* Copyright (c) 2000-2007, CyberFOX Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Developed by mrs (Morgan Schweers)
* @brief Generic auction information, generally information that
* needed to be retrieved.
* Program-specific information (next update time, what auction
* server, etc.) is stored in AuctionEntry
import com.jbidwatcher.util.Currency;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.config.*;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.*;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.db.*;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.db.ActiveRecord;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.xml.XMLElement;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.*;
public class AuctionInfo extends AuctionCore {
private String potentialThumbnail = null;
private Object mServer = null; // TODO -- This is a hack!
// It's so that the AuctionServer that creates this can record
// 'who it is', so the AuctionEntry will pick it up.
protected Seller mSeller;
protected GZip mLoadedPage = null;
* @brief Empty constructor, for XML parsing.
public AuctionInfo() { }
protected String[] infoTags = { "title", "seller", "highbidder", "bidcount", "start", "end",
"currently", "dutch", "reserve", "private", "content",
"shipping", "insurance", "buynow", "usprice", "fixed", "minimum",
"paypal", "location", "feedback", "percentage", "sellerinfo", "buy_now_us"};
protected String[] getTags() { return infoTags; }
protected void handleTag(int i, XMLElement curElement) {
switch(i) {
case 0: // Title
setString(infoTags[i], XMLElement.decodeString(curElement.getContents()));
case 1: // Seller name
if(curElement.getChild("name") == null) {
} else {
mSeller = Seller.newFromXML(curElement);
case 2: // High bidder name
case 18: // Location of item
setString(infoTags[i], curElement.getContents());
case 3: // Bid count
setInteger(infoTags[i], Integer.parseInt(curElement.getContents()));
case 4: // Start date
case 5: // End date
setDate(infoTags[i], new Date(Long.parseLong(curElement.getContents())));
case 6: // Current price
case 11: // Shipping cost
case 12: // Insurance cost
case 13: // Buy Now price
case 22: // Buy Now US price
case 14: // Current US price
case 16: // Minimum price/bid
Currency amount = Currency.getCurrency(curElement.getProperty("CURRENCY"), curElement.getProperty("PRICE"));
setMonetary(infoTags[i], amount, i != 22 && i != 14);
switch(i) {
case 13:
case 6:
if (amount.getCurrencyType() == Currency.US_DOLLAR) {
setMonetary("us_cur", amount, false);
setString("currency", amount.fullCurrencyName());
case 12:
String optional = curElement.getProperty("OPTIONAL");
setBoolean("insurance_optional", optional == null || (optional.equals("true")));
case 7: // Is a dutch auction?
case 8: // Is a reserve auction?
case 9: // Is a private auction?
case 15: // Fixed price
case 17: // PayPal accepted
setBoolean(infoTags[i], true);
if(i==7 || i==15) {
String quant = curElement.getProperty("QUANTITY");
if(quant == null) {
setInteger("quantity", 1);
} else {
setInteger("quantity", Integer.parseInt(quant));
} else if(i==8) {
setBoolean("reserve_met", "true".equals(curElement.getProperty("MET")));
case 19: // Feedback score
String feedback = curElement.getContents();
if(mSeller == null) mSeller = new Seller();
if(feedback != null) mSeller.setFeedback(Integer.parseInt(feedback));
case 20: // Positive feedback percentage (w/o the % sign)
String percentage = curElement.getContents();
if (mSeller == null) mSeller = new Seller();
case 21: // Seller info block
mSeller = Seller.newFromXML(curElement);
// commented out for FORWARDS compatibility.
// throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected value when handling AuctionInfo tags!");
public void fromXML(XMLElement inXML) {
if(mSeller != null) mSeller.saveDB();
public XMLElement toXML() {
XMLElement xmlResult = new XMLElement("info");
addStringChild(xmlResult, "title");
if(!getSellerName().equals("(unknown)") && mSeller != null) {
XMLElement xseller = mSeller.toXML();
Date start = getStart();
if(start != null) {
XMLElement xstart = new XMLElement("start");
Date end = getEnd();
if(end != null) {
XMLElement xend = new XMLElement("end");
XMLElement xbidcount = new XMLElement("bidcount");
XMLElement xinsurance = addCurrencyChild(xmlResult, "insurance");
if(xinsurance != null) xinsurance.setProperty("optional", isInsuranceOptional() ?"true":"false");
if(getCurBid() != null && !getCurBid().isNull()) {
if (getCurBid().getCurrencyType() != Currency.US_DOLLAR) {
addCurrencyChild(xmlResult, "usprice", Currency.US_DOLLAR);
addCurrencyChild(xmlResult, "currently");
addCurrencyChild(xmlResult, "shipping");
addCurrencyChild(xmlResult, "buynow");
addCurrencyChild(xmlResult, "buy_now_us");
addCurrencyChild(xmlResult, "minimum");
XMLElement xdutch = addBooleanChild(xmlResult, "dutch");
if(xdutch != null) xdutch.setProperty("quantity", Integer.toString(getQuantity()));
XMLElement xreserve = addBooleanChild(xmlResult, "reserve");
if(xreserve != null) xreserve.setProperty("met", isReserveMet() ?"true":"false");
addBooleanChild(xmlResult, "paypal");
XMLElement xfixed = addBooleanChild(xmlResult, "fixed");
if(xfixed != null && getQuantity() != 1) xfixed.setProperty("quantity", Integer.toString(getQuantity()));
addBooleanChild(xmlResult, "private");
addStringChild(xmlResult, "location");
addStringChild(xmlResult, "highbidder");
return xmlResult;
public void setThumbnail(String thumbPath) {
if(thumbPath == null) setNoThumbnail(true);
mThumbnailPath = thumbPath;
public void save() {
String outPath = JConfig.queryConfiguration("auctions.savepath");
if (outPath != null && outPath.length() != 0) {
if (JConfig.queryConfiguration("store.auctionHTML", "true").equals("true")) {
String filePath = outPath + System.getProperty("file.separator") + getIdentifier() + ".html.gz";
if (mLoadedPage != null) {;
mLoadedPage = null;
private GZip loadFile(File fp) {
GZip localZip = new GZip();
if(fp.exists()) {
// Okay, I don't allow loading auction data that's over 512K. Duh.
if(fp.length() < 512 * 1024) {
try {
JConfig.log().logDebug("Loading from backing page (file is " + fp.length() + " bytes)!");
} catch(IOException ioe) {
JConfig.log().handleException("Couldn't read " + fp.getName(), ioe);
return null;
return localZip;
} else {
JConfig.log().logDebug("Can't load " + fp.getName() + ", file is too large.");
return null;
void setRealContent(StringBuffer changedContent, boolean final_data) {
if(changedContent != null) {
byte[] localBytes = changedContent.toString().getBytes();
setRealContent(localBytes, final_data);
void setRealContent(byte[] changedContent, boolean final_data) {
String outPath = JConfig.queryConfiguration("auctions.savepath");
if(changedContent != null) {
mLoadedPage = new GZip();
if(outPath != null && outPath.length() != 0) {
if(final_data) {
String filePath = outPath + System.getProperty("file.separator") + getIdentifier() + ".html.gz";;
mLoadedPage = null;
GZip getRealContent() {
File fp = JConfig.getContentFile(getIdentifier());
if(fp != null) return loadFile(fp);
return mLoadedPage;
public void setContent(StringBuffer inContent, boolean final_data) {
setRealContent(inContent, final_data);
protected StringBuffer getContent() {
StringBuffer sb;
if(mLoadedPage != null) {
StringBuffer outSB = mLoadedPage.getUncompressedData(false);
if(outSB == null) outSB = new StringBuffer("mLoadedPage.getUncompressedData is null");
sb = outSB;
} else {
JConfig.log().logDebug("mLoadedPage is null, returning the 'real' cached copy!");
GZip gz = getRealContent();
if(gz != null) {
sb = gz.getUncompressedData();
JConfig.log().logDebug("Turned the uncompressed data into a StringBuffer!");
if(sb == null) JConfig.log().logDebug(" Failed to uncompress for id " + getIdentifier());
} else {
sb = new StringBuffer("Error getting real content.");
public Object getServer() { return mServer; }
public String getSellerName() {
return mSeller != null ? (mSeller.getSeller()) : "(unknown)";
private void refreshSeller() {
if (mSeller == null) {
String seller_id = get("seller_id");
if (seller_id != null) mSeller = Seller.findFirstBy("id", seller_id);
public Seller getSeller() {
return mSeller;
public String getPositiveFeedbackPercentage() {
if (mSeller != null) return mSeller.getPositivePercentage();
return "n/a";
public int getFeedbackScore() {
if (mSeller != null) return mSeller.getFeedback();
return 0;
protected void setSellerName(String sellerName) {
if(sellerName == null || sellerName.length() == 0) return;
if(mSeller == null) {
mSeller = Seller.makeSeller(sellerName.trim());
} else {
mSeller = mSeller.makeSeller(sellerName, mSeller);
Integer seller_id = mSeller.getId();
if(seller_id == null || seller_id == 0) {
String raw_id = mSeller.saveDB();
if (raw_id != null && raw_id.length() != 0) seller_id = Integer.parseInt(raw_id);
setInteger("seller_id", seller_id);
public void setIdentifier(String id) { setString("identifier", id); }
public void setHighBidder(String highBidder) { setString("highBidder", highBidder); }
protected void setTitle(String title) { setString("title", title); }
// protected void setHighBidderEmail(String highBidderEmail) { setString("highBidderEmail", highBidderEmail); }
protected void setItemLocation(String itemLocation) { setString("itemLocation", itemLocation); }
protected void setInsuranceOptional(boolean insuranceOptional) { setBoolean("insuranceOptional", insuranceOptional); }
protected void setFixedPrice(boolean fixedPrice) { setBoolean("fixedPrice", fixedPrice); }
protected void setNoThumbnail(boolean noThumbnail) { setBoolean("noThumbnail", noThumbnail); }
protected void setCurBid(Currency curBid) { setMonetary("curBid", curBid); }
protected void setMinBid(Currency minBid) { setMonetary("minBid", minBid); }
protected void setShipping(Currency shipping) { setMonetary("shipping", shipping); }
protected void setInsurance(Currency insurance) { setMonetary("insurance", insurance); }
protected void setUSCur(Currency USCur) { setMonetary("us_cur", USCur, false); }
protected void setBuyNowUS(Currency buyNowUS) { setMonetary("buy_now_us", buyNowUS, false); }
protected void setBuyNow(Currency buyNow) { setMonetary("buy_now", buyNow); }
protected void setEnd(Date end) {
if(end == null || end.equals(Constants.FAR_FUTURE)) {
end = null;
setDate("end", end);
public void setNumBids(int numBids) { setInteger("numBids", numBids); }
public void setPrivate(boolean isPrivate) { setBoolean("private", isPrivate); }
protected void setPaypal(boolean paypal) { setBoolean("paypal", paypal); }
protected void setEnded(boolean ended) { setBoolean("ended", ended); }
public void setThumbnailURL(String url) {
potentialThumbnail = url;
public String getThumbnailURL() {
if (potentialThumbnail != null) return potentialThumbnail;
return getThumbnailById(getIdentifier());
public String getAlternateSiteThumbnail() {
return getThumbnailById(getIdentifier() + "6464");
private static String getThumbnailById(String id) {
return "" + id + ".jpg";
private static Table sDB = null;
protected static String getTableName() { return "auctions"; }
protected Table getDatabase() { return getRealDatabase(); }
private static Table getRealDatabase() {
if (sDB == null) {
sDB = openDB(getTableName());
return sDB;
public String saveDB() {
// Look for columns of type: {foo}_id
// For each of those, introspect for 'm{Foo}'.
// For each non-null of those, call 'saveDB' on it.
// Store the result of that call as '{foo}_id'.
if(mSeller != null) {
String seller_id = mSeller.saveDB();
if(seller_id != null) set("seller_id", seller_id);
return super.saveDB();
public static AuctionInfo find(String id) {
return findFirstBy("id", id);
public static AuctionInfo findFirstBy(String key, String value) {
return (AuctionInfo) ActiveRecord.findFirstBy(AuctionInfo.class, key, value);
public static AuctionInfo findByIdentifier(String identifier) {
return (AuctionInfo) ActiveRecord.findFirstBySQL(AuctionInfo.class, "SELECT * FROM auctions WHERE id IN (SELECT Max(id) FROM auctions WHERE identifier = '" + identifier + "')");
public static int count() {
return ActiveRecord.count(AuctionInfo.class);
public static int uniqueCount() {
return getRealDatabase().countBySQL("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(identifier)) FROM auctions WHERE identifier IS NOT NULL");
public static boolean deleteAll(List<Integer> toDelete) {
if(toDelete.isEmpty()) return true;
// TODO - Replace with Guava?
String auctions = buildCSL(toDelete);
return getRealDatabase().deleteBy("id IN (" + auctions + ")");
public static List<AuctionInfo> findAllByIds(List<? extends Object> toFind) {
if(toFind.isEmpty()) return new ArrayList<AuctionInfo>(0);
String auctions = buildCSL(toFind);
return (List<AuctionInfo>) ActiveRecord.findAllBySQL(AuctionInfo.class, "SELECT * FROM auctions WHERE id IN (" + auctions + ")");
private static String buildCSL(List<? extends Object> toDelete) {
StringBuilder ids = new StringBuilder("");
boolean first = true;
for (Object id : toDelete) {
if (!first) {
ids.append(", ");
first = false;
return ids.toString();
public static List<AuctionInfo> findLostAuctions() {
List<AuctionInfo> resultSet;
try {
resultSet = (List<AuctionInfo>) findAllBySQL(AuctionInfo.class, "SELECT * FROM auctions WHERE identifier NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(identifier) FROM entries)");
} catch(Exception e) {
JConfig.log().handleDebugException("Failed to find lost auctions.", e);
resultSet = null;
return resultSet;