package com.jbidwatcher;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.db.Database;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.db.Table;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.StringTools;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.Record;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.HashBacked;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.config.JConfig;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.List;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: Morgan
* Date: Jun 24, 2007
* Time: 5:32:20 AM
* Centralize all code to do upgrading-related operations in this class.
public class Upgrader {
public static void upgrade() throws SQLException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, ClassNotFoundException {
Database db = new Database(null);
if(dbMake(db)) {
db = dbMigrate();
private static Database dbMigrate() throws IllegalAccessException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException {
Table schemaInfo = new Table("schema_info");
List<Record> info = schemaInfo.findAll();
if(info != null) {
Record first = info.get(0);
HashBacked record = new HashBacked(first);
int version = record.getInteger("version", -1);
if(version != -1) {
int last_version = version;
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance();
Statement s = schemaInfo.getDB().getStatement();
while(runFile(schemaInfo.getDB(), s, "/db/" + nf.format(version) + ".sql")) {
record.setInteger("version", version);
schemaInfo.updateMap("schema_info", "version", Integer.toString(last_version), record.getBacking());
last_version = version;
return schemaInfo.getDB();
private static boolean tableExists(Statement s, String tableName) throws SQLException {
ResultSet rs = s.getConnection().getMetaData().getTables(null, null, tableName, null);
boolean result =;
return result;
private static boolean dbMake(Database db) {
try {
Creating a statement lets us issue commands against
the connection.
Statement mS = db.getStatement();
boolean schema_info_exists = tableExists(mS, "schema_info");
if(!schema_info_exists) schema_info_exists = tableExists(mS, "SCHEMA_INFO");
if(!schema_info_exists) {
runFile(db, mS, "/jbidwatcher.sql");
JConfig.setConfiguration("jbidwatcher.created_db", "true");
} else {
JConfig.log().logDebug("Auction information database already exists.");
} catch (SQLException se) {
return false;
return true;
private static boolean runFile(Database db, Statement mS, String filename) throws SQLException {
String sql =;
if(sql != null && sql.length() != 0) {
String[] statements = sql.split("(?m)^$");
for (String statement : statements) {
db.executeCanonicalizedSQL(mS, statement);
JConfig.log().logDebug("Executed " + filename + ".");
JConfig.log().logDebug("Created database and various tables.");
return true;
} else {
return false;