getSnipeOrMax();
case TableColumnController.TIME_LEFT: return entry.getEndDate();
case TableColumnController.TITLE: return entry.getTitle();
case TableColumnController.STATUS: return buildEntryFlags(entry);
case TableColumnController.THUMBNAIL: return 0;
case TableColumnController.SELLER: return entry.getSellerName();
case TableColumnController.FIXED_PRICE: return sortBy.getFixedPrice();
case TableColumnController.SHIPPING_INSURANCE: return sortBy.getShippingInsurance();
case TableColumnController.BIDDER: return entry.getHighBidder();
case TableColumnController.MAX: return sortBy.getMax();
case TableColumnController.SNIPE: return sortBy.getSnipe();
case TableColumnController.COMMENT: return sortBy.getComment();
case TableColumnController.END_DATE: return entry.getEndDate();
case TableColumnController.SELLER_FEEDBACK: return sortBy.getSellerFeedback();
case TableColumnController.ITEM_LOCATION: return entry.getItemLocation();
case TableColumnController.BIDCOUNT: return entry.getNumBidders();
case TableColumnController.JUSTPRICE: return entry.getUSCurBid();
case TableColumnController.SELLER_POSITIVE_FEEDBACK: return sortBy.getSellerPositiveFeedback();
case TableColumnController.CUR_TOTAL: return sortBy.getCurrentTotal();
case TableColumnController.SNIPE_TOTAL: return sortBy.getSnipeTotal();
// Columns beyond the MAX_FIXED_COLUMN are custom columns, or a bug.
default: {
if(j > TableColumnController.MAX_FIXED_COLUMN && j < TableColumnController.columnCount()) {
return TableColumnController.getInstance().customColumn(j, entry);
// This should never happen, but to be safe...
return "";
} catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ignored) {
return getDummyValueAtColumn(j);
private String formatSnipeAndBid(AuctionEntry aEntry) {
String errorNote = "";
if(aEntry.getErrorPage() != null) errorNote="*";
if(aEntry.isSniped()) {
return formatSnipe(aEntry, errorNote);
if(aEntry.isBidOn()) {
return formatBid(aEntry, errorNote);
if(aEntry.snipeCancelled() && aEntry.isComplete()) {
return errorNote + '(' + aEntry.getCancelledSnipe() + ')';
return neverBid;
private String formatBid(AuctionEntry aEntry, String errorNote) {
String bidCount = "";
return errorNote + aEntry.getBid().toString() + bidCount;
private String formatSnipe(AuctionEntry aEntry, String errorNote) {
String snipeCount = "";
MultiSnipe ms = MultiSnipeManager.getInstance().getForAuctionIdentifier(aEntry.getIdentifier());
if(ms != null) {
if(aEntry.isSnipeValid()) {
return errorNote + "Multi: " + aEntry.getSnipeAmount() + snipeCount;
} else {
return errorNote + "Multi: (" + aEntry.getSnipeAmount() + snipeCount + ')';
} else {
if(aEntry.isSnipeValid()) {
return errorNote + aEntry.getSnipeAmount().toString() + snipeCount;
} else {
return errorNote + '(' + aEntry.getSnipeAmount() + snipeCount + ')';
private String formatTotalSnipe(AuctionEntry aEntry, String errorNote) {
if(!aEntry.isSniped()) return "--";
Currency shipping = aEntry.getShippingWithInsurance();
if (shipping.getCurrencyType() == Currency.NONE || aEntry.getSnipeAmount().getCurrencyType() == Currency.NONE) {
return "--"; // shipping not set so cannot add up values
Currency totalSnipe;
try {
totalSnipe = aEntry.getSnipeAmount().add(shipping);
} catch (Currency.CurrencyTypeException e) {
/* Should never happen, since we've checked the currency already. */
JConfig.log().handleException("Currency addition threw a bad currency exception, which should be very difficult to cause to happen.", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
return "--";
MultiSnipe ms = MultiSnipeManager.getInstance().getForAuctionIdentifier(aEntry.getIdentifier());
if (ms != null) {
if (aEntry.isSnipeValid()) {
return errorNote + "Multi: " + totalSnipe;
} else {
return errorNote + "Multi: (" + totalSnipe + ')';
} else {
if (aEntry.isSnipeValid()) {
return errorNote + totalSnipe.toString();
} else {
return errorNote + '(' + totalSnipe + ')';
static Map<String, ImageIcon> iconCache = new HashMap<String, ImageIcon>();
private static Map<String, Seller> sellers = new HashMap<String, Seller>();
private Seller getSeller(String sellerId) {
Seller seller;
if(sellers.containsKey(sellerId)) {
seller = sellers.get(sellerId);
} else {
seller = Seller.findFirstBy("id", sellerId);
sellers.put(sellerId, seller);
return seller;
public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
try {
AuctionEntry aEntry = dispList.get(rowIndex);
if(columnIndex == -1)
return aEntry;
if(aEntry == null) {
return "*";
String errorNote = aEntry.getErrorPage()==null?"":"*";
Seller seller = getSeller(aEntry.getSellerId());
switch(columnIndex) {
case TableColumnController.ID: return aEntry.getIdentifier();
case TableColumnController.CUR_BID:
Currency curPrice = aEntry.getCurrentPrice();
if(aEntry.isFixed()) {
return curPrice + " (FP" + ((aEntry.getQuantity() > 1) ? " x " + aEntry.getQuantity() + ")" : ")");
} else {
return curPrice + " (" + Integer.toString(aEntry.getNumBidders()) + ')';
case TableColumnController.SNIPE_OR_MAX: return formatSnipeAndBid(aEntry);
case TableColumnController.MAX: return aEntry.isBidOn()?formatBid(aEntry, errorNote):neverBid;
case TableColumnController.SNIPE:
if (aEntry.isSniped()) {
return formatSnipe(aEntry, errorNote);
if(aEntry.snipeCancelled() && aEntry.isComplete()) {
return errorNote + '(' + aEntry.getCancelledSnipe() + ')';
return neverBid;
case TableColumnController.TIME_LEFT: {
if (aEntry.getEndDate() == null || aEntry.getEndDate().equals(Constants.FAR_FUTURE))
return "N/A";
String endTime = aEntry.getTimeLeft();
if(endTime.equals(AuctionEntry.endedAuction)) {
SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss zzz");
endTime = fmt.format(aEntry.getEndDate());
if(!aEntry.isComplete()) {
endTime = "<html><body color=\"red\">" + endTime + "</body></html>";
return endTime;
case TableColumnController.END_DATE: {
if (aEntry.getEndDate() == null || aEntry.getEndDate().equals(Constants.FAR_FUTURE))
return "N/A";
SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss zzz");
return fmt.format(aEntry.getEndDate());
case TableColumnController.TITLE: return XMLElement.decodeString(aEntry.getTitle());
case TableColumnController.STATUS: return getEntryIcon(aEntry);
case TableColumnController.THUMBNAIL: {
String thumb = aEntry.getThumbnail();
if (thumb != null) {
if(iconCache.containsKey(thumb)) return iconCache.get(thumb);
thumb = thumb.replaceAll("file:", "");
ImageIcon thumbIcon = scaleImage(thumb);
iconCache.put(thumb, thumbIcon);
return thumbIcon;
} else return dummyIcon;
case TableColumnController.SELLER: return aEntry.getSellerName();
case TableColumnController.COMMENT:
String comment = aEntry.getComment();
case TableColumnController.BIDDER:
String bidder = aEntry.getHighBidder();
if(bidder != null && bidder.length() != 0) return bidder;
return "--";
case TableColumnController.FIXED_PRICE:
Currency bin = aEntry.getBuyNow();
if(bin.isNull()) return "--";
return bin;
case TableColumnController.SHIPPING_INSURANCE:
Currency ship = aEntry.getShippingWithInsurance();
if(ship.isNull()) return "--";
return ship;
case TableColumnController.ITEM_LOCATION:
return aEntry.getItemLocation();
case TableColumnController.BIDCOUNT:
if(aEntry.getNumBidders() < 0) return "(FP)";
return Integer.toString(aEntry.getNumBidders());
case TableColumnController.JUSTPRICE:
return aEntry.getCurrentPrice();
case TableColumnController.SELLER_FEEDBACK:
return seller.getFeedback();
case TableColumnController.SELLER_POSITIVE_FEEDBACK:
String fbp = seller.getPositivePercentage();
return (fbp == null || fbp.length() == 0)?"--":fbp;
case TableColumnController.CUR_TOTAL:
Currency shipping = aEntry.getShippingWithInsurance();
if(shipping.getCurrencyType() == Currency.NONE) {
return "--"; // shipping not set so cannot add up values
try {
return aEntry.getCurrentPrice().add(shipping);
} catch (Currency.CurrencyTypeException e) {
JConfig.log().handleException("Currency addition threw a bad currency exception, which is odd...", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
return "--";
case TableColumnController.SNIPE_TOTAL:
return formatTotalSnipe(aEntry, errorNote);
default: {
if(columnIndex > TableColumnController.MAX_FIXED_COLUMN && columnIndex < TableColumnController.columnCount()) {
return TableColumnController.getInstance().customColumn(columnIndex, aEntry);
return "";
} catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobe) {
private ImageIcon scaleImage(String thumb) {
ImageIcon base = new ImageIcon(thumb);
int h = base.getIconHeight();
int w = base.getIconWidth();
if (h <= 64 && w <= 64) {
h = -1;
w = -1;
if (h != -1 && w != -1) {
if (h > w) {
h = 64;
w = -1;
} else if (w > h) {
w = 64;
h = -1;
} else if (h == w) {
h = 64;
w = -1;
return new ImageIcon(base.getImage().getScaledInstance(w, h, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH));
public auctionTableModel(AuctionList inList) {
dispList = inList;
public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) {
return false;