* Copyright (c) 2000-2007, CyberFOX Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Developed by mrs (Morgan Schweers)
import com.jbidwatcher.util.Currency;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.xml.XMLElement;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.db.ActiveRecord;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.db.Table;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.*;
* MultiSnipe class
public class MultiSnipe extends ActiveRecord {
private static EntryCorralTemplate corral = null;
private static Map<Integer, MultiSnipe> singleSource = new HashMap<Integer, MultiSnipe>();
private static final int HEX_BASE = 16;
private Color mBackground;
public synchronized int activeEntries() {
return getAuctionEntriesInThisGroup().size();
public static void setCorral(EntryCorralTemplate corral) {
MultiSnipe.corral = corral;
private void setValues(Color groupColor, Currency snipeValue, long id, boolean subtractShipping) {
mBackground = groupColor;
setString("color", makeRGB(groupColor));
setMonetary("default_bid", snipeValue);
setBoolean("subtract_shipping", subtractShipping);
// Basically, the identifier is a long value based on
// the time at which it's created.
setString("identifier", Long.toString(id));
String myId = saveDB();
if(myId != null) singleSource.put(getId(), this);
/** @noinspection NonConstantStringShouldBeStringBuffer
* @param groupColor - The color for the group.
* @return - A string consisting of the hex equivalent for the color provided.
// Construct a standard HTML 'bgcolor="#ffffff"' style color string.
public static String makeRGB(Color groupColor) {
String red = Integer.toString(groupColor.getRed(), HEX_BASE);
if (red.length() == 1) red = '0' + red;
String green = Integer.toString(groupColor.getGreen(), HEX_BASE);
if (green.length() == 1) green = '0' + green;
String blue = Integer.toString(groupColor.getBlue(), HEX_BASE);
if (blue.length() == 1) blue = '0' + blue;
return red + green + blue;
public static Color reverseColor(String colorText) {
int red = Integer.parseInt(colorText.substring(0, 2), HEX_BASE);
int green = Integer.parseInt(colorText.substring(2, 4), HEX_BASE);
int blue = Integer.parseInt(colorText.substring(4, 6), HEX_BASE);
return new Color(red, green, blue);
public MultiSnipe() {
// This exists for construction via ActiveRecord loading...
public MultiSnipe(String groupColor, Currency snipeValue, long id, boolean subtractShipping) {
Color rgb = reverseColor(groupColor);
setString("color", groupColor);
setValues(rgb, snipeValue, id, subtractShipping);
public MultiSnipe(Color groupColor, Currency snipeValue, boolean subtractShipping) {
setValues(groupColor, snipeValue, System.currentTimeMillis(), subtractShipping);
public Color getColor() {
if(mBackground == null) {
mBackground = reverseColor(getColorString());
return mBackground;
public String getColorString() { return getString("color"); }
public Currency getSnipeValue(Currency shipping) {
if (shipping != null && !shipping.isNull() && getBoolean("subtract_shipping")) {
try {
return getMonetary("default_bid").subtract(shipping);
} catch (Currency.CurrencyTypeException e) {
// It's not relevant (although odd), we fall through to the return.
return getMonetary("default_bid");
public long getIdentifier() {
return Long.parseLong(getString("identifier", "0"));
public synchronized void add(String identifier) {
AuctionEntry ae = (AuctionEntry)corral.takeForWrite(identifier);
try {
ae.set("multisnipe_id", get("id"));
if(!ae.isSniped()) {
ae.prepareSnipe(getSnipeValue(ae.getShippingWithInsurance()), 1);
} else {
} finally {
public synchronized void remove(String identifier) {
ActiveRecord ae = corral.takeForWrite(identifier);
try {
ae.set("multisnipe_id", null);
} finally {
* Right now it doesn't use the passed in parameter. I'm not sure
* what it would do with it, but it seems right to pass it in.
* param ae - The auction that was won.
public synchronized void setWonAuction(/*Snipeable ae*/) {
List<? extends Snipeable> oldEntries = getAuctionEntriesInThisGroup();
for (Snipeable aeFromList : oldEntries) {
public synchronized boolean anyEarlier(Snipeable inEntry) {
String inIdentifier = inEntry.getIdentifier();
for (Snipeable ae : getAuctionEntriesInThisGroup()) {
// If any auction entry in the list ends BEFORE the one we're
// checking, then we really don't want to do anything until
// it's no longer in the list.
if (ae.getEndDate().before(inEntry.getEndDate()) &&
!inIdentifier.equals(ae.getIdentifier())) return true;
return false;
* Determine if the two items listed constitute a safe multisnipe; i.e.
* it's unlikely that the two will conflict.
* @param ae1 - The first snipeable item to check.
* @param ae2 - The second snipeable item to check.
* @return - true if the two auctions are far enough apart, false if it
* could be dangerous to include both items in the same multisnipe group.
public static boolean isSafeMultiSnipe(Snipeable ae1, Snipeable ae2) {
long end1 = ae1.getEndDate().getTime();
long end2 = ae2.getEndDate().getTime();
long snipe1 = end1 - ae1.getSnipeTime();
long snipe2 = end2 - ae2.getSnipeTime();
* If they end at the same time, or A1 ends first, but within
* {snipetime} seconds of A2, or A2 ends first, but within
* {snipetime} seconds of A1, then it is NOT safe.
return !((end1 == end2) ||
((end1 < end2) && (end1 >= snipe2)) ||
((end2 < end1) && (end2 >= snipe1)));
public synchronized boolean isSafeToAdd(Snipeable ae) {
for (Snipeable fromList : getAuctionEntriesInThisGroup()) {
// It's always safe to 'add' an entry that already exists,
// it'll just be reloaded.
if (!fromList.getIdentifier().equals(ae.getIdentifier())) {
if (!isSafeMultiSnipe(fromList, ae)) return false;
return true;
private List<? extends Snipeable> getAuctionEntriesInThisGroup() {
return EntryCorral.getInstance().getMultisnipedByGroup(getString("id"));
public boolean subtractShipping() {
return getBoolean("subtract_shipping");
/* Database access stuff */
private static Table sDB = null;
protected static String getTableName() { return "multisnipes"; }
protected Table getDatabase() {
if (sDB == null) {
sDB = openDB(getTableName());
return sDB;
private static MultiSnipe cacheResult(MultiSnipe rval) {
if(rval != null) {
if(singleSource.get(rval.getId()) != null) {
rval = singleSource.get(rval.getId());
} else {
singleSource.put(rval.getId(), rval);
return rval;
public static MultiSnipe findFirstBy(String key, String value) {
MultiSnipe rval = (MultiSnipe) ActiveRecord.findFirstBy(MultiSnipe.class, key, value);
return cacheResult(rval);
public static MultiSnipe find(Integer id) {
MultiSnipe rval = singleSource.get(id);
if(rval == null) {
rval = (MultiSnipe) ActiveRecord.findFirstBy(MultiSnipe.class, "id", Integer.toString(id));
singleSource.put(id, rval);
return rval;
public static boolean deleteAll(List<MultiSnipe> toDelete) {
if(toDelete.isEmpty()) return true;
String multisnipes = makeCommaList(toDelete);
for(MultiSnipe ms : toDelete) {
return toDelete.get(0).getDatabase().deleteBy("id IN (" + multisnipes + ")");
public XMLElement toXML() {
XMLElement xmulti = new XMLElement("multisnipe");
xmulti.setProperty("subtractshipping", Boolean.toString(subtractShipping()));
xmulti.setProperty("color", getColorString());
xmulti.setProperty("default", getSnipeValue(null).fullCurrency());
xmulti.setProperty("id", Long.toString(getIdentifier()));
return xmulti;
public void fromXML(XMLElement in) {
public static MultiSnipe loadFromXML(XMLElement curElement) {
String identifier = curElement.getProperty("ID");
String bgColor = curElement.getProperty("COLOR");
Currency defaultSnipe = Currency.getCurrency(curElement.getProperty("DEFAULT"));
boolean subtractShipping = curElement.getProperty("SUBTRACTSHIPPING", "false").equals("true");
MultiSnipe ms = MultiSnipe.findFirstBy("identifier", identifier);
if(ms == null) {
ms = new MultiSnipe(bgColor, defaultSnipe, Long.parseLong(identifier), subtractShipping);
return ms;