import com.jbidwatcher.util.http.CookieJar;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.http.Http;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.html.JHTML;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.config.JConfig;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.Externalized;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.TT;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.queue.MQFactory;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: Morgan
* Date: Feb 25, 2007
* Time: 7:11:25 PM
* Holds and manages the eBay login cookie.
public class ebayLoginManager implements LoginManager {
private volatile CookieJar mSignInCookie = null;
private boolean mNotifySwing = true;
private String mBadPassword = null;
private String mBadUsername = null;
private String mPassword;
private String mUserId;
private String mSiteName;
private TT T;
public ebayLoginManager(TT countryProperties, String site, String password, String userId) {
mPassword = password;
mUserId = userId;
mSiteName = site;
T = countryProperties;
public ebayLoginManager(TT countryProperties, String site, String password, String userId, boolean notifyFailures) {
this(countryProperties, site, password, userId);
mNotifySwing = notifyFailures;
public void resetCookie() {
mBadPassword = null;
mBadUsername = null;
mSignInCookie = null;
public boolean updateLogin(String serverName) {
String oldUsername = mUserId;
String oldPassword = mPassword;
setUserId(JConfig.queryConfiguration(serverName + ".user", "default"));
setPassword(JConfig.queryConfiguration(serverName + ".password", "default"));
return !mUserId.equals(oldUsername) || !mPassword.equals(oldPassword);
private URLConnection checkFollowRedirector(URLConnection current, CookieJar cj, String lookFor) throws IOException, CaptchaException {
StringBuffer signed_in =;
JConfig.log().dump2File("sign_in-a1.html", signed_in);
// Parse the redirector, and find the URL that points to the adult
// confirmation page.
JHTML redirector = new JHTML(signed_in);
if (checkSecurityConfirmation(redirector)) return null;
return checkHTMLFollowRedirect(redirector, lookFor, cj);
private static URLConnection checkHTMLFollowRedirect(JHTML redirectPage, String lookFor, CookieJar cj) {
JHTML.Form alertSuppressor = redirectPage.getFormWithInput("hidUrl");
if(alertSuppressor != null) {
if(alertSuppressor != null) {
String url = redirectPage.getFormWithInput("hidUrl").getInputValue("hidUrl");
return cj.connect(url);
List<String> allURLs = redirectPage.getAllURLsOnPage(false);
for (String url : allURLs) {
// If this URL has the text we're looking for in its body someplace, that's the one we want.
if (url.indexOf(lookFor) != -1) {
// Replace nasty quoted amps with single-amps.
url = url.replaceAll("&", "&");
url = url.replaceAll("\n", "");
if (lookFor.equals("BidBin")) {
int step = url.indexOf("BidBinInfo=");
if (step != -1) {
step += "BidBinInfo=".length();
try {
String encodedURL = URLEncoder.encode(url.substring(step), "UTF-8");
//noinspection StringContatenationInLoop
url = url.substring(0, step) + encodedURL;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ignored) {
JConfig.log().logMessage("Failed to build a URL because of encoding transformation failure.");
// Now get the actual page...
return cj.connect(url);
return null;
// Get THAT page, which is actually (usually) a 'redirector' page with a meta-refresh
// and a clickable link in case meta-refresh doesn't work.
private boolean getAdultRedirector(URLConnection uc_signin, CookieJar cj) throws IOException, CaptchaException {
uc_signin = checkFollowRedirector(uc_signin, cj, "Adult");
return uc_signin != null && getAdultConfirmation(uc_signin, cj);
private boolean getAdultConfirmation(URLConnection uc_signin, CookieJar cj) throws IOException {
StringBuffer confirm =;
JConfig.log().dump2File("sign_in-a2.html", confirm);
JHTML confirmPage = new JHTML(confirm);
List<JHTML.Form> confirm_forms = confirmPage.getForms();
boolean enqueued = false;
for (JHTML.Form finalForm : confirm_forms) {
if (finalForm.hasInput("MfcISAPICommand", "AdultSignIn")) {
uc_signin = cj.connect(finalForm.getAction(), finalForm.getFormData(), null, true, null);
StringBuffer confirmed =;
JConfig.log().dump2File("sign_in-a3.html", confirmed);
JHTML htdoc = new JHTML(confirmed);
JHTML.Form curForm = htdoc.getFormWithInput("pass");
if (curForm != null) {
MQFactory.getConcrete("login").enqueue("FAILED Couldn't find a password form on the sign in page.");
return false;
enqueued = true;
if(htdoc.grep(T.s("")) != null) {
MQFactory.getConcrete("login").enqueue("FAILED Incorrect login information.");
} else if(htdoc.grep(T.s("your.information.has.been.verified"))!=null) {
} else if(htdoc.grep(T.s("mature.audiences.accepted")) != null) {
} else if(htdoc.grep(T.s("")) != null) {
MQFactory.getConcrete("login").enqueue("NEUTRAL Turn off 'Mature Audiences' in JBidwatcher configuration; it's not valid for non-US users.");
JConfig.setConfiguration("ebay.mature", "false");
JConfig.setConfiguration("", "true");
} else {
JConfig.log().logFile("Neutral login result...", confirmed);
if(!enqueued) {
JConfig.log().logFile("No confirm form found...", confirm);
MQFactory.getConcrete("login").enqueue("NEUTRAL No confirm form found.");
return true;
public synchronized CookieJar getSignInCookie(CookieJar old_cj) {
if(getUserId().equals("default")) return old_cj;
if (getPassword().equals(mBadPassword) && getUserId().equals(mBadUsername)) {
JConfig.log().logDebug("Not getting the sign in cookie; username/password combo hasn't changed.");
return old_cj;
String msg = "Getting the sign in cookie for " + T.getCountrySiteName();
CookieJar cj = getSignInCookie(getUserId(), getPassword());
String done_msg = (cj!=null)?"Done getting the sign in cookie for ":"Did not successfully retrieve the sign in cookie for ";
done_msg += T.getCountrySiteName();
return cj;
public synchronized CookieJar getNecessaryCookie(boolean force) {
if (mSignInCookie == null || force) {
mSignInCookie = getSignInCookie(mSignInCookie);
return (mSignInCookie);
// @noinspection TailRecursion
public CookieJar getSignInCookie(String username, String password) {
boolean isAdult = JConfig.queryConfiguration(mSiteName + ".mature", "false").equals("true");
String startURL = T.s("ebayServer.signInPage");
CookieJar cj = new CookieJar();
if (isAdult) startURL = Externalized.getString("ebayServer.adultPageLogin");
URLConnection uc_signin = cj.connect(startURL);
if(JConfig.queryConfiguration("debug.auth", "false").equals("true")) {
JConfig.log().logDebug("GET " + startURL);
try {
StringBuffer signin =;
JConfig.log().dump2File("sign_in-1.html", signin);
JHTML htdoc = new JHTML(signin);
cj = signInUsingPage(startURL, username, password, isAdult, cj, htdoc);
} catch (IOException e) {
// We don't know how far we might have gotten... The cookies
// may be valid, even! We can't assume it, though.
MQFactory.getConcrete("login").enqueue("FAILED " + e.getMessage());
if (mNotifySwing) MQFactory.getConcrete("Swing").enqueue("INVALID LOGIN " + e.getMessage());
JConfig.log().handleException("Couldn't sign in!", e);
cj = null;
} catch(CaptchaException ce) {
if (mNotifySwing) MQFactory.getConcrete("Swing").enqueue("INVALID LOGIN eBay's increased security monitoring has been triggered, JBidwatcher cannot log in for a while.");
JConfig.log().handleException("Couldn't sign in, captcha interference!", ce);
cj = null;
} catch(CookieJar.CookieRedirectException cre) {
if (mNotifySwing) MQFactory.getConcrete("Swing").enqueue("INVALID LOGIN The login page is redirecting to itself infinitely; this probably means eBay's increased security monitoring has been triggered and JBidwatcher cannot log in for a while.");
JConfig.log().handleException("Couldn't sign in, endless redirection; probably captcha interference!", cre);
return cj;
private CookieJar signInUsingPage(String previousPage, String username, String password, boolean adult, CookieJar cj, JHTML htdoc) throws IOException, CaptchaException {
List<String> resultPages = new ArrayList<String>();
JHTML.Form curForm = htdoc.getFormWithInput("pass");
if (curForm != null) {
// If it has a password field, this is the input form.
curForm.setText("userid", username);
curForm.setText("pass", password);
if(JConfig.queryConfiguration("debug.auth", "false").equals("true")) JConfig.log().logDebug("Cookies before posting form: \n" + cj.dump());
URLConnection uc_signin = cj.connect(curForm.getAction(), curForm.getFormData(), previousPage, true, resultPages);
if(JConfig.queryConfiguration("debug.auth", "false").equals("true")) {
JConfig.log().logDebug("POST " + curForm.getAction());
JConfig.log().logDebug("Data: " + curForm.getFormData());
for(String page : resultPages) {
JConfig.log().logDebug("Went to page: " + page);
JConfig.log().logDebug("Cookies after posting form: \n" + cj.dump());
boolean fixYourPassword = false;
for(String page : resultPages) {
if(page.indexOf("FYPShow") != -1) {
fixYourPassword = true;
if (adult) {
if (getAdultRedirector(uc_signin, cj)) {
if (mNotifySwing) MQFactory.getConcrete("Swing").enqueue("VALID LOGIN");
} else {
cj = retryLoginWithoutAdult(cj, username, password);
} else {
StringBuffer confirm =;
JConfig.log().dump2File("sign_in-2.html", confirm);
JHTML doc = new JHTML(confirm);
if(fixYourPassword || doc.getTitle().equals("Reset your password")) {
JConfig.log().logMessage("eBay is requesting that you change your password.");
MQFactory.getConcrete("login").enqueue("FAILED You must change your password on eBay.");
} else if (checkSecurityConfirmation(doc)) { // Check for CAPTCHA and bad passwords...
cj = null;
MQFactory.getConcrete("login").enqueue("FAILED Sign in information is not valid.");
} else {
JHTML.Form redirect_form = doc.getFormWithInput("hidUrl");
String hidUrl = null;
if(redirect_form != null) {
hidUrl = redirect_form.getInputValue("hidUrl");
if(hidUrl != null && (hidUrl.matches("^https?://(signin.ebay.(com||ie))?.*my.*ebay.*(com||ie).*ws.*eBayISAPI.dll.*My.*eBay.*$") || hidUrl.matches("^https?://www.ebay.(com||ie).*$"))) {
} else {
JConfig.log().logFile("Security checks out, but no My eBay form link on final page...", confirm);
if (mNotifySwing) MQFactory.getConcrete("Swing").enqueue("VALID LOGIN");
return cj;
private CookieJar retryLoginWithoutAdult(CookieJar cj, String username, String password) {// Disable adult mode and try again.
JConfig.log().logMessage("Disabling 'mature audiences' mode and retrying.");
JConfig.setConfiguration(mSiteName + ".mature", "false");
cj = getSignInCookie(username, password);
// Re-enable adult mode if logging in via non-adult mode still failed...
JConfig.setConfiguration(mSiteName + ".mature", "true");
return cj;
private void notifySecurityIssue() {
MQFactory.getConcrete("Swing").enqueue("NOTIFY " + "eBay's security monitoring has been triggered, and temporarily requires\n" +
"human intervention to log in. JBidwatcher will not be able to log in\n" +
"(including bids, snipes, and retrieving My eBay items) until this is fixed.");
private void notifyBadSignin() {
MQFactory.getConcrete("Swing").enqueue("NOTIFY " + "Your sign in information appears to be incorrect, according to\n" +
"eBay. Please fix it in the eBay tab in the Configuration Manager.");
public static class CaptchaException extends Exception {
private String _associatedString;
public CaptchaException(String inString) {
_associatedString = inString;
public String toString() {
return _associatedString;
private boolean checkSecurityConfirmation(JHTML doc) throws CaptchaException {
if(doc.grep(T.s("security.measure")) != null ||
doc.grep(T.s("enter.verification.code")) != null ||
doc.grep(T.s("")) != null ||
doc.grep(T.s("please.enter.the.verification.code")) != null) {
JConfig.log().logMessage("eBay's security monitoring has been triggered, and temporarily requires human intervention to log in.");
if (mNotifySwing) MQFactory.getConcrete("Swing").enqueue("INVALID LOGIN eBay's security monitoring has been triggered, and temporarily requires human intervention to log in.");
mBadPassword = getPassword();
mBadUsername = getUserId();
throw new CaptchaException("Failed eBay security check/captcha; verification code required.");
if (doc.grep(T.s("")) != null ||
doc.grep(T.s("")) != null) {
JConfig.log().logMessage("Your sign in information is not correct.");
if (mNotifySwing) MQFactory.getConcrete("Swing").enqueue("INVALID LOGIN Your sign in information is not correct. Fix it in the eBay tab in the Configuration Manager.");
mBadPassword = getPassword();
mBadUsername = getUserId();
return true;
return false;
public String getPassword() {
return mPassword;
public String getUserId() {
return mUserId;
public boolean isDefault() {
return mUserId == null || mUserId.equals("default");
public boolean validate(String username, String password) {
return !isDefault() && getUserId().equals(username) && getPassword().equals(password);
public boolean equals(ebayLoginManager that) {
String user1 = getUserId();
String pass1 = getPassword();
String user2 = that.getUserId();
String pass2 = that.getPassword();
return !(user1 != null ? !user1.equals(user2) : user2 != null) &&
!(pass1 != null ? !pass1.equals(pass2) : pass2 != null) &&
(user1 == null || pass1 == null || user1.equals(user2) && pass1.equals(pass2));
public void setPassword(String password) {
if(!mPassword.equals(password)) {
mPassword = password;
mSignInCookie = null;
public void setUserId(String userId) {
if(!mUserId.equals(userId)) {
mUserId = userId;
mSignInCookie = null;